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Are uniform regulations feasible among the different American countries for the prevention of the introduction and dissemination of diseases of animals? A. D. Melvin. Am Vet M Assn J 50:361-6 D '16

Control and prevention of infectious diseases of cattle. E. C. Schroeder. In Internat. assn. of dairy and milk inspectors. 5th annual report, 1916, p 166-80 '16

United States. Dept. of agric. Bur. of animal industry. Special report on diseases of cattle. rev ed 568p fig pl $1 N '16 U. S. supt. of doc.

United States. Dept. of agric. Bur. of animal industry. Special report on diseases of the horse. rev ed 629p fig pl $1 N '16 U. S. supt. of doc.

See also Anthrax; Hog cholera

Governors' messages, 1917

South Dakota-Gov. Norbeck recommends that a law be passed fixing the amount which the state will pay for the loss of animals affected with the glanders or anthrax and destroyed by state authority.

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Animals, Fur-bearing

* Fur farming as a side line. Ned Dearborn. 18p il '17 U. S. dept. of agric.

Separate 693, from United States department of agriculture Yearbook, 1916.

Legislation, Comparative

Laws relating to fur-bearing animals, 1916: a summary of laws in the United States and Canada relating to trapping, protection, D. E. Lantz. propagation, and bounties. Farmers' Bul no 783 28p O 19 '16 Annexation. See City annexation Anthrax

Anthrax. Travelers Standard 4:176-83 S '16 Anthrax (charbon). W. H. Dalrymple. il plate Am Vet M Assn J n s 50:831-46 Mr '17 Anthrax: a disease of workers. 1p (Typew.) Ap '17 Am. assn. for labor leg.

* Anthrax as an occupational disease. J: B. Andrews. il tables US Bur Labor Statistics Bul no 205 (Industrial accidents and hygiene ser. no. 10) 155p Ja '17

Anthrax or charbon. H. J. Washburn. US
Dept Agric Farmers' Bul no 784 16p F '17
Boston, Mass.-Anthrax. Boston Health Dept
Monthly Bul 6:109-10 My '17

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New Hampshire-Packing of.apples in barrels and boxes. W. H. Wolff. N H Col (Ext. service) Ext Bul no 7 32p S '16

Legislation California-Act establishing a

standard for packing and marketing of apples. (Ch. 196, P. L. 1917) Delaware-Act amending chapter 21, revised code, providing regulations in respect to the grading, packing, marketing, shipping and sale of apples. (Ch. 6, P. L. 1917) Massachusetts-Act amending chapter 261, laws of 1915, relating to the packing, grading and sale of apples. (Ch. 13, P. L. 1917) standards for apples Michigan-Act fixing when packed in closed packages and regulating packing and sale of such apples. (Ch. 75, P. L. 1917) Pennsylvania-Act regulating the grading and packing of apples. (No. 144, P. L. 1917)

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How an industry trains its men. [Santa Fe system.] C. O. Price. il Eng M 52:23-32 O '16 Indianapolis, Ind.-Study of apprenticeships, trade union regulations and types of educational agreements. Indiana State Bd Educ Educ Bul no 21 (Indiana survey ser. no. 6) v 2 p 311-410 Ja 1 '17 Industrial education, apprenticeship, and the administration of child labor laws. table In United States. Comm. on industrial relations. Final report and testimony submitted to Congress, v 2 p 1801-1903, v 3 p 2929-82 '16 Minneapolis, Minn.-Apprenticeship. tables In Minnesota. Dept. of labor and industries. 15th biennial report, 1915-1916, p 77-94 '16 Minneapolis, Minn.-To what extent is prenticeship meeting the need? tables US Bur Labor Statistics Bul no 199 (Vocational education ser. no. 1) p 119-38 D '16 Training apprentices: the Pratt and Whitney system. figs Mach 23:455-61 F '17


Training for the worker. F. L. Glynn. Am Ind 17:29-30 Ja '17

Training of young men for promotion; the Santa Fe methods. F. W. Thomas. Ry Age 61:760-3 O 27 '16; Same. Ry Mech Eng 90:597600 N '16

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Governors' messages, 1917 Utah-Gov. Bamberger recommends that the practice of making continuing appropriations for special purposes be stopped, and that all laws providing for such appropriations be repealed and the amounts remaining in such special funds be returned to the general fund of the state.

Arbitration, Commercial

Arbitration for disputes in trade between the United States and Argentina. 33p Ja '17 Chamber of commerce of the U. S. Commercial arbitration. R. G. Elliott. Nat Assn Credit Men Bul 19:307-9 My '17 England-Commercial arbitration. Samuel Rosenbaum. Am Bar Assn J 3:21-7 Ja '17

Published as Bulletin XII of the American judicature society, October, 1916. International commercial arbitration reports a victory. O. D. Young. il Nation's Business 5: 30-2 F '17

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Continuous mediation without armistice: development of the idea of a continuous conference of neutral nations. J. G. Wales. 13p Woman's peace party, 116 S. Michigan av., Chicago Disarmament and international courts prerequisites to a durable peace. J. L. Slayden. Cong Rec 55:3229-30 My 28 '17

Address delivered at the annual meeting of the American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia, April 20, 1914.

For a parliament of parliaments. Felix Adler. NY Evening Post D 28 '16

Great Britain-Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing for а further period of five years the arbitration convention of Oct. 25, 1905, signed at London, May 3, 1916. (Cd. 8321) 11-14p 1⁄2d '16 International cases. E. C. Stowell and H: F. Munro. 2v v 1 *$2.50 v 2 *$3.50 '16 Houghton * International reorganization. A. H. Snow. 12p '17 Am. peace soc., Colorado bldg., Washington, D. C.

Reprinted from the Advocate of Peace for January, 1917.

Judicative conciliation. A. H. Snow. Judicial Settlement of Int Disputes no 24 p 3-19 F '16 League of nations: William Ladd's essay on the Congress of nations. E. C. Stowell. Nation 103:536-8 D 7 '16 Limitations of arbitration. In P. M. Brown. International realities, p 75-98 '17

New York state bar association at its 40th annual meeting, January, 1917, adopted a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee of nine to report on the advisability of the creation of an American international court between nations of the western hemisphere.

Opposition_to_force for international peace league. H: C. Lodge. World Court 3:88-92 Mr '17

Peace by force. Unpop R 6:269-75 O-D '16 Synopsis of plans for international organization. C: H. Levermore. World Court 3:222-5 My '17 United States. Senate. Com. on the judiciary. Subcom. International tribunals to enforce peace; hearings on S.J.R. 131, proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States, authorizing the creation, with other nations, of an international peace-enforcing tribunal or tribunals for the determination of all international disputes. (U.S. 64th Congress, 2d session) 30p '17 Apply to congress

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New York (state)-Arbitration and conciliation in New York: extracts from the report of the committee on prevention of unnecessary litigation of the New York state bar association, January 14, 15, 1916. Am Bar Assn J 3:28-35 Ja '17

Arbitration and concillation, Industrial Advantages and defects of compulsory arbitration, by F. T. Carlton; Canadian legislation concerning industrial disputes, by F. A. Acland; Attitude of organized labor toward the Canadian industrial disputes investigation act, by A. B. Garretson; Trend of voluntary conciliation and arbitration in labor disputes, by G: M. Janes; Arbitration plan of William Filene's Sons company, by J. H. Willits; Federal arbitration legislation, by L. E. Hoffman; Legislation concerning the railroad service, by E. R.

Arbitration and conciliation, Industrial-Cont.

Jonnson; Government arbitration and mediation, by J. T. Young. Ann Am Acad 69: 150-82, 205-7, 223-8, 247-55, 268-79 Ja '17 Australia-Compulsory arbitration in Australia fails. A. St. Ledger. Am Ind 17:21-3 D '16 Reprinted from the New York Sunday Times.

Canada-Industrial disputes and the Canadian act: facts about nine years' experience with compulsory investigation. B. M. Selekman. (IS-5) 42p bibl tables charts 20c Ap '17 Russell Sage found.

Reprinted from the Survey, March 31, 1917. Canada-Industrial disputes investigation act, 1907: proceedings for the ten year period 1907-1917, and for the fiscal year 1916-1917. tables Can Labour Gaz 17:352-67 My '17 Canadian compulsory investigation act. R. M. Easley. R of Rs 55:189-90 F '17 Canadian compulsory labor dispute investigation act: is it a success in Canada and does it promise a solution for the United States? R. M. Easley. Econ World n s 13:43-5 Ja 13 '17 Canadian industrial disputes act. V. S. Clark. Proc Acad Pol Sci 7:10-18 Ja '17 Canadian industrial disputes investigation act in operation; Proposed changes in the Canadian industrial disputes investigation act. Monthly R 3:716-20 D '16 Committee on industrial arbitration of the Reform club has been appointed to aid in the enactment of legislation both state and federal, to prevent strikes and regulate conditions of employment on public utilities. The movement is non-partisan as to politics, and is between capital and labor, and its aim will be to safeguard transportation in the interest of the public. 9 S. William st., N. Y.

Compulsion in Australia and Canada. Survey 37:254-6 D 2 '16

Compulsory arbitration in railroad disputes. Albert Chandler. R of Rs 55:190-2 F '17 Compulsory investigation of industrial disputes. Mining Cong J 3:1-2 Ja '17 Constitutional aspects of compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes on public utilities. T: I. Parkinson. 39p '16 Thomas I. Parkinson, Columbia univ., 510 Kent Hall, N. Y.

Read before the Academy of political science, New York, Nov. 22-23, 1916. "The fundamental principle of arbitration." J: A. Fitch, Survey 36:623-8 S 23 '16 Government prevention of railroad strikes. S: O. Dunn. Scrib M 61:307-14 Mr '17 Hart, Schaffner & Marx labor agreement. Monthly R 4:43-5 Ja '17

Labor disputes and public service corporations. Proc Acad Pol Sci v 7 no 1 190p $1.50 Ja '17 Contains: Governmental mediation and arbitration; Trade unions and compulsory arbitration; Trade unions and mediation and conciliation; Recent aspects of labor disputes.

Labor disputes and public utilities. Elec Ry J 48:1106-9 N 25 '16

Brief résumé of papers read at the Academy of political science meeting, New York, Nov. 22-23, 1916.

League to enforce industrial peace. J. H: Cohen. 40p '16 Julius H: Cohen, 111 Broadway, N.Y. (Ed. exhausted)

Advance sheets from Proceedings of the Academy of political science, January, 1917. New federal committees on mediation. Survey 38:241, 244 Je 9 '17

M. B.

New Zealand-Regulation of wages. Hammond. Q J Econ 31:404-46 My '17 Nine years of the Canadian act, the experience with compulsory investigation and its application to the United States; by B. M. Selekman; Canadian disputes act: a symposium, by J: R. Commons and others. chart Survey 37:746-59+ Mr 31 '17 State mediation and arbitration of industrial disputes. In United States. Comm. on industrial relations. Final report and testimony submitted to Congress, v 2 p 1905-61 '16

Strikes and the Canadian law. Outlook 114: 256, 265 O 4 '16

Sweden-Proposed legislation in Sweden for the settlement of industrial disputes. Monthly R 3:64-5 N '16 Yucatan-Labor arbitration tribunal, to deal with all questions arising between employers and employees, has been organized in the Mexican state of Yucatan. N '16

See also Adamson act; Collective bargaining; Labor; Strikes; Trade agreements

Bibliography Arbitration of railway labor disputes: a list of references. Labor Gazette 1:157-8 N '16


New Zealand. Court of arbitration. Digest of decisions and interpretations for 1915 under the industrial conciliation and arbitration acts. (Sup. no. 1) 26p '16

Governors' messages, 1917 Oregon-Gov. Withycombe recommends that a commission be established to settle industrial disputes by arbitration as far as possible. Laws Canada-Extension of application of Canadian industrial disputes investigation act, 1907. Monthly R 4:912 Je '17 Norway-Compulsory arbitration: translation of the Norwegian law relating to compulsory arbitration in labor disputes. (U.S. 64th Congress, 2d session S. doc. no. 650 approved Je 9 '16) 6p '17 U.S. Senate doc. clerk Text of Canadian industrial disputes investigation act and summary of industrial conciliation and antistrike legislation relating to public utilities of various countries. 21p '17 U. S. bur. of labor statistics


Colorado-Compulsory investigation of industrial disputes: Colorado's new industrial law. W. C. Williams. In Am. mining congress. Report of proceedings, 1916, p 530-49 '17 Federal intervention in labor disputes under the Erdman, Newlands and Adamson acts. D: A. McCabe. Proc Acad Pol Sci 7:95-107 Ja '17

France-Compulsory arbitration and minimum wage in munitions industry. table Monthly R 4:460-5 Mr '17

Illinois Act revising the law in relation to arbitration and awards as to the manner in which arbitrators are selected, the number which may be selected, the manner in which hearings shall be had before such arbitrators and how differences shall be submitted to a decision of such arbitration. (H. B. 353, 1917)

Legislation, Comparative Industrial conciliation and anti-strike legislation relating to public utilities in various countries. Monthly R 4:11-19 Ja '17 Railway strikes and lockouts: a study of arbitration and conciliation laws of the principal countries of the world providing machinery for the peacable adjustment of disputes between railroads and their employees, and laws of certain countries for the prevention of strikes. 367p tables N 1 '16 U.S. bd. of mediation and conciliation (Ed. exhausted)

Legislation, Proposed Colorado Amendments proposed to Colorado industrial disputes investigation act. Mining Cong J 3:81-2 Mr '17

Railroad disputes


Federal legislation relative to the mediation and arbitration of railway labor disputes. In U. S. Bd. of mediation and conciliation. Report on the effects of arbitration proceedings upon rates of pay and working conditions of railroad employees, p 600-8 '16

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Regulating the practice of architecture as a profession. P: B. Wight. Am Inst Arch J 5:56-7 F '17

License and registration Illinois-Law for licensing architects and its operation. P: B. Wight. Am Inst Arch J 4:462-6 N '16

New York (state)-Law of registration of architects. Am Inst Arch J 4:467 N '16 New York (state)-Review of the operation of the registration law. D. E. Waid. Am Inst Arch J 5:159-60 Ap '17

New York registration law criticised by its friends. P: B. Wight. Am Inst Arch J 4:432-3 O '16


Wisconsin-Act providing for the registration and practice of architects. (Ch. 644, P. L. 1917)

Architects, State

Governors' messages, 1917 Washington (state)-Gov. Lister recommends the appointment of a state architect. Architectural education


Report of committee on education. In Am. Institute of architects. Proceedings, 1916, p 107-8 '17

Architecture, Government

Government architecture, by J. A. A. Burnquist; Government architecture, by G: E. Vincent. In Am. Institute of architects. Proceedings, 1916, p 41-3, 69-72 '17

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Delaware-Act providing for securing a site and erecting a state armory and arsenal. (Ch. 33, P. L. 1917) Minnesota-Act authorizing any city of over 50,000 inhabitants not operating under a home rule charter to issue and sell bonds to repair and enlarge armories. (Ch. 368, P. L. 1917)

Rhode Island-Resolution authorizing the commander-in-chief to revoke permission granted for the use of armories. (No. 26, Laws 1917)

Armstrong, Donald B. and others

Methods of investigation in social and health problems. (SE 25) 20c F '17 Russell Sage found. (Public health-Investigations) Army. See United States-Army Army worms


Army-worms. Arthur Gibson. il Canada Dept Agric (Entomological branch) Bul no 9 34p Fall army or "grass worm" and its control. W. R. Walton and Philip Luginbill. Farmers' Bul 752 16p N '16

Arndt, Walter Tallmadge

Emancipation of the American city.


$1.50 '17 Duffield (Municipal government) Arson. See Fires


See also Community art

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Art commissions

Virginia-In conformity with an act of the last legislature, Governor Stuart has appointed four persons, who, with himself as ex-officio member will compose the membership of the state art commission. The members are to serve without compensation. The law provides that "Hereafter no work of art shall become the property of the state by purchase, gift or otherwise, unless such work of art or design of the same, together with the proposed location of such work of art, shall have first been submitted to the commission; nor shall any work of art, until so submitted, be contracted for, placed in or upon or allowed to extend over any property belonging to the state. No existing work of art owned by the state shall be removed, relocated or altered in any way without submission to the commission."

Art education

* Art education: an investigation of the training available in New York city for artists and artisans. 46p 10c '16 Metropolitan museum of art, N. Y.

This intensive study of the industries was undertaken by the Metropolitan museum of art for the purpose of bringing the museum into closer touch with manufacturers and workers in the industrial arts and enabling the museum to be of more practical service to artisans and to teachers both of the fine arts and the industrial arts.

Minneapolis, Minn.-What art education is needed in industry? US Bur Labor Statistics Bul no 199 (Vocational education ser. no. 1) p 439-67 D '16

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* California-Asparagus: the culture, marketing problems and history. W. F. Bailey tables Cal Comm Market Bul no 1 23p '16 Asphalt pavements. See Pavements, Asphalt Asphalt plants, Municipal

Asphalt pavement costs with municipal plant. J: W. Cunningham. Eng N 76:375 Ag 24 '16 Ft. Wayne [Ind.] asphalt plant. Munic J 42: 69-70 Ja 18 '17


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Arizona-Abstract of assessment rolls, 1916. table In Arizona tax conference. Report of proceedings, 1916, p 220 '16

Baltimore, Md.-Methods of assessment. T: J. Lindsay. In Maryland. Conference on taxation. Proceedings, 1916, p 50-3 '16 Committee report on taxation and assessment. H. H. McCleery. Am Munic 32:73-7 D '16

Report before the League of Iowa municipalities. Connecticut-Information relative to the assessment and collection of taxes, 1915. (Pub. doc. no. 48) 48p Je '15 State lib. Everyday problems and practical procedure in the preparation of local assessment rolls. E. K. Leblond. Wash Munic 2:3-14 Ap '17 Maryland-Needs of a general reassessment, by A. P. Gorman, jr.; Plan for general reassessment of real estate, by L. W. Wickes; Valuation, by A. C. Girdwood. In Maryland. Conference on taxation. Proceedings, 1916, p 7-24, 33-9 '16

Maryland-Tax litigation in Maryland. A. C. Girwood. Nat Tax Assn Bul 2:24-5 O '16 Modern tax valuation methods needed. J. G. Stafford. Am Munic 33:169-73 Ap '17

New York (state)-Review of local assessments, 1916. N Y State Tax Bul v 1 no 5 66p N '16

Problem of taxation. W. J. J. Kunzie. Nat Real Estate J 14:214-16 N 15 '16

Discussion of the shortcomings of our present method of assessment.

Tax assessment by scientific methods. J. G.
Stafford. il Am City 15:663-6 D '16
Tax assessments in municipalities. G: F.

Brensinger. N J Munic 1:10-11, 25-8 F '17
Address before the 2d annual convention
of the New Jersey league of municipalities,
Trenton, Jan. 10, 1917.

Virginia-Taxation of intangibles. Va Tax Bd
Bul no 2 13p N 11 '16

Winnipeg, Man.-Civic assessment and property values embodying the report of the special committee on assessment. (Bul. no. 3) 2p '17 Citizens' research league of Winnipeg

See also Assessors-Conferences; Rapid transit-Assessment; Real estate-Taxation; Tax rates; Taxation

Abatement .and refunding

South Dakota-Act providing for abatement and refunding of assessments and taxes, Duties of public officers therewith. (Ch. 130, P. L. 1917)

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