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House Obstetrician.

The Willows Maternity Sanitarium




HE WILLOWS MATERNITY SANITARIUM is a modern and up-to-date Sanitarium and Hospital devoted to the seclusion and care of unfortunate young women. It offers to the medical fraternity an ethical and Christian solution to one of the difficult problems of the profession. The Sanitarium extends to these young women protection and seclusion in congenial and home-like surroundings before confinement, as well as providing efficient medica and hospital care during delivery and convalescence.

The Willows has been located, planned and especially equipped for seclusion maternity work. It is strictly modern, having steam heat, electric lights, gas and baths with hot and cold water. The patients' rooms are light, airy and furnished for home-like comfort as well as hospital convenience. The dining service has been especially planned for the work and wholesome, nourishing and well cooked meals are served.

The Hospital equipment is complete and modern, having been installed for this particular work. It includes two specially fitted Confinement Chambers, sterilizing rooms, massage room, diet kitchen and necessary drug and linen rooms.

The Sanitarium is open to any reputable physician to handle his own high-grade cases in it. When the physician is not accessible to The Willows or finds it otherwise impractical to care for his case, Dr. John W. Kepner, House Obstetrician, will handle it. The mothers and babies are attended by a corps of efficient, specially trained nurses.

Entering early in gestation is important for preparing the patient for accouchement through systematic, hygienic methods and massage. Patients may enter as early as they desire. A special system of abdominal and perineal massage has been devised and has proven very successful in the prevention of Striae Gravidarum and as an aid to labor.

The care of the babies is one of the important features of The Willows' work. The Nursery is modernly equipped and no reasonable expense is spared in the babies' care. When such arrangements are made the institution assumes the entire responsibility of the child, keeping it until a good home can be found where the child will be legally adopted.

The Willows Maternity Sanitarium has accommodations meeting the requirements of the most fastidious as well as others for those patients whose means are limited. tanding the many advantages of its services, the charges are reasonable.

Send for new 80-page booklet.

The Willows

But, notwith

2929 Main Street,

When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention the Medical Herald

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Nineteen hundred years ago,
Came a message sweet and low.
O'er an infant's humble birth,
Fell a new strain to the earth.
Angels sang the chorus then,
"Peace on earth, good will to men."

Since that dim and distant time
War has been in every clime;
Earth has been submerged in blood
Of a common Brotherhood.'
But a few are singing still,
"Peace on earth, to men good will."

In this later, brighter day,

Are we nearer peace than they?
Still our soil with blood is wet
War is round about us yet.
Will the carnage ever cease?
Yet we hear the Song of Peace.

It will come! "Tis not a dream, Through the darkness shines a gleam. 'Tis a glimpse, a prophecy

Of the years that are to be.

Of the new time come to birth;
Of the dawn of peace on earth.

Nineteen hundred years ago
Came a message sweet and low.
And that song by angels sung
Through the centuries still has rung.
Hark! It rises once again,
Sweeter, clearer now than then,
"Peace on earth, good will to men."
-Author Unknown.

A Profitable Investment - - Attention is called to the announcement in this issue of the Mason Oil and Gas Company whose wells are located in the Paola, Miami County, Kansas, field. The men who are interested in this company are well known and have wide experience in oil business. The company is incorporated under the laws of Kansas and Missouri and authorized by the Missouri Bank Commissioner to sell stock, all of which is common, fully paid and non-assessable. Physicians who are interested in a safe investment are invited to write to the company for full particulars. Mason Oil and Gas Company, Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri.

Economics of Nutrition-In cases where intensive feeding of an organism debilitated by disease or injury is called for, the requirements are, that the food that is administered should possess a high caloric value, be easily digested, and fully assimilated. It should contain the essential food elements in proper proportions and should be palatable. Finally, it is desirable, for ease of administration, that such a food be in soluble form, and also that it be aconomical. All these conditions are complied with in Ovaltine, marketed by The Wander Co., Dept. 10, 23 N. Franklin St., Chicago, a food preparation which, in addition to pure malt extract and milk, contains eggs scientifically prepared in their natural raw state. The caloric value of this preparation is about three times that of beef quantity for quantity. It is far superior to that of any of its constituents separately, and the nutritive value of the preparation is being attested by medical officers of the British, French, and Russian armies. The Wander Company has published an interesting booklet entitled, "The Economics of Nutrition," which will be sent on request.

White Mice Will Be Drafted by U. S. to Battle Pneumonia

New Orleans, La., Dec. 29.-All white mice in the country are to be commandeered for government purposes if plans of the Red Cross announced here are adopted. It is purposed to use the rodents in a medicinal way to fight pneumonia in cantonments.— United Press Wire in K. C. Post.

Neutral Sodium Soap-For some time Dr. Alexis Carrel has been using, in the War Demonstration Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute, for the cleansing of wounds a liquid sodium soap-a neutral sodium oleate. This has been employed with most satisfactory results. This soap is used to scrub out an infected wound. A little of it is applied to a pledget of cotton, held with a dressing forceps, and the wound scrubbed with it, more soap being applied to the cotton from time to time until there is a good lather. The wound is scrubbed in this way from the center to the periphery, the soap finally being washed away with water, after which the indicated antiseptic is applied, as, for instance, Chlorazene Surgical Cream. Neutral Sodium Soap, prepared to meet Doctor Carrel's indications, has been placed on the market by The Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, and is now offered to the medical profession. This firm is also prepared to supply Chlorcosane, the new simple solvent for Dichloramine-T, recently introduced by Drs. Dakin and Dunham. This is free from taste or odor, and is nonirritant, making a solution which is more stable than has heretofore been obtainable, and requiring no admixture or dilution with other substances.

The Great American Habit-"The great American habit" said a prominent physician a short time ago, "is neither rapid eating, nor dining 'too wisely and well.' These are evils, to be sure, but the one great habit to which most Americans are addicted is the routine use of laxatives and cathartics. Is it any wonder some European doctor has said we are a nation of constipationists! Why, physic has become only a little less necessary than the oxygen we breathe." How true all this is, most physicians of broad experience will readily agree. Physic the first thing in the morning. physic before or after each meal, and physic the last thing at night! And only one purpose throughout, to move the bowels. Never a thought in regard to regulating them. This is the pity of the whole situation, for instead of getting relief and correcting constipation, the average person is simply becoming more and more a slave to the cathartic habit. To a certain extent this is not surprising for the great majority of remedies are simply "movers" not "regulators." It was recognition of this fact that led to the preparation of Prunoids. Here is a remedy that is much more than a physic. Used as the physician's judgment will dictate, according to the needs of each patient, Prunoids will not only move the bowels satisfactorily without the least griping or disagreeable effect but will so stimulate the physiologic processes of the intestinal tract that evacuations will become natural and regular. It is the notable efficacy of Prunoids in correcting intestinal torpidity and restoring functional activity of the bowels that has led so many physicians to prefer this remedy to all others for the relief and permanent correction of chronic constipation. They have learned that the use of Prunoids offers a means not alone of correcting constipation, but what is especially gratifying, of curing "the great American habit."

Silvol: a Useful Germicide-The signal property of silvol is its germicidal and non-irritating effect on This inflamed and infected mucous membranes. notable proteid-silver compound contains approximately 20 per cent. of metallic silver. It is nontoxic. It is freely soluble in water, and its solutions do not require filtration. It does not coagulate albumin, and it is not precipitated by proteids or alkalies. It stains less than other proteid-silver combinations. Silvol may be used in the treatment of infected and inflamed mucous membranes in strengths ranging from 2 to 50 per cent. It has been suggested that the addition of a small proportion of glycerin to silvol solutions will prevent them from spreading too freely over the surfaces to which they are applied; that the glycerinized solution forms a thin film over the surface that does not immediately dry off. In other words the glycerin "holds" the silvol to the spot. Silvol has been successfully used in the treatment of nasal and pharyngeal inflammations, both acute and chronic. One practitioner reports his experience with a 20-per cent solution of silvol in over five hundred cases of various nasal, laryngeal and ear diseases. The solution was used either as a spray, instillation, or topical application. An eastern specialist reports gratifying success with silvol in the treatment of twenty-five cases of antral infection. The treatment consisted in first irrigating the sinus with normal salt solution, then injecting it as nearly full as possible with a 10-per cent solution of silvol, repeating daily. Usually the cases cleared up in less than a week, often within three or four days. Another writer observed most striking results in tracheitis and bronchial asthma. In these cases a 10 per cent solution was applied twice a week. A prominent urologist reports the successful use of silvol in one hundred cases of posterior urethritis, gonorrheal in origin. A 10 per cent solution was applied, once a day, to the posterior urethra with an Ultzmann syringe, and each patient received a supply of the same solution for home use, to be applied two or three times a day. Results from the use of silvol in the treatment of eye diseases are highly favorable. A well known ophthalmologist says: "My clinical observations of silvol evidenced to me that in all forms of acute conjunctivitis, acute epidemic to acute gonorrheal, this product is a powerful bactericide, apparently absolutely non-irritating; even in a solution of 50 per cent used as frequently as every fifteen minutes, day and night, for a period of three days." An experienced surgeon makes the assertion that silvol is a better application in ophthalmia of the new-born than silver-nitrate. It can be used with less risk and the writer thinks he can control any case with it. Silvol is supplied in the following forms: Ounce

bottles; six-grain capsules, bottles of fifty; Vaginal Suppositories of silvol, 5 per cent., boxes of one dozen; silvol ointment, 5 per cent., collapsible longnozzled tubes, two sizes; silvol bougies, 5 per cent., boxes of 25 and 100.

Illumined Insert-The enterprising firm of Eli Lilly & Co., has an attractive four-page insert in this issue, to which we call our readers attention. You will be repaid for your time if you read each page carefully.

Malt Nutrine is a Preparation of Malt-That is to say, barley treated with pure filtered water, and hops which is a so-called bitter tonic of ancient and established reputation. Owing to its composition, its freedom from impurities or irritating substances, and its remarkably low alcohol contents (1.9 per cent), Malt Nutrine presents a liquid food that is as efficacious as it is pleasant. The idea of employing barley and hops for supplying strength to the feeble and for increasing the strength of the strong is one of great antiquity, yet one that has hardly been superseded by any other food tonic in the peculiar conditions for which it is particularly applicable. Malt Nutrine has been found a galactogog of great merit, and also it is a reconstructive in convalescence from acute and wasting diseases. In short, it may be put to a large variety of uses in all of which it is dependable. For particulars write to Anheuser-Busch, of St. Louis.

Seasonable Logic-In disposing of fluids accumulated in the tissues, the rational idea is, to administer such agents as exert diuretic properties and also act as a cardiac stimulant increasing the heart force. In the combination known as Anedemin the physician has at his command a powerful agent which serves this double purpose. Under the administration of Anedemin the kidney action is generally increased while the cardiac muscle is subjected to a definite and lasting augmentation of tone. This therapeutic combination enables the water-logged tissues to free themselves of the accumulated fluids, if this be at all possible, and reduces to a minimum the possibility of recurrence of the dropsical condition. A marked advantage of Anedemin is, the absence of cumulative effect. Thus it can be pushed for effect and this be maintained. Elsewhere in this issue the advertisement of Anedemin appears giving a more detailed explanation of the product. Anedemin Chemical Co., manufacturers, solicit test by physicians and mail without any cost on request a liberal quantity of Anedemin tablets free. Their address is Chattanooga, Tenn.

¶ Barbers' itch: In obstinate cases the x-ray or cataphoresis with 1 to 2 per cent aqueous iodine solution is used.-O. L. Levin, Med. Rec.

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In every step in the manufacture of Mellin's Food there is constantly in view the ultimate object of making a product of definite composition

to Accomplish a Definite Purpose.

This purpose is to furnish certain food elements which, when added to cow's milk, make it a suitable food for an infant. The food elements in Mellin's Food-carbohydrates (maltose and dextrins), proteins and salts -when dissolved in water and added to cow's milk so change the balance of nutrition in cow's milk that the resulting modification presents fat, proteins, carbohydrates and salts in the proportion needed

for the Development of Infantile Life.

The success of Mellin's Food, therefore, depends not upon any one of the food elements of which it is made up, but upon the definite composition of "Mellin's Food as a whole" as a means to enable the physician to modify cow's milk to meet the requirements of infant feeding

in a Scientific, Rational and Efficient Manner.



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