Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of New York for the Fiscal Year Ending ..., Том 2Weed, Parsons and Company, 1899 |
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amount outstand Analysis of Gross Average per passenger Balance Sheet bar iron Brooklyn Capital stock Cash realized cent concerning this report Cost of equipment cost of road crossings at grade Current assets Current liabilities Date of charter Date of close Date of stockholders Description of Road due and accrued earnings and capital Earnings and Operating earnings excluding taxes earnings from operation ending June 30 Entire line equipment per mile expenses including freight cars Grand Central Station Gross earnings Highway crossings Income Account Laid with steel law or charter Leased locomotives main line mile of road N. Y. city Number of passengers Number of shares Number of stockholders offices Official Address Ogdensburg operation of road par value passenger cars Railroad Company received per mile Repairs and renewals road and equipment sidings and turnouts single track Stationery and printing steel rail Surplus Title of company Total par value train mileage York city