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Administrator of the Goods, Chattels, and Effects which

of C D, late of -, deceased Intestate.

The said accountant charges himself
with all and singular the goods and
chattels which were of said deceas-
ed, which amount, as per inventory
thereof, to the sum of...

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April 22, The accountant claims allowance of
the following sums by him paid out
on behalf of the estate of said
deceased-together with his own

Funeral expenses, as per receipts ex-

Dr. C. J's bill for attendance on said
deceased during his last sickness...
N. O. nurse's bill for attendance on the
deceased during his last sickness...
Paid Y. Y's note of hand against the
deceased, due this day......

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This sum paid Probate fees




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NOTE.-Formerly, at common law, no compensation was allowed to an executor or administrator for his trouble in settling an estate. But now, by statute provision or custom, it is believed that a reasonable sum is allowed in all the States. In ordinary cases, that sum is from 24 to 5 per cent., varying according to the magnitude of the estate, and the facility of settling it.



State of North Carolina, ) May 5th, 1852.

County of Wake.


Know all men by these presents that we, CF & HL are held and firmly bound to the State of North Carolina in the sum of [make it double that of the legacy] for payment of which well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, signed with our names and sealed with our seals, the day and date first above written.

The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas, the above bounden C F has this day received of Y Y, administrator of A B, deceased, the sum of fifty dollars, in full of his distributive share of the personal estate of the said A B, deceased: now therefore, if any debt or debts, truly owing by the deceased, shall be hereafter sued for and recovered, or otherwise duly made appear, and the said CF shall well and truly refund and pay his ratable part of such debt or debts-then and in that case the above obligation is to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.




Articles of agreement made this first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, by and between A B, of the city of Raleigh, in the State of North Carolina, merchant of the one part, and C D, of said Raleigh, carpenter, of the other part, as follows, to wit :

The said C D, for the considerations hereinafter mentioned, does covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the said A B, that he, the said CD, will, within the space of nine months from the date hereof, in good and workman-like manner, and according to the best of his art and skill, well and substantially erect, build, set up, and finish, one house or messuage, at Raleigh, of the dimensions following, viz., [insert the description,] and build the same with such stone or brick, timber, and other materials, as the said A B shall find and provide for the same, and as the said A B shall furnish forthwith. In consideration whereof, the said A B does covenant and promise to and with the said CD, well and truly to pay, or cause to be paid unto the said CD, the sum of dollars, in the manner following, to wit:

dollars when the work shall be commenced, dollars on the first day of January next, and the remaining dollars when the whole work shall be completely done and finished. And for the fulfilment of all the promises and covenants aforesaid by each of the parties, they respectively bind their legal representatives as well as themselves.

In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first herein written.

Attest, E F.

A B, [SEAL.]


Be it remembered that on this tenth day of July, in the year of our Lord 1852, it is agreed by and between A B of Raleigh, and CD of Oxford, in the manner and form following, to wit: The said CD for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, does covenant, promise and agree with the said A B that he the said CD shall and will within the time of nine months from and after the date hereof, in a good and workmanlike manner, and according to the best of his skill and judgment, at Raleigh well and substantially erect and finish one dwelling house, according to the draft or scheme hereunto annexed, of the form and dimensions following, to wit: [insert the description, and that he will compose and form the same of such stone, brick, timber, lumber, and other materials, as the said A B shall find and provide therefor: in consideration whereof the said A B does covenant and promise to and with the said C D to pay him the sum of 5,000 dollars, at the times following to wit:- the sum of 1,000 dollars on, &c., [here name the several payments as the work progresses, and the remainder of the said sum of 5,000 dollars, as soon as the said house shall be completely finished and completed according to this contract. And it is agreed that the said A B shall, at his own expense, provide all the materials of which said house shall be built, and deliver them to the said CD, on the spot where the house shall be built, as soon and as fast as he the said CD shall desire to use the same. And for the faithful performance of all the covenants, promises and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto respectively bind their respective executors, administrators, and assigns, as well as themselves.

In witness whereof, &c.


Memorandum. It is agreed between A B, of the one part, and CD, of the other part: That the said A B shall, on or before the first day of December next, make and execute a good title unto, and by good and sufficient conveyances in law, convey and assure unto the said C D and his heirs, free from all incumbrances whatsoever, ALL that freehold messuage or tenement with the appurtenances, in Hillsborough street in the city of Raleigh, now or late let for dollars a year, together with the polices of insurance from fire of the said premises; and all locks, bolts, bars, cocks, cisterns, and other fixtures* therein, belonging to the said A B. And that the said CD shall receive the rents of the said premises from the day of last: And the said A B shall pay all arrears of taxes, and the annuity to the poor, up to that time: In consideration whereof, the said CD doth hereby agree to pay to the said A B the sum of five thousand dollars on executing such conveyances as aforesaid: And it is hereby further agreed between the said parties, that the said CD shall be at the charge of the deeds for conveying to him the said premises; and that all attested copies of title-deeds and covenants to produce the same, shall be at the charge of the said A B.

* By almost general custom, whatever is strongly affixed to the freehold or inheritance, and cannot be severed from thence without violence or damage, is become a member of the inheritance, and shall thereupon pass to the heir; as chimney-pieces, pumps, old fixed or dormant tables, benches, and the

like.-2 Bl. 432.

In witness whereof, the said AB and CD have hereunto set

their hands and seals, the fifth day of July, 1852.

Attest, E F.




I, A B, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and that I do absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign Prince, Potentate or Sovereignty whatever, and particularly to [here recite the King or Government, &c. of the country from which the applicant emigrated, &c.]



Know all men by these present, that I, A B, of the city of Raleigh, in the State of North Carolina, planter divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving, have committed and disposed of, and by these presents I do commit and dispose of the custody, tuition, superintendence and education of my son, C B, to Y Z, of said city, merchant, from and immediately after my decease, until my said son shall attain the full age of twenty-one years. And if it shall so happen that the said Y Z shall die before me, or before my said son shall arrive at the full age of twenty-one years, then and in such case I do commit and dispose of such custody, tuition, superintendence and education of my said son as aforesaid, to W X, of said city, Esquire. And I do request that the said Y Z or W X, as the case may be, on the happening of the events aforesaid, do assume and exercise the trust herein provided, for the

benefit of my said son.

In witness whereof, &c. Signed and sealed in presence of us, [Two witnesses must sign.]

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