She hath had too much wrong, and I repent Riv. A virtuous and a chriftian-like conclufion, Enter Catesby. -- Catef. Madam, his majesty doth call for you,And for your grace,and you, my noble lords. Queen. Catesby, I come :-Lords, will you go with me? Riv. Madam, we will attend your grace. I [Exeunt all but Glofter. Glo. I do the wrong, and firft begin to brawl. The fecret mifchiefs that I fet abroach, 7 He is frank'd up to fatting for his pains ;-] A frank is an old English word for a bog-fty. "Tis poffible he ufes this metaphor to Clarence, in allufion to the creft of the family of York, which was a boar. Whereto relate those famous old verses on Richard III: The cat, the rat, and Lovel the dog, He uses the fame metaphor in the last scene of act IV. POPE. 8 STEEVENS. -done fcathe to us.] Scathe is harm, mischief. So, in Soliman and Perfeda: Again: "Whom now that paltry island keeps from feath." "Millions of men oppreft with ruin and seath.” I lay unto the grievous charge of others. Namely, to Stanley, Haftings, Buckingham; With old odd ends, ftol'n forth of holy writ; Enter two Murderers. But foft, here come my executioners.- 1 Mur. We are, my lord; and come to have the warrant, That we may be admitted where he is. Glo. Well thought upon, I have it here about me; When you have done, repair to Crosby-place. But, firs, be fudden in the execution, Withal obdurate, do not hear him plead; For Clarence is well fpoken, and, perhaps, May move your hearts to pity, if you mark him. 1 Mur. Tut, tut, my lord, we will not stand to prate, Talkers are no good doers; be affur'd, We go to use our hands, and not our tongues. drop tears": eyes Your eyes drop mill-ftones, when fools' eyes drop tears;] This, I believe, is a proverbial expreffion. It is ufed again in the tra gedy of Cafar and Pompey, 1607: Men's eyes mult mill-fiones drop, when fools fhed tears." STEEVENS. I like you, lads-about your business straight; 1 Mur. We will, my noble lord. SCENE IV. An apartment in the Tower. Enter Clarence, and Brakenbury, 2 [Exeunt. Brak. Why looks your grace fo heavily to-day? Clar. O, I have past a miserable night, So full of fearful dreams', of ugly fights, That, as I am a christian faithful man, I would not spend another fuch a night, Though 'twere to buy a world of happy days; So full of difmal terror was the time. Brak. What was your dream, my lord? I pray you, tell me.. Clar. Methought, that I had broken from the Tower, And was embark'd to cross to Burgundy; And, in my company, my brother Glofter: Upon the hatches; thence we look'd towards England, And cited up a thousand heavy times, O Lord! methought, what pain it was to drown! So full of fearful dreams,] The 4to. 1613, has ghafly dreams. MALONE. -faithful man,] Not an infidel. JoHNSON. D 4 What What dreadful noife of water in mine ears! All scatter'd in the bottom of the sea. Some lay in dead men's fkulls; and, in thofe holes, 6 Clar. Methought, I had; and often did I strive To yield the ghost: but still the envious flood Kept in my foul, and would not let it forth To feek the empty, vast, and wand'ring air; But fmother'd it within my panting bulk, Which almoft burft to belch it in the fea. Brak. 3 What fights of ugly death] The 4to. of 1613, readsWhat ugly fights of death. MALONE. 4 Ineftimable ftones, unvalued jewels,] Unvalu'd is here used for invaluable. So, in Lovelace's Pofthumous Poems, 1659: -the unvalew'd robe the wore Again: "Made infinite lay lovers to adore." "And what fubftantial riches I poffefs, "I muft to thefe unvalew'd dreams confefs." MALONE. By feeming to gaze • That woo'd the flimy bottom upon it; or, as we now fay, to ogle it. JOHNSON. reads: -but still the envious flood Keft in my foul, and would not let it forth To feek the empty, waft, and wand'ring air.] The folio Stopp'd in my foul and inflead of―to Jeek the empty &c. has to find the empty, c. The quarto of 1613, evidently by a mistake of the compofitor, reads: To keep the empty, &c, Brak. Awak'd you not with this fore agony? Clar. O, no, my dream was lengthen'd after life; O, then began the tempeft to my foul! I pafs'd, methought, the melancholy flood, With that grim ferryman' which poets write of, Unto the kingdom of perpetual night. The firft that there did greet my stranger foul, Was my great father-in-law, renowned Warwick; Who cry'd aloud,-What Scourge for perjury Can this dark monarchy afford falfe Clarence? And fo he vanifh'd: Then came wand'ring by A fhadow like an angel, with bright hair Dabbled in blood; and he fhriek'd out aloud,Clarence is come,falfe, fleeting, perjur'd Clarence,That ftabb'd me in the field by Tewksbury;Seize on him, furies, take him to your torments!With that, methought, a legion of foul fiends Environ'd me, and howled in mine ears Such This line would, I think, be improved by a different pune tuation: To find the empty vaft, and wandring air. To find the immenfe vacuity &c. Vaft is ufed as a fubftantive, by our author, in other places. So, in Pericles: "Thou God of this great Again, in The Winter's Tale: " vaft, rebuke the furges-" -they have feemed to be together though abfent; fhook hands over a vaft" MALONE. 7 grim ferryman.] The folio reads-four ferryman. 8 STEEVENS. -fleeting, perjur'd Clarence,] Fleeting is the fame as changing fides. JOHNSON. So, in Antony and Cleopatra: now the fleeting moon No planet is of mine. Clarence broke his oath with the earl of Warwick, and joined the army of his brother king Edward IV. STEEVENS. 9 a legion of foul fiends Environ'd me, &c.] Milton feems to have thought on this paffage where he is defcribing the midnight fufferings of Our Saviour, in the 4th book of Paradife Regain'de |