Totals..... 90,686 92, 972 104, 183 112, 886 117, 893 146, 247,150, 808 1,690 1,583 1,560 1,473 1,476 1,380 1.378 3,174 8,091 3, 444 3,575 123 Totals... 1,646 1,584 1,651 1,567 1,713 1,481 44, 563 43,316 45, 108 47,653 49, 541 48, 453 48,718 9.1881 2.672 2,877 2,690 2,687 1,218 1.250 1.327 1,225 1, 180 2,437 2,639 2,804 2,620 2,605 1,435 .....! 103 Hamptonburgh Highlands +. 1,295 1,212 1,224 1,148) 1,143) 1, 129 1,105 4,099 3,406 *Town of Geneva erected from town of Seneca, by Supervisors, November 15, 1872 + Town of Highlands erected from town of Cornwall, by Board of Supervisors, December 3, 1872 64 Inmates of inst'ns ..... Totals 63,812) 70, 165 80,902, 85, 209 88, 220 97,859 97,760 * City of Middletown erected from town of Walkill, by Legislature, chap. 535, Laws of 1888. +Towns of Tuxedo and Woodbury erected from part of town of Monroe, by Supervisors, November, 1890. + City of Newburgh erected from town of Newburgh, by Legislature, chap. 541, Laws of 165. $ Erected in 1890, from part of town of Monroe. City of Middletown erected from, by Legislature, chap. 535, Laws of 1888. Totals..... 28,717, 28, 603 27,689 29,937; 30, 128 30, 803 30,762 182 Inmates of inst'ns Total city.... 16, 816 19,288 20,910, 22, 428 21, 116 21,842 21,966 Palermo 2,088 Town of Albion erected from town of Barre, by Supervisors, January 9, 1875. Erected in 1870. Totals 75, 958 76, 200 77,941 78, 574 77,911 71, 883 70,970 Totals 50, 157 48, 616 48,967 49,766 51, 397 59, 861 50, 361 41 Totals.... Flushing Hempstead Jamaica Long Island c'y:* 1st ward. 2d ward 3d ward 4th ward 5th ward 14,002 14,845 15, 420 15, 799 15, 181 14,849 14,230 COUNTY OF QUEENS. 10, 189 10,813 14,650 15, 357| 15,906 19,803 20,815 12,375 11,764 13,999 14,792 18, 164 23,756 23.991 6,515 6,777 7,745 8,983 10,058, 14, 441 17, 651 Inmates of inst'ns Total city.. Newtown*. North Hempstead Oyster Bay+ Inmates of inst'ns Totals. 15,597 17, 129 30,506 85, 745 7,217 13,725 13,891 20,274 10, 614 9.804 17, 549 19, 776 7,560 8.134 8.726 11, 923 13,870 14,887 212 57, 391 57,997 73, 803 84, 011 90, 574 128, 059 141, 807 COUNTY OF RENSSELAER. Berlin 2,223 2,149 2,088 2,2501 2.2021 1,7041 1.803 Brunswick. 3, 110 8, 175 3, 128 3,236 3,402 3,654 3,684 East Greenbush.. 1,007 1,663 1,845 2,063 2. 127 2,171 2,126 Grafton 1.837 1,673 1,599 1.624 1,676 1,457 1.414 Greenbush. 3.992 4,779 6,202 7.066 6,743 7.301 7.462 Hoosick 4.446 4.783 5.728 6,525, 7,914 10, 471 10, 413 * Long Island City, erected from town of Newtown, by Legislature, chap. 719, Laws of 1870. Part of, annexed to Huntington, Suffolk county, by Legislature, chap. 667, Laws of 1886. |