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Mr. Lester then moved to recommit said report with instructions, that the committee report whether an extra number of all the accompanying documents should be printed.

Mr. Lott asked a division of the question.

Mr. President put the question on recommitting, and it was decided in the negative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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Mr. Putnam then moved that two hundred and fifty extra copies of said report be printed for the use of said agent.

Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said motion, and it was decided in the negative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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The report of said committee was then agreed to by the Senate.

Ordered, That the usual number of said report with the accompanying documents, and 150 extra copies thereof for the use of the agent be printed, and that the Clerk of the Senate furnish said agent therewith.

[See Senate Document No. 16.]

Mr. Sedgwick, from the committee on public printing, to whom was referred the motion to print 250 extra copies of the report of the agent of the Clinton State prison, for the use of said agent, reported against said motion and in favor of printing 150 extra copies only, and that the Clerk of the Senate furnish said agent therewith.

Mr. Putnam moved to amend said report by ordering printed four times the usual number, and 250 extra copies for the use of said agent.

Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said motion, and it was decided in the negative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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Mr. Putnam then moved to amend said report by ordering printed 1,100 copies, and 250 extra copies of said report for the use of said agent.

Mr. Wright asked a division of the question.

Mr. President put the question on printing 1,100 copies, and it was decided in the negative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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Mr. President put the question on printing 250 extra copies of said

report, and it was decided in the affirmative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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Mr. Hard then moved that the whole subject be laid on the table. Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said motion, and it was decided in the negative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded were as follow:

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Mr. S. Smith then moved that twice the usual number of said report be printed.

Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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Ordered, That twice the usual number of said report and 250 extra copies thereof for the use of said agent be printed, and that the Clerk

of the Senate furnish said agent therewith.

[See Senate Document No. 14.]

Mr. Lott, from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred

the bill from the Assembly entitled "An act authorizing the court of general sessions of the peace in the city of New-York, to extend the term of said court in certain cases," reported in favor of the passage thereof, with an amendment, which was agreed to by the Senate, and


On motion of Mr. Lott,

Said amendment was ordered engrossed, and the bill to a third read

Thereupon, on motion of Mr. Lott,

Said bill with the engrossed amendment was read the third time and passed.

Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, and inform them that the Senate have passed the same with the amendment therewith delivered.

Mr. Porter, from the committee on finance, to whom was referred the bill from the Assembly entitled "An act to extend the time for the collection of taxes for the year 1845," reported in favor of the passage thereof without amendment, which was agreed to by the Senate, and the bill ordered to a third reading.

On motion of Mr. Porter,

Said bill was read the third time and passed.

Ordered, That the Clerk return the said bill to the Assembly, and inform them that the Senate have passed the same without amend


Mr. Clark moved that the present and all intervening orders of business be laid on the table, and that the Senate again resolve itself into a committee of the whole on the bill entitled "An act to repeal the third section of the act entitled 'An act to provide for the public printing, passed January 21, 1843,' and to regulate the printing for the Senate and Assembly."

Mr. President put the question on agreeing to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

The ayes and nays having been moved and seconded, were as follow:

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