quested to use their best endeavors to prevent any inerease of the present rates of postage. Resolved, That copies of the foregoing resolutions be transmitted to each of our Senators and Representatives. Ordered, That said preamble and resolutions be laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Johnson, Resolved, Thet the Commissioners of the Land-Office report to the Senate the construction they have given to the act entitled "An act for the relief of certain purchasers of lands in the Oneida Reservation, in 1840 and 1841," passed April 4, 1845, and what action, if any, has been had under it by said Commissioners, specifying the number of persons who have surrendered their certificates pursuant to the provisions of said act, and the number of persons who have not surrendered such certificates, and to whom no relief has been extended. Ordered, That the Clerk deliver a copy of said resolution to the Commissioners of the Land-Office. By unanimous consent, Mr. Barlow presented the petition of John H. Vedder and others, Oneida purchasers, for relief, which was read and referred to the Commissioners of the Land-Office, for their report thereon. Mr. Barlow presented the petition of William A. Stone, for relief, which was read and referred to the committee on claims. Mr. Talcott gave notice that he would at some future time ask leave to introduce a bill, to amend section fifth, of title first, part third and chapter third, of the Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Wright, The Senate proceeded to the further consideration of the resolution heretofore offered by him, which was read in the words following, to wit: Resolved, That so much of the message of the Governor as relates to the subject of leasehold estates, the complaints of the tenants in relation thereto, and the remedies proposed therefor, be referred to a select committee of three members of the Senate. Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Wright, Ordered, 'That the bill entitled "An act to subject the rents reserved on certain leasehold estates to taxation," be referred to the same select committee. Mr. Chamberlain moved that the usual number of copies of the preamble and resolutions offered by him, relative to the Genesee-Valley and Black river canals, as read in the Journal of yesterday, be printed, which motion was referred to the committee on printing. Mr. Barlow gave notice that he would at some future time ask leave to introduce a bill to provide for the trial of all criminal offences, not punishable in the State prison, otherwise than before courts of oyer and terminer and general sessions. Mr. Porter asked for and by unanimous consent obtained leave to bring in a bill entitled " An act to amend an act entitled 'An act relating to excise and to licensing retailers of intoxicating liquors,' passed May 14, 1845," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read a second time, and on motion of Mr. Porter, committed to a committee of the whole. Mr. Porter moved that said bill be printed, which motion was referred to the committee on printing. Mr. Sedgwick, from the committee on printing, reported in favor of said motion, which was agreed to by the Senate. Thereupon, Ordered, That the usual number of copies of said bill be printed. Mr. Lott gave notice that he would at some future time ask leave to introduce a bill in relation to usury. On motion of Mr. Jones, The Senate then resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the several concurrent resolutions heretofore offered by Mr. Jones and Mr. Porter, relative to Oregon, &c., and after some time spent thereon, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Folsom, from said committee, reported progress, and asked for and obtained leave to sit again. Mr. Wright moved that the amendments proposed in committee of the whole, by Mr. Clark and himself, respectively, to the concurrent resolutions offered by Mr. Jones, be printed. Thereupon, On motion of Mr. Lott, Ordered, That the rule be suspended, and that the question be taken directly on Mr. Wright's motion. Mr. President then put the question on agreeing to Mr. Wright's motion, and it was decided in the affirmative. Thereupon, Ordered, That the usual number of copies of said amendments respectively, be printed. Mr. Lester, pursuant to notice, asked for and obtained leave to bring in a bill entitled "An act to authorize the president and directors of the Seneca Road Company, to abandon a part of their road," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read a second time, and referred to the committee on roads and bridges. Then the Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow morning. FRIDAY, 11 O'CLOCK, A. M., JANUARY 9, 1846. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Wm. H. Campbell, D. D. The minutes of yesterday having been read and approved, Mr. Johnson presented two several petitions from the counties of Chautauque and Cattaraugus, for a new county from parts of Erie, Cattaraugus and Chautauque counties, which were read and referred to the committee on the division of towns and counties. Mr. Burnham presented resolutions passed by the board of supervisors of Broome county, in favor of abolishing the office of county superintendent of common schools, which was read and referred to the committee on literature. Mr. Barlow presented the petition of inhabitants of Madison county, for an equal distribution of the public moneys to the several school districts, which was read and referred to the same committee. Mr. Spencer presented the petition of Jarvis M. Hatch and others, citizens of Oneida county, for the relief of James Sheepen, which was read and referred to the committee on claims. Mr. Sedgwick, from the committee on public printing, to whom was referred the motion to print the preamble and resolutions offered by Mr. Chamberlain, on the 7th inst., relative to the Genesee-Valley and Black river canals, reported in favor of said motion, which was agreed to by the Senate. Thereupon, Ordered, That the usual number of copies of said preamble and resolution be printed. Mr. Chamberlain moved that said preamble and resoluiton be referred to the committee of the whole, which motion was laid on the table. Mr. Lott, from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Wm. H. Groesbeck, of the city of New-York, for a law dissolving the marriage connection between himself and wife Sarah, for wilful and malicious desertion on her part, reported adverse to the prayer of the petitioner, which was agreed to by the Senate. Thereupon, Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioner be denied. Mr. Lott, from the same committee, to whom was referred the petition of the supervisors of Orange county, for the passage of a law making the district attorney a salaried officer, asked for and obtained leave to report a bill entitled "An act concerning the district attorney of the county of Orange," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read a second time, and committed to the committee of the whole. Ordered, That the usual number of copies of said bill be printed. A message was received from the Assembly, informing that they had concurred in the resolution of the Senate of the 7th inst., adopting the joint rules. On motion of Mr. J. B. Smith, Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate furnish to each of the members, officers and reporters of the Senate a penknife, and that the expense thereof be paid out of the contingent fund of the Senate. Mr. Sanford gave notice that he would at some future time ask leave to introduce a bill entitled "An act to amend an act relative to incorporations for manufacturing purposes." Mr. Lester gave notice that he would at some time ask leave to introduce a bill, to reduce the salaries of the clerks of the supreme court, and of the register, assistant register, and clerks in chancery. Mr. Porter gave notice that he would at some future time ask leave to introduce a bill, in relation to the publication of certain notices in the State paper. The annual report of the Trustees of the State Library was received and read, and referred to the joint library committee. Mr. Jones moved that 150 extra copies of said report be printed for the use of said 'Trustees, which motion was referred to the committee on public printing. On motion of Mr. Johnson, Resolved, That the petitions and papers in relation to the proposed new county of Schuyler, be taken from the files of the Senate, and referred to the committee on the division of towns and counties. On motion of Mr. Spencer, Resolved, That a respectful message be transmitted to the Assembly, requesting then to transmit to this House, the petitions and accompanying papers on file in that House, in the matter of the claims of Alfred Munson, Martin Hart, James Sayre and Alanson House. Ordered, That the Clerk deliver a copy of said resolution to the Assembly. Mr. Talcott pursuant to notice asked for and obtained leave to bring in a bill entitled "An act to amend section five of title first, part third, and chapter third of the Revised Statutes," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read a second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. On motion of Mr. Porter, The Governor's message with the accompanying documents, was committed to a committee of the whole, and the Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole thereon, and after some time spent thereon, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Clark, from said committee, reported progress, and asked for and obtained leave to sit again. Then the Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow morning. SATURDAY, 11 O'CLOCK, A. M., JANUARY 10, 1846) The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Wyckoff. The minutes of yesterday having been read and approved, Mr. Beers presented the petition of inhabitants of the towns of Hanover, Arkwright, Villanova and Sheridan, Chautauque county, for a new county to be formed from parts of Erie, Cattaraugus and Chautauque counties, which was read and referred to the committee on the division of towns and counties. Mr. Wheeler presented three several petitions of inhabitants of the towns of Hanover, Sheridan and Perrysburgh, for the same purpose, which were read and referred to the same committee. Mr. Spencer presented the petition of Grace Wells, and others, inhabitants of Oneida county, for the passage of a law to punish seduction and adultery as crimes, which was read and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Sedgwick, from the committee on public printing, to whom was referred the motion to print 150 extra copies of the annual report of the Trustees of the State Library for their use, reported against said motion. On motion of Mr. Hand, Ordered, That so much of the 41st standing rule of the Senate, as directs the usual number of communications from State officers, &c. to be printed of course, be suspended. On motion of Mr. Hand, That 150 extra copies of said report, with the schedule B., only, for the use of said Trustees, be printed. Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative. The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow: |