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The construction of the iron-clad Valparaiso is actively pro gressing; this vessel, with the exception of some small differences of detail, is similar to the Almirante Cochrane.

The Hydrographic Office recently established has already undertaken important labours which will be found described in the "Annuario Hidrográfico de la Marina de Chile," published at the commencement of this year. It bears witness to the services of our marine to geography and navigation.

Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies,

In a few months the electoral law which you have adopted in your last year's sessions will come into operation and introduce a fundamental innovation in our electoral system. The trial about to be made of it in the renewal of the public powers will furnish evidence of its excellence, and place the country in a situation to constitute definitively the essential basis of democratic government by the adoption of well-considered institutions which have the advantage of having been improved by experience.

You have entrusted to me the task of watching over the execution of this law, and I regard it as the most sacred of my duties to endeavour to secure its exact and honourable fulfilment. In earnest of my sincerity I declare to you from this moment that I shall not only watch with scrupulous respect over the numerous and efficient safeguards of liberty and independence with which the new law invests every step of the electional procedure, but hold myself bound to promote the purity of the suffrages in all that depends upon my office. I consider that if the magistrates are in the secure enjoyment of the same rights as the rest of the citizens, it is in no case legitimate for them to promote their own personal views by the authority which the law has placed in their hands for the service of the nation.

From the 1st of next November, therefore, when qualifying for the election will begin, the civic guard throughout the whole Republic will be withdrawn from service until the 25th of June of next year, the date of the termination of the popular elections. In this same loyal and impartial spirit I shall make such other provisions as may seem agreeable with my powers and the faithful discharge of my office.

Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies,

The last two sessions of the Legislature have been fruitful in beneficial results. The termination of your patriotic labour in the session inaugurated to-day will earn you the honour and gratitude of the nation.

I have firm confidence in the destinies of our country, and in the happy future which the virtues of her sons are preparing for her

under that high protection which hitherto had been granted to us

by Divine providence.

Santiago, June 1, 1875.


SPEECH of the President of Chile, on the Opening of Congress. -Santiago, June 1, 1876.



I HAVE the honour to preside, for the fifth and last time, at the opening of the Legislative Session, and give an account to the Representatives of the nation of the progress of affairs in the various branches of the public administration.

I have continued cultivating with cordiality the close relations maintained with friendly nations.

The question of limits pending with the Argentine Republic remains in the same state, but I entertain the firm conviction that it will soon receive a solution satisfactory to the interests of both Republics, and worthy of the noble and fraternal bonds that unite them. In this just and well-founded hope I have lately sent to Buenos Ayres one of our distinguished citizens with full power to satisfactorily conclude the only international question that we have pending. To the same end may contribute the mediation offered in this matter by the Minister Plenipotentiary of Peru, in the name of his Government, which we have gratefully accepted in the unexpected event of our not being able to come to a friendly understanding, or obtain its submission to arbitration.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was created by the Law of December 2, 1871, and since then two Postal Conventions have been celebrated-one with Germany and the other with Colombia; a Consular Convention with Peru; the Treaty of Limits with Bolivia,* and that of the Armistice between Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Spain.t

An addition has also been made to the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Navigation with Belgium, relative to trade marks ; and the liquidation of the accounts of the allied squadron of Chile and Peru has terminated, with the sentence of the umpire named for that purpose.

At present are being negotiated a Treaty of Commerce, Friend

* Vol. LXV. Page 275.
+ Vol. LXVI. Page 710.
Vol. LXVI. Page 1069.

ship, and Navigation with Peru; a similar one with Salvador; an Extradition Treaty with Peru; another with Bolivia; and four Postal Treaties with Brazil, France, the United States of North America, and the Republic of the Uruguay.

Arrangements have also been entered into with various nations for exchange of official publications.

The new electoral law has been subjected to a double trial, by the total renovation of the Congress and the municipalities.

In the great majority of the Departments the elections have taken place in the midst of the most perfect tranquillity, and without giving rise to complaint of any kind.

Unfortunately, in some places the elections have been preceded or accompanied by acts that vitiate them, and on which you will shortly have to pass judgment. In a tranquil and just discussion it may be possible to determine which of these acts are the natural consequence of imperfect dispositions of the law, and which arise out of the evil customs of our political parties. In either case we should act promptly, to reform the law or adopt opportune measures of reparation, if it should transpire that any right has been violated or ignored.

In three months more will be completed the railway in course of construction between Curicó, Los Angeles, and Angol, with which the State will possess an extent of 952 kilometres of line: 469 kilometres have been constructed in the last five years, at the same time that the old and much deteriorated lines have been almost completely renewed; that of Valparaiso continued to the mole, land reclaimed from the sea, and our principal port endowed with a new and spacious street.

The State being owner of the great line uniting Valparaiso with Talcahuano and Angol, it was not advisable that an intermediate section should belong to private individuals, and be under a separate and independent administration; authorized, therefore, by the Law of August 20, 1873, I acquired for the State all the rights of private individuals in the line between Santiago and San Fernando.

The total value of the fiscal railways is 35,000,000 dollars, representing 69.17 per cent. of the amount of our internal and external debt.

The heavy outlay that we have effected in the construction of railways has imposed great sacrifices; but besides the great advantages the country has already derived from them, the receipts from our lines will be before many years one of our principal sources of revenue. The Santiago and Valparaiso Railway, which produced in the five years from 1866 to 1870 an annual average of 1,229,616 dollars, has yielded in the last five years 1,917,396 dollars. The Santiago and Curicó Railway produced from 1866 to 1870 590,921

dollars annually, and in the last five years 945,128 dollars. The same proportion is observable in the new line from Chillan to Talcahuano.

The important services of the Post Office and the telegraph have attracted my attention especially. The offices and the frequency of the mails have been multiplied as much as possible; at the same time that the wire places us in communication, not only with nearly all the towns of the Republic, but with the other States of America and with Europe.

Public beneficence has continued meriting my most solicitous care. The great Hospital of San Vicente de Paul and the Lazareto del Salvador, recently constructed, are affording an asylum to many sick persons.

The administration of justice has attained a notable importance, and has made considerable progress during the five years of my administration. The promulgation of the Penal and Mining Codes, and of the organization and attributes of the tribunals, the establishment of the Second Court of Appeal in Santiago, and the creation of 16 judgeships, have efficiently contributed to that end; as also the construction of commodious and secure gaols in Curicó and Quillota, the repairs made to several other establishments of the same nature, and the foundation in Valparaiso of a house of correction for women, similar to that of Santiago.

The revision of the code of civil and military judicial practice is being actively continued, and I hope to have the satisfaction of presenting it for your sanction.

The revision is about to be commenced of the Rural Code project, and that of criminal judicial practice is in a tolerably advanced condition.

Notable progress has also been made in the matter of public instruction. New classes have been formed in the Instituto Nacional-a building already too small for the number of students frequenting it; two new provincial lyceums have been founded in Linares and Melipulli; a normal school for females has been established in Serena; and an increase of 200 primary schools has taken place, of which 68 are mixed or alternate.

The construction of the great lyceum of Valparaiso is considerably advanced, and will be entirely completed during the present year.

The fiscal receipts in 1875 were 16,350,119 dollars, showing an increase over those of 1874 by 688,395 dollars. In 1871 our revenue was 11,781,880 dollars; we have therefore obtained in the last four years an augmentation of our annual revenue of 4,568,239 dollars.

The public expenditure amounted in 1875 to the sum of

22,052,187 dollars.

Of this amount 4,944,264 dollars belong to works in course of construction by virtue of special laws and with extraordinary resources.

Our commerce, which in 1871 amounted to 70,329,797 dollars, reached in 1875 83,953,436 dollars.

In forming the Estimates for the coming year, care has been taken to obtain the indispensable equilibrium between the receipts and the expenditure-an object that must not be lost sight of, if we wish to maintain unimpaired the enviable credit the country has attained, and which places us on a level with the most favoured nations.

The International Exhibition of 1875 has been a most satisfactory success: 28 nations have been represented in this competition of industry, science and art, through 3,000 exhibitors.

We have been able to appreciate with real complacency the degree of advancement attained by our industry, and especially in the branches of agriculture and mining. It is certain that before long the country will derive from the last Exhibition the same. advantages that it obtained from that of 1869, so fruitful in beneficial results.

The law on the organization of the Offices of Finance having been promulgated, I have charged a commission of chief employés of that branch with the formation of the ordinances and regulations necessary to carry it out.

Several blocks of the bonded warehouses in course of construction in Valparaiso have been already occupied, and before the close of the year they will contain all the merchandize, to the great advantage of commerce and of the revenue. From the section already occupied, an economy has been effected of upwards of 90,000 dollars, which in December next will amount to 125,000 dollars, when the renting of private warehouses will cease.

In the ensuing month all the columns of the great mole in course of construction in Valparaiso will be placed in position. The rest of the work does not present such serious difficulties as those already overcome, and I can state that in the month of April next year the mole will be opened to public service.

The superior course of agricultural instruction has been established in a part of the Exhibition building. The agricultural museum that has been organized there, and the ground prepared for practical instruction, will afford all the necessary opportunities for acquiring a complete knowledge of the new career opened to our young agriculturists.

I have much pleasure in fulfilling a duty of justice, in recommending to your notice the good and faithful services of our army, which has not ceased to give salutary examples of its morale and discipline. I have the satisfaction of leaving it in possession of an

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