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Would you speculate in OIL


You believed you had a reasonable chance for success


Now we are not offering a sure thing


If an investment in a small company operating in a new district where the wells are coming in with daily production of from 300 to 3000 barrels would look attractive to you


Read the adjoining pages and if you are game, we will certainly hear from you.

When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention The Medical Hrald


Stanhope, Stevenson, Bryden and other leases have had wells come in recently at reported productions of 300 barrels to 3,000 barrels daily.

No dry holes have as yet been reported at the deep sands.

Now consider the Hull No. 1 came in during the excitement at "Towanda" and the development in the Hull District was retarded by reason of being overshadowed by the "Gushers" at "Towanda.”

Development in the Hull District has been better recently and 12 producing oil wells with 6 drilling wells and no dry holes show the trend of thought among OIL MEN, not promoters.

Acreage has risen to from $250 to $500 per acre during the past 60 days, due to the new wells and their 300 to 3,000 barrel production.

Now would an investment in a small company owning 120 acres of leases in the heart of this district look GOOD TO YOU?


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Read this clipping from the Kansas
City Times of December 28, 1917:

for Dius under the plan.

A NEW OIL BOOM AT EUREKA. ic Striking of 500-Barrel Gusher Opens a New Kansas Field. EUREKA, KAS.. Dec. 27.-Oil interest al in Greenwood County increased today! it when it became known that the Midy Kansas Oil Company had brought in a s big oil well on its Bryden lease, ten e miles west of Eureka. The oil sand was struck yesterday at 2,345 feet and the e drill was sent through thirty-eight feet of e pay sand. The hole stands almost full of e oil and an attempt to bail it out pred paratory to shooting has proven futile,) s- as the oil comes in as rapidly as it can n be bailed out. Oil scouts say the well or is good for five hundred barrels settled n production. The Bryden well is one y mile northeast of the Hull No. 1, which nis making four hundred barrels on the r pump. It opens up a new territory n north and east of the proven field. The Flint Hills Petroleum Company is drilling an offset to the Bryden.


New York and Boston Curb Stocks.

This clipping is only one of a series of articles which have run in the Kansas City Times and Star on wells which have come in recently in this district.



Forty acres additional is tied up pending approval and will increase the holdings to 160 acres.

Remember, all oil is a gamble, the degree of chance is regulated by the desirability of the acreage to be drilled from the standpoint of the geology and proximity to production.

We believe it is better policy to get into a company of low capitalization operating in the heart of an infant pool, than to play, on the feather edge of old districts where the chances are more against you.

The Lexington Oil Corporation is capitalized at $100,000.

The shares are par value $1.00, non-assessable.

The officers and directors draw no salaries.

The company maintains no expensive offices.

No stockholder owns over 3,000 shares.

We prefer investments of $50 to $1,000.

We confidently think this property has better than a FiftyFifty chance.

The small capitalization means big profits should production be secured. The officers and directors are men of clean past reputations and can be relied upon to run the company honestly.

E. M. Taubman, President. President Commercial Bank of Lexington, Mo.
Read next page


When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention The Medical Herald


E. T. Stier, Vice-President. Merchant, Lexington, Mo.

"Ike" H. Noyes, Secretary-Treasurer. County Treasurer La Fayette County,

Ernest Hoffman, Director. Brewer, Ice Factory, etc., Lexington, Mo.

C. L. Wilson, Director. County Tax Collector, Lexington, Mo.

Prof. H. T. Phillips, Director. County Superintendent Schools, La Fayette County, Mo.

Dr. M. D. Wilson, Director. Lexington, Mo.

This Directorate is such as to merit your confidence in their integrity. Only 25,000 shares are being sold at $1.00. This will leave 25,000 shares unissued.

Part of the 25,000 shares have been sold, so you see you had best get busy if you are GAME and it LOOKS GOOD TO YOU.

Note the map. Every arrow points from production or drilling wells to our lease.

Since the map was compiled 5 new wells shown thereon as drilling have come in good producers. Several new rigs are up.

Now your judgment and ours may differ, so look it over and remember if we HIT BIG and you passed up this deal you will regret it.

Some FOOLS look for sure thing investments and find a SMOOTH SALESMAN who tells them they will get rich in 30 minutes and "BINGO" they fall for his line of talk and LOSE. What can they expect? No sure thing exists except death.

Other men wise to conditions pick their bets and take the chance-one or two winners make them fabulous profits on the entire bunch of bets made. To which class do you belong?

Do you realize one lucky speculation can make you more profit than a LIFETIME of endeavor, saving and slaving?

If not, you better wake up!

The MAN who will not speculate is worse than an AUTO THAT WON'T RUN, neither will climb the HILL.

Now, in our opinion, this stock is a GOOD GAMBLE! Above the ordinary. We believe it has better than even chances of GOOD BIG SUCCESS.

We feel confident this entire issue of 25,000 shares will be closed before long. You can afford to risk something.

You can't afford not to take a chance. Send your checks for not less than $10 or over $1,000 to


1012 Baltimore, Kansas City, Mo.

Fiscal Agents for The Lexington Oil Corporation.

N. B.-Note carefully Map on next page. You cannot pick any flaws in the Prospects for Production. Can you afford to speculate? Then take a chance!

When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention the Medical Herald


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Notes on Reliable Remedies

The Facts About the Origin of Malted Milk-In 1883, Horlick of Racine, Wis., discovered the process for reducing whole milk to a powder form, combined with the soluble extract of malted grain, and devised the name Malted Milk. This discovery was of great importance to humanity, since for the first time milk was reduced to a dry powder form, digestible, soluble in water, and would keep in any climate. There was no malted milk in the world, other than Horlick's for nearly twenty years-and during this time Horlick's shipped to Europe large quantities of their product. When Horlick's had made Malted Milk a success, various imitations then appeared upon the market. Thousands of physicians know the above facts, and are very careful always to prescribe the "Original."

The Pneumonia Convalescent-In spite of all of the modern advances in scientific therapy, and the improvements in the general handling and management of acute infectious diseases, acute lobar pneumonia still deserves the title ascribed to it by Osler: "The Captain of the Men of Death." There are, however, especially during the Fall and Winter months, many cases of the lobular or irregular pneumonia that so often complicates or follows la grippe. When this condition supervenes it is more than likely to follow a subacute or chronic course and convalescence is frequently long delayed. Under such circumstances, in conjunction with treatment designed to hasten resolution, a general blood tonic and vitalizing agent helps materially to shorten the convalescent period. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is of much value in this field, because it not only increases the solid elements of the blood, but also acts as a true tono-stimulant to the organism generally. As Pepto-Mangan is free from irritant properties and constipating action, it is especially serviceable in the reconstructive treatment of the devitalizing following the pneumonia of the aged.

American Veronal-In the Trading with the Enemy Act recently passed by Congress, provision was made for the licensing of American manufacturers by the Federal Trade Commission to produce articles and substances patented in this country by enemy aliens. Already a number of chemical manufacturers have taken advantage of this provision, among them The Abbott Laboratories of Chicago, which has applied for and secured a license for the maunfacture of Veronal, which, however, will be known hereafter by the name Barbital. This is the official name given it by the Federal Trade Commission, and this name must be used as the principal title by every firm manufacturing it under license from our government. The Abbott Laboratories have already begun the manufacture of Barbital (formerly known as Veronal), and we understand that in short time it expects to have an abundant supply of this well known hypnotic, and that it will be made generally available through the trade. The quality of the product is guaranteed. Indeed, before a license is granted for the manufacture of any of these patented synthetics in the United Sattes, the product must be submitted to rigid investigation at the hands of a chemist designated by the Federal Trade Commission. In this way Americans are assured of supplies of the Americanmade products at reasonable prices, and the manufacture of fine American chemicals is given the stimulus which it requires. Those interested are urged to communicate with The Abbott Laboratories, Chicago.

The Pain of Acute Cystitis-In the relief of the pain and frequency of desire to urinate in acute cystitis, Papine (Battle) will be found an effective and trustworthy agent. Possessing marked analgesic properties, and yet subjecting the patient to a minimum of disagreeable after-effects Papine (Battle) is a preparation entitled to the physician's most careful consideration. Its analgesic properties depend upon a uniform quantity of purified opium. In preparing it the utmost care has been used to insure uniformity, potency and reduced untoward effects. In all pains in the genito-urinary tract the physician has in Papine (Battle) an analgesic that can be depended upon fully.

Chronic Cardiac Disease-The patient with organic heart disease needs constant attention to his digestion and nutrition. A little falling off in the general vitality and the compensatory status of the heart may be lost forever. At the first sign of nutritional decline, therefore, Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp. should be given. This dependable tonic braces a wavering organism by reinforcing weakened functions. Thus it not only directly contributes to cardiac power, but what is vastly more important, materially reduces the stress under which a feeble heart constantly has to labor. In other words, while increasing the carrying power of the heart, it also decreases the burden.

Nervous Control After Drug Withdrawal-One of the serious problems presenting after the withdrawal of a habit-forming drug, is the marked nervous unrest. Control of this condition often taxes the medical man to the utmost. He wants to choose a sedative that will control the nervous symptoms and yet which will not subject the patient to depression of the various vital processes or lead him into a habit almost as bad as the one which he is endeavoring to quit. Pasadyne (Daniel) is of the highest service in this class of cases. It possesses pronounced sedative properties, without causing a subsequent depression, and will not produce a new habit. Pasadyne (Daniel) is simply a pure concentrated tincture of passiflora incarnata. It may be relied upon whenever a potent and safe sedative is needed. Samples may be had by addressing the laboratory of John B. Daniel, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.

The Most Effective Therapeutic Remedy for Nervous Diseases-In the treatment of many nervous diseases it not infrequently happens that the after-effects, or sequelae of the remedy are worse than the disease. This statement applies in particular to the bromides in the forms commonly employed. Valuable and effective as they are whenever a sedative or anti-spasmodic is needed, they must be prescribed with the utmost care and discretion, else the results, to put it mildly, may be unfortunate in the extreme. The physician therefore, cannot be too critical and cautious in selecting the preparation of the bromides he uses, especially if it must be given for any considerable period, Many men know the advantages of Peacock's Bromides but to those who do not it should be pointed out that this high grade product easily stands at the head of available bromide preparations not only in freedom from objectionable effects but also in therapeutic efficiency. Extended clinical experience has shown that owing to the purity and quality of the constituent salts, this combinatin does not upset the organs of digestion nor give rise to the highly disagreeable condition known as bromism. Physicians who use Peacock's Bromides know the satisfaction of accomplishing not only the results they seek, but without creating any disagreeable and annoying conditions which call for explanation and


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