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Balance of Power
in Pneumonia.

The physician throws the balance of
power against pneumonia when he
employs Antiphlogistine as the local ad-
juvant in treating this disease. He turns
the scales in the patient's favor and
increases his chances for recovery.


gives to nature that assistance which is
often sufficient to carry the patient
safely and comfortably over the crisis.

Antiphlogistine induces sleep and offers the
patient exactly what he absolutely requires-





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Lieut. H. R. Coleman, assistant surgeon, is now stationed at the Mare Island Base Hospital, San Francisco. He is a graduate of the University of Kansas Medical School, Rosedale. Before joining the navy, Lieutenant Coleman was house doctor at the Swedish Hospital in Kansas City.

Dr. R. S. Fillmore, Jr., of Corinth, Ia., has received his commission as first lieutenant in the Medical Officers' Reserve Corps, with orders to report at Fort Riley. Lieutenant Fillmore is a graduate of Washington University, St. Louis. He is 28 years old and married. He is a son of Dr. R. S. Fillmore of Blue Rapids, Kas.

Dr. R. H. Meade, Kansas City physician, now is a major in command of the regimental infirmary at Camp Funston. Doctor Meade received his captain's commission April 7 and entered the Medical Officers' Training Camp at Fort Riley June 12. At the end of his training, September 11, he was appointed regimental surgeon for the Three Hundred and Fiftyfourth Infantry. Last week came his promotion to the rank of major.

Ramon Guiteras, New York City; Harvard Medical School, 1883; aged 57; a Fellow of the American Medical Association; well known as a neurologist; a member of the American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, and American Urological Association; professor of venereal and genito-urinary surgery, New York Post-Graduate Medical School; well known internationally as a surgeon and big game hunter; died in the French Hospital, New York City, December 13, from meningitis.


News of the Month

Doctors who fail to report communicable diseases not only violate the law, but through their neglect help to spread disease.

Doctor, when you visit Kansas City, stop at the Coates House. Under new management. Rates reasonable. Take the New Broadway car direct from Union station to the hotel.

The American Purple Cross Association is an undertakers' organization, its object being to furnish volunteer aid in recovering, caring for, preserving, transporting and burying the bodies of those who die in the military or naval service of the United States.

First Municipal Syphilis Clinic in the United States-The health department of St. Louis will establish a free syphilis clinic under municipal control, where salvarsan will be administered free of charge. A campaign of education will be a feature of the plan to eradicate syphilis from the community.

To Rochester and the Mayo Clinic-With commendable enterprise the Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. is running a through sleeper from Kansas City to Rochester, Minn., and is the only line giving this service. Physicians sending patients to Rochester will be quick to take advantage of this accommodation, knowing the comfort afforded and time saved by such service.

A Minister of Public Health for Great Britain— The first step in a movement for the nationalization of the medical profession of England has been taken in the appointment of Sir Christopher Addison, M. P. as minister of reconstruction. Sir Addison has occupied the Chair of Anatomy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital and is a member of the faculty of medicine, editor of the Quarterly Medical Journal and author of many scientific works. He has been a member of parliament since 1910.

New Officers-At the eleventh annual meeting of the Southern Medical Association, held in Memphis, Tenn., November 12 to 15, the following officers were elected: president, Dr. Lewellys F. Barker, Baltimore; vice-presidents, Drs. William H. Deaderick, Hot Springs, Ark., and Thomas C. Holloway, Hazard, Ky., and secretary, Dr. Seale Harris, Birmingham, Ala.; acting secretary, Dr. James R. Garber, Birmingham, Ala.; editor of the Southern Medical Journal, Dr. Marye Y. Dabney, Birmingham, Ala., and chairman of the executive council, Dr. Henry H. Martin, Savannah, Ga. Asheville, N. C., was selected as the place of meeting for 1918. On Sunday, the day before the opening of the convention, the pulpits of the city were filled by medical men.

Hospital Unit Mobilizes-Hospital Unit K, Council Bluffs, was mobilized at Fort Porter, N. Y., November 14, and is being equipped for service. This unit consists of twelve medical officers, one head nurse, twenty female nurses and fifty enlisted men. The medical personnel consists of the following re serve officers: Major Donald Macrae, Jr., director, Council Bluffs; Capts. F. Earl Bellinger, general surgery, Council Bluffs; John W. Shuman, chief medical officer, Sioux City; Louis L. Henninger, eye, ear, nose and throat, Council Bluffs, and Chalmers A. Hill, orthopedic surgery, Council Bluffs; Lieuts. John S. McAtee, genito-urinary surgery, Robert S. Moth, adjutant, medical, and Louis E. Hanisch, general surgery, Council Bluffs; Aldis A. Johnson, pathologist and bacteriologist, and George P. Pratt, medical, Omaha; Robert C. Crumpton, medical, Webster City, and Albert E. Sabin, medical, Kirkman.

The Melting Pot

¶ Will the great war send our surgeons home to hunger for bloody operations, or will they be sick of the sight and smell of blood?

¶ Percussion over an aneurysm is very local-punctate; the tumor being rounded and more or less covered with lung.-Medical Times.

¶ Narcomania: After we straighten up the physical man and straighten out the crooked mind, what will we have to build on in the future?-C. B. Towns, Medical Review of Reviews.

Inequality of the pupils with absence of light reflex is very common in fatal cases of fractured skull, while comparatively rare in cases that recover.— M. Cohen, Amer. Jour. Surgery.

In pneumonia the cause of death is very frequently acidosis, and the value of the fresh-air treatment may be partly in improved oxidation and prevention of rebreathing.-N. E. Medical Gazette.

¶ A pathognomonic phenomenon of vagotonia is, great increase in eosinophiles, relative increase of lymphocytes and relative decrease of polynuclear cells. Von Dziembowski, Am. Jour. Clin. Med.

¶ We have through insufficiency of the pancreas and adrenals one of the most marked early symptoms of tuberculous infection, loss of strength.-Sajous, N. Y. M. J. (How about the early debility of carcinoma?)

Acute cardiac diseases, as endocarditis and dilatation from strain, are associated with low blood pressure; as are diarrhea, dysentery, exhausting purgation and vomiting.-A. G. Brown, Charlotte Med. Jour. ¶ We are told that N. S. Davis never deigned to use a clinical thermometer. It is difficult to believe that so great clinician could be so backward-but how about those of us who do not utilize the x-ray and the cystoscope?

¶ Renal tuberculoses come to the doctor for persistent bladder distress, frequent and painful urination.McClaren. The diagnosis is made by finding T. B. in the urine, by sediment or guinea pig test.-F. S. Crockett, Ur. and Cutan. Review.

1 Appendices have been removed, gall stones and ureteral colics diagnosed, gastric conditions seen, all due to referred pains from diseased seminal vesicles and cured by seminal massage, instillations, rectal douches, sitz baths, etc.-E. W. White, Ur. and Cutan. Review.

It is less than 25 years since Garretson, the father of oral surgery, was in his prime; yet he did not accept the "germ theory" or believe in surgic cleanliness; every operative contracted erysipelas-and he cured every last one of them, even after resections of the superior maxillary.

A new sign of life has been discovered by Tashiro. By a method elaborated by himself he was able to detect the escape of carbon dioxide from a bit of nerve tissue, and to show that no such emanation occurs from dead nerve tissue.-Medical Review of Reviews.

¶ Senile nephritis: The first symptom will often be languor, then mental depression, evidences of toxemia, face flushed at night, tongue coated, breath malodorous, temporal artery tortuous and visibly pulsating, cramps in calves, dead fingers, cold legs, short breath, drowsiness, sleepy by day, not at night; irritable, uncleanly.-M. W. Thewlis, Medical Review of Reviews.

¶ Falconer describes a fatal form of malaria charac terized by dysentery, the stools containing neither blood nor mucus.-Lancet.

¶ Healthy kidneys secrete exactly the same amount of urea; if one is diseased its excretion is diminished. -H. H. Morton, Medical Times.

¶ Intussusception: The tumor felt by rectum could well be omitted for many early cases slip by because of not finding it, and lives are lost.-Kimpton.

¶ Pregnancy: The Abderhalden test is subject to possibilities of error that render it too uncertain to become practical.—Rittenhouse, Am. Jour. Clin. Med. ¶ Strophulus, an urticaria, is the expression of autointoxication from ferments produced by some disturb ance in the gastro-intestinal tract.-Fischkin, Am. Jour. Clin. Med.

The symptoms of various brain lesions and the numerous functional disturbances causing psychoses may have the same syndromes.-S. C. Gibson, Western Med. Times.

¶ Obstruction of the pyloric end of the stomach has vomiting as its commonest symptom, and dilatation of the stomach as its most frequent sign.-Schorer, Medicine and Surgery.

¶ An obstinate localized crepitus is always suspicious. Have the patient stoop forward, pulling the shoulders forward so as to uncover the region usually covered by the scapula, and listen there for a rale too slight to be detected otherwise.

¶ Incision through the unbroken skin for the sake of diagnosis is seldom admissible. No more efficacious way of favoring metastasis and speedily converting an operable into an inoperable cancer, could have been thought of.-American Medicine.

¶ Bacillary dysentery: Incubation within 48 hours; onset sudden, fever, abdominal pain; frequent stools of mucus, blood later; coated tongue, tenesmus; colon tender, abdominal radiating cramps; pulse fast feeble, thready; urine scanty, albuminous; painfully and seriously ill.-G. M. Niles, Medical Fortnightly. ¶ Chest pains may be due to neuralgia, fascial rheu matism, neuritis, pleurisy, neuroma, aneurism, cancer ataxia, spinal disease, bronchitis, mitral disease, my algia, aortic disease, dyspepsia, diabetes, herpes zos ter, angina pectoris, pseudoangina, tuberculosis, gou or syphilis.-Medical Summary. Add mediastina abscess.

¶ Hemorrhage from the venous sinuses may be s rapid as to render the latent period too short fo notice or even absent. Compression symptoms be come rapidly pronounced. The patient becomes u conscious, with full pulse and stertorous breathing soon to develop the rapid feeble pulse and Cheyen Stokes respiration and paralytic symptoms, precu ors of death if not operated.-T. A. Davis, Illino Medical Journal.

¶ Despite a negative Wassermann, Earp diagnosed glycosuria as of syphilitic origin and placed the p tient on potassium iodide in full doses. One wee later the Wassermann was positive. Mercury be zoate hypodermically was added, and the glycosur subsided.--Western Medical Times. (Possibly tl iodide attacked some old specific indurations and s free into the blood enough of the toxic bodies to a ford the positive reaction. If this hypothesis plausible we might with advantage employ this trea ment in cases where the clinical evidences warra a strong suspicion of syphilis but the Wassermann negative.)

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Kohiyar finds a sign of leprosy in hypertrophy of the nipple; 89 per cent of cases.

Simultaneous sterility and amenorrhea in married women are rather of rare occurrence.-S. Brothers, American Medicine.

Renal tuberculosis is at first unilateral-early symptoms are, renal pain, emaciation, debility, turbid urine, cystitis.-Rousing.

The college graduate has arrived. Even in farming he now beats the practical but illiterate practician out of his boots.-Waugh.

There are ten ways of spreading diseases-the ten fingers. Typhoid fever-fingers in the mouth are responsible for much of it.-Goler.

Smithies says there is no one dependable clinical sign of gastric cancer. The x-ray is of distinct value in detecting early carcinoma.-N. Y. M. J.

"Atropine enables us to distinguish between true and false slow pulse; in the former no change follows injection of a full dose.-Le Monde Medical.

'Persistent unilateral pyelitis may be kept up by a calculus partially obstructing the ureter but giving 20 other symptoms.-E. M. Watson, Buffalo, N. M. J.

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The value of the teeth as an aid in the diagnosis of certain morbid states, notably bone and joint lesions, is very much underrated.-P. W. Roberts, N. Y. M. J.

Gastric cancer: It is wisest to suspect cancer in every patient over 35 years of age in whom symptoms have persisted for a few weeks.-A. Bassler, N. Y. Medical Journal.

Tubercular is distinguished from syphilitic testis by the seat in the epididymia, purulent disintegration of the focus and presence of tubercle bacilli.-RaVogli, Jour.-Rec. Med.

The majority of our diagnostic errors are sins of omission, the results of insufficient study or incomplete physical examinations.-W. B. Thorning, Journal-Record of Medicine.

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Acute osteomyelitis: Frequently we find that two or three weeks previously there has been influenza, tonsilitis, bronchitis, or perhaps an ingrowing toenail.-W. B. Thorning, Jour.-Rec. Med.

Many physicians adopt some one ointment and apply it whenever they use any ointment-for everything that appears. Less consideration is given to this class of remedies than to any other.

In osteomyelitis but one locality is usually involved and the leucocytosis, 25,000 to 40,000, is higher than in rheumatism. Correct diagnosis very largely depends on correct observation in physical examination. -W. B. Thorning, Jour.-Rec. Med.

Clinical symptoms of early diphtheria: Gradual onset; low temperature at first and often so throughout; nasal discharge, ichorous or bloody; swelling of cervical lymphatic glands; albuminuria; early persistent croup with fever.-J. S. Ragan, Medical World. Gastric ulcer: Pain is gnawing or burning, felt a few moments after eating, in paroxyms; or regularly recur within an hour after meals; with nausea, regurgitation or vomiting. Hyperchlorhydria is almost invariable. Hemorrhage in 50 per cent.-Woldert,

N. Y. M. J.

Scabies and pediculosis are the only two itching diseases that may be "caught."

¶ Bandage a swelled testicle with a rubber bandage and you will never apply adhesive straps to one again. ¶ Inequality of pupils with absence of light reflex is very common in fatal cases of skull fracture, rare in cases that recover.-M. Cohen, Am. Jour. Surgery. ¶ He must be indeed an erudite physician who can not gather from Ellingwood's work on Therapeutics enough to repay him amply for its cost.-Med Summary.

The chief site of the protective and healing principles--immunity principles-is the very place where the blood corpuscles are formed.-A. E. Campbell, Chi. Med. Rec.

¶ A careful estimate places the percentage of altruists in the community at about 99 per cent for women and 1 per cent for males. Bryan please copy -and heed.

Tonsils should not be removed unless there is some special indication, before four years of age. "Why remove them at all if there is no special indication?" -Med. Summary.

Every wise man after fifty ought to begin to lessen at least the quantity of his food, particularly meat, at last descending even into a child's diet.-A. E. Campbell, Chi. Med. Rec.

¶ Do no surgery during pregnancy that can possibly be avoided; but do not omit any surgery that is genuinely necessary.-Ochsner.

¶ Pyelitis occurs more often in women at or near the age of 24 years, and at the fifth month of pregnancy. -R. A. Scott, Ill. Med. Jour.

¶ A mental diagnosis should be made to represent disease entities rather than pure symptomatic phenomena.-M. A. Bahr, West. Med. Times.

¶ Clinical histories strongly suggest that gastric cancers most frequently arise from chronic, calloused, gastric ulcer, clinically benign.-F. Smithies, Ill. Med. Jour.

¶ Exploratory excisions through the skin to diagnose cancer are very risky and should be done cautiously and in a strictly scientific manner if at all.-W. S. Bainbridge, Medical Record.

¶ Bromidrosis: Sol. ferri chlor. gm. 30, glycerin gm. 10, ol. bergamot gm. 20; M. S. Bathe feet in warm water, dry thoroughly and apply to soles and between toes.-Zwightman, Med Summary.

¶ Roosevelt is everlastingly right-the way, the only way-to prevent war is to be so thoroughly prepared for it that the other fellows will think twice before commencing the fight and then not do it.

¶ Renal pain may indicate renal disease, or come from the appendix, gall-bladder, hepatic and splenic colon flexures, retroperitoneal growths or an OCcasional psoas abscess.-E. M. Watson, Buffalo Med. Journal.

¶ When an anal fistula runs too far up for safe section, run a rubber cord through it, draw tightly and clamp; it will cut through painlessly in a few days and heal behind the cut.

¶ We believe that like produces like, and that society must at all hazards protect its breeding stock. Society must look at germ plasms as belonging to society, and not alone to the individual who carries it.C. B. McNairy, Charlotte Med. Jour.


Louis Syberkrop of Creston has acquired much fame in recent weeks as an author of a satire on Kaiser Wilhelm. Requests have come to him from Tumulty, Secretary Daniels and Roosevelt, and people in every state of the Union and in Canada have asked for copies of Mr. Syberkrop's article. It is as follows:

The Infernal Regions, June 28, 1917. To Wilhelm Von Hohenzollern, King of Prussia, Emperor of all Germany and

Envoy Extraordinary of Almighty God: My Dear Wilhelm:

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I can call you by that familiar name for I have always been very close to you, much closer than you could ever know.

From the time that you were yet an undelveloped being in your mother's womb, I have shaped your destiny for my own purpose.

In the days of Rome I created a roughneck known in history as Nero; he was a vulgar character and suited my purpose at that particular time. In these modern days a classic demon and efficient supercriminal was needed and as I know the Hohenzollern blood, I picked you as my special instrument to place on earth an annex of hell. I gave you abnormal ambition, likewise an over-supply of egotism that you might not discover your own failings; I twisted your mind to that of a mad man with certain normal tendencies to carry you by, a most dangerous character placed in power I gave you the power of a hypnotist and a certain magnetic force that you might sway your people. I am responsible for the deformed arm that hangs helpless on your left, for your crippled condition embitters your life and destroys all noble impulses that might otherwise cause me anxiety, but your strong sword arm is driven by your ambition that squelches all sentiment and piety; I placed in your soul a deep hatred for all things English, for of all nations on earth I hate England most; wherever England plants her flag she brings order out of chaos and the hated Cross follows the Union Jack; under her rule wild tribes become tillers of the soil and in due time practical citizens; she is the great civilizer of the globe and I HATE HER. I planted in your soul a cruel hatred for your mother because SHE was English and left my good friend Bismarck to fan the flame I had kindled. Recent history proves how well our work was done. It broke your royal mother's heart, but I gained my purpose.

The inherited disease of the Hohenzollerns killed your father, just as it will kill you, and you became the ruler of Germany and a tool of mine sooner than I expected.

To assist you and farther hasten my work, I sent you three evil spirits, Nietzsche, Treitschke and later Bernhardi, whose teachings inflamed the youths of Germany, who in good time would be willing and loyal subjects and eager to spill their blood and pull your chestnuts, yours and mine; the spell has been perfect-you cast your ambitious eyes toward the Mediterranean, Egypt, India and the Dardanelles, and you began your great railway to Bagdad, but the ambitious archduke and his more ambitious wife stood in your way. It was then that I sowed the seed in your heart that blossomed into the assassination of the duke and his wife, and all hell smiled when it saw how cleverly you saddled the crime on to Serbia. I saw you set sails for the fjords of Norway and I knew you would prove an alibi. How cleverly done, so much like your noble grandfather, who also secured an assassin to remove old King Frederick of Denmark, and later robbed that country of two

provinces that gave Germany an opportunity to be come a naval power. Murder is dirty work, but it takes a Hohenzollern to make away and get by.

Your opportunity was at hand; you set the world on fire and bells of hell were ringing; your rape on Belgium caused much joy, it was the beginning the foundation of a perfect hell on earth, the de struction of noble cathedrals and other infinite works of art was hailed with great joy in the infernal re gions. You made war on friends and foe alike and the murder of civilians showed my teachings had borne fruit. Your treachery toward neutral nations hastened a universal upheaval, the thing I most de sired. Your undersea warfare is a master stroke. from the smallest mackrel pot to the great Lusitania you showed no favorites; as a war lord you stand supreme, for you have no mercy; you have no consideration for the baby clinging to its mother's breast as they both go down into the deep together. only to be torn apart and leisurely devoured by sharks down among the corals.

I have strolled over the battlefields of Belgium and France. I have seen your hand of destruction everywhere; it's all your work, super-fiend that I made you, I have seen the fields of Poland; now a wilderness fit for prowling beasts only; no merry children in Poland now; they all succumbed to frost and starvation-I drifted down into Galicia where formerly Jews and Gentiles lived happily together; I found but ruins and ashes; I felt a curious pride in my pupil, for it was all above my expectation. I was in Belgium when you drove the peaceful population before you like cattle into slavery; you sepa rated man and wife and forced them to hard labor in trenches. I have seen the most fiendish rape committed on young women and those who were forced into maternity were cursing the father of their offspring and I began to doubt if my own inferno was really up to date.

You have taken millions of dollars from innocent victims and called it indemnity; you have lived fat on the land you usurped and sent the real owners away to starvation. You have strayed away from all legalized war methods and introduced a code of your own. You have killed and robbed the people of friendly nations and destroyed their property. You are a liar, a hypocrite and a bluffer of the highest magnitude. You are a part of mine and yet you pose as a personal friend of God. Ah, Wilhelm, you are a wonder. You wantonly destroy all things in your path and leave nothing for coming generations.

I was amazed when I saw you form a partnership with the impossible Turk, the chronic killer of Christians, and you a devout worshipper in the Lutheran church. I confess, Wilhelm, you are a puzzle at times. A Mohammedan army commanded by German officers, assisting one another in massacreing Christians is a new line of warfare. When a Prussian officer can witness a nude woman being disemboweled by a swarthy Turk, committing a double murder with one cut of his saber, and calmly stand by and see a house full of innocent Armenians locked up, the house saturated with oil and fired. then my teachings did not stop with you, but have been extended to the whole German nation. I confess my satanic soul grew sick and there and then I knew the pupil had become the master. I am a back number, and, my dear Wilhelm, I abdicate in your favor. The great key of hell will be turned over to you. The gavel that has struck the doom of damned souls since time began is yours. I am satisfied with what I have done; that my abdication in your favor is for the very best interests of hellin the future I am at your majesty's service. Af fectionately and sincerely, Lucifer H. Satan.

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