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it; and had rather have it in their power to upbraid their Friends with an Obligation, than really to oblige them.

In the matter of Benefits, Pride is unwilling to own the Obligation, and Self-Love to acquit


'Tis as great an Ingratitude to publish the Favour of a Mistress, as to conceal thofe of a Friend. 'Tis a kind of Ingratitude for a Man to be too inquifitive into the Motives of the Benefit he - receives.

The great Cautions of fome People against Ingratitude, denotes lefs of Hatred for that, than Averfion for Generofity.

There are not fo many Ungratefull Men, as there are thought to be; because there are not fo many Generous Men as we imagine. He that in filence fuppreffes a Favour receiv'd is an unthankful Fellow, that deferv'd it not: But he that publishes one that he has done, turns it to an Injury, fhewing, to your difgrace, the neceffity you had of him.

Court-Acknowledgements have not so much refpect to the Paft, as defign upon the Future. They acknowledge Obligations to all that are in any Poft to oblige, and by an affected Gratitude for Favours - never done, infinuate themselves into thofe in whofe power it is to do 'em.


The Great Ones in requital have a Trick as artificial to excuse themselves from doing Kindneffes, as the Courtiers have to engage them to it. They reproach Men with Services never done, and complain of Ingratitude, though they have hardly oblig'd any one to draw from hence a fpecious Pretence to oblige no body.

'Tis much better to expofe one's felf to Ingratitude, than be wanting to the relief of the Needy. There is not any thing where Excess may be more commendable than in Gratitude.

There's no living in this World without an exchange of Civil Offices, and the need we have one of another goes a great way toward the making of a us love one another: Now this Amity and Communication is to be entertain'd by the Commerce of Giving and Receiving; and without good Nature and Gratitude Men had as good live in a Wilderness, as in a Civil Society.

Ingratitude is of all Crimes that which we account the most venial in our felves, and the moft unpardonable in others.

Good Offices depend much upon Construction; fome take themselves to be oblig'd when they are not, others will not believe it when they are; and fome again take Obligations and Injuries the one for the other.

It is a Court Humour to keep People upon the Tenters; their Injuries are quick and fudden, but their Benefits are flow. Great Minifters love to wrack Men with attendance; and account it an Oftentation of their Power to hold their Suitors in hand and to have many Witneffes of their Interest.

He that gives to be feen, would never relieve a Man in the dark.

Tis a kind of incumbrance upon the freedom of a generous Mind, to be in debt to an ill Man, even upon any score whatsoever, that does but carry the face of Good-Will, or Refpect; for 'tis a Debt that a Man's both afham'd and weary of till 'tis paid off. And there's fomething more in't


yet too, which is, that when all common Scores are made even, the Morality of the Obligation ftill remains; for there's no cancelling the Bonds of Honour and Juftice. Kindneffes are to be paid in Specie as well as Money: that is to fay, there must be Affection in the return as well as Juftice. Now as there can be no true Friendship betwixt a Good Man and a Wicked, there should be no intercourse betwixt them that looks like Friendship; and therefore the lefs Commerce the better.

We have the Common Saying ready at our Tongues end, That 'tis the Man only that we confider and not the Eftate: This is a handfom flourish; but where is the Man yet that does not more willingly beftow his time and his pains upon the Service of a wealthy Perfon, than in the fupport and protection of the beft Poor Man that ever was born? For we are naturally inclin'd to lay out our Services, where we may reafonably hope for the fpeedieft and the most certain return.

* It is customary for great Men to over-value the Services they do their King and Country; and for Princes, when they cannot duly reward an eminent Performance,to turn their Gratitude into Hatred.

Thofe you have oblig'd moft, will certainly avoid you when you can oblige them no longer; and they take your vifits like fo many Duns.

Miftreffes as well as Friends, are fometimes avoided for Obligations paft.

* When ill Men take up a fit of Kindness all on a fudden, and appear to be better natur'd than ufual, 'tis good Difcretion to fufpect Fraud, and to lay their Words and their Practices together; for there are no Snares fo dangerous as thofe that are laid for us under the name of Good Offices

* Moft

* Most People feek out their own Interest under colour of obliging others, and are kind to their Neighbours for their own fakes.


* Tis one thing to understand Perfons, and ano ther to understand Matters; for many are perfect in Men's Humours, that are not greatly capable of the real part of Bufinefs, which is the Conftitution of one that has ftudied Men more than Books; fuch men are fitter for Practice than Counfel, and they are good but in their own Alley, turn 'em to other Men, and they have loft their aim.

* Affected Dispatch, is one of the most dangerous things to Bufinefs that can be; it is like that which the Phyficians call Pre-digeftion, which is fure to fill the Body with Crudities and fecret Seeds of Difeafes. Therefore meafure not Difpatch by the time of Sitting, but by the Advancement of the Bufinefs.

He that would be fure to have his Bufinefs well done, muft either do it himself, or fee the doing of it; Befides that, many a good Servant is fpoil'd by a careless Mafter. The Morality of this Caution, is as good a Leffon to Governments as to private Families. For a Prince's leaving his Bufinefs wholly to his Minifters, without a ftrict Eye over them, is as dangerous an Error in Politicks, as a Mafter's committing all to his Servants is in Oeconomicks;

* There

There are a fort of Impertinents, who having leaft to do, would appear to be loaded with AFfairs. They make a Mystery of every thing, and that with the greatest Silliness Imaginable. Thefe are Chameleons of Applaufe, but are heartily Laugh'd at by every Body.

The best way to know how that which is intended to be done will be received, is to let fly fome Shot in the Air, especially when they are Matters the iffue and approbation whereof is doubtful. By that means we are fure to hit our Mark, and always at liberty to Retreat or Advance. Thus we pump out Men's Minds, and know where it is best to set our Foot. That Prevention is moft neceffary, for asking Pertinently, placing Friendship aright, and for Governing well.


Cheats, Knavery, Deceit.

OUR own Distrust sometimes provokes and ju

ftifies the Cheating of other People.

It is as eafie a matter to deceive a Man's felf, and not be fenfible of it, as it is hard to impofe upon others, and yet for them not to be fenfible of


An honeft Intention of impofing upon no body, lays us open to the Cheating of other People. The most effectual way to be bubbled, is to fancy one's felf wifer than one's Neighbours.

The being a Blockhead is fometimes the best fecurity against being impos'd upon by a Man of Senfe.


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