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Articles on the European War will be found listed under the heading of “War, The," while other
articles dealing more specifically with the internal affairs of the various nations involved, are indexed
under the names of those countries. A connected account of the war, and a list of its principal events
during the six months covered in this index, will be found in the "Chronological Record of Events in
the War," and the articles by Frank H. Simonds, both in the section entitled "Military Operations”
under "War, The."

Letters in parenthesis signify nature of article, as (C) contributed article; (Ed.) editorial;
(L) "leading article" (digested from another source): (il.) illustrated: (port.) portrait; (R) book review.

Pp. 1-112, January; pp. 113-224, February; pp. 225-336, March; pp. 337-448, April;
pp. 449-560, May; pp. 561-672, June.

AFRICA: Katanga region of Belgian Congo (L.), 201.
Agricultural situation, The present (C.), 503.
Agriculture: Nature and farm notes (L.), 433.

(See also Food supply.)

Antarctic, Shackleton in the (L. il.), 196.
Art on an Indian reservation (L. il.), 434.

Art: Redon, Odilon, a painter who dared (L.), 428.
Australia's problems in the Pacific (C. il.), 394.

Austria faces the future (C. il.), 62.

Cabinet changes in (Ed.), 12.

Charles Francis Joseph, New Emperor (C. il.), 62.
Empress Zita (L. port.), 653.

Hapsburg and Hohenzollern (L.), 424.
Living conditions in (C. il.), 161.

(See also Francis Joseph, Emperor.)

BALDWIN, Elbert Francis. Francis Joseph and his
reign (C. il.), 57.

Balfour, Arthur J., in America (C. port.), 488.
Belgium, Relief work in (Ed.), 244.

Benson, Admiral William S. (a brief life sketch)
(C. port.), 265.

Bernhardt, Sarah, a woman of indomitable will
(L. 11.), 205.

Blair, Cowgill C. The farmer's viewpoint (C.), 629.
Blood pressure, low, Treatment for (L.), 659.
Bohemia's future (L.), 307.

Books, The New (R.), 99, 210, 326, 437, 548, 660.
Boston Public Library decorations (C. il.), 303.
Bryan, William J., on the election of 1916 (L.), 81.
Business conditions, Good (Ed.), 247.

Butler, Nicholas Murray. Balfour in America
(C. port.), 488.

CANADA faces new problems (C. il.), 281.
Canada in war time (C. il.), 286.

Canada, Railways in, Government versus private
(L.), 431.

Canada's future place (Ed.), 348.

Canada's war minister of finance (Sir Thomas
White) (L. port.), 309.

Caribbean islands, Our new (C. il), 275.
Carranza-after two years (C.), 180.

Cartoons of the Month, 31, 139, 254, 367, 480, 589.
Cattle, Production of, in the East (C.), 298.
Chandler, Albert. Compulsory arbitration in labor
disputes (C.), 190.

Charles Francis Joseph, new emperor of Austria
(C. 11.), 62.

China, Effect of Russian revolution on (Ed.), 345.

China, Japan and the United States in (L.). 200.
China seeking justice in tariff rates (Ed.), 348.
Choate, Joseph H. (Ed. port.), 564.

Citric acid in surgery (L.), 198.

Coal problem emphasized, The (C.), 165.

Coal, The cost of (L.), 91.

Collins, Paul V. America's grain imperiled (C. il.),

Colombia, Classic literature of (L.), 95.

Connecticut's military census (L. il.), 533.

Cromer, Earl of, Egypt's great administrator
(C. port.), 289.

Reflections of, on the war (L.), 314.
Cuba in the war (L. il.), 645.

Cuba, Insurrection in (Ed.), 358; (C.) 413.
Cuba, Sugar boom in, The (C. il.), 408.

Cushing, George H. The coal problem emphasized
(C.), 165.

DANISH WEST INDIES, Denmark's decision to sell
(Ed.), 21.

Danish West Indies (C. il.), 275.
Dewey, Admiral (Ed.), 133.

Dillon, John J., Food Commissioner of New York
State (C. il.), 162.

Dillon, John J. The high cost of food-causes and
remedies (C.), 163.

Douglas, Harry C. What may happen in the Pa-
cific (C. il.), 394.
Dunn, Arthur W.
Dunn, Arthur W.

Raising an army (C. il.), 523.
The navy is ready (C. il.), 609.

EASLEY, Ralph M. The Canadian compulsory in-
vestigation act (C.), 189.

Edgar, William C. Bureaucracy and food control
(C.), 626.

Egyptian praise of England (C.' il.), 291.
Electrification of trunk line railways (L. il.), 654.

FALKENHAYN, von, Gen. Erich (C. il.). 70.
Feminism, Influence of, upon peace (L.). 94.
Ferguson, Meade, The production of beef cattle
in the East (C.), 298.

Finley, John H. Serving the nation (C. il.), 520.

Financial News, 110, 222, 334. 4446. 558, 670.
Good condition of the country (Ed.), 248.
Plans for more revenue (Ed.),,131.
Shipping company stocks, Effect of war on (Ed.),

Stock market conditions in war time (Ed.), 472.


Stock market peace panic (Ed.), 18-19.
Stock market panic and the Wilson peace note
(Ed.), 130.

Taxation, New, Proposals for (Ed.), 4:3; (Ed.)

Tax-free government bonds and their effect on
other securities (Ed.), 472.

(See also Finance under War, The.)
Florance, Howard. Carranza after two years (C.),

Infantile paralysis-what have we learned? (C.),

Food supply:

Bureaucracy and food control (C.), 626.
Enlistment for food production (L. il.), 531.

High prices of food and remedies for (Ed.), 18:
(C.) 75; (Ci.) 163.

Our armies of food supply (C. il.), 506.
Production in the Northwest (C.), 630.
Regulations for food conditions (Ed.), 572.
School gardening in the food crisis (C. il.), 517.
Speculation in and prices of food (Ed.), 572.
Stimulating food production (Ed.), 471; (Ed.), 570.
The farmer's viewpoint of production (C.), 619.
World's food supply, The (L. il.), 531.

(See also under Cattle and Live Stock.)
France, forests in, The destruction of (L. il.), 197.
France: Political changes in (Ed.), 358.

Francis Joseph, Emperor, and his day's work
(Li. il.), 87.

Francis Joseph, Emperor, and his reign (C. il.), 57.
Francis Joseph, Emperor, Policies of (L.), 424.
Frederick, J. George. Labor's seven-billion-dollar
raise (C. il.), 72.

French commerce in South America (L.), 545.
Fruit, Preserving, by carbon dioxide and oxygen
(L.), 325.

Funston, Gen. Frederick F., Death of (Ed.), 359.

GALLANT, Bernard. Mexico's constituent congress
(C. il.), 182.

Gardening, School, in the food crisis (C. il.), 517.
Gardner, Augustus Peabody, and preparedness (L.
port.), 306.

Germans in the United States, Loyalty of (Ed.),

Cabinet changes in (Ed.). 12.

Chancellor's speech in favor of political reforms
(Ed.), 346.

German liberals, Some (L.), 537.
Germany's designs, by Paul

(L.), 82.

Living conditions in (C. il.), 156.


Pan-Germanism up to date (L.), 648.
What a woman saw in (L. il.). 194.

Gerrie, J. P. The Dominion in war time (C. il.),

Gilbertson, H. S. Running States and counties on

business lines (C.), 185.

Governors, New, in office (C. il.), 39.
Great Britain:

England's state of mind (L.), 83.

Imperial war conference and its problems (C.),


India, England's government of (Ed.), 347.
Manchester and the tariff with India (Ed.), 347.
Political situation in (Ed.), 358.

Seaports of, and their traffic (L. il.), 429.
Tariff policies, Imperial (Ed.), 348.

Women in British industry (L. il.), 311.
(See also Lloyd George.)

HAMLET, Mounet-Sully's conception of (L. port.),

Health insurance, Compulsory (C.), 414.

Heard, Dwight B. (a brief sketch, with port.), 292.
Heard, Dwight B. The live-stock marketing prob-
lem (C.), 293.

Heidenstam, the Swedish poet (L. il.), 97.

Herrick, George F. The future of Moslem peoples
(C.), 171.

Herrick, Myron T. Joffre and Viviani (C. ports.),

Hindenburg, von, Field Marshal Paul (C. port.), 69.
Holland and the submarine war (L.), 539.
Holland, German views regarding (L.), 90.
Hoover, Herbert C., and his qualifications (Ed.),

Houston, Secretary, Annual report of (Ed.), 16.
IMMIGRATION and labor after the war (L.), 321:
(L.), 535.

India, England's government of (Ed.), 347.
India: What India wants (L. il.), 647.

Indian boy artist and his work (L. il.), 434.
Indian policy, United States, A notable advance
in (L. il.), 646.

Infantile paralysis, Serum treatment of (L.), 658.
Infantile paralysis-what we have learned (C.), 79.
Inferno: German war novel (L.), 207.

Italy's labor problems and the war (L.), 90.

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Japan and America (C.), 398.

Japan, Our relations with (Ed.), 125.

Japan: The Far East after the war (C.), 176.
Japan's position after the war (Ed.), 125.
Japan's relations with China (Ed.), 349.

Joffre, Gen. Joseph Jacques Cesare (sketch of, with
port.), 490.

Joffre, Genera', in America (Ed.), 567.

Johnston, Charles. The situation in Russia (C.),

KAWAKAMI, K. K. The Far East after the war
(C.), 176.

Kennedy, David Shelton. High food prices and
their causes (C.), 75.

LABOR and immigration after the war (L.), 321;
(L.), 535.

Labor: Canadian compulsory investigation act,
The (C.), 189.

Labor: Compulsory arbitration in railroad disputes
(C.), 190.

Labor laws, Court decisions on (Ed.), 474.
Labor's seven-billion-dollar raise (C. il.), 72.
Lane, Secretary, and his management of the In-
terior Department (Ed.), 13-14.

Latin coalition, A, in Europe (L.), 423.
Leading Articles of the Month Department, 81,
193, 305, 417, 529, 641.

Lenney, Teresa M. Public school thrift: a prac-
tical development (C. il.), 513.

Levine, Isaac Don. The Russian revolution (C. il.),

Russia in the throes of re-birth (C. il.), 619.
Lichens as a source of food (L. il.), 541.
Liquor problem:

Bill for prohibition in District of Columbia, and
other items of progress (Ed.), 22.

Drinking among school boys (L.), 93.
Seattle after a year of prohibition (L.), 546.
State purchase as a solution in England (L.), 313.
Live-stock marketing problem, The (C.), 293.
Lloyd George to America (L.), 529.

Lloyd George, England's new premier (L. il.), 193.
Lloyd George's reply to Germany's peace proposals
(Ed.), 3.

Lyautey, General, French Minister of War (C. il.),

MABIE, Hamilton Wright, critic and essayist (L.
1.), 204.

McAdoo, Secretary, and his conduct of the Treas-
ury Department (Ed.), 13.
McCormick, William B. The emergency Army
law and the citizen (C.), 606.

McGrath, P. T. British imperial problems (C.), 391.
Canada faces new problems (C. il.), 281.
Mackensen, von, Field Marshal August (C. il.), 70.
Maps and diagrams:

Agricultural mobilization plan, 509.

Austria-Hungary, showing polyglot character of
the empire, 65.

British harbors, showing depths at low tide, 429.

Caribbean islands, 276.

Cost of living, increase of, as compared with

wage increase, 73.

Electrically operated sections of the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, 654.
Factory workers' average annual wage, 73.
New York City, Defenses of, 418.

Pacific islands and border countries, 395.
Prices, Range of, during the Civil War, 643.
Russia's new Arctic terminal, Kola, with rail-
way leading to it, 430.

United States, areas of vital production, 507.
Yacht diagram, with nautical names of parts, 665.
War Maps and Diagrams

France: Allied advances (Arras to Soissons), from
July, 1916, to April, 1917, 380.

France: Allied advances (Arras to Soissons), from
Arras and Soissons, 497.

France: British gains in the Arras section from
April 10 to May 8, 599.

French front from the Channel to Verdun, show-

ing the Allied advance in relation to the whole

line, 381.

French gains near Soissons and Rheims, to May
8, 601.

Italian-Austrian war area, 604.

Mined zones created by Great Britain, 231.

Rumanian war zone, 48.

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German proposal of alliance with (Ed.), 355.
Needs of, The (L.), 317.

[ocr errors]

Wilson's peace note, Holland's views on (L.), 427.
(See also under War, The.)

Pensions in the countries at war (L.), 199.

Petain, Gen. Henri Philippe, French commander
(brief sketch, with port.), 596.

Physical unpreparedness, American (L.), 80.

Poets of religious feeling (L.), 435.

Poland, Attitude of France and Russia toward
(L. il.), 650.

Poland's reception of President Wilson's message
(L. il.), 652.

Polish independence by the grace of the Teutons
(L.), 421.

Polish independence, Russia's reaction to (L.), 85.
Political affairs: Election of 1916, Bryan and Roose-
velt on (L.), 81.

Porto Rico: Citizenship for residents of (Bill sign-
ed by President Wilson), (Ed.), 358.

Porto Rico, Progress and prosperity in (Ed.), 22.


Adanison, Wm. C., 28.

Addison, Dr. Christopher, 10.

Aeulle, Fernando, 645.

Albrecht, Duke, of Württemberg, 71.

Alexander, James S., 583.

Ames, Dr. Joseph S, 463.

Amos, Judge M. S., 573.

Andrew, Dr. A. Piatt, 576.

Andrew, the Apostle, 219.
Andreyev, Leonid, 103.

Aosta, Duke and Duchess of, and sons, 127.
Archbold, John D., 29.
Aumonier, Stacy, 103.

Austria: Emperor Francis Joseph, 57, 58. 59;
Crown Prince Rudolph, 58; Empress Eliza-
beth, 58; Archduke Charles Louis, 59; Maxi-
milian, Emperor of Mexico, 59; Archduke
Louis Victor, 59; Archduke Francis Fer-
dinand, 61; Emperor Charles Francis Joseph,
62, 67; Empress Zita, 63; Archduke Stephen, 85.

Azpiazu, Eusebio S., 645.

Baker, George F., 583.

Baker, Newton D., 244, 450.

Balfour, Right Hon. Arthur J., 9, 489, 562, 585.
Bamberger, Simon B., Governor, 43.

Barker, Capt. A. B., 462.

Barnet, Carlos, 645.

Baruch, Bernard M., 244, 451.

Pershing expedition leaves Mexico (Ed.), 247.
Signing of protocol with (Ed.), 22.

Villa raids continue (Ed.), 22.

What to do about (L. il.), 644.

Military training, The Wyoming plan of (C. il.), 78.
Mirbeau, Octave, dramatist and novelist (L. port.),

Mitchell, Guy E. New national parks (C. il.), 635.

Moslem peoples, The future of (C.), 171.

Mounet-Sully's conception of Oedipus (L.). 206.

Mounet-Sully's conception of Hamlet (L. port.), 320.

Music in the American university (L.), 323.

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Foster, George, 562.

Foster, Martin D., 129.

Francis, Charles, 544.

Francis Ferdinand, Austrian Archduke, 61.

Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 57, 58, 59, 87.
Frazier, Lynn J., Governor, 43.

Frederick William, Crown Prince of Germany, 71.
French War Mission at the Washington Home,

Mount Vernon, 562.

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Gifford, Walter S.. 450.

Gilder, Richard Watson, 99.

Glennon, Rear Admiral James H., 578.

Godfrey, Dr. Hollis, 241, 450.

Goodrich, James P., Governor, 42.
Gompers, Samuel, 244, 573.

Golitzin, Prince, Russian Premier, 125.

Grafelman, Fred, 404.

Graham, Horace F., Governor, 40.

McReynolds, Justice James Clark, 526.

Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 204.

Mackensen, von, August, Field-Marshal, 70.

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 315.

Macchi de Cellere, Count, 569.

Macy, V. Everit, 573.

Mann, James R., 243.

Marshall, Thomas R., 353.

Martin, Dr. Franklin H., 244, 450.

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