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Opening of prosupplies, etc.

posals for paper,

Harrisburg, and the remaining five to be selected by the Superintendent. Said proposals for furnishing paper and other supplies shall be opened by the Superintendent, at his office, at twelve o'clock noon, of the said first Monday of June, in the presence of the bidders, and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders. Said contract shall be for two Contract. years from the first day of July following, and the person or persons to whom the contract is awarded for supplying paper will be required to rigidly conform to the samples exhibited by the Superintendent. Said proposals for furnishing cuts and plates shall be opened by the Superintendent, at his office, at three Opening of proo'clock post meridian, of the said first Monday of June, etc. in the presence of the bidders, and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders. Said contract shall be for two years from the first day Contract. of July following, and the person or persons to whom the contract is awarded for supplying cuts and plates will be required to rigidly conform to the samples exhibited by the Superintendent.

posals for cuts,

Form of pro

Section 19. All proposals for furnishing paper under this act shall be submitted upon a blank to be fur- posals, etc. nished by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. They shall be sealed up, and shall be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing paper and other supplies," and shall be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding, at or before twelve o'clock noon of the date fixed in this act for letting the contract; and parties bidding for said contract shall name in their proposals a price or prices at which they will agree to furnish paper and other supplies of the same quality as samples exhibited to them by the Superintendent.

Section 20. All proposals for furnishing cuts and plates under this act shall be submitted upon a blank to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. They shall be sealed up, and shall be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing cuts and plates," and shall be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding, at or before three o'clock post meridian of the date fixed in this act for letting the contract; and parties bidding for said contract shall name in their proposals a price or prices at which they will agree to furnish cuts and plates of the same quality as the sample exhibited to them by the Superintendent.

Form of proplates, etc.

posals for cuts,

Section 21. That, the person or persons bidding for the contract for furnishing the State with paper and other supplies, and for furnishing cuts, steel plates and other cuts or plates, as provided in this act, shall accompany his or their proposals with a bond to the Bonds. Commonwealth, with at least two sufficient sureties, in Sureties,

Non-acceptance of award.

Purchase of papers and supplies in open market.

Rejection of proposals.

Necessary paper, supplies, etc., to be kept in stock.

the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, if awarded to him or them; which said bond shall be approved by the president or additional law judge of the district or districts in which said sureties may reside, or, in case of the absence or other inability of such president of additional law judge, then by the associate judges of the county or counties in which said sureties may reside, and shall be sealed up and delivered with the proposal. Said bond shall be further conditioned that, in case the contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder or bidders, and he or they shall neglect or refuse to accept the same at his or their bid, the said bidder or bidders, with his or their sureties, aforesaid, shall be liable to the Commonwealth for the difference between the amount of such bid and the amount of the bid of the person or persons to whom the said contract shall be awarded after such neglect or refusal; and also that, in case the paper and other supplies are not furnished equal in every respect to samples and at a reasonable time, the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding may purchase the same in the open market, and the said bidder or bidders shall be liable to the Commonwealth for the amount of such purchase. In case the said Superintendent shall, at any time, make such purchase, he shall at once certify the amount of the same to the Auditor-General, who shall draw his warrant for the said amount, in favor of the person or persons from whom the purchase was made, and charge the person or persons having such contract for paper and other supplies with the same

Section 22. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by bond in conformity with the provisions of this act, nor unless accompanied by evidence, satisfactory to the Governor, Auditor-General and State Treasurer, that the person or persons making such proposals are manufacturers of, or dealers in, the description of paper and other supplies which he or they propose to furnish.

Section 23. The person or persons to whom the said contract for furnishing paper, envelopes and other supplies shall be awarded, shall keep in stock the necessary paper, envelopes and supplies, and the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall, when necessary, make an order on him or them for an amount required for each order of printing, including in such order three per centum in excess of the amount actually required for runs of five thousand or less, and two per centum for runs exceeding five thousand; said per centum to be allowed the contractor or contractors for spoiled sheets. All paper, envelopes and other supplies shall be delivered to the contractor or contractors without any charge for freight, drayage or boxing. With each order issued by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding for paper, envelopes and other supplies, the said Superintendent shall specify thereon a time-limit for the delivery at the place where the printing for the State Time-limit for is executed; and, in default of delivery at the time delivery. specified, the Superintendent of Public Printing and Default. Binding is hereby empowered to go into the open market and purchase the necessary paper, envelopes and other supplies, and report the difference in cost to the Auditor-General, who shall deduct the said difference in cost from the next bill presented by the person or persons having the contract for supplying the State with such paper, envelopes and other supplies, and who had failed to deliver same according to this section. The Superintendent may also deposit with the The Superintencontractor or contractors for the State Printing and Binding such an amount of paper as he may deem necessary to promptly execute the printing of the State, and the said contractor or contractors is or are hereby required to provide a suitable place for the storage of such paper without expense to the Commonwealth.

dent may deposit


Section 24. The contractor or contractors shall provide a room for the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding, in the building where the printing and binding is executed, for storing all cuts, electrotypes, Storage-room. steel plates and other cuts or plates that are the propperty of the State, so that the same may be used for duplicate orders or for such purposes as may be required. Said room to be of sufficient size to also admit of an office for the Superintendent, for which the contractor or contractors shall be paid an annual rental of one hundred dollars. The Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall have access at all times to the rooms in which the printing and binding is executed, in order that he can properly superintend the work for the State.

Section 25. The Superintendent of Public Printing Laws, journals,

and Binding shall have the laws, journals, reports, messages, bills, and other documents executed in the following manner, to wit:

messages, etc.

The laws, journals, reports, messages, and documents: printed on paper twenty-six by forty, sixty Printing of. pounds, in octavo form, and in neat ten-point type. Each page to contain, as near as may be, one thousand size of pages. nine hundred ems, the lines to be of thirty-three ems size of type. wide by fifty ems long, including head- and foot-lines, except rule-and-figure- or column-work, which may be in eight-point or smaller type (provided they cannot be got in ten-point), whenever such work shall exceed one page, and in no case hereafter shall any tables or ruleand figure-work be printed except in consecutive pages. The bills to be in folio form, in twelve-point Bills.


Number of bilts and calendars.

Distribution of.

type, each full page to contain not less than thirty lines, thirty-seven ems twelve-point in width, with a twelve-point slug between each line, and to have folios on right hand page.

The calendars: same size as the bills, in ten-point type, to contain columns as follows:

First, file folio; second, number of the bill, whether of the House of Representatives or Senate; third, the title of the bill; fourth, three separate columns, one for each reading and the action had thereon.

There shall be printed eleven hundred copies of each Senate and House bill, and three hundred and fifty of the Senate and six hundred and fifty House calendars, which shall be delivered by the contractor or contractors as follows: Seven hundred copies of each Senate and House bill, and six hundred and twentyfive copies of each House calendar, to the House of Representatives; and three hundred copies of each Senate and House bill, and three hundred and twentyfive copies of each Senate calendar, to the Senate; and, of the above number, there shall be twenty-five copies of each Senate, and twenty-five copies of each House, calendar, printed on one side only, for the use in the transcribing rooms; fourteen copies of each Senate and House bill, and four copies of each Senate and House calendar, for the Executive; fifty copies of each Senate and House bill, and three copies of each Senate and House calendar, for the Secretary of the Commonwealth; and two copies of each House and Senate bill, and one copy of each Senate and House calendar, to each of the following departments: Adjutant-General, Agriculture, Attorney-General, Auditor-General, Banking, State Library, Commission of Soldiers' Orphan School, Fisheries, Highway, Mines, Factory Inspector, Forestry, Insurance, Internal Affairs, Grounds and Buildings, Public Instruction, Public Printing, State Treasury. The Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding is hereby authorized to increase this number, in order to provide a similar number for any new departments that may hereafter be created.

Section 26. No public printing and binding shall be performed for, or supplies furnished to, any department or offices of the State government, or for or to any person acting on behalf of the same, by the contractor

All work shall be or contractors, unless previously ordered or author

ordered by the Superintendent.

ized in writing by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding, except only the laws, journals of the two houses of the Legislature, official documents and the reports of the several heads of the executive departments. No part or parts of any reports of the several heads of departments shall be printed in pamphlet form, nor shall any book be published, at the expense of the State, or additional copies of any book

other official papers, which compose the volumes of
the official documents, shall be imposed-commencing
with sunk title, on first page, with the number of the
document, and, in addition to the folios and running
heads, said number shall be printed in the head-line:
Provided, That there may be an additional full or half
title to all messages, reports, documents or papers,
aforesaid, bound separately, for such work.

ports, etc.


To be consecu-

Section 28. That all messages, reports and docu-
ments authorized to be printed, or which may be or-
dered to be printed by the Legislature or by any head
of an executive department, shall be consecutively
numbered; and there shall be printed from the origi- tively numbered.
nal forms used in printing said reports, messages and
documents, ten copies of each report, message and
document, to be reserved and bound in the volumes
of official documents, in a class to which they properly
belong, in the manner provided by this act: Provided, Proviso.
That no charge shall be made for composition on the
copies so reserved.

Reserved copies.

Official docu-

Section 29. The official documents shall contain the
Governor's message, reports of heads of executive de- ments.
partments, and all other reports made to the Governor, Contents.
and all reports ordered to be printed by the Legisla-
ture. The official documents shall be printed annually, To be printed
and shall be bound in full sheep, in volumes of about annually.
one thousand pages each, with the table of contents
labeled on the back. All reports or matter relating to
the same subject shall be grouped together, as near as
possible in the same volume. The clerk of the Senate
and House of Representatives shall deliver to the Su-
perintendent of Public Printing and Binding copy of
all reports made to the Legislature, and of all other

Copy to be de-

livered by clerks
of Senate and


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