Spanish 22. English 2. English 31. English 56. . Principles of Teaching.. First year French. Trig., Analytic Geom.. .U. S. Govt., State Govts. Second Year German. Instructor Ruediger Bolwell Protzman Erwin Patison Wilbur Patison .Schoenfeld Smith Brown European Governments. .Hill .Bolwell Schoenfeld .Smith Metcalf The Novel... Third Year German Livy, etc.. Laboratory Psychology. Types of Literature 19th-17th Century. European History. Cicero, etc.. Literature. Rhetoric.. Brown Smith 5.10 Commerce 40, 42... Ind. Hist.of U.S.; World Pol. Kochenderfer Smith Doyle Wilbur Chace Croissant .Protzman Teillard .Brown International Law; Diplom. Hill . Second Year Course.. .First Year Spanish. . Invertebrates. Coutinho Patison . Bartsch Course 6.00 Commerce 36. Mathematics 6. History 30. . Amer. Constitutional Hist. . McArthur Alg., Geom., Trig.... Hodgkins, H. G. Mathematics 12B... Trig., Analytic Geometry...Erwin 9.15 English 5. French 1. French 3B. Introductory Physics... First Year Spanish. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday English Literature... Rhetoric. .Poetry. Mathematics 24, 25. Theory of Equations, Philosophy 20, 21... Hist. of Phil., Ethics.. German 1. English 6.. American Literature. First Year German. . American History. Cicero and Vergil. General Chemistry etc...Erwin Richardson Croissant Schoenfeld Alden Smith McNeil Painting and Sculpture. Bibb General Chemistry. McNeil Commerce 20, 47. Ethnology 50. French 2C. French 2D. French 4A. German 2. German 8. History 35. Mathematics 20. Princ. of Business; Transp..Kochenderfer General Introduction. Mathematics 54, 55. Functions. Philosophy 6, 8.. Physics 23. Pol. Sci. 27, 28. Spanish 2C. 6.00 Architecture 20. Michelson . Schoenfeld Hill Course Instructor 6.00 History 31, 32... Modern European History.. Swisher .Hill Spanish 2D First Year Spanish Patison Spanish 6.. Third Year Spanish. . Doyle 11.15 9.15 Economics 43, 44... Trusts; Labor Problems....Kern Mathematics 50. ...Differential Equations. . Hodgkins 4.00 Geology 21. Engineering Geology. .Resser 5.10 Geology 1. Geology 20. Economic Geology Bassler 6.00 Geology 2.. Geology.. Bassler 7.30 to Physics 4. .Laboratory Physics.. Cheney 9.30 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION PROVIDED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Courses of instruction are divided into three sections. First-section courses may be taken by third or fourth year students only by permission of the Dean and the professor in charge of the subject. They may sometimes be recommended to graduate students, but are not counted toward the higher degrees. The courses in the second section are in general for advanced students, candidates for the bachelor's degree; they serve, however, with additional work, as minors for the higher degrees, provided they have not already counted toward a degree. They may be taken by students in the second year of their course only by special permission of the professor in charge. The courses in the third section are in general for graduate students only, candidates for one or other of the higher degrees. They are open to undergarduates only on the recommendation of the instructors, and no undergraduate student shall take in one year more than one course in the third section. When an announced course has not been applied for by at least three students, candidates for a degree, the instructor may withdraw the course. First-section courses are numbered 1 to 19, inclusive; second-section courses 20 to 49, inclusive; third-section courses, 50 and upwards. The number of hours, unless otherwise specified, indicate hours per week throughout the year. The unit of credit is one hour of recitation or lecture work per week for one semester; laboratory hours in chemistry and drawing count one-third unit each, in other subjects one-half unit each. Laboratories and drawing rooms will be open from 9.15 a. m. till 10 p. m., with competent assistants in charge to direct students. No student is admitted to a course unless he fulfills all the preliminary requirements for the course, or otherwise satisfies the instructor that he is prepared to pursue it. Every student must make his election of courses so as to avoid conflict between the hours appointed for recitations. Under each course is stated the number of credits for which the course is counted toward satisfying the requirements for the undergraduate degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, or for the graduate degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science, or for the graduate degrees in engineering. APPLIED MATHEMATICS Second Section. For Undergraduates and Graduates. 20. Analytical and Applied Mechanics. (1) Statics: including composition, resolution and equilibrium of forces; center of gravity; moment of inertia. (2) Kinematics and Kinetics: including rectilinear, curvilinear and rotary motion; dynamics of machinery; work and energy; friction; impact. Four hours, first half-year. Four semester-hour credits. 21. Hydraulics. The theoretical principles of hydraulics: including hydrostatics, flow through orifices, over weirs, through pipes and in open channels, and the dynamic pressure of water. Two hours. Four semesterhour credits. Professor LAPHAM. |