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The principal carbohydrate in Mellin's Food is maltose, which seems to be particularly well adapted in the feeding of poorly nourished infants. Marked benefit may be expected by beginning with the above formula and gradually increasing the Mellin's Food until a gain in weight is observed. Relatively large amounts of Mellin's Food may be given, as maltose is immediately available nutrition. The limit of assimilation for maltose is much higher than other sugars, and the reason for increasing this energy-giving carbohydrate is the minimum amount of fat in the diet made necessary from the well-known inability of marasmic infants to digest enough fat to satisfy their nutritive needs. MELLIN'S FOOD COMPANY,


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Notes on Reliable Remedies

Intermittent Heart-Polk has used cactina pillets with excellent success in intermittent heart. One or two pillets every 2 or 3 hours quickly restores the heart's rythm.

The Billon Products-When the importation of salvarsan ceased in this country many of our best syphilitic practitioners were at a loss what to do. The price of salvarsan skyrocketed to $30 a tube and it was scarce at that. Fortunately the French government had never recognized the basic patent of salvarsan in their country and Poulenz Freres of Paris had developed the Arsenobenzol and Novarsenobenzol "Billon" products which had the same uniform success in France as salvarsan had in Germany and other countries. These Billon products (Arsenobenzol and Novarsenobenzol) are now being used in the American Army in France, Paris and provincial hospitals. Our own American practitioners are using them with great success. Since the prices are the same as the old prices on salvarsan it is likely that arsenobenzol and novarsenobenzol "Billon" will be liberally used from now on, even after the war. For literature, address the Physicians Importing Co., St. Louis.

The Day of the Ampoule-The use of the ampoule marks a decided advance in the ease and accuracy with which sterile solutions of potent drugs can be administered. Among the manufacturing pharmaceutical houses that have done much to develop the ampoule, perfect it and increase the scope of its usefulness is Eli Lilly & Company of Indianapolis. In fact many physicians so closely associate the Lilly label with ampoules that they think of Lilly as THE Ampoule House, nothwithstanding the fact that this concern is among the leading biological as well as pharmaceutical producers in America. A beautiful new line of aseptic metal pocket cases has been added to the Lilly list and a handsome catalog in four colors, showing these items, will be sent to our readers upon requests addressed to Eli Lilly & Company at Indianapolis. These cases in gold and nickel offer a compact means of carrying ampoules or hypodermatic tablets together with a syringe. The cases occupy but little space and are already becoming quite poular, it is said. This is not surprising since they serve a highly useful purpose.

Slow Convalescence-The strong, virile, robust individual who emerges successfully from the attack of the pneumococcus, the bacillus influenza or the mixed infection of typhoid, is more than likely to recuperate rapidly from the depressing effects of the systemic disease from which he has suffered, and his convalescence will be prompt and uninterrupted. It is not so, however, with the patient, whose vital resistance was at a comparatively low ebb before the disease invasion. In such cases, tardy convalescence is the rule, unless active measures are taken to revitalize the blood and thus restore and repair the essential solid elements-the red cells, and the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) performs just this necessary service by furnishing the needed organically combined iron and manganese to build up the blood forming functions of the organism. It can also be depended upon to improve the appetite and act as a general tonic, and reconstructive, without deranging digestion or causing constipation.

Treatment of Dropsy-The physician who regards dropsy as merely a symptom, usually loses sight of the important fact that while it may be regarded as a symptom, it is also a condition which can by suitable and appropriate treatment be greatly ameliorated, and in many cases removed. The presence of abnormal amount of cyrus fluid in the tissues is brought about by a failure on the part of the circulation and of the heart to prevent what is called circulatory stasis. Effused fluid can be made to be reabsorbed into the circulation and its excess removed through the skin and through the kidneys. An agent that can do this must be more than a diabetic on the one hand, or a so-called cardiac stimulant on the other. Certain active principles of Squill exert an action upon the nervous mechanism of the heart by which the contractions of that organ are strengthened and made more thorough. Other active principles of Squill together with the oxydendron and sambucus increase urinary secretion and stimulate the excre tion of urinary salts the combination of these agents in an efficient and convenient form is being used by thousands of practical physicians under the name of Anasarcin Tablets. Anasarcin Tablets are being used with satisfactory results in cardiac dropsy, postscarlitina dropsy, in dropsy that accompanies chronic neuphritis, and also on account of their controlling influence over cardiac rythm in cardiac neuroses, and in exceptmic goitre. The action of Anasarcin Tablets depends upon the synergistic action of the constituents and the dosage may be so regulated and adjusted as to meet indications present in any individual case. Interesting literature regarding Anasarcin Tablets and samples of the latter will be gladly sent to any physician on request.

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Other stores: Palace Clo. Co., Kansas City, Mo.; Topeka, Kas.; Emporia, Kas.

After the Long School Year- The tired school child, whether girl or boy, is extremely liable to become vitally depressed, worn out both physically and mentally, and more or less anemic. With the coming of warmer weather, this depreciated condition becomes accentuated and it is the part of wisdom to take steps to build up the tone of the organism, enrich the vital fluid by creating new red cells, and hemaglobin, and employ every available means adapted to reconstruct the cells and tissues and restore the depleted vitality. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) does yeoman's service in such condition, by furnishing an agreeable, absorbable, and assimilable organic combination of iron and manganese, the agents most needed for blood repair, and general reconstruction. It is pleasant to take, and does not irritate the digestive organs nor cause constipation.

Spanish Influenza-A pandemic of an acute influenza-like disease (Spanish influenza) has passed over Europe and already is cutting heavily into the working forces of large bodies of labor both in offices and shops in this country. The clinical picture is identical with that of the last pandemic of 1889. The disease is characterized by sudden onset. First there is a chill, then fever with temperature from 101 to 103; headache, backache, redding and running of the eyes, pains and aches all over the body and general prostration. Persons so attacked should get to bed without delay and immediately call a physician. Treatment is simple, but important, consisting principally of rest in bed, fresh air, abundant food, with Dover's powder for relief of pain. Every case should be kept in bed until temperature becomes normal. Convales

cence requires careful management to avoid serious complications, such as a bronchial pneumonia which not infrequently may have fatal termination. During the present outbreak in foreign countries the salts of quinine and aspirin have been most generally used during the acute attack, the aspirin apparently with much success in the relief of symptoms. This disease is of great importance from medical, economic and military standpoints. We are therefore endeavoring to co-operate with Dr. Rupert Blue, Surgeon-General of the Public Health Service, in placing before physicians immediately the important facts concerning the disease and its control. In view of the remarkable results obtained during the past winter at Camp Upton by Cecil and Austin of the Rockefeller Institute by the prophylactic use of Pneumococcus Vaccine against pneumonias of the various types, one cannot escape the conclusion that this is an opportune occasion to establish more fully the value of Influenza Mixed Vaccine (containing the influenza bacillus of Pfeiffer and pneumococci of types I, II and III) not only as a prophylactic immunizing measure but also as a therapeutic agent. We are prepared to supply (through the retail drug trade) convenient packages of an appropriate vaccine (Influenza Mixed Vaccine, Lilly) both for immunizing against the disease and for its treatment. Very truly yours,


Pneumonia: If you can equalize the circulation and bring down that heart stroke to a safety limit promptly, you will cut that case short. Veratrum, quinine and belladonna in large and combined dosage will do it.-Bryce, Southern Clinic.

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-results remarkable, even beyond my expectations.

ANEDEMIN is truly a Medicinal Trocar in Dropsy from any cause."-From member State Board of Examiners.

-gave tablets as last resort to man 78 years of age dying with a very weak, irregular heart, general oedema, dyspnea, etc., and he made complete recovery."-From member State Board of Health.

-physicians can push ANEDEMIN without fear if the patient can stand the loss of effusion quickly, and it is equally as valuable in the cause, as in dropsical effusion."-From prominent Kentucky physician.

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-Anedemin tablets did everything you claimed for them. Seventeen days after I began using them I was able to leave the hospital where I had been for seven months. I am about ready to resume my practice."From a California physician.

Each physician may test it for himself. Clinical data, literature with exact formula, and samples sent on request.

ANEDEMIN CHEMICAL CO., Chattanooga, Tenn.

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Nujol-It is to be regretted that so many physicians regard constipation and the resulting stasis which accompanies it, as not deserving of careful intelligent treatment. It is also to be regretted that in the opinion of some physicians at least, mineral oil is regarded as more or less of a therapeutic fad. It does not require much time or though to enable anyone to realize that the prolonged sojourn of fermenting and putrefying material in the intestinal canal, must result in the increased liability to absorption of various and irritant toxic substances. The term auto-intoxication means something. How much it may be made to mean depends upon the attention that is given on the part of the doctor to a study of the subject. To prescribe in a routine manner some drug or combination of drugs to secure merely a movement of the bowels, is not to treat constipation and its sequellae, intestinal stasis and autointoxication intelligently or efficiently. The value of Nujol in overcoming constipation, preventing stasis, and removing the possibility of auto-infection has been thoroughly established. The makers of Nujol have planned and are now putting into execution a great educational campaign which is designed to emphasize three things-first, the importance of constipation as an etiological factor in the production

of disease; second, the danger of a common habit of taking medicine merely to force the bowels to act. and third, to emphasize and explain the value of Nujo! in overcoming constipation and training the bowels to act naturally. To this end, some very interesting and instructive literature has been prepared in the form of a number of booklets which should be in the hands of every physician, whether he be specialist of general practitioner. Any and all of these booklets will be sent to any physician gratis on receipt of name and address. Samples of Nujol will also be sent if desired.

The Effect of Stimulating Cell Nutrition-In many conditions of a chronic character improvement may be expected to follow the use of agents calculated to influence nutrition of the individual cells. Thus, if the cells be stimulated to better assimilation and elim ination, diseased states due to interference with these normal functions of the cellular constituents of the vital organs must of necessity undergo a change, for the underlying and continuing cause is being altered The drugs usually employed for this purpose are those termed the alteratives, an efficient representative of which class is Iodia (Battle). Iodia is a combination of iodide of potash with the active principles of the green roots of stillingia, helonias, saxifraga and menispermum. It has been found in severe clinical tests to exert an influence on the vital functions, the ex planation of its favorable effect being sought for in the stimulating action of its several constituents on the normal processes of the body's cells. In chronic gout and rheumatism, glandular diseases and chronic affections of the skin Iodia will offer evidence of its therapeutic value.

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Bayonet and Bond
-both kill!

ONE KILLS the Hun, the other kills

his hope. And to kill his hope of victory is as essential right now as to kill his fighting hordes. For while hope lasts, the Wolf of Prussia will force his subject soldiers to the fighting line.

We have floated other loans, built a great fleet of ships, sunk pirate submarines, sent our men across and shown the Kaiser's generals what American dash and grit and initiative can do. The Hun has felt the sting of our bullets and the

thrust of our bayonets. He is beginning
to understand America Aroused-to
dread the weight of our arms and energy.

This is a crucial moment. Nothing can
so smother the Hun morale, so blast his
hopes, as a further message from a
hundred million Freemen, a message that
says in tones that cannot be misunder-
stood, "Our lives, our dollars, our ALL
—these are in the fight for that Liberty
which was made sacred by the sacrifices
of our forefathers."

Buy U. S. Government Bonds Fourth Liberty Loan

Contributed through Division

of Advertising

United States Govt. Commission on Public Information

This space contributed for the Winning of the War by

THE MEDICAL HERALD, St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo.

When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention The Medical Herald.


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