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Following is a list of the books consulted for this presentation of the Socialist's side of his case, together with a few of the volumes referred to for opposing opinions and for information covering current and historic economic questions.

Bax, Ernest Belfort: Essays in Socialism, New and Old.

Bebel, August: Woman, Past, Present, and Future. Bellamy, Edward: Equality.

Booth, Charles: Life and Labor of the People in London.

Chapin, Robert Coit: The Standard of Living in New York City.

Darwin, Charles: The Descent of Man. The Origin of Species.

Dawson, W. H.: German Socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle.

Deville, Gabriel: The People's Marx.

Dorr, Rheta Childe: What Eight Million Women Want. Engels, Friedrich: Die Lebenskosten Belgischer Arbeiterfamilien. Feuerbach, The Roots of the Socialist Philosophy. Landmarks of Scientific Socialism. Socialism, Utopian and Scientific.

Fabian Essays, The.

Forman, S. E: Conditions of Living Among the Poor. (Bureau of the United States Bureau of Labor, No. 64, May, 1906).

Franklin, Benjamin: Remarks and Facts Relative to American Paper Money.

Ghent, W. J.: Mass and Class. Our Benevolent Feudalism.

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: Human Work. The Home. Guthrie, Dr. Wm. B.: Socialism Before the French Revolution.

Hardie, Keir: From Serfdom to Socialism.

Jaures, Jean: Studies in Socialism.

Kautsky, Karl: Ethics and the Materialistic Conception of History. Vorlaufer Des Neueren Socialismus. Kropotkin, Prince Peter: Appeal to the Young. Mutual Aid a Factor of Evolution.

Le Play, Frédéric: La Methode Sociale. Les Ouvriers Européens.

Lewis, Austin: The Rise of the American Proletariat. Liebknecht, Wilhelm: Biographical Memoirs of Karl Marx.

London, Jack: War of the Classes.

Marx, Karl: The Communist Manifesto. Das Capital. Revolution and Counter Revolution.

Morris, William: News from Nowhere.

Petty, Sir William. Political Arithmetic. A Treatise on Taxes and Constitutions.

Russell, Charles Edward. The Greatest Trust in the World. The Uprising of the Many.

Schaeffle, A.: Quintessence of Socialism.

Seligman, E. R. A.: The Economic Interpretation of

Simons, A. M.: The Man Under the Machine.
Simons, May W.: Women and the Social Problem.
Sinclair, Upton: Our Bourgeois Literature.

Smith, Adam: The Wealth of Nations.

Spargo, John: The Bitter Cry of the Children. Capitalist and Laborer. The Common Sense of Socialism. The Spiritual Significance of Socialism. Socialism. Underfed School Children. Who They Are and What They Stand for.

Spencer, Herbert: The Coming Slavery.

Steffens, Lincoln: The Shame of the Cities.

Tarbell, Ida M.: History of the Standard Oil Company. Wells, H. G.: This Misery of Boots. A Modern Utopia. New Worlds for Old.



Abbott, Leonard D., 177
Abolition, 4.
Amalgamated Association
of Iron and Steel Work-
ers; injunction against,
Amalgamated Society of
Railway Servants; fine
imposed on, 130.
American Colonies; com-
mercial demands of, and
the introduction of ma-
chinery, 90.
American Federation of
Labor, 5; size of, 116.
Anarchism; confused with
Socialism, 6, 7-8; flag
of, 9; philosophic com-
pared with militant, 16-
20; compared with
Socialism, 16-20; against
Socialism, 213.
Anarchists; condemned in
Chicago, 8.

Aristotle, on slavery and
machines, 72.
Arkwright's water-power

Arts, The; under Social-
ism, 205-206.
Austrian occupation of
Italy, 78.

Average of wages in New
York City at present
time, 211-212.


Banking; management of,
under Socialism, 194.
Bax, Ernest Belfort, "Es-
says in Socialism,"
quoted, 62-63, 72-73.
Bebel, August, 175.
Beef Trust and "reform,"


Bellamy, Edward, 175.
Bibliography, 251-252.
Blanc, Louis, 76; in exile,


Blum, Robert; shot in
Vienna, 153.
Bonaparte, Napoleon;
quoted, 139.

Bookstaver, Judge; in-
junction against the In-
ternational Typograph-
ical Union, 131.
Britannica, Encyclopædia,
on Socialistic Ethics,

Brown, John; execution
of, 75

Bruère, Robert W., 179.
Buffalo "Express," 131.
Bureaucracy; not Social-
ism, 6.


Cabet's "Icaria,” 76. (?)
Cæsar, Julius; economic


aspect of his conquest
of Gaul, 74.

Call, The," 175.
Campanella, 76.

Canals, management of,
under Socialism, 193.
Capital; defined, 30-33; in
primitive times, 30;
always dependent upon
Labor, 41; concentra-
tion of, 90-91, 96-98,
101-102, 209 (and farm-
ing, 99-100); differences
with Labor irreconcil-
able, 109-111, 124-126;
its disregard of law,
135-136; combination of,
102, 215, 216.


Capital, Das," quoted,
31-32, 140; writing of,


Capitalism; based on
private ownership, 21;
beginnings of, 86-88;
relation to early Trades-
guilds, 87-88; invention
of machines, 89-90; to
competition, 90;
bination, 90-91; fosters
prostitution, 201; sum-
mary of its progress,
215-216; demonstrating
practicability of Social-
ism, 217.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

under Socialism, 199.
Christian ethics and those
of Socialism, 206.
Christian Socialist Fellow-
ship, 179-181.

Church, The, and the
slave-traffic, 128.
Clasped Hands, as Social-
ist emblem, 10.
Class Conflict, II. (See
Class Struggle and War
of the Classes, The.)
Class-Consciousness; tri-
umphs over social dif-
ferences, III-112, 137-
138; creates moral dif-
ferences, 112-113.
Class-distinctions in U. S.,
final, 117-118.


Class struggle; an indus-
trial struggle, 11-12; de-
fined, 104-138, 217-218.
(See War of the
Classes, The.)

Class, The ruling; con-

trols lawmakers, 128-132.
Coal Trust, iniquitious,
Coinage, management of,
Collective ownership; not
complete under Social-
ism, 189; details of, un-
der co-operative com-
monwealth, 190.
Columbus, Christopher;
economic aspect of his
discovery of America,

Combination; under Cap-
italism, 90-91; inter-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


fallacy of a, 126-127.
Control of industries; how
to be acquired by co-
operative common-
wealth, 191-194.
Co-operation, Evolutionary
value of, 76-77.
Co-operative Common-
wealth, The; outlined,
184-206; foundation, 184-
188; must come slowly,
187; acquisition by, 188-
193; all property not col-
lectively owned under,
189-190; private owner-

ship, 190-191; business
of, 193-194; industrial
administrative affairs in,
194; other administra-
tive affairs, 194-196;
shorter working-day in,
and waste eliminated
by, 196; trades-unions
in, 196; wages of the in-
dividual in, 196-198;
woman and the home,
198-203; morals, health
and administration of
justice, 203-205; educa-
tion, art and religion,
205-206; criticisms of,

Cost of living compared
with wages in New
York City, 211-212.
Courts, their part in the
Classes' struggle, 130-


Credit, management of,
under Socialism, 194.
Cromwellians, 74.
Crusades, 74.


"Daily Socialist, The,"
Darrow, Clarence S., 177.
Darwin, Charles; influ-

ence of his theories up-
on conceptions of his-
tory, 65; "The Descent
of Man" quoted as to
value of co-operation,
76-77, 114.

"Das Capital," 31-32, 140;
privations in the writ-
ing of, 154-158.
Democratic Party, dif-

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