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(or, as is commonly expressed, living in a state of nature,) and which may more properly be called the law of God, or the divine law, being the rule of conduct prescribed by Him to his rational creatures, and revealed by the light of reason, or the sacred Scriptures.1


course of


As independent communities acknowledge no common Law applied superior, they may be considered as living in a state of to the internature with respect to each other: and the obvious in- States. ference drawn by the disciples and successors of Grotius was, the disputes arising among these independent communities must be determined by what they call the Law of Nature. This gave rise to a new and separate branch of the science, called the Law of Nations, Jus Gentium.2


al Law, by

§ 4. Grotius distinguished the law of nations from the Law of natural law by the different nature of its origin and Nations disobligation, which he attributed to the general consent from Naturof nations. In the introduction to his great work, he Grotius. says, "I have used in favor of this law, the testimony of philosophers, historians, poets, and even of orators; not that they are indiscriminately to be relied on as impartial authority; since they often bend to the prejudices of their respective sects, the nature of their argument, or the interest of their cause; but because where many minds of different ages and countries concur in the same sentiment, it must be referred to some general cause. In the subject now in question, this cause must be either a just deduction from the principles of natural justice, or universal consent. The first discovers to us the natural law, the second the law of nations. In order to distinguish these two branches of the same science, we must consider, not merely the terms which authors have used to define them, (for they often confound the terms natural law and law of nations,) but the nature of the subject in question. For if a certain maxim which cannot be fairly inferred from admitted principles is, nevertheless, found to be everywhere observed, there is reason to conclude that it derives its origin from positive institution." He had previously said, " As

[1 In Maine's Ancient Law, 52-58, 73-96, will be found a full and learned discussion of the jus gentium of the Romans, and the jus naturale, in its technical sense, with the latest lights thrown on them by historical researches.]-D.

[2 Maine's Ancient Law, 47-59; Twiss's Intern. Law, 2, 3; Marezoll, Lehrbuch der Inst. des röm. Rechtes, § 15; Woolsey's Introduction, §§ 3, 4, 9. 10.] — D.

the laws of each particular State are designed to promote its advantage, the consent of all, or at least the greater number of States, may have produced certain laws between them. And, in fact, it appears that such laws have been established, tending to promote the utility, not of any particular State, but of the great body of these communities. This is what is termed the Law of Nations, when it is distinguished from Natural Law." (a) 3

All the reasonings of Grotius rest on the distinction, which he makes between the natural and the positive or voluntary Law of Nations. He derives the first element of the Law of Nations from a supposed condition of society, where men live together in what has been called a state of nature. That natural society has no other superior but God, no other code than the divine law engraved in the heart of man, and announced by the voice of conscience. Nations living together in such a state of mutual independence must necessarily be governed by this same law. Grotius, in demonstrating the accuracy of his somewhat obscure definition of Natural Law, has given proof of a vast erudition, as well as put us in possession of all the sources of his knowledge. He then bases the positive or voluntary Law of Nations on the consent of all nations, or of the greater part of them, to observe, certain rules of conduct in their reciprocal relations. He has endeavored to demonstrate the existence of these rules by invoking the same authorities, as in the case of his definition of Natural Law. We thus see on what fictions or hypotheses Grotius has founded the whole Law of Nations. But it is evident that his supposed state of nature has never existed. As to the general consent of na

(a) "Usus sum etiam ad juris hujus probationem testimoniis philosophorum, historicorum, poëtarum, postremò et oratorum; non quod illis indiscretè credendum sit; solent enim sectæ, argumento, causæ servire: sed quòd ubi multi diversis temporibus at locis idem pro certo affirmant, id ad causam universalem referri debeat; quæ in nostris quæstionibus alia esse non potest quàm aut recta illatio ex naturæ principiis procedens, aut communis aliquis consensus. Illa jus naturæ indicat, hic jus gentium: quorum discrimen non quidem ex ipsis testimoniis, (passim enim scriptores voce juris naturæ, et gentium permiscent,) sed ex materiæ qualitate intelligendum est. Quod enim ex certis principiis certâ argumentatione deduci non potest, et tamen ubique observatum apparet, sequitur ut ex voluntate liberâ ortum habeat." "Sed sicut cujusque civitatis jura utilitatem suæ civitatis respiciunt, ita inter civitates aut omnes aut plerasque ex consensu jura quædam nasci potuerunt; et nata apparent, quæ utilitatem respicerent non coetuum singulorum sed magnæ illius universitatis. Et hoc jus est quod gentium dicitur, quoties id nomen à jure naturali distinguimus." Grotius, de Jur. Bel. ac Pac. Prolegom. 40, 17.

[3 Woolsey's Introd. § 11; Maine's Ancient Law, 114.]—D.


tions of which he speaks, it can at most be considered a tacit consent, like the jus non scriptum quod consensus facit of the. Roman jurisconsults. This consent can only be established by the disposition, more or less uniform, of nations to observe among themselves the rules of international justice, recognized by the publicists. Grotius would, undoubtedly, have done better had he sought the origin of the Natural Law of Nations in the principle of utility, vaguely indicated by Leibnitz, (b) but clearly expressed and adopted by Cumberland, (c) and admitted by almost all subsequent writers, as the test of international morality. (d) But in the time that Grotius wrote, this principle which has so greatly contributed to dispel the mist with which the foundations of the science of International Law were obscured, was but very little understood. The principles and details of international morality, as distinguished from international law, are to be obtained not by applying to nations the rules which ought to govern the conduct of individuals, but by ascertaining what are the rules of international conduct which, on the whole, best promote the general happiness of mankind. The means of this inquiry are observation and meditation; the one furnishing us with facts, the other enabling us to discover the connection of these facts as causes and effects, and to predict the results which will follow, whenever similar causes are again put into operation. (e)

Nature and

§ 5. Neither Hobbes nor Puffendorf entertains the same Law of opinion as Grotius upon the origin and obligatory force of Law of Nathe positive Law of Nations. The former, in his work, tions assertDe Cive, says, "The natural law may be divided into the identical, by natural law of men, and the natural law of States, com- Puffendorf. monly called the Law of Nations. The precepts of both are the same; but since States, when they are once instituted, assume the

Hobbes and

(b) Et jus quidem merum sive strictum nascitur ex principio servandæ pacis ; æquitas sive caritas ad majus aliquid contendit, ut dum quisque alteri prodest quantum potest, felicitatem suam augeat in aliena; et ut verbo dicam, jus strictum miseriam vitat, jus superius ad felicitatem tendit, sed qualis in hanc mortalitatem cadit. Leibnitz, de Usu Actorum Publicorum, § 13.

(c) Lex naturæ est propositio naturaliter cognita, actiones indicans effectrices communis boni. Cumberland, de Legibus Naturæ, cap. v. § 1.

(d) Bentham's Principles of International Law. Works, Part VIII. 537. Edit. Bowring.

(e) Senior, Edinburgh Review, No. 156, pp. 310, 321.

personal qualities of individual men, that law, which when speaking of individual men we call the Law of Nature, is called the Law of Nations when applied to whole states, nations, or people." (a) 4 To this opinion Puffendorf implicitly subscribes, declaring that "there is no other voluntary or positive law of nations properly invested with a true and legal force, and binding as the command of a superior power." (b)

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After thus denying that there is any positive or voluntary law of nations founded on the consent of nations, and distinguished from the natural law of nations, Puffendorf proceeds to qualify this opinion by admitting that the usages and comity of civilized nations have introduced certain rules, for mitigating the exercise of hostilities between them; that these rules are founded upon a general tacit consent; and that their obligation ceases by the express declaration of any party, engaged in a just war, that it will no longer be bound by them. There can be no doubt that any belligerent nation which chooses to withdraw itself from the obligation of the Law of Nations, in respect to the manner of carrying on war against another State, may do so at the risk of incurring the penalty of vindictive retaliation on the part of other nations, and of putting itself in general hostility with the civilized world. As a celebrated English civilian and magistrate (Lord Stowell) has well observed, "a great part of the law of nations stands upon the usage and practice of nations. It is introduced, indeed, by general principles, but it travels with those general principles only to a certain extent; and if it stops there, you are not at liberty to go further, and say that mere general speculations would bear you out in a further progress; thus, for instance, on mere general principles, it is lawful to destroy your enemy; and mere general principles make no great difference as to the manner by which this is to be effected; but the conventional law of mankind, which is evidenced in their practice, does make a distinction, and allows some, and prohibits

(a) Præcepta utriusque eadem sunt; sed quia civitates semel institutæ inducunt proprietates hominum personales, lex quam, loquentes de hominum singulorum officio, naturalem dicimus, applicata totis civitatibus, nationibus sive gentibus, vocatur jus gentium. Hobbes, De Cive, cap. xiv. § 4.

(b) Cui sententiæ et nos plane subscribimus. Nec præterea aliud jus gentium, voluntarium seu positivum dari arbitramus, quod quidem legis propriæ dictæ vim habeat, quæ gentes tamquam à superiore profecta stringat. Puffendorf, De Jure Naturæ et Gentium, lib. ii. cap. 3, § 23.

[4 Maine's Ancient Law, 114; Woolsey's Introd. § 12.] — D.

other modes of destruction; and a belligerent is bound to confine himself to those modes which the common practice of mankind has employed, and to relinquish those which the same practice has not brought within the ordinary exercise of war, however sanctioned by its principles and purposes." (c) II.

The same remark may be made as to what Puffendorf says respecting the privileges of ambassadors, which Grotius supposes to depend upon the voluntary law of nations; whilst Puffendorf says they depend, either upon natural law which gives to public ministers a sacred and inviolable character, or upon tacit consent, as evidenced in the usage of nations, conferring upon them certain privileges which may be withheld at the pleasure of the State where they reside. The distinction here made between those privileges of ambassadors, which depend upon natural law, and those which depend upon custom and usage, is wholly groundless; since both one and the other may be disregarded by any State which chooses to incur the risk of retaliation or hostility, these being the only sanctions by which the duties of international law can be enforced.

Still it is not the less true that the law of nations, founded upon usage, considers an ambassador, duly received in another State, as exempt from the local jurisdiction by the consent of that State, which consent cannot be withdrawn without incurring the risk of retaliation, or of provoking hostilities on the part of the sovereign by whom he is delegated. The same thing may be affirmed of all the usages which constitute the Law of Nations. They may be disregarded by those who choose to declare themselves absolved from the obligation of that law, and to incur the risk of retaliation from the party specially injured by its violation, or of the general hostility of mankind. (d) 5

(c) Robinson's Admiralty Rep. i. 140.

(d) Wheaton's History of the Law of Nations, 96.

[5 "Puffendorf commits the mistake of failing to distinguish sufficiently between natural justice and the law of nations; of spinning the web of a system out of his own brain, as if he were the legislator of the world; and of neglecting to inform us what the world actually holds to be the law by which nations regulate their intercourse." Woolsey's Introd. § 12.

"Puffendorf entirely denies the authority of general usage; and his doctrine, putting aside the mass of words that encumbers it, amounts to this: that the rules of abstract propriety, resting merely on unauthorized speculations, and applied to international transactions, constitute international law, and acquire no additional authority when, by the usage of nations, they have been generally received and approved of." Wildman's Institutes, i. 28. See also Maine's Ancient Law, 96-112.]-D.

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