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Страница 297
... enacted the same into law : provided that it shall not become initially effective until enacted into law by four states . ( c ) Any party state may withdraw from this compact by enact- ing a statute repealing the same , but no such ...
... enacted the same into law : provided that it shall not become initially effective until enacted into law by four states . ( c ) Any party state may withdraw from this compact by enact- ing a statute repealing the same , but no such ...
Страница 302
... enacted a compact proposed by INCO- DEL for this purpose . While this compact was enacted by New Jersey and Delaware and one House of the Pennsylvania legisla- ture in addition to New York , it unfortunately died in committee in the ...
... enacted a compact proposed by INCO- DEL for this purpose . While this compact was enacted by New Jersey and Delaware and one House of the Pennsylvania legisla- ture in addition to New York , it unfortunately died in committee in the ...
Страница 469
... enact as follows : Section 1. Chapter six hundred forty - three of the laws of nine- teen hundred sixty ... enacted . The compact is as follows : The party states solemnly agree : ARTICLE I The purposes of this compact are ...
... enact as follows : Section 1. Chapter six hundred forty - three of the laws of nine- teen hundred sixty ... enacted . The compact is as follows : The party states solemnly agree : ARTICLE I The purposes of this compact are ...
PAGE | 11 |
Council of State Governments | 17 |
Concurrent Resolution Continuing the Joint Legislative | 27 |
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ACT to amend action adopted agreement annual appropriate Attorney authority Board Chairman commissioner Committee on Interstate compact agencies Conference Congress Connecticut consent conservation law Council court Delaware Basin Delaware River Basin draft Driver License Compact effect enabling act enacted facilities Forest Fire Governor hereby Incodel Information Agents intergovernmental interlocal interstate agencies interstate compact Interstate Cooperation Interstate Water investigation Joint Legislative Committee judgment debtor jurisdiction juvenile Lake Champlain Lakes Lakes Commission law enforcement laws of nineteen Legislative Memorandum legislature license meeting Memorandum to Accompany ment municipal nineteen hundred Northeastern oil and gas Ontario operation parole person problems procedures projects public health law purpose pursuant reciprocal support recommendations regulations request respect responsibility Senate session signatory parties statute subdivision thereof thereto tion Uniform Uniform Act United Water Pollution Water Pollution Control water resources York York City