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The above diagram shows the order of the British Fleet escorting units of the German High Seas Fleet for internment.-London Times.

Between the lines were the King Orry, Blanche, Boadicea, Fearless, and Blonde to act as repeating ships. In this order the Grand Fleet approached the rendezvous, "X position, lat. 56 deg., 11 min. N., long., 10 deg. 20 min. W." According to program the First Light Cruiser Squadron was due to meet the German Fleet at 10 minutes after 9 o'clock, but the position of greatest honor was to be filled by the Cardiff, of the Sixth Light Cruiser Squadron, for she was "to direct the movements of the German main force and order them to proceed, if possible, at a speed of 12 knots." About 8 o'clock the sun showed its rim through a rift in the slate-grey clouds, and here and there in the sky the greyness of lead melted into light shades of blue and brick red, but a haze still hung over the water and confined the vision to, perhaps, five or six miles. Somewhere away to the south we knew there were ships, but in a line which, from end to end, measured at least 15 miles obviously were ships which were not to be seen. Now and then in the distance one could pick out dimly the outline of a battleship; to identify it was another matter. So the two lines moved towards the oncoming enemy. Away to the north we passed the Amiral Aube and her attendant destroyer.


The Enemy Sighted.-Half-past 8 came and with it the report that the German Fleet had been sighted by our destroyers. An hour passed and the sun, rising in the heavens, began to tinge the sky with gold. Presently three, four, or five miles away on our starboard bow there came into view a sausage" balloon towed by the Cardiff. At first it was a mere faint speck in a grey mist, with a slight smoke trail stretching out below. Then behind the Cardiff there emerged from the murk the first of the German ships. At three miles' range they appeared to be little more than slowly moving silhouettes. On coming abreast of the German Fleet the British Fleet turned by squadrons, 16 points outwards, wheeling, that is to say, back on its own track, retaining positions on both sides of the Germans to escort them to their anchorage. The order of squadrons as already given for the northern and southern lines was thus reversed. Between the lines came the Germans, led by the Cardiff, and looking for all the world like a school of leviathans led by a minnow. Over them flew a British naval airship. First came the battle cruisers headed by the Seydlitz, a ship which carries the scars of the Dogger Bank battle of January, 1915. The Moltke and the Hindenburg followed, then the Derfflinger, also badly battered in the Dogger Bank engagement, and finally the Von Der Tann, which, according to report, suffered heavily in the naval air raid on Cuxhaven. On either side moved the Fearless and the Blonde in their former stations. The nine battleships followed at intervals of three cables. The five ships of the Kaiser class came first, then the Bayern, and then the three Königs, but in what order within the classes could not be told. A mile and a half astern was the King Orry, and again at the same interval the Phaton, of the First Light Cruisers. The Castor, flying the pennant of Commodore Tweedie, Commodore of Flotillas, led the 50 German destroyers, surrounded by nearly 150 British.

This bald description of the plan of the operation will not convey to the mind any conception of the scene, but it must be placed on permanent record, for it indicates a disposition of hostile fleets such as has never been seen before and will in all likelihood never be seen again. The operations were perfect, both in organization and in execution. From the purely spectacular point of view the pageant was robbed of some of its splendor by the low mist, which blurred all outlines and refused to yield to the cold brilliance of the sunshine. But the significance of the meeting and the procession was more important than its appearance. Men in uniform watching the German ships come into view vied with one another in identifying them one by one, sometimes with the aid of books of silhouettes. But underneath the momentary excitement of determining whether this ship was the Hindenburg or the Derfflinger there was deep satisfaction that the tedious task of the navy had been fulfilled. There were one or

two little evidences of this which could not escape notice. For example, there was a certain finality in the hoisting at the peak of the Queen Elizabeth of the ensign flown by the Lion in the Jutland Battle. Part of the Union Jack had been shot away, and if the few Germans who could be seen on the decks of their ships troubled to scan the flag it must have aroused bitter thoughts in their minds. Again, the justifiable pleasure of the fleet in a work well done was shown unmistakably by the cheers from the ships of the northern line as they passed the stationary Queen Elizabeth on their way to harbor. From a dozen ships as they came abreast of the flagship, which had hoisted the blue pennant and drawn out of the line, there came the roar of full-throated cheers given in tribute, not only to Sir David Beatty personally but to the majestic living force whose destinies he controls.

A Tremendous Armada.-The other heavy ships of the Grand Fleet had left the flagship well behind when the German and British destroyers came out of the mist. In ordered array, flotilla on flotilla moved across the sea, the Germans completely encased by the British. So vast was the area they covered that both the head and the rear of the columns stretched away into the haze and were lost to sight. The eye could not count them. They were in themselves a tremendous armada. All this time the great captive fleet and the greater fleet which encircled it were moving slowlyalmost at a funeral pace, and certainly not at the 12 knots stipulated by Admiral Meurer-towards the anchorage appointed for the Germans off May Island, the rocky island which stands in the middle of the Firth of Forth some miles eastward of the bridge. Presently the German ships came to rest, and it was seen that on every side of them were their British warders. Then the main body of the Grand Fleet made its way back to the stations from which it started in the early hours of the morning. As the Queen Elizabeth steamed along the lines to her mooring she was cheered again and again by the men who crowded the decks of the ships she leads. The day came to a peculiarly fitting close.

German Flag Hauled Down.-About an hour before noon the Commander-in-Chief issued the following signal to the fleet, and it was received beyond doubt by the Germans:

"The German flag will be hauled down at sunset to-day (Thursday) and will not be hoisted again without permission."


The German ships, I should explain, were flying the German naval flag at the main. At 4 o'clock all hands in the Queen Elizabeth were piped aft. They had assembled, and were waiting perhaps for a speech, when suddenly the bugle rang out making sunset." Instantly all turned to the flag and saluted. The next minute cheers for the Commander-inChief were called for, and given with deafening heartiness. Admiral Beatty acknowledged the tribute with a Thank you and added: “I always told you they would have to come out." Then the ship's company went back to their duties. In the meantime the Germans in the 71 ships which lay out of sight in the mist had undergone the mortification of seeing their flag hauled down, perhaps never to be hoisted again.

To-morrow, I understand, those ships will set out under a strong escort for Scapa Flow, to remain there until the Peace Treaty decides their fate. I bring this dispatch to an end with a signal and a message issued by the Commander-in-Chief to every ship in the fleet to-day. The signal was this:

"It is my intention to hold a service of thanksgiving at 18.00 (six p. m.) to-day (Thursday) for the victory which Almighty God has vouchsafed to H. M. arms and every ship is recommended to do the same." The message was as follows:

"I wish to express to the flag officers, captains, officers, and men of the Grand Fleet my congratulations on the victory which has been gained over the sea power of our enemy. The greatness of this achievement is in no way lessened by the fact that the final episode did not take the

form of a fleet action. Although deprived of this opportunity which we had so long and eagerly awaited and of striking the final blow for the freedom of the world we may derive satisfaction from the singular tribute which the enemy has accorded to the Grand Fleet. Without joining us in action he has given testimony to the prestige and efficiency of the fleet without parallel in history, and it is to be remembered that this testimony has been accorded to us by those who were in the best position to judge. I desire to express my thanks and appreciation to all who have assisted me in maintaining the fleet in instant readiness for action, and who have borne the arduous and exacting labors which have been necessary for the perfecting of the efficiency which has accomplished so much."-London Times, 22/12.

[blocks in formation]

U-BOATS DESTROYED BY ALLIES.-It is announced from London that approximately 200 German submarines were destroyed during the course of the war. The total number of all types built by the Germans is estimated to have been 360.-Nautical Gazette, 7/12.

MINE-SWEEPERS TO CLEAR GERMAN BASES OF MINES.-A fleet of minesweepers left the Firth of Forth this morning on their way to Kiel and Wilhelmshaven to clear the channels and disarm the remnants of the German Navy. It consists of the Hunt class of sweepers, and comprises the Musketry (flagship), Cottesmore, Cotswold, Pytchley, Holderness, Tamworth, Garts, and Maythorp.

The vessels will proceed to Copenhagen and will make a passage through Elsinore Sound and the Baltic to Kiel Bay for the bigger ships, which will follow later in the week.

The latter forces will consist of the battleship Hercules and ten destroyers, and it will be the duty of Admiral Montagu E. Browning, who will

be in command, to ascertain if the remaining German vessels at the bases of Kiel and Wilhelmshaven are properly disarmed.

A tenth German dreadnought remains to be turned over by Germany, and another destroyer has been demanded in place of the one which was sunk by a mine on the passage across the North Sea.-N. Y. Times, 26/11.

SPEED OF THE GERMAN FLEET.-Lack of Lubricating Oil.-It is stated that the limitation of the speed of the German Fleet to 12 knots (in actual fact it was not more than 10) was due to lack of lubricating oil and the fear that a higher speed would cause a breakdown of the engines.—London Times, 23/11.

THE LOST DESTROYER.-It is established beyond doubt that the German destroyer which was lost on her way across the North Sea on Thursday was sunk by a mine. The bulk of those on board were rescued, but a few were killed or injured as the result of the explosion.-London Times, 23/11.

BLACK SEA FLEET. The following are the ships composing the Black Sea Fleet which was in German hands:

Dreadnought Battleships.-Volya, Demokratiya (building at Nicolaev), Imperatritza Maria (raised but not repaired).

Pre-Dreadnought Battleships.-Evstafi, Ioann, Zlatoust, Boretz Za Svobodu, Sinop, Tri Svyatitelya, Rostislav.

Cruisers-Pamyat Merkuriya, Ochakov, Almaz (converted to seaplane


Light Cruisers (building at Nicolaev).-Admiral Nakhimov (almost complete, May, 1918), Admiral Lazarev, Admiral Kornilov, Admiral Istomin (last two unlaunched).


Old Boats.-Tcerigo, Jante, Corfu, Lefkos, Schastlivi, Gromki, Buistri, Puilki, Pospyeshni, Bespokoini, Derzki.

Older T. B. Ds.-Kapt. Saken, Zhivoi, Zharki, Zhutki, Zvonki, Zorki, Zavidni, Zavyetui, Strogi, Sviryepi.

Submarines.-Buryevyestnik, Lebed, Pelican, Orlan, Utka, Gagora, Krab (minelayer), Nerpa, Tyulen, Kashalot, Kit, Narval.-Army and Navy Gazette, 9/11.

Two GERMAN BATTLESHIPS DISARMED.-The German battleship König and the battle cruiser Mackensen, which, although scheduled for surrender Nov. 21, were permitted to be absent, are being disarmed under the supervision of Vice Admiral Browning of the British Navy, who was sent to Germany for that purpose, according to the correspondent of the London Daily Mail with the British Fleet. The König has been in dock and could not be moved, while the Mackensen had not been completed.-Army and Navy Journal, 30/11.

NAVAL WAR NOTES.-Surrender of More German Submarines.-In addition to the German submarines previously surrendered in British waters under the terms of the armistice, 20 more were surrendered on Nov. 22 to Admiral Sir Reginald Tyrwhitt, of the British Navy, off Harwich, England. One submarine sank during the night, and but for this disaster the number surrendered would have been 21. A surrender of 28 more German submarines took place on Nov. 24 at Harwich in the presence of Sir Eric Geddes, First Lord of Admiralty, and 27 additional were surrendered at Harwich, Nov. 27. These surrenders make a total of 114 German submarines turned over to the British Navy. Those last surrendered, according to the Associated Press, included several very

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