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the said parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals hereunto. Dated the day and year first before written.

In witness, &c.


An Indenture made on this first day of July, between A B, of &c., son and heir of CB, late of Raleigh, Esquire, of the one part, and DB, widow and relie of the said CB, of the other part.

Whereas, the said CB, in his life-time, and at the time of his death, was seized in his demesne as of fee, of divers lands and tenements in Raleigh, which, upon the decease of said CB, descended to the said A B. Now this indenture witnesses, that the said A B has endowed and assigned, and by these presents he does endow and assign unto the said D B, the third part of the said lands and tenements, to wit: all that messuage, &c. [here describe it particularly.] To have and to hold the same to her the said D B, as and for her dower in the lands and estate which was of the said C B, for and during the term of the natural life of her the said D B, in severalty by metes and bounds as aforesaid, in full recompense and satisfaction of all the dower which the said D B ought to have of, or in the lands and tenements which were of the said C B in his life time.

In testimony whereof, &c.


Know all men by these presents, that I, A B, of Raleigh, in consideration of the sum of dollars, to me paid by C D, of Raleigh, do hereby assign and set over unto the said C D, to his own proper use, without any account to be given for the same, the sum of dollars, and all other sums of money as are remaining due and payable upon or by virtue of the annexed account of money due to me by Y Z, of, &c., and all my right, title, interest and demand in and to the same: And I do give and grant unto the said CD, full power and authority to demand and receive the same to his own use, and upon receipt thereof, to give discharges for the same or any part thereof: And I, the said A B, do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said CD, that the said sum of dollars, is justly due and owing to me from the said Y Z, and that I have not received or discharged the same, or any part thereof. In witness, &c.

Note. An account of this kind, being what is technically called a chose in action, must be sued for in the name of the assignor, for the use of the assignee.


Whereas I, A B, lately recovered judgment in the County court of Wake, holden at Raleigh, against CD of Raleigh, for the sum of dollars, as by the record of the said judgment, remaining in the said court appears, upon which judgment execution has been lately sued. Now know ye, that I, the said A B, for divers good causes and considerations, have granted, transferred, assigned and set over, and by these presents do clearly and absolutely grant, transfer, assign and set over unto E F of Oxford, as well the said judgment for the said sum of 500 dollars aforesaid, as also all benefit and advantage whatsoever, that now can, or shall, or may hereafter be obtained, by reason or means of the same, or any execution thereupon now had or to be had, and all the right, interest and demand whatsoever, which I, the said A B have, or ought to have, in or to the said judgment, or any sums of money, lands or tenements, which by virtue thereof, or of any process or execution thereupon sued or to be sued, shall or may be recovered or obtained. And further, I, the said A B, do by these presents, constitute and appoint the said E F to be my true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name to use and prosecute the said execution upon the said judgment, and upon composition or agreement made concerning the premises, to acknowledge satisfaction, or to make and give any other release or discharge for the same; and all other acts and things whatsoever as shall be requisite in and about the premises, I covenant to allow and confirm by these presents. And I, the said A B, do covenant and agree to and with the said EF, by these presents, in manner and form following, that I, the said A B, have never made or executed any release or discharge of the said judgment, or of any execution which has been thereupon sued or executed; neither will I, the said A B at any time hereafter, make any release, or do any act or thing whatsoever, whereby the said judgment, or any execution which has been thereupon sued or executed, or which shall at any time hereafter be sued or executed by the said E F, shall be in any manner defeated, or extinguished, without the consent of the said E F, thereto first had in writing. And further, that I, the said A B, will at all times hereafter, on the request, and at the cost of the said E F, maintain and confirm all such lawful suits, process, executions and proceedings whatsoever, as have been or shall hereafter be brought or prosecuted against the said C D, his heirs, executors or administrators, and their lands, goods or chattels, upon or by reason of the said judg


In witness, &c.


Know all men by these presents, that I, A B, of, &c., in consideration of the sum of dollars, now justly due and owing by me to CD of Oxford, and for better securing the payment of the same to the said C D, have bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents do bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over, unto the said CD all that debt or sum of dollars, which is now due or owing to me by Y Z, of Halifax, for goods sold and delivered by me to the said Y Z or his order, before the day of the date hereof, and all my right, title, interest, claim and demand in and to the said debt or sum of dollars, and every or any part thereof: To hold the same to the said C D, his executors, administrators and assigns, from henceforth, to his and their own proper use and benefit forever, nevertheless, under the proviso and condition hereinafter mentioned. And I do hereby constitute and appoint the said CD my true and lawful attorney irrevocable, and give and grant to him full power and authority in my name, but to the only proper use of the said CD to demand, sue for, recover, receive and compound the said debt or sum of dollars, and every or any part or parcel thereof, and upon receipt of the same or any part thereof, acquittances or other proper discharges to make, and generally for me and in my name, to do and perform all and every such further and other acts, matters and things concerning the premises, as to the said CD shall seem requisite; and that as fully and effectually, to all intents annd purposes, as I myself might have done, I hereby ratify and confirm all and whatever he or they shall lawfully do, or cause to be done, in or about the premises. And I do hereby covenant and agree, to and with the said CD, his executors and administrators, that I have not done or suffered, and that I will not do or suffer, any act or thing whereby the said CD shall or may be hindered or prevented from the recovering or receiving the said debt or sum of dollars, hereby assigned, or any part thereof, or such other satisfaction as can or may be had or obtained for the same, by virtue hereof. And further, that I will at all times hereafter, at the request of the said CD, make, and execute, all such further and other acts and deeds as shall be reasonably required for the proving of the said debt, and the better and more effectually enabling him to recover, receive, and enjoy the same, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents. Provided always, and it is hereby agreed, that if I, the said A B shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said CD the sum of dollars so due to him as aforesaid, within six calendar months from the date hereof, then this present assignment, and every matter and thing herein contained, shall cease, determine, and be void, to all intents and purposes whatsoever. And all the grants and powers aforesaid are given by me, the said A B, to bind my executors and administrators as well as myself, and they are granted to the executors, administrators and assigns of the said C D, as well as to him.

In witness, &c.

A. B., [SEAL.]


An Indenture made the first day of May, A. D., 1852, between A B, of Raleigh, of the one part, and CD, of Weldon, of the other part: Whereas Y Z, of Raleigh, in and by the bond or obligation, bearing date the tenth day of June which was in the year of our Lord 1840, became bound to the said A Bin the sum of dollars, conditioned for the payment of dollars, on the tenth day of June, which was in the year of our Lord 1841, with lawful interest for the same: And whereas the said A B, in and by his bond or obligation, bearing date the first day of January, last past, became bound to the said C D in dollars, conditioned for the payment of the sum of

dollars, dol

dollars, on the 25th day of December, now next ensuing, with lawful interest for the same, and the said A B also in and by his other bond or obligation, bearing even date herewith, became bound to the said CD in another sum of conditioned for the payment of the further sum of lars, on the said 25th day of December, now next ensuing, with lawful interest for the same, and the said A B, for the further and better securing the payment of the said several sums of

dollars, and dollars, (making together the principal sum of dollars) with interest for the same respectively, according to the conditions of the said two said several last in part recited bonds or obligations, has proposed and agreed to transfer and assign over, to the said CD, by way of additional and collateral security, the said herein before recited bond or obligation, so entered into by the said Y Z to the said A В as aforesaid, and the principal money and interest due thereon, or secured, or recoverable thereby, or by means thereof, in manner hereinafter mentioned: Now this indenture witnesses, that the said A B, for the considerations aforesaid, and also in consideration of the sum of one dollar of lawful money of the United States, to him paid by the said CD, at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has bargained, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents, does bargain, assign, transfer and set over unto the said CD the said herein before recited bond or obligation, so given and entered into by the said Y Z to the said A B as aforesaid, and all his the said A B's interest therein, and all the benefit and advantage thereof, and all sums of money, principal money and interest, secured or recoverable thereupon or by means thereof, and which is now due and owing, or which shall or may hereafter grow due thereon, and all powers and remedies which he the said A B has or ever had for the recovery of the same: To have, hold, receive and take

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