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Resignation of Member: Received notice of resignation of Representative T. Vincent Quinn, of the Fifth Congressional District of New York.

Pages 14-15

New Members Sworn: Representatives-elect Robert D. Harrison, of the Third Congressional District of Nebraska; Frank C. Osmers, Jr., of the Ninth Congressional District of New Jersey; Karl C. King, of the Eighth Congressional District of Pennsylvania; Joseph L. Carrigg, of the Fourteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania; Paul F. Schenck, of the Third Congressional District of Ohio; and Clifford G. McIntire, of the Third Congressional District of Maine, appeared at the bar of the House and took the oath of office. Page 15


Notification of President: Adopted H. Res. 482, authorizing appointment of three Members to join with the committee of the Senate to notify the President that a quorum of each House is assembled and is ready to receive communications. Representatives McCormack, Doughton, and Martin of Massachusetts were appointed to this committee by the Speaker.

Pages 15-16 Notification of Senate: Adopted H. Res. 483, instructing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to inform the Senate that a quorum of the House is present and ready to proceed with business.

Page 16

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Pages 16-22

Wednesday, January 9, 1952

Committee Meetings


Committee on the District of Columbia: Subcommittee on Crime held an executive session, following which it was announced that the subcommittee would hold daily public hearings, beginning Monday, January 14, on crime conditions in the District of Columbia, and that these hearings would be televised.


Committee on Rules and Administration: In executive session, committee voted to report favorably three original resolutions, as follows: To increase by $35,000 the limit of expenditures for the Select Committee on Small Business; to provide for the funeral expenses of the late Senator Wherry; and to authorize additional personnel for official reporters of the Senate.

House of Representatives

Bills Introduced: Sixteen public bills, H. R. 59395954; nine private bills, H. R. 5955–5963; and three resolutions, H. J. Res. 354-356, were introduced.

Pages 48-49

State of Union: President Truman delivered his state of the Union message before a joint session of both Houses of Congress. He was escorted to and from the Chamber by a committee composed of Senators McFarland, Johnson of Texas, and Bridges, and Repre

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