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trict, at least ten days previous to the time of such meeting; and at such meeting it shall be their duty to submit. a full report, in writing, stating the number and condition of the schools in said district under their charge, and the number of pupils attending the same, the amount of moneys received from the state or other sources, as well as the amount raised in the district for school purposes, and of the manner in which the same has been expended, and, generally, all the particulars relating to the public schools in said district.

12. And be it enacted, That the said board of education. may be call- may call special meetings of said districts, whenever they may deem it necessary, upon giving such notice as is required in the case of annual meetings, which notice shall state the purpose for which the same is called; and no business shall be transacted at any such special meeting except that stated in the notice calling the same.

Benefits of school may

to children

in district.

13. And be it enacted, That the said board of education be extended may, in their discretion, extend the benefit of the schools not residing under their direction to children whose parents or guardians reside out of the said district, upon the payment of such charges as the said board may deem reasonable and just.

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Public act.

14. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts heretofore passed inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed.

15. And be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed a public act, and shall take effect immediately.

Approved February 26, 1858.


AN ACT to fund the floating debt of the county of Essex, and to provide. for the payment of the same.



1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Freeholders the State of New Jersey, That it shall be lawful for the board to borrow of chosen freeholders of the county of Essex to borrow such sum or sums of money from time to time as they may think necessary for the payment of the floating debts of the county, and to cause the bonds of the county to be issued for the same to an amount not exceeding in the whole the sum of one hundred thousand dollars.

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2. And be it enacted, That at the first annual meeting in Appointeach year of said board or at any special meeting called missioners for that purpose there shall be appointed from among the ing fund. members of said board one freeholder, who, together with the director of said board and the county collector for the time being respectively holding said offices shall have the charge of issuing said bonds as hereinafter provided, and also of the moneys to be raised for the payment thereof, and who shall be known as the commissioners of the sinking fund; said commissioners shall if required so to do by the said board, enter into bond to the county in such sum as said board shall require for the faithful performance of their duties under this act, and shall also make report at the regular annual meeting in each year of said board of the state of said sinking fund, the amount of bonds issued, and the amount of the same paid.

sioners to


3. And be it enacted, That whenever at any stated meeting Commis of said board, or at any special meeting held for that pur- prepare pose, it shall be resolved to borrow any sum of money for the purpose aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said commissioners to cause bonds to be prepared in sums of five hundred or one thousand dollars each, or both, as they shall deem best, payable in from one to ten years after date, with

Tax may be raised for payment of bonds.

Public act.

interest not exceeding seven per cent. per annum, payable half yearly, which bonds shall be given in the corporate name of the county, signed by the then director of the board with the seal of the county affixed, and countersigned by the remaining two of the commissioners aforesaid; said bonds shall be numbered and registered by the county collector, and together with the coupons attached may be made payable at such place as the said commissioners shall determine and designate therein, and the same when so issued shall be deemed and taken to be public stock created under the laws of this state.

4. And be it enacted, That in order to provide for the payment of the interest and principal moneys of said bonds as the same shall become due and payable, there shall be raised by tax at the same time and in the same manner as the other county taxes are raised, the sum of eleven thousand dollars annually in addition to the other moneys raised by taxes in said county of Essex; which said sum so annually raised shall be under the care and management of the said commissioners of the sinking fund, whose duty it shall be to apply so much of the same as may be necessary for the purpose to the payment of the interest accruing from time to time on said bonds, and to use and apply the balance thereof as a fund for the payment of the principal moneys of said bonds, as the same shall respectively become due.

5. And be it enacted, That this act shall be deemed a public act, and shall take effect immediately.

Approved February 26, 1858.


AN ACT to change the name of the second Presbyterian church of Woodbridge, Middlesex county, New Jersey.


1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Name of the State of New Jersey, That the name of the second Pres- changed. byterian church of Woodbridge is hereby changed from the Second Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, to the First Presbyterian Church of Metuchin, in Woodbridge township.

Approved February 27, 1858.


A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to the act entitled "An act to regulate the fisheries in the river Delaware, and for other purposes," passed the twentysixth day of November, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and eight.

of net to be

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Size of mesh the State of New Jersey, That if any person or persons shall used. cast, draw, or otherwise make use of any seine or net, of a larger mesh than three inches, for the purpose of catching fish in the river Delaware, within the jurisdiction of this state, below the head of Trenton Falls [between the tenth day of June and the tenth day of July, in any year, or above the head of Trenton Falls], of any seine or net of a larger mesh than two inches, between the fifteenth day of

Drift nets or gilling seines not to be


Act when to

June and the tenth day of July, in any year, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, together with costs of suit, for each and every offence.

2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, for the purpose of catching fish in the river Delaware, within the jurisdiction of this state, to anchor, stake down, or otherwise fasten any drift-net or gilling seine in or across said river; and that if any person or persons shall so anchor, stake down, or otherwise fasten any drift-net or gilling seine in or across said river, within the jurisdiction of this state, for the purpose of catching fish, he, she or they so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding three months, or both, at the discretion of the court before which such offender or offenders shall be convicted; and any such net or seine so anchored, staked down, or otherwise fastened in or across said river, shall be deemed and considered a public nuisance, and liable to be abated or removed by any person or persons who may deem proper to abate or remove the


3. And be it enacted, That the second section to the suptake effect. plement of the aforesaid act, passed on the fifteenth day of February, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and thirty-three, be and the same is hereby repealed; but that this act shall not go into operation until the legislature of the state of Pennsylvania shall approve of the same, by the enactment of a similar act, in whole or in part; and that from and immediately after the said legislature shall so approve of this act, either in whole or in part, then this act, or such parts thereof as may be so approved of, shall go into operation and take effect.

Approved February 26, 1858.

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