Nov. 7, 1876. For amendment of article 5, section 3. Against. For amendment of article 5, section 4. Nov. 4, 1879. For amendment of article 6, section 6... Nov. 2, 1880. For amendment of article 6, sections 12 and 13.. Against. Nov. 7, 1882. For amendment of section 3 of article 7. 194, 333 352, 514 179,365 351, 693 177,923 446,883 85,758 533, 153 81,832 530,226 80, 358 95, 331 25,578 221,903 111, 225 486, 105 163, 151 248, 784 75,644 499, 661 9, 661 Against..... Nov. 4, 1884. For amendment of section 11 of article 8. Against.... Nov. 2, 1886. For a convention to revise the Constitution and amend the same.. Against... Nov. 6, 1888. For the proposed amendment to section 6 of *574, 993 +30,766 article 6. Against... $498, 114 $55,822 *Including 218,376 informal votes. Including 187,418 informal votes. + Including 3,735 informal votes. Including 5,679 informal votes. Nov. 8, 1892. For the proposed amendment to section 10, article 3 of the Constitution, relating to the powers of the two houses of the Legislature..... Against.. For the proposed amendment to article 6 of the Against.. For the proposed amendment to section 7 of arti- 174,678 180 030 161,759 198, 110 Against..... 170,765 171, 442 Counties of the State of New York IN THE ORDER OF THEIR ERECTION. Genesee 32 30, 1802 Ontario March Seneca.. 33 Cayuga.. March 24, 1804 Jefferson. 34 Oneida. March 28, 1805 Lewis. Madison Chenango. 35 Oneida. As Tryon; changed April 2, 1784. † As Charlotte; changed April 2, 1784. + Parts of Montgomery, Herkimer and Oneida, provisionally annexed. March 28, 1805 March 21, 1806 |