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would more than have made a canal from Bussard's enemy is in motion; his disorderly movements beBay to that of Barnstable, for the cargoes are esti- tray his apprehensions; gladly would he compound mated at $300,000, and would have been saved by for safety; but policy and justice alike demand the such a canal. terrible infliction. The history of his daring must

I have taken the liberty of making these remarks not be told without the terrible catastrophe by which from a conviction that when a view is dispassionately it was attended. A hundred thousand men sacrifictaken of the subject, the national legislature will noted to his frantic presumption, attest your valor and neglect such measures as shall tend to advance the devotion to your country; and must deter him from best interests of their country. No nation on the a repetition of his impracticable design. Much, globe is capable of being so easily and perfectly ca- however, yet remains to be done, and that is in your nalled as this. Our large lakes and numerous rivers power. Let the line of his retreat be rendered meoffer the means of intersecting every part of the morable by your honest indignation; destroy every country with canals. Public and private land will thing that can be servicable to him, and your comthereby be increased in value, while employment will manders have orders to remunerate you. Render be given to a large portion of the inhabitants. Two your bridges, your roads impassable. In fine adopt hundred waggons for the last three months have and execute the suggestions of a brave, wise, and been in constant employ from Boston to Providence, patriotic heart, and shew yourselves deserving the while before the war there were only two, which were thanks of your country and your sovereign. regular baggage waggons.

You may, from these facts, form some idea of the great advantages which must result from internal navigation.

With sentiments of the highest esteem, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, H. A. Y. DEARBORN,

Honorable Samuel L. Mitchill.

Russian Proclamation.


Should the remains of the enemy's force escape to our imperial frontiers, and attempt to winter there, they must prepare themselves to encounter all the rigors of the clime and season, and the various attacks of our troops: thus harrassed, exhausted, and defeated, he shall forever be rendered incapable of renewing the presumptuous attempt. (Signed)


British Religion.

The religion of the British government, as well Russians! At length the enemy of our country- as its devotion to liberty, has been a fruitful theme the foe of its independence and freedom has expe- of eulogy. An orator in congress is said to have rienced a portion of that terrible vengeance which sat down and cried, because we were at war with his ambitious and unprincipled aggression has arous-this bulwark of the faith-and he spoke of the great ed. From the period of his march from Wilna his things it had done for religion in India.—Until army great in numbers, assured in valor and disci- the declaration of war for our seamen impressed, pline, and elated at the remembrance of victories we never understood that Great Britain had more gained in other regions, threatened not less than the religion than other nations; but would be glad to entire subjugation of Russia. The system which we believe it even now, trusting it would lead her to had thought fit to adopt strengthened that confi-justice and peace.

dence. The sanguinary battles fought on his rout That country has been the scene of the most bitand which gave him temporary possession of Smo-ter persecutions for religious opinion—and now, this lensk, flattered him with all the illusions of victory. very day, in January 1813, the government is less He reached Moscow, and he believed himself invin-tolerant than any other in the civilized world, that of cible and invulnerable. He now exulted in the idea the Brazils, and the Spanish cortes or Regency, exof reaping the fruit of his toil of obtaining for his cepted. This assertion is not rashly hazarded. It soldiers comfortable winter quarters and of sending can be sustained by indisputable facts; and should out thence next spring, fresh forces to ravage and sink deep in the minds of the pious. I repeat itburn our cities, make captives of our countrymen, there is no government in Europe, that of Turkey overthrow our laws and holy religion, and subject and Spain excepted, so intollerant as the government every thing to his lawless will. Vain, presumptuous of Great Britain, in religious affairs. Volumes of hope, insolent, degrading menace! A population of facts, like those mentioned in the note below, might forty millions, attached to their king and country, be collected to shew the outrageous spirit that influand devoted to their religion and laws, the least ences her national church, without even alluding to brave man of whom is superior to his unwilling con- the Catholics of Ireland! federates and victims, cannot be conquered by any There is nothing more notorious than that religious heterogeneous force which he could muster, even of persecution was the great cause of the rapid settletreble its late amount. ment of that portion of America which now forms

Scarcely had he reached Moscow, and attempted the United States, and particularly so of the country to repose amidst its burning ruins, when he found north of the Potomac. For conscience-sake, our anhimself encircled by the bayonets of our troops, he cestors left their homes and crossed the trackless then too late discovered that the possession of Mos-ocean, to sit themselves down in the wilderness, cow was not the conquest of the kingdom; that his among wild men and wild beasts, more tolerant than temerity had led him into a snare and that he must the national priests of the old world. The history choose between retreat and annihilation. He prefer- of the various sects that inhabit this free country, ed the former, and behold the consequences. is continually interlarded with prisons, dungeons,

[Here follow the official accounts of the defeat of chains, whippings and death-because they worshipVictor's advanced guard nnder Murat, near Moscow, ped the LIVING GOD according to the dictates of by marshal Muconsoff; of the defeat of general St. their own hearts; nothing else. The illustrious Cyr by marshal Wittgenstain, and the storming of Penn,† the Solon of the new world; and who, in fabuPolotsk; of the re-occupation of Moscow by Win

zingerode's corps, &c.]

*Mr. Randolph.

Russians! The Almighty has heard our wishes It is with pride that I acknowledge my ancestors, and crowned you with success. Every where the were fellow-emigrants with Penn.-EDITOR.


lous times, would have been regarded as a divinity "home from witnessing a scene that I shall never for for the excellency of his institutions; whose rule of "get. At 12 o'clock this day, it being the great day conduct was "peace upon earth and good will to "of the feast, the idol was brought out of his temmankind," did not himself escape the lash of per-"ple amidst the acclamations of hundreds of thousecution. With a patient and persevering spirit, "sands. The throne of the idol was placed on a car and internally supported in the mighty work before "sixty feet high, whose massy wheels indented the him, he emigrated to America, and opened the door "ground as they turned slowly under the ponderous of friendship and hospitality to all peaceable men,"machine. After a few minutes the car stopped, and of all sects and persuasions. The most of the co- the worship began; a high priest pronounced oblonies were settled from the same motives that in-"scene verses in the ears of the people, who respondfluenced that great man. How then is England the "ed in the same strain; a pilgrim now announced "bulwark of our religion ?" Her oppressions planted "that he was ready to offer himself a sacrifice to the religion in America. "idol; he laid himself down before the car, and was

In page 130, of Vol. I. of the WEEKLY REGISTER, "crushed to death by the wheels of the tower-and is an exposition of the state of the British NATIONAL "great numbers are annually sacrificed in the same church-to which I refer the reader for many inte-"way!" resting particulars, as well as for some remarks on established religions, in general: which, of what na-fices and infamous scenes, and says "The characThe author minutely describes other horrid sacri ture or kind soever they be, I consider the chosen "teristics of Moloch's worship are obscenity and curse of mankind. "blood."

To the British, as individuals, much credit is due for their civil and religious institutions. Nor would "annual expenses of the idol Juggernaut, presented Dr. Buchanan gives an exact statement of the have it supposed that while their national church is to the British government." It amounts to 89,616 rureprehended, a censure is intended to be cast on the pees, or £8,702 sterling. "In the third item (amountpeople that adhere to it. The great body of them are ing to £1,250)-the wages of his servants, are includ conscientiously bound so to do; and while we exer-led the wages of the COURTEZANS who are kept for the cise the liberty of thinking for ourselves, heaven for-service of the temple !"-"The temple of Juggernaut bid that we should refuse it to others. It is with the is under the immediate controul of the English gogovernment that are at war; and whose inconsistencies vernment, who levy a tax on pilgrims as a source of we have often attempted to expose. As for instance revenue!" The official title of the act for the go-we have said, that while all the national priests of vernment of this temple is, “A regulation for levying Great Britain were praying lustily for the downfall a tax from pilgrims resorting to the temple of JUGGER of anti-christ (as they call the Pope and the Roman NAUT, and for the SUPERINTENDANCE AND MANAGEcatholic religion) king George's body guards were MENT OF THE TEMPLE." [Here the "superintendance” stationed at Rome for the protection of the "Holy and "management" of the worship of this idol, are Father;" his armies are fighting in Spain, as they expressly provided for-and the "agreeable society" say, for the Catholic religion, nay, for the very inqui(the aforesaid Mr. Hunter and the military officers sition itself-but it is almost criminal to profess that stationed there to superintend and manage the matfaith in Ireland. ter) that Dr. Buchanan was in, were so "accustomed"

It is in India, that British governmental] religion, to the horrid scenes that he witnessed, that they as well as liberty, is best elucidated. the Rev. Dr. CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN, author of an admi-"it my duty to state, that these idolators are our own Let us hear were little moved by them. He further says "I feel rable work called "Christian researches in Asia," and "subjects; and that every one who can do it, pays a triother celebrated tracts. We were often indistinct-"bute to the British government for leave to worship this ly informed of the things he speaks of-and his tes-"idol! This is called the revenue of the temple; and timony is true.

Many millions of the British king's subjects in "ed to collect the tax from pilgrims resorting to the "a civil officer, supported by military force, is appointAsia, worship an idol called Juggernaut. It is no "temple of Juggernaut! Other temples in Hindostan excuse that the Indians are devoted to the obscene "have been long considered as a legitimate source of reand cruel ceremonies of this modern Moloch; for the "venue" There is no parallel for this high abomiworship is sanctioned by the government of India, nation in the history of the Christian world. by law, and an immense revenue derived from itThus are murder and idolatry LEGALIZED. There appear to be several other similar temples tish are less scrupulous than the Jews. Judas Iscariot British government, to raise a revenue. One is with The Bri- in Hindostan, alike superintended and managed by the would have returned the thirty pieces of silver; but in eight miles of Calcutta! they said, it was "the price of blood," and refused them. For many highly important particulars we refer The following are extracts from Dr. Buchanan's an attentive perusal. the reader to the work itself-which is well worthy Journal of a tour to the temple of this idol

"We know that we are approaching Juggernaut fitted out a religious mission to India. The piety of certain people in the Eastern states "(and yet we are more than fifty miles from it) by the lent men, Messrs. Judson and Newell, with their wives, Two excelhuman bones that we have seen for some days strew-sailed from Salem on this laudable business in Febru"ed in the way." "This idol has been justly called ary last, well fitted for the arduous duties before "the Moloch of the present age, and he is justly so them. They arrived safe in India-but the govern "named, for the sacrifices offered up to him by seb-ment immediately ordered them back, and they have devotion are not less criminal, perhaps, not less returned home. The revenue of Juggernaut must not "humerous, than those recorded of the Moloch of be unhinged! "Canean. The walls of the temple are covered with NOTE-Extract from the "Evangelical Magazine, for "ndecent emblems in massive and durable sculp#ture."

Dec. 1811," published in a London. "The grand Hindoo festival of the Rutt Jattra proceedings of the general quarter sessions of the "Prosecution according to law-An account of the "takes place on the 18th inst, when the idol is to be peace for the county of Berks, held at Reading, Jan "brought forth to the people. I reside during my 16, 1811, on the appeal of William Kent, against a "stay in the house of James Hunter, esq. the compu- conviction of W. B. Price, esq. in the penalty of 20 "ny's collector of tax on pilgrims”—“I have returned for teaching and praying in a meeting or convention

held in an uninhabited house, in other manner than desarts of Africa, to expose them to the burning according to the liturgy of the Church of England, sun and unwholesome climate of the interior of that where five persons or more were present.-[We ex-country, and make them fight his battles with "his tact this act from a report, taken in short hand, by majesty the king of Congo, to die and rot in a Mr. Gurney, and printed at Reading by M. Cowlade foreign land, unpitied; far from all the heart holds and Co.] dear, leaving their relatives in fearful uncertainty of their horrid fate!

"In Sept. 1810, a few persons of the late Mr. Wesley's Society, (commonly called Methodists) living in the parish of Childry, Berks, procured a house to be licensed, agreeably to the act of toleration, which was duly certified in the registry of the bishop of Salisbury.

"In this house Mr. Wesley's preachers attended, and preached once every Sunday: and, in the morning and evening, some of the congregation held a prayer meeting.

"On Sunday, October 21st, William Kent, William Franklin, and others, assembled in the evening for prayer and singing hymns. At this meeting Margaret Partridge, a servant of the reverend Mr. Beaver, Lawrence Belcher, and John Burt, a constable, and others of their party attended: but did not join in prayer by kneeling with the rest.

Let Decatur's toast, given at the seamen's feast at New-York, be forever reiterated, till the practice ceases-it was,

The person of the free citizen of America must be
See commodore Rodgers' letter, page 342.


Among the means made use of ad captandum rrůgus-to cheat the unthinking-the following arti cle is running its round in a certain description of


"A loan of twenty-five millions, says Mr. Stow, will "In the ensuing week, the reverend Mr. Beaver laid dollars weigh about one pound. Ivordupois. Twentybe wanted for the ensuing year. Seventeen silver an information before W. Price, Esq. under the Con- five millions weigh about 1,479,588 pounds; and to venticle Act (of 21 Charles II) against William Kent and William Franklin; who were both convict to be loaned for the war expenditures of the ensuconvey to the public treasury, in silver coin, the sum ed of teaching and praying, and fined in a penalty of ing year, would require seven hundred and thirty-five £ 20 each. Mr. Kent having refused to pay the mo-wagons, each bearing more than a ton weight!" ney, a distress warrant was issued on the 18th of Now it would have been nothing but fair to have December, by virtue of which John Buck distrained said that five millions of the sum to be borrowed, was a house of Kent's, which was sold by auction, Dec. designed to pay that part of the existing public debt, 24th. Kent bought his house for 25 which mo- reimbursable in the course of the year, with the inney he paid to the constable; who, after deducting terest accruing. See official reports, page 299, et expences, returned to Kent the overplus."

"Distressing Capture."

The public commisseration is highly excited by an article headed as above, now passing through the newspapers. It appears that the brig Edwin of Salem, has been captured by the Algerines, and sent to Algiers, where the crew are put at hard labor as slaves. We are truly pleased to observe the sensibility of certain men on this unfortunate event; and will cheerfully join them in any exertion of force or negociation to bring back our tars to their fire-sides and little ones. They must be released-the American will not sit down contented, while eight or ten of his fellow-citizens are slaves to the Dey of Algiers, though that prince has legally declared war against


But how is it that we have been so easy under a knowledge of the fact that EIGHT or TEN THOUSAND

passim. Therefore the calculator ought to have impressed but 588 waggons to carry the money!

In page 299, we have the Secretary of the Treasury's estimate for the service of the year 1813. The British chancellor of the exchequer's budget for 1812, consisted of the following items, which the American war will swell at least 20 per cent. the present year; but let us take it as it was

Navy, exclusive of ordnance
Army, including barracks
Unprovided last year
Vote of credit
Sicily (loan)
Portugal (do.)










Sterling £.58,188,456

To this must be added the interest of the nation(at least) of our seamen have been made slaves by al debt, which was about 38 millions-grand total the Dey of England, the British navy? In what re- of expenditures for 1812, 96,000,000 pounds sterlspect is their state more enviable than that of their ing, equal to 426,240,000 dollars, which, according brethren in Algiers? The impressed sailor works as to the profound calculation made above, would rebard, and for the same pay, which is nothing. If he quire twelve thousand five hundred and ten waggons will not work he is whipped, just the same as at Alto carry it to the treasury. And further, if each giers or denied food, or chained, or kicked about waggon, with four horses, occupied only 50 feet, the by every puppy that pleases to shew his "magnani-line would reach one hundred and fourteen miles. mity" and "religion" and "love of liberty," by abusing Again, for the sake of round numbers, say the pub. him. This is not the case at Algiers; for there the lic debt of the United States is 50 millions of dollars. master of the slaves is only permitted to make the The public debt of Great Britain is 850 millions of "refractory" do "duty" in "his highness' service." pounds sterling-equal to 3774 millions of dollars. Besides, the dey of Algiers will not employ these Now to carry the first, would require fourteen hunmen to fight their fellow-citizens-he has too much dred and seventy "waggons"-but to convey the lathonor for that. He will merely detain them till peace ter, one hundred and eight thousand two hundred and is restored, and return them safe and sound (the fifty "waggons" would be wanting-at 50 feet each, usual hazards of life excepted) to their country; they would extend one thousand and thirty miles and not mangled and torn to pieces by the arms of his a half.

enemies. Great heaven! what a savage would we Besides, one fourth, at least, of the laborers of G. think him if he were to march these men through the Britain are paupers-In the United States, no person

able to labor is necessarily dependent on the public Bounty. We have really no paupers, but the halt, the lame and the blind, the aged, diseased or infirm.

Treasury Notes.

France and Russia.

The emperor Alexander appears determined to prosecute the war to the very last extremity. He is a man of great spirit, and perhaps the most amiable Sovereign in Europe, if not the most wise. All his public acts (see his proclamation, page 347) bear the We have "a statement of 3,180,000 dollars in most inflexible determination to repel, to barrass and Treasury Notes sold to or contracted for by sundry destroy his enemy. We know not how to believe the banks, previous to the 4th of December, 1812, show- London papers. So much depends upon the public feeling the time when the same were sold or contracted ing of the moment, and on the "money changers," and for, the days on which they were dated, and on which dealers in stocks, that it is no easy matter to winnow their amount was credited, or engaged to be credited the wheat from the chaff that fills the British jour to the treasurer of the United States." The names nals. For instance, they (i. e. the London news-paof the banks, with the sums they have severally ob-pers) took 1,500 prisoners at Queenston, or about tained, are as follows:

$400,000 1,000,000 600000 30,000

State Bank of Boston

Manhattan Company (N. Y.)

Mechanics Bank of New-York

Trenton Bank

Bank of Pennsylvania


Farmers and Mechanics Bank (Phila.)
Union Bank of Georgetown (Col.)
Farmers Bank of Alexandria


double the number of Americans that passed over! But, it appears from these papers, that Bonaparte had lost in killed, wounded and prisoners, by famine and disease, more than 200,000 men since he entered Russia-that about 300 pieces of cannon had been taken from him; that, in short, his army was cut up, and the mere shreds of it surrounded at Smolensk, his retreat being cut off by powerful armies. The details are very long and interesting; and it seems unquestionable that the French emperor has been greatly embarrassed in his movements, though In page 300, vol. II. of the WEEKLY REGISTER, is not to the extent quoted. The 29th bulletin is dat an account of these notes. As it was therein antici-ed at Smolensk, the 11th November, which is as late pated, they are objects of great desire by banks and individuals, but particularly the former.


Affairs in the Peninsula.

as any other accounts we have of him. The language of this bulletin is by no means desponding-on the contrary, it is as much puffed up with victory as the Anglo-Russian accounts, and is of a later date than any event noticed in the details by way of England. It is worthy of note that the French bulletins have been remarkable correct in their essential particulars.

Lord Wellington has retreated to his strong holds near Lisbon. The chief part of the peninsula is in the actual possession of the French, and nearly the The London papers further say, that lord Walpole whole of it is abandoned to their mercy. The Spa- had left St. Petersburg on a secret mission to the nish force, however, has been estimated at 230,000 frontier of Austria, to open a negociation with the men, including the reserve, and the British at 50,000 leaders of the Austrian armies. They also state, strong-to wit, 19 regiments of cavalry, 73 battalions that Alexander has issued a manifesto in which he of infantry, 3 brigades of horse artillery, 2,000 foot solemnly retracts all his former acknowledgments artillery, &c. The Portuguese force is not stated; of Bonaparte as emperor of France, &c.-saying that nor is it much relied on. The whole French troops he will never make peace with that country while may be about 220,000 men, of which Massena com- such a villain rules it.

mands in one body, nearly 100,000, before whom lord Such are the reports of the facts-and the reader, Wellington made a retrograde movement. Considera- from seeing the details in the newspapers of the day, ble reinforcements are arriving at Lisbon from Eng-will form his own conclusions.

A knitting of the Bonds.

land; but a general apprehension is entertained, unless the war in the north should prove extremely disastrous to the French, that they cannot much avail. The garrison of Burgos, only 3,000 strong, that so long resisted the army of lord Wellington, and materially contributed to this state of things, have say, that having occasion in early life to proceed as been honorable distinguished. far westward as the Susquehanna, where Harrisburg

I heard a venerable citizen of Philadelphia once

The appointment of lord Wellington, by the Spa- now stands, he "kept up his horse for several weeks” nish regency, to the command in chief of all the Spa- in anticipation of that journey to the back woods.— nish forces, has greatly excited the jealousy of the At that time, the great states of Kentucky, Ohio, and high-minded Dons. The celebrated chiefs Castanos Tennessee were untrodden by the foot of a white and Ballasteros refused obedience, and have been dis- man. I myself, though about 35 years old, can missed in disgrace. Such defection is rapidly spread- perfectly recollect when an emigration to "Red stone ing among the nobles; the common people are hearti-settlement" in Pennsylvania was thought a more desly tired of the war, and the spirit of resistance de-perate undertaking than a voyage to the Missouri, is considered now. cays as the prospect of success is blunted. It ap

pears, from many articles permitted to appear in the The attention of the reader is most earnestly invit British papers, that the government of the regency ed to Mr. Dearborn's letter (page 346) on internal is very unpopular, and that the Spanish people are navigation. To aid the imagination to estimate the more injured by their own armies than those of the unbounded advantages our country presents to the French. The Guerillas are particularly vexatious to enterprize of our people, as well as to provoke a the peasantry, and the English pay for what they spirit of improvement, the admirable report of Mr. take in paper, which the people cannot believe to be Gallatin,on "roads, bridges and canals" shall be reviv money. It is expected that Cadiz will again be in-ed in the REGISTER. vested; and indeed the speedy issue of the contest in Spain and Portugal depends on the real state of paper published at Zanesville-away at Zanesville things betweenin the state of Ohio," an advertisement in which the

These little notices occurred, on observing in a

The question was then taken on filling up the blank

bank of Muskingum informs the public, that drafts | on Philadelphia and Baltimore may be had at a pre- with 16 millions, and carried. Several motions were mium of one half per cent.

Proceedings of Congress.


Monday, Jan. 25.-The bill supplementary to the act to raise an additional military force, was read a third time and passed by the following vote: For the bill-Messrs. Anderson, Bibh, Brent, Campbell of Ohio Campbell of Tenn. Crawford, Cutts, Franklin, Galliard, Howell, Magruder, Posey, Reed, Robison, Smith of N. Y. Tait, Taylor, Turner, Varnun, Worthington-20.

made to defeat or embarrass the bill, and promptly rejected. This being done, the committee rose, reported progress, and had leave to sit again.

Monday, Jan. 25.-The bill from the senate supplementary to the law for calling out the militia, &c. as amended by this house, was read a third time and passed.

The loan bill was again taken up in committee of the whole, and after some unimportant amend ments ordered to a third reading.

The house took up the amendment of the senate to the bill for raising an additional military force for

Against the bill-Messrs. Bayard, Bradley, Dana, Giles, Gilman,
Goodrich, Gregg, Hunter, Lambert, Leib, Lloyd, Pope, Smith of one year.



Friday, January 22.-The report of the committee of ways and means on the petition of Joshua Barney and Stephen Kingston, being rejected, 53 to 40-Mr. Roberts offered the following resolution, which was carried:

[The amendment requires the concurrence of the senate in all apointments which shall be made under it, during the time that body is in session.]

Mr. Williams having stated the entire concurrence of the military committee in this amendment, it was adopted without a division

Resolved, That any right or claim of the U. States Tuesday, Jan 26.-The engrossed bill authorizing to British property which may have been captured a loan of sixteen millions for the service of the year by American privateers, arising from forfeitures un-1813, was read a third time and passed, after speechder any provisions of the non-importation acts, ought es from Messrs. Gold and Pitkin against it. The to be relinquished to the captors.-Carried. yeas and nays were as follows:

This resolution, being reported to the house by the committee of the whole, was confirmed by ayes and noes-61 to 47.

YEAS.-Messrs. Alston, Anderson, Archer, Avery, Bacon, Bard,

Bassett, Bibb, Blackledge, Brown, Burwell, Butler, Calhoun, Carr, Cheves, Cochran, Clopton, Condit, Crawford, Cutts, Davis, Daw son, Desha, Dinsmoor, Earle, Finley, Franklin, Gholson, Goodwyn, Green, Grundy, B. Hall, O. Hall, Harper, Hawes, Johnson, A message was received from the president-see 342. Kent, King, Lacock, Little, Lyle, Moore, M'Coy, M'Kim, Mitchill, Morgan, Morrow, Nelson, New, Newton, Ormsby, Pickens, Piper, Saturday, Jan. 23-Mr. Poindexter presented a pleasants, Pond, Ringgold, Rea, Robertson, Roberts, Sage, Sawyer, petition of the legislature of the Mississippi Terri-Sevier, Seybert, Shaw, G. Smith, J. Smith, Stow, Strong, Taliaferro, tory, praying the loan of a certain quantity of muskets.

Mr. Bassett, from the naval committee, reported a bill regulating pensions—and also a bill to compensate the officers and crew of the Constitution for , destroying the Guerriere.

The bill for the loan being under consideration, Mr. Bigelow after a long speech against the war, &c. moved to strike out the first section of the bill! Lost-only 23 voting with him.

Mr. Cheves moved that the first blank should be filled with the words sixteen millions; after which he entered into and laid before the house the following statements:

EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR 1813-TO BE PROVIDED FOR. 1st. For the civil list, including domestic and foreign expenses

24. The public debt

3d. Military establishment-Regular Militia, volunteers and twelve-months


men under last act



[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]

1,582,681 13

Which leaves the full amount for the army. 19,205,375


Remains for the whole naval establishment

To meet these demands, Mr. Cheves stated
The revenue at

A payment in 1813 on account of 1812


6,626,108 450,825 dols. 36,000,000


[blocks in formation]

Troup, Turner, Whitehill, Widgery, Wright-72.

NAYS.-Messrs. Baker, Bigelow, Blecker, Boyd, Breckenridge, Brigham, Champion, Chittenden, Cook, Davenport, Ely, Emott, Fitch, Gold, Goldsborough, Gray, Hufty, Jackson, Lewis, M'Bride, Milnor, Mosely. Pitkin, Potter, Quincey, Randolph, Reed, Ridgely, Sammons, Sheffey, Stuart, Sturges, Taggart, Tallmadge, Tallman, Wheaton, White, Wilson-38.

So the bill was passed and sent to the senate for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Cheves, the house resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the bill, reported by the committee of ways and means, "authorising the issuing of treasury notes for the service of the year 1813."

The bill having been read through by sections, and no objection having been made thereto, the committee rose and reported the bill.

The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading without a division.

Wednesday, Jan. 27.-The bill to authorize the issuing of Treasury Notes for the year 1813, was passed-ayes 79, nays 41.

After a variety of remarks by Messrs. Randolph, Blackledge, Rhea, and Wright, a resolution was agreed to, calling on the president for a list of persons holding office or employment of a public nature under the United States.

Perpetual Motion.

Having taken a very active part in the discussions which have arisen out of the machine invented by Mr. Readheffer, we shall continue to inform our readers on the subject, whenever any new circumstance arises that may interest the public on the subject.

In conformity with the intimation made by the legislature of this state, to Mr. Readheffer, that a committee was appointed to examine his machine and report upon it, Mr. Readheffer, through the hands of the editor of this paper, signified by letter to the committee, that it would be for their inspection on Thursday last, the 21st inst. Prior to that day, however, he signified that it would not be suita

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