37 113, 917 115, 501 133, 052 147, 663 154, 890 164, 555 167, 289 1,038 1,056 1,114 1, 125 956 921 Hume 2,142 2,016 1,920 1,922 1.905 1,913 1,942 Independence 1,199 1,126 1, 175 1,215 1,186 1,249 1,203 *Erected by Legislature, chap, 912, Laws of 1869; divided into five wards by chap. 500, Laws of 1879. Totals Barker Binghamton* Bing ton city:† 1st ward. 2d ward.. 3d ward 4th ward. 5th ward. 6th ward.. 7th ward. 8th ward 9th ward. 10th ward 11th ward.. 12th ward. 13th ward Inmates of inst`ns Total city.. Chenango Colesville. Conklin Dickinson 41,881, 40, 285 40, 814 41,681 41, 810 43, 240, 43, 131 1,280 1,373 Fenton §. 1,345 1,503 1,499 1,558 1,555 City of Binghamton incorporated 1867. + Sixth ward erected from part of First ward by Legislature in 1883. Divided into ten wards by Legislature, chap. 214, Laws of 1888, and into thirteen wards by Legislature, chap. 58, Laws of 1890. Town of Dickinson erected from part of town of Binghamton by Supervisors, December, 1890. Name changed from Port Crane in 1867. Totals. 35, 906, 37, 933 44, 103 47, 940 49, 483 62, 973 62,793 21 Napolio.. 1,001 1,238 1,231 1,174 1,094 1,126 New Albion. 1,579 1,696 1,487 1,583 Olean 1,732 1,858 1,867 2,706 2,701 2,668 3, 103 Olean City+ 6, 575 11,507 11,688 1st ward. 2d ward Town of Elko erected from town of South Valley, by Supervisors, November, 1890. + Erected from part of town of Olean by Legislature, chap. 478, Laws of 1893. Totals....... 43, 886 43, 158 43,909 47, 298 55, 806 60, 866 61,774 Total city... 10,986 12,567 17,225 19,649 21,924 25,858 24,737 Aurelius Brutus 2,528 2,470 1,952 1,978 1,954 1,793 1,564 2,350 2,192 2,091 2,095 2,059 1,996 1,930 Town of Red House erected from town of Salamanca by Supervisors, November, 1869. + Divided into six wards by chap. 273, Laws of 1869. Seventh ward erected by chap. 436, Laws of 1869. Three additional wards erected, chap. 53, Lawe of 1879. COUNTY OF CAYUGA TOWNS. (CONTINUED). POPULATION. 1860. 1865. 1870. 1875. 1880. 1890. 1892. 2,295 2,418) 1,892 1,809 1,821 1,727 1,661 1,549 1,510 2,517 2,320 2,241 Ira.. 2,238 2,175 2,185 1,859 Locke. 1,325 1,125 1,141 1,001 1,005 Mentz 2,232 2,366 2,278 Montezuma. 1,439 1,314 1,292 1,395 1,294 1,047 994 2,169 2,347 Niles 2,013 55, 767 55, 730 59, 550 62, 434, 65, 081 65, 302 62,816 Total city 5,616 7,452 6,912 7,630 7,248 9,416 10,040 *Enumeration of 1892 taken by election districts. 1,638 2,092 803 1,417 1,970 2,236 1,258 1,212 1,684 2, 163 1,233 909 44 |