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On motion of Mr. Clark,

The Senate then again resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the several concurrent resolutions heretofore offered by Mr. Porter, and Mr. Jones, in relation to Oregon, the tariff, an independent treasury, &c., and after some time spent thereon, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Folsom, from said committee, reported progress, and asked for and obtained leave to sit again.

Then the Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY, 11 O'CLOCK, A. M., JANUARY 15, 1846.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Benedict.

The minutes of yesterday having been read and approved,

Mr. Hard presented the petition of inhabitants of Cattaraugus county, for a new county, from parts of Erie, Cattaraugus and Chautauque counties, which was read and referred to the committee on the division of towns and counties.

On motion of Mr. Hard,

Ordered, That all the maps and papers on file relative thereto, be referred to the same committee.

Mr. Williams presented resolutions adopted by the Farmer's Club of Yates county, asking that the railroad companies from Albany to Buffalo, be allowed to transmit live stock, fresh provisions, &c., at all seasons, free from tolls to the State, which was read and referred to the committee on railroads.

Mr. Mitchell presented the petition of inhabitants of the town of Herkimer, for a law to authorize a tax to repair a road between the village of Herkimer and Middleville, which was read and referred to the committee on roads and bridges.

Mr. Beekman presented the petition of the supervisors of the county of Greene, in relation to their town and county poor, which was read and referred to the committee on the poor laws.

Mr. Beekman presented the petition of the Hudson and Berkshire railroad company, for relief, which was read and referred to the committee on finance.

Mr. Johuson, from the committee on claims, to whom was referred the petition of Jarvis M. Hatch and others, citizens of Oneida county, for the relief of James Shehen, made a written report thereon, concluding with the following resolution.

Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioner be denied.

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Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative. Ordered, That the usual number of copies of said report be printed.

[See Senate Document No. 11.]

Mr. Backus, from the committee on medical societies and medical colleges, to whom was referred the subject of the State Lunatic Asylum at Utica, and so much of the recent State census as relates to the number of insane and idiots, made a written report thereon, which was read and laid on the table.

Mr. Jones moved that five times the usual number of copies of said report be printed, which motion was referred to the committee on public printing.

Mr. Clark, from the committee on charitable and religious societies, to whom was referred the petition for that purpose, asked for and obtained leave to report a bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read a second time, and committed to a committee of the whole.

Ordered, That the usual number of copies of said bill be printed. A message was received from the Assembly requesting the Senate to transmit to that House, the papers in relation to the claim of the heirs of Charles McKnight.


Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said papers to the Assembly agreeably to their request.

The report of the Comptroller, answering the resolution of the Senate of the 13th instant, relative to the salaries and fees of the clerks of the supreme court, and register, assistant register, and clerks in chancery, was received, read and referred to the committee on retrench


Ordered, That the usual number of copies of said report be printed.

[Senate Document No. 10.]

Mr. S. Smith offered the following concurrent resolution, which was laid on the table, to wit:

Resolved, (if the Assembly concur,) That the Geologist now engaged in preparing the reports on the agriculture and palaeontology of the State, be allowed to take such books from the State Library as are necessary for reference in preparing such reports, subject to the same restriction relative thereto as members of the Legislature now are.

Mr. Spencer asked for and by unanimous consent obtained leave to bring in a bill entitled "An act in relation to the common schools in the city of Utica," which was read the first time, and by unanimous

consent was also read a second time, and referred to the committee on literature.

On motion of Mr. Porter,

The present and all intervening orders of business were laid on the table, and the Senate then again resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the bill entitled "An act to repeal the third section of the act entitled "An act to provide for the public printing, passed January 21, 1843,' and to regulate the printing for the Senate and Assembly," and after some time spent thereon, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Barlow, from said committee, reported progress, and asked for and obtained leave to sit again.


On motion of Mr. Sedgwick,

Ordered, That the usual number of copies of the amendments respectively offered to said bill in committee of the whole, be printed.

On motion of Mr. Folsom,

Resolved, That the Secretary of State be requested to communicate to the Senate the report of the agent for taking the census of the Indians, including such portions thereof as relate to their past and present condition.

Ordered, That the Clerk deliver a copy of said resolution to the Secretary of State.

Then the Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow morning.

FRIDAY, 11 O'CLOCK, A. M., JANUARY 16, 1846.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bates.

The minutes of yesterday having been read and approved, Mr. Sanford presented the petition of the North American Fire Insurance Company of the city of New-York, for relief, which was read and referred to the committee on grievances.

Mr. Sanford presented the petition of Henry R. Remsen and others, for the incorporation of the Washington Fire Insurance Company, which was read and referred to the committee on banks and insurance companies.

Mr. Sanford presented the memorial of inhabitants of the city of New-York, in communion of the Protestant Episcopal Church, for the repeal or amendment of an act entitled "An act to alter the name of the corporation of Trinity Church in New-York, and for other purposes, passed January 25, 1814," which was read and referred to the committee on charitable and religious societies.

Mr. Putnam presented the petition of Heman J. Redfield and others, for perpetuating evidence of the deaths of Nicolaas Van Staphorst and others, former joint tenants with others in the Holland Land Company's lands, which was read and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. Clark presented the petition of Charles Dewey for relief, with accompanying proofs, which were read and referred to the committee on claims.

Mr. Sedgwick, from the committee on public printing, to whom was referred the motion to print five times the usual number of copies of the report of Mr. Backus, from the committee on medical societies and medical colleges, relative to the insane and idiots, &c., reported against said motion, and in favor of printing three times the usual number of copies only, which was agreed to by the Senate.


Ordered, That three times the usual number of copies only of said report be printed.

[See Senate Document No. 12.]

Mr. Porter, from the committee on finance, to whom was referred the petition of James Harper and others, for an amendment of the Revised Statutes, in relation to taxing nominal instead of actual capital, asked for and obtained leave to report a bill entitled "An act to amend the Revised Statutes in relation to the exemption of incorporated companies from taxation and for other purposes," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read a second time, and committed to a committee of the whole.

Mr. Young, from the committee on literature, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act in relation to the common schools in the city of Utica," reported in favor of the passage thereof, which was committed to a committee of the whole.

Ordered, That the usual number of copies of the last two mentioned bills respectively, be printed.

Mr. Hand presented the report of the agent of the Clinton State prison, and moved that the usual number and 250 extra copies for the use of the agent be printed, which motion was referred to the committee on public printing.

Mr. Van Schoonhoven presented the report of the Troy Savings Bank of unclaimed deposites and dividends, which was laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. S. Smith,

The Senate proceeded to the further consideration of the concurrent resolution heretofore offered by him, which, as amended with his assent, was read in the words following, to wit:

Resolved, (if the Assembly concur,) That the Geologist now engaged in preparing the reports on the agriculture and palaeontology of the State, be allowed to take such books from the State Library, as are necessary for reference in preparing snch reports, subject to the same restrictions relative thereto as members of the Legislature now are, and under such restrictions as may be deemed proper by the Trustees of the Library.

Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said resolution as amended, and it was decided in the affirmative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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Resolved, That the said resolution do pass.

Ordered, That the Clerk deliver a copy of said resolution to the As

sembly, and request their concurrence in the same.

On motion of Mr. Backus,

Resolved, That the honorable the Assembly be requested to transmit to this house, for legislative action here, the petitions, papers, &c. &c., filed with the Clerk of the Assembly, in the matter of the claim of Thomas and Worden, in 1844, and when transmitted, that the same be referred to the committee on claims.

Ordered, That the Clerk deliver a copy of said resolution to the Assembly.

On motion of Mr. Putnam,

Resolved, That the Secretary of State furnish for the use of the Senate Library, eighteen copies of the Session Laws of the last session of the Legislature, in addition to the number heretofore furnished to said library.

Ordered, That the Clerk deliver a copy of said resolution to the Secretary of State.

Mr. Barlow pursuant to notice asked for and obtained leave to bring in a bill entitled "An act to provide for the trial of certain criminal offences," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read a second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Spencer asked for and by unanimous consent obtained leave to bring in a bill entitled "An act relative to trials in courts of common

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