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"Not even thyroid?" "Animal farceur!"

"And you make no local applications to the chest wall?" "Never."

"Then you are wrong. Listen."

And, being a willing listener, I listened. Some twenty years ago he had seen much hospital work in Paris. At that time in the treatment of pneumonia the practice of many of the French physicians was to blister the affected side, and he had satisfied himself that the cases thus treated did better than those in which the blistering was omitted, and he adopted the practice in England. After a time, however, largely on account of the objections urged by the patients and their friends to the pain and discomfort produced by the blisters, he rather reluctantly ceased to apply them and reverted to the "expectant" method in which he had been nutured. Time went by, and one day he received an advertisement of a preparation known as antiphlogistine, for which it was claimed that when applied to the affected side in pneumonia, either lobar or catarrhal, it had the effect of reducing the temperature, slowing the pulse-rate and promoting sleep without any additional treatment. With the memory of his blistering days full upon him, he decided to give it a trial. His experiences were such as to give him encouragement, and to bring him near to believing that not all men, not even all American advertisers, were necessarily liars. . . . I decided to turn my attention to the claims of antiphlogistine, which up to that time I confess to having regarded merely in the light of a convenient form of poultice, locally dehydrating, decongestioning and comforting, but probably innocent of any effect upon pulse rates and temperatures. Here again, one case in the history of my conversion must suffice. In November of last year a young Belgian of 20 years was admitted into the French hospital with a temperature of 104 deg., a quick bounding pulse, slight cough and severe pain in the left side. On admission physical examination was negative. The following day his nose bled, but neither I nor the resident-an experienced Belgian doctor-could detect any signs in the chest. That night he was delirious and coughed a great deal. On the following day he voided some sticky sputum which was typically rusty, and developed labial herpes. Physical examination now revealed the classical dullness and tubular breathing over the lower lobe of the left lung for which I had been looking. His temperature was 105 deg. At about 4 p. m. a gamgee jacket thickly spread with antiphlogistine was applied over the whole chest. The following morning his temperature was normal. Now, I do not pretend to explain these happenings, for the benefit of the openminded, I content myself with recording them. The clinician must protect himself against the sneers of the laboratorist. That we are unable to follow the processes by which a healing measure produces its effect is a sorry reason for discarding it. The search for a scientific explanation is a laudable and, academically, an interesting adventure, but in practice it is but a sleeveless errand. Trosseau, probably the greatest clinician of any time, has expressed in character

istically simple words the only position proper for us to adopt: "Je ne vois en therapeutique que deux choses: le medicament applique a l'organisme, et le resultat eloigne de cette application. Quant aux phenomenes intermediares, ils nous echappent, et nous echapperont probablement toujours." Who can explain the process by which digitalis works its wonders; and what advantageth him who can?

Doctor, Protect Your Bank Account-Following is a description of the "acid" method of "raising" a check, employed by clever forgers: After securing a genuine check the raiser employs bleaching acids, readily purchased at any stationery store, and against sale of which there is no law, to remove figures, written amount, date, number and anything else that is an obstacle to his successful operation. If the check happens to be expensive safety paper (with a lithographed design) he removes the design and restores it by careful "tinting," after the amount has been altered. He fills up perforations if necessary. He goes to any lengths to "land the money." Check raisers are extremely clever in imitating handwriting. Moreover, the writing on the amount line need not correspond to the writing of the signature. And, note carefully-he keeps the signature intact. Guard against this by using the "Dimunette" check protector; small, simple and cheap. See card in this issue.

Stearosan: Santal Oil in Improved Form-After a comparatively short course of treatment with santal oil the stomach sometimes rebels, and the patient suffers from such symptoms as gastric distress, anusea, disagreeable eructations and loss of appetite. This necessitates a discontinuance of the medica ment and means an annoyance to the physician and a loss to the patient. It was to obviate this-to secure the therapeutic virtue of oil of santal without its deleterious effects-that Stearosan was evolved. Stearosan is santalyl stearate santol combined with stearic acid-a true chemical compound, equivalent to about 50 per cent of santal oil. It is supplied by Parke, Davis & Co. in 10-minim elastic gelatin globules, in boxes of 25 and 100. The average dose is one globule immediately after each meal, to be increased to two or three as indicated. Stearosan does not tend to irritate the gastric mucosa, as it is soluble only in the alkaline medium of the intestinal tract. The therapeutic indications for it are the same as those for oil of santal-notably, chronic gonorrhea, cystitis, urethritis, bronchitis, bronchorrhea, etc. Psoriasis, urticaria and other skin disorders are also amenable to the influence of Stearosan. A complimentary package of Stearosan will be sent to any physician who wishes to test the therapeutic efficacy of the product. Requests should be addressed to Parke, Davis & Co., at their home offices and labora

Huxley's Cream-The last few years have wit nessed the increasing popularity of preparations of an analgesic character for the relief of pain and irritation. There have been placed upon the market a number of such products, and possibly the best of these is supplied in the form of Huxley's Cream. This preparation is not only pleasant and agreeable to use, but prompt and effective in action. It does not soil, can be easily removed, and can be used ad libitum. The ingredients of Huxley's Cream have been carefully chosen, properly combined, placed in a satisfactory medium, and Huxley's Cream offers therefore, an important aid to the busy physician. Samples and literature regarding this product may be obtained by addressing E. Fougera & Co., Inc., 90 Beekman Street, New York City.


In every step in the manufacture of Mellin's Food there is constantly
in view the ultimate object of making a product of definite composition
to Accomplish a Definite Purpose.

This purpose is to furnish certain food elements which, when added to
cow's milk, make it a suitable food for an infant. The food elements in
Mellin's Food-carbohydrates (maltose and dextrins), proteins and salts
-when dissolved in water and added to cow's milk so change the balance
of nutrition in cow's milk that the resulting modification presents fat,
proteins, carbohydrates and salts in the proportion needed

for the Development of Infantile Life.

The success of Mellin's Food, therefore, depends not upon any one of the food elements of which it is made up, but upon the definite composition of "Mellin's Food as a whole" as a means to enable the physician to modify cow's milk to meet the requirements of infant feeding

in a Scientific, Rational and Efficient Manner.



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Help Us
To Economize

The expenses connected with printing and publishing The Medical Herald have increased enormously. In addition to the increase in cost of paper, supplies and labor, the raising of the postal rates causes an increase in postage of 50 per cent. To send out bills for renewal subscriptions would cost us many hundred dollars. One half of this can be saved if the subscribers will remit without waiting to be billed by mail. Therefore, we shall not send out bills this month, as has been the custom in the past, but instead print below a coupon which can be used in making remittance. It is hoped that our subscribers will remit, voluntarily, thus making it unnecessary for us to go to the expense of sending bills. Those who pay for 1918 within 30 days from date, will have the choice of 25 valuable premiums. A list will be sent on request.



613 Lathrop Bldg.,

Kansas City, Mo.

Enclosed find $1.00 (Check, Money Order or One Dollar Bill) to pay for my subscription from date of expiration.



P. S.-You may send me list of premiums from which to make selection.

When Writing to Our Advertisers, Please Mention The Medical Herald

Casing Not Easily Obtained-One of the serious handicaps now experienced by oil men, in conducting operations, is a meager supply of well casing and pipe of all kinds. The demand for such material has been very strong for many months and the metalworking plants throughout the country have been unable to keep up with their orders for pipe. Some have had munition contracts to fill. As a result, many wells are on the waiting list, pending an increased supply of casing. Fortunately The Munger Securities Company, New York Life Bldg., this city, now has an ample supply and operations will begin as quickly as a rig can be obtained. An investment of only $25 to $125, payable $2.50 or $5 monthly under their plan, assures one an attractive and profitable country home as well as a splendid chance, according to Geologist Hatch, for striking oil in fortune making quantities. See announcements in the advertising pages.

A Sanitarium Grows-We are just in receipt of the very attractive catalogue of The Willows Maternity Sanitarium, of Kansas City, Missouri. The remarkable growth of this institution is worthy of comment. It had its beginning in a seven room house in 1905. It has grown steadily until now the sanitarium has a total of ninety-two rooms. The last addition of twenty-five rooms has recently been completed. The work of The Willows in caring for the better class of unfortunate young women and affording them another chance in life, is worthy of commendation. The care and personal interest shown by the executives of the sanitarium in placing the babies in desirable homes is an important feature of the work of The Willows. The success and growth of the sanitarium is largely due to its method of securing patients. Ethical physicians are conversant with the work of The Willows and recommend it as the solution of the problem for the unfortunate young woman. The management frankly credits the success of the sanitarium to the co-operation of the ethical members of the medical fraternity. The Willows Maternity Sanitarium is operated on a strictly ethical basis. The confinement chambers, sterilizing rooms, massage and examination, isolation and service rooms, drug closets, nurseries and refrigerator room are equipped with modern apparatus to meet the special needs of this work. A unique feature of the sanitarium plant is the roof garden nursery. This nursery is on the top of the new addition and is especially constructed to meet the extremes of winter and summer. Any desired temperature can be maintained during the coldest days of winter. In the summer, the windows can be opened full length thus providing an open air nursery. The roof garden nursery contains built-in tables, cabinets, linen closets, drug and apparatus closets, special porcelain bath slabs and

other modern conveniences. Any physician having a spare hour in Kansas City would find it interesting to pay The Willows a visit of inspection, and would find a cordial welcome.

The Roman Sign-The Romans, in signifying their approval, turned their thumbs up, or their disapproval by thumbs down. Physicians signify their approval of the medicinal value of a product also by signs. For instance, Rx Hayden's Viburnum Compound zi t. i. d. or as required, administered in hot water. This is the invariable sign of those physicians who are familiar with the therapeutic efficiency of Hayden's Viburnum Compound in Dysmenorrhea and other conditions where an antispasmodic is required. For over fifty years this product has been before the profession, which is the best sign of its approval, and this approval has only been gained through its dependable value wherever the original product is administered. It is not a narcotic, and the New York. Pharmaceutical Co., Bedford Springs, Bedford, Mass., would be glad to send you literature and samples for clinical purposes.

Treatment of Focal Infections-While it is the accepted treatment today to surgically remove foci of chronic infection by pus formers, this treatment alone is not always productive of the best results. It is granted that in an appreciable number of cases the amount of sepsis and toxemia present is not great and the resisting powers of the individual are on a high plane. However, in many cases the patient has been so exhausted by the chronic toxic states present that some additional treatment is necessary. Echtisia raises the opsonic index, overcomes the toxic and septic states present in the blood and tissues by increasing elimination of waste and its destructive powers on streptococci, staphylococci and other pus formers. The blood picture can at times be more rapidly improved by giving Echtisia than by giving iron. Echtisia stops the destruction of red cells and hemoglobin and so gives the blood-forming organs an opportunity to repair losses. Formula, further data and sample may be had from the Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Company, Cincinnati.


Quit your kicking-get a grip;
Push with all your might,
Start things at a merry clip,

Then keep them going-fight.
Put some ginger in your words,
Tackle something big;

Cast your worries to the birds,
Get right down and dig.

-Mark Hambleton.

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The Medical Herald

Incorporating the

Kansas City Medical Inder-Lancet

Subscription, $1.00 a year, in advance, including postage to any part of the United States, Mexico and Canada. Postage to foreign countries in the Universal Postal Union, including Newfoundland, 50 cents a year additional.

The Medical Herald aims to reflect the progress in the sciences of medicine and surgery, especially throughout the Missouri Valley and Southwest, the territory of its greatest distribution.

Concise and practical articles, news and reports of interesting cases invited, and should be type-written.

The privilege of rejecting any communication is reserved, and all papers accepted must be for exclusive publication in this magazine, unless otherwise arranged. To contributors of original articles a liberal number of copies of the Herald will be given (or mailed free of expense if addresses are furnished) and the publishers will furnish reprints at printers' cost, application for same to be made when proof is returned.

The editors are not responsible for the utterances of contributors or correspondents.

Illustrations will be furnished at reasonable rates, if drawings or photos are furnished.

Address all remittances, correspondence, articles for publication, books for review and exchanges to the Managing Editor.

Subscribers changing their addresses will please notify us promptly, as magazines cannot be forwarded without adding postage.

Advertising forms close on the 20th of each month. Time should be allowed for correction of proof.

Electrotypes and changes in advertising copy should be addressed to the Medical Herald, St. Joseph, Mo. Advertising rates on application to the Managing


Poetic Reprints-Do not mutilate your Medical Herald by tearing out any piece of poetry that may strike your fancy. Write to the Managing Editor, and he will send you a reprint. Reprints are made of all verse appearing in this magazine.

To Our Subscribers-You will confer a favor on the publishers by remitting promptly on receipt of statement. The amount is very small to each one, but the expense of sending out duplicate bills is quite heavy. Kindly report change of address promptly, giving old address as well as the new location.

(Entered at the St. Joseph P. O. as second class matter.)


Menstruation IIIs-The Martin H. Smith Co. has served the profession for a good many years, specializing in ergoapiol (Smith), a preparation that contains two active drugs the value of which in disorders, particularly of the female genital organs, is as great as are the difficulties in the way of producing a preparation that is active, gives the best possible therapeutic effects of the drugs, and is free from undesirable by-effects. These conditions are excellently met in ergoapiol (Smith) which all these years has maintained its position as a useful remedy in various disturbances of menstruation. The Martin H. Smith Company, New York City, is always ready to serve you with samples and literature.



Dr. T. W. Clark, Alliance, Ohio.

Dr. H. H. Deck, Kodiak, Alaska.
Dr. H. H. Francis, St. Joseph, Mo.

Dr. Philip L. McBreen, New Kensington, Pa.
Dr. H. E. Pace, Pontiac, Mo.

Dr. P. H. Proff, Dutton, Mont.

Dr. Jas. S. Sanders, So. Royalston, Mass.
Dr. T. P. Scott, St. Joseph, Mo.
Dr. Camille Simard, Quebec, Canada.
Dr. G. E. Stanley, St. Joseph, Mo.
Dr. F. G. Thompson, St. Joseph, Mo.
Dr. E. P. Van Arsden, St. Joseph, Mo.
Dr. E. R. Walker, Sedalia, Mo.
Dr. P. E. Williams, St. Joseph, Mo.

CAUTION! Whenever the true merit of

a preparation is authoritatively established, imitation is sure to make its pernicious appearance. To counteract the injurious results of another of these fraudulent proceedings-in this instance affecting firm name and reputation-Sander & Sons have been compelled to appeal to law, and in the action tried before the Supreme Court of Victoria, the testimony of a sworn witness revealed the fact that this witness suffered intense irritation from the application to an ulcer of the defendant's product, which was palmed off as "just as good as Sander's Eucalyptol." Sander & Sons had the satisfaction to obtain a verdict with costs against this imitator, who is perpetually restrained from continuing his malpractice. Dr. Owen, in a report to the Medical Society of Victoria, and Dr. J. Benjamin, in the Lancet, London, both denounced, as others did before, on the strength of negative results, the application of unspecified eucalyptus products.

This forms convincing proof that only an authoritatively sanctioned article can be relied on.

(Ecalypti Extract)

1. Has stood the test of Government investigation.

2. It was proved at the Supreme Court of Victoria by experts to be an absolutely pure and scientifically standardized prep


3. It is honored by royal patronage. 4. It always produces definite therapeutic results.

Therefore, to safegaurd the physicians' interest and to protect their patients, we earnestly request you to specify "Sander's Eucalyptol" when prescribing eucalyptus.

The Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., agents, will forward one original package (1 oz.) on receipt on One Dollar.

For the relief of mouth infections, gingivitis, canker or herpes there is nothing more prompt and effective than a solution of Pond's Extract, one to two tablespoonfuls to a halfglass of hot water, used as a mouth wash every hour. Pain and soreness are quickly removed, and the condition of the mucous membrane rapidly improved. The routine use of this wash is invaluable for keeping the mouth clean and sweet.

POND'S EXTRACT CO., New York and London



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