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ond Hague Conference, 77.
American Mission to Paris in
1917, 103.
Arbitration, 118, 170, 171 n.,
172; Court of, 12 n., 71;
international 61-71.
Armaments, 161, 163, 164.
Asquith, Mr., quoted, 5, 6.
Aumale, Duc d', 125.

Abbé de St. Pierre, 24-29. | American Addresses at the Sec-
Adams, John Quincy, Sec-
retary of State, 87.
Aix-la-Chapelle, Conference
of, in 1818, 42 to 46;
Treaty of, in 1748, 59.
Alexander I of Russia, Effect
of French Revolution on,
34; Czartoryski instruc-
tions to Pitt, 35 to 37;
Quadruple Alliance, 38, 41,
42, 49; Holy Alliance, 41;
influence of Metternich
on, 47.

Alliance, European, 12 n.;
Holy, 41, 42, 49; Quad-
ruple, 38, 41, 42, 49;
Quintuple, 44, 49; Triple,

Allied, Economic Council,
117; Food Council, 117;
Maritime Transport Coun-
cil, 109-115, 117.
Amalgamation, by force, 4;
by agreement, 4; of States,
3, 4.

America, enters war, 102;
liberal credits, 103; a
nation, 122.

"Balance of Power," 59.
Balch, Thomas Willing,

translator of Emeric
Crucé, 13 n.; A World
Court in the Light of the
United States Supreme
Court, 77.

Balkan States, new boun-
daries, 60; religious free-
dom, 61.
Bassett, J. S., The Lost

Fruits of Waterloo, 51.
Bazaine, surrender, 125.
Beard, Ogg and, National

Governments and the World
War, 33.
Bentham, Jeremy, plan for
universal peace, 30, 31 n..


Berlin, Congress of, 1878, 53, Catherine

60, 61.
Bernard, Mountague, Lec-
tures on Diplomacy, 59 n.
Berne, Postal Bureau at, 90-

Bismarck, 133; quoted, 75.
Bosanquet, Bernard, The
Philosophical Theory of the
State, 155; quoted, 185-
186 n.

II, Empress,

quoted, 37, 38.
Cavour at Congress of Paris
in 1856, 60.

Cecil, Lord Robert, 109; on

Covenant, 159, 167.
Charlemagne, King of the
Franks, 123, 124, 133.
Chaumont, Treaty of, 39;
renewal, 40, 41; agree-
ment, 41.

Bourgeois, M., on Cove- Choate, Joseph H., on arbi-

nant, 158.
Bridgman, Raymond L., The
First Book of World Law,98.
Bryan, treaties, 73, 180;
on draft of Covenant of
February 14, 1919, 188.
Bryce, Viscount James, on
nationality,120,121,122 n.;
Essays and Addresses in
Wartime, 11, 135; address
before British Academy,
151; on League of Nations,

Bureaus, international, 163.

Cambridge Modern History,
The, 51.
Canada, International Joint
Commission of the United
States and, created, 88, 89.
Castlereagh and Confedera-
tion, 40-48.
Castlereagh, Correspondence,
Despatches, and Other
Papers, The, of Viscount,
46 n., 51.

tration treaties, 67; The
Two Hague Conferences,
67 n., 77.
Civilization, Western, in Its
Economic Aspects, 136.
Clay, Henry, Secretary of
State, 87.

Clementel, M. Etienne, 109.
Coal, arrangements for

French and Italian, by
Allied Maritime Trans-
port Council, 114-115.
Collins, Sir William, "A
League of Nations," 33.
Commerce, relation to
world peace, Cruce's view,
Commercial revolution, 13,

Commission Internationale
de Ravitaillement, 100,
101, 102, 103.
Commissions of inquiry, in-
ternational, 63, 71.
Competition, combination
and, Kant on, 141, 142;

[blocks in formation]

Councils, Economic, 117;
Food, 117; Maritime
Transport, 109–113, 117.
Court of Arbitration, 12 n.,
71; independent, 170.
Covenant, Draft of Feb. 14,
1919, 156-188; power, 156;
organization, 161-168; M.
Bourgeois on, 158; Body
of Delegates, 162, 166,
169, 170, 173; Executive
Council, 162, 163, 164,
166, 167, 169, 170, 171,
172, 173; Lord Rob-
ert Cecil on, 159, 167;
Secretariat, 162; commis-

[blocks in formation]

Labor, 163, 165; inter-
national bureaus, 163;
commission on colonial
administration, 163, 165;
handling disputes, 168-
175, 180, 181; effect on
foreign policy of United
States, 175-187; suggested
amendments, 166, 170-
171, 180-181, 181-183;
speeches in U. S. Senate
on, 187, 188; text of, 198-

Cromer, Earl of, Modern
Egypt, 98.

Crucé, Emeric, peace plans,
12-17, 190.
Cummins, Senator, quoted,
82, 83.

Cunningham, W., Western
Civilization in its Economic
Aspects, 136.
Customs and bounties, in-
ternational adjustment,

Cynée, Le Nouveau, Crucé's,

12; translated, 12-13 n.
Czar of Russia and Hague

Conference, 63, 69.
Czartoryski Memorandum,
35, 37.
Czartoryski, Prince Adam,
and His Correspondence
with Alexander I, 51.

sion on armaments and Dante, universal Christian
military and naval ques- empire, 12 n.

Danube, European Com-
mission of, 85, 86, 98.
Darby, W. E., International
Tribunals, 30 n., 31 n.,
32 n., 33.

Dawn of Italian Indepen-
dence, 129 n.

93; adopted for expenses
of Secretariat, 156.
"European Commission of

the Danube, The," 98.
Experiments in International
Administration, 98.

De Jure Belli ac Pacis, Hugo Factors in Modern History,

[blocks in formation]

plans, 29.

137, 190; by arbitration, Fleury, Cardinal, on peace
62, 63.
Dominian, Leon, The Fron-Food Council, 110, 117; exec-
tiers of Language and utive department, 113.
Nationality in Europe, 136.
Dubois, Pierre, Court of
Arbitration, 12 n.


policy, United

States, 176-187.

Foreign Policy, President

Wilson's, 10.

Empire, Holy Roman, break- France, history of, 123, 124,

[blocks in formation]

Germany, crushing defeat, | Hazen, C. D., Europe Since

6; violated treaties, 74;
submarine campaign, 100.
Gibbons, H. A., The New
Map of Europe, 130 n.
Gompers, Samuel, on
League of Nations, 7.
Gore, Commissioner, com-
ment on Jay Treaty, 89.
Great Britain, supplies and

credit, 101.

Green, Thomas Hill, on
national unity, 119; Lec-
tures on the Principles of
Political Obligation, 154.
Grotius, Hugo, on inter-
national law, 55-58, 80;
Sir Frederick Pollock on
work of, 56, 57; Andrew
D. White at tomb of, 56.

Hague Conference, first, 52,

56, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71;
second, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69,
71, 168; third, 69.
Hague Court Reports, The,

Hague Peace Conference and

Other International Con-
ferences, The, 77.
Hague Peace Conferences:
American Instructions and
Reports, 77.

Hale, Edward Everett, be-

lief in Great Design, 31.
Hamilton, Alexander,quoted,
195, 196.

Hapsburg Dynasty, 127, 128.

1815, 51.

Henry IV, Great Design of,
17-20, 24, 31, 32; peace
plans, 17-20,31,32; death,
20, 31.

Henry IV, The Great Design
of, 17 n.
Hertslet, Edward Cecil,
The Map of Europe by
Treaty, 41 n.

Hertslet, Lewis, Sir Edward
and Edward Cecil, British
and Foreign State Papers
(London, 1841), 39 n.
Hides and Leather Execu-
tive, 113.

Higgins, A. Pearce, The
Hague Peace Conference
and Other International
Conferences, 77.

Hill, David Jayne, A His-
tory of European Diplo-
macy, 76; World Organi-
zation as Affected by the
Nature of the Modern State,
72 n., 76, 135; on arbitra-
tion, 71, 72; on Peace of
Westphalia, 58; quoted,
150 n.; The Rebuilding of
Europe, 154.

History and Digest of In-

ternational Arbitrations, 77.
History of European Diplo-
macy, A, 76.
History of Italian Unity, A,
129 n.
Holland and nationality, 126.

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