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En foi de quoi les deux Plénipotentiaires l'ont signée en original et en double, et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait à Stuttgart, le 3 Octobre, 1869.




Les Soussignés, s'étant réunis pour signer le Traité d'Extradition concerté entre l'Italie et le Wurtemberg, ont jugé utile de déclarer formellement :

Que les deux textes du Traité, savoir le texte Italien et le texte Allemand, doivent être considérés comme également authentiques, et que s'il pouvait se trouver une divergence entre ces deux textes, de même que s'il surgissait un doute sur l'interprétation d'un passage quelconque, l'on suivra l'interprétation la plus favorable à l'extradition du prévenu.

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs ont signé le présent et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait en double expédition à Stuttgart, le 3 Octobre, 1869.



NOTES exchanged between Austria and Italy, respecting the Boundary on the Streams Caffaro and Chiese.-Vienna, December 31, 1874, and February 5, 1875.

The Austro-Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Italian Minister at Vienna.

Vienne, ce 31 Décembre, 1874.

A L'OCCASION d'une enquête internationale sur l'exécution de travaux hydrauliques sur les torrents Caffaro et Chiese, les autorités Impériales et Royales ont fait observer la grande utilité que présenterait l'existence d'une carte topographique qui indiquerait exactement la situation et le cours des deux rivières, et qui serait en même temps destinée à la délimitation définitive de la frontière entre l'Autriche et l'Italie le long de ces torrents.

Le Ministère Impérial et Royal des Affaires Étrangères a eu l'honneur d'informer, en son temps, de cet avis la Légation Royale d'Italie, et, par une Note en date du 4 Avril, 1871, M. le Chevalier Curtopassi, Chargé d'Affaires d'Italie, a été à même de porter à la connaissance du Ministère Impérial et Royal que son Gouvernement avait accepté notre proposition de dresser, avec l'assistance

d'un expert technique de chacun des deux États, une telle carte topographique dont l'authenticité serait ensuite reconnue par les deux Gouvernements.

Faisant suite à sa Note du 5 Juin dernier, le Ministère des Affaires Étrangères a maintenant l'honneur de prévenir M. le Comte Robilant, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, que la Commission chargée de cette tâche s'est réunie le 18 Juin dernier, et a résumé le résultat de ses travaux dans un Procès-Verbal signé à Darzo, le 28 Juillet dernier, en double expédition. Les cinq annexes de ces actes ont été soumises par le Département de l'Intérieur à un examen soigneux, et trouvées en conformité avec le contenu du document même.

Le Gouvernement Impérial et Royal est donc prêt, en ce qui le concerne, à approuver le résultat des travaux de la Commission Internationale, tel qu'il est compris dans le Procès-Verbal du 28 Juillet, 1874, et il attend l'approbation du Gouvernement Royal d'Italie, pour pouvoir le considérer comme constituant un engagement formel et définitif.

Le Ministre des Affaires Étrangères a donc l'honneur de transmettre, ci-joint, à M. l'Envoyé une copie authentique de ces actes, qu'il le prie de vouloir bien soumettre à son Gouvernement, qui se trouvera ainsi dans l'état de certifier l'identité des deux originaux.

En attendant une réponse respective, le Soussigné profite de cette occasion, &c.

Pour le Ministre des Affaires Étrangères le Conseiller intime, BARON DE HOFMANN.

The Italian Minister at Vienna to the Austro-Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs.


Vienne, ce 5 Février, 1875.

ME référant à la note votre Excellence a bien voulu m'adresser sous la date du 31 Décembre dernier, j'ai l'honneur de prendre acte, au nom du Gouvernement du Roi mon auguste Souverain, de l'approbation accordée par le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale Apostolique au résultat des travaux de la Commission Internationale chargée de la délimitation définitive de la frontière Austro-Italienne le long des torrents Caffaro et Chiese, tel qu'il est compris dans le Procès-Verbal du 28 Juillet. 1874.

Les Ministères Royaux compétents ayant examine en outre la copie authentique de ce document, qui était jointe à la note précitée, et constaté l'identité des deux originaux, je suis en même temps chargé de communiquer à votre Excellence l'acceptation, de la part du Gouvernement Italien, des conclusions du Procès-Verbal en

question, qui constitue ainsi désormais un engagement formel et définitif entre les deux Gouvernements.


Je saisis, &c.,



Darzo, July 28, 1874.

On the morning of the 18th ultimo, at 9 o'clock, according to an understanding come to between the Imperial and Royal AustroHungarian Government and the Government of Italy, there met on the international bridge over the Caffaro Herr Johan Kalser, Captain of the Imperial and Royal district of Tione, and Herr Untergasser, engineer in the Imperial Royal service attached to the office of works of Trent, on behalf and as representatives of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government, and the Chevalier Alessandro Mazzanti, engineer attached to the Royal Institute of Civil Engineering in Ferrara, and the Chevalier Doctor Germani Giuseppe, Councillor of Prefecture at Brescia, on behalf and as representatives of the Royal Italian Government, all of them members of the International Commission for the settlement of the frontier line along the courses of the Rivers Caffaro and Chiese, from the international bridge over the Caffaro to the embouchure of the River Chiese in Lake Idro.

The members of the above Commission thus constituted, after the recognition and exhibition of the respective credentials and the communication of the special instructions received from their Governments, entered into conversation upon the matter to be transacted, and first of all judged it necessary to inspect and reconnoitre the ground over which they were to proceed with the business of their mandate.

Starting, therefore, from the Caffaro bridge they followed the course of the river up to the point where it quits the frontier line, and advancing along this line, indicated approximately by a country road which follows the former bed of this River Caffaro, they reached the River Chiese at the point where it marks the frontier; they descended the course of this latter stream as far as its mouth in Lake Idro, noting that, in the vicinity of this mouth, on account of the deviation of the stream from the frontier line, the latter was here indicated by private boundary stones placed there by landed proprietors of the commune of Bondone on the Austrian side, and by those of Bagolino on the Italian.

The International Commission then ascended the right bank of the Chiese to its confluence with the River Caffaro, and then ascended along this stream as far as the bridge from which they had started, as according to the instruction of the aforesaid Govern

ments this tract of the river's course was also to be surveyed and planned.

In this preliminary inspection the International Commission had the assistance of people practically acquainted with the locality, which was obtained on the spot.

At this meeting the undulation of the ground, the headlands, the sections, and other matters of interest in reference to the plans to be prepared were noticed.

On the 19th ultimo, accordingly, the surveying was commenced, as also the preparation of the following documents just completed, approved, and signed by the Commission which are here enumerated: 1. Surface plan.

2. Longitudinal contour of level.

3. Portfolio of 15 sheets of transverse sections.

4. Portfolio of sheets showing details of bridge, comprising ground plan and elevation.

5. Description of the frontier line.

Then, with the Treaty of Zurich of November 10, 1859,* and the final act of designation of the frontier between Sardinia and the Italian provinces of Austria dated Peschiera, June 16, 1860,† at hand, the frontier line was marked in carmine on the surface plan and on the sections, with the reservation that boundary stones might be placed at suitable spots, and which can be prepared, upon the present work being approved, by the care of the Imperial Royal Austrian Government, and set up by this same Commission at

common cost.

Referring, then, to the report of the visit of inspection made by another International Commission, dated Caffaro, October 25, 1870, the Commission reserves the intention of establishing, in conformity with the provision of Article 6 of the final deed of the AustroItalian Military Commission, dated Venice, December 22, 1867, the rules to be observed with reference to hydraulic works which may be constructed in the courses of the two boundary rivers, the conditions in which fishing may be carried on in the rivers above mentioned, and the floating of wood on the Chiese, this mode of transport not being practicable on the Caffaro.

Before the Commission quitted the district, it was settled that two original tracings, under the direction of the Engineers Chevalier Mazzanti and Untergasser, should be made of the above described technical documents which, after verification and approval by the International Commission, can be consigned to the respective Governments together with the present Protocol, which has been drawn up for use in duplicate. The originals of this technical work will be Vol. XLIX. Page 377. + Vol. LIII. Page 943.

Vol. LXIII. Page 810.

delivered, upon a receipt being given, to the Royal Institute of Civil Engineering at Brescia, as being the nearest depository to the locality surveyed, and the nearest at hand in any contingency. Done, read, and approved under the date expressed at the head of the present Act, the parties subscribe.

The International Commission,

For Austria:

For Italy:

GIOVANNI KALSER, I. R. District Captain.
GIUS. UNTERGASSER, Imperial Engineer Adjoint.

ALESSANDRO MAZZANTI, Engineer in the Royal
Civil Engineer Service.

GERMANI GIUSEPPE, Councillor of Prefecture.

GERMAN DECREE, respecting the Limitation of the Jurisdiction of German Consuls in Egypt.-Berlin, December 23,



WE, William, by the grace of God German Emperor, King of Prussia, &c., decree, upon the basis of the Law of March 30, 1874,* touching the limitation of the jurisdiction of the German Consuls in Egypt (Reichs-Gesetzeblatt, page 23), in the name of the German Empire, the assent of the Bundesrath having been given, as follows: § 1. The jurisdiction pertaining to the Consuls of the German Empire in Egypt is withdrawn:

1. In civil lawsuits, in cases where both parties are not Imperial subjects, or under the protection of the Empire.

2. In civil lawsuits when immovable property situate in Egypt, or a right over such property, forms the subject of litigation.

§ 2. Questions of status remain, however, within the jurisdiction of the Consuls, even should their decision be included in the above-mentioned lawsuits (§ 1).

§ 3. The jurisdiction pertaining to the Consuls in criminal matters is withdrawn:

1. For transgressions.

2. For crimes and misdemeanours directly committed against the judges, the jury, or the other officers of the new Provincial Courts established by the Egyptian Government, in the execution of their office or in respect to their calling, viz.:

This law authorizes the jurisdiction of German Consuls in Egypt being limited or withdrawn by an Imperial Decree, such limitation or withdrawal not to exceed the space of five years.

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