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This had attracted a great deal of attention to the mission, so much so that the Church of England, whose missionary society had originally sent Mr. Duncan to the field, thought that the importance of the mission demanded a bishop and one was selected, ordained, and sent. The coming of the bishop to the station immediately started rivalries. If the bishop was to be at the head of the mission, Mr. Duncan, who had given his life to the work and had created the mission, would have to take a second place, which he could not very well afford to do. On the other hand, the bishop could not afford to allow Mr. Duncan to rule and he himself take a second place.

In the meantime the attention of the Canadian Pacific Railway authorities had been attracted to the increasing importance of Northern British Columbia and Alaska, and they had sent surveyors for a preliminary survey, with regard to running a mail road to the coast at that point. When the people found that the railroad surveyors were driving stakes over the lands that they and their fathers had occupied for generations, they protested. Finding that their protests were of no avail, they sent a committee to Ottawa to lay their grievances before the Canadian Parliament, Securing no redress there, the committee continued their journey to London, but were prevented from having a personal interview with the Queen, and returned home very much discouraged. Upon agitating the question of their personal rights, they found that they had no right whatever to the land that they had always supposed to be their own, and that there was no future for their children, under the regulations provided by the Parliament of British Columbia. This, in connection with the land difficulties and the difficulties of the church combined, made them very much dissatisfied; and finally, in the winter of 1886-87, they sent their leader, Mr. Duncan, to Washington, to confer with the President, Secretary of the Interior, and leading officials of our Government, the result of which was that in the spring of 1887 they concluded to leave British Columbia and move in a body to the contiguous Territory of Alaska, in the United States. They supposed, of course, that they would be allowed to take down the houses which they owned, and transport their windows, doors, lumber, etc., over to their new home, which was about 60 miles north of the old place. They were, however, disappointed in this, as an official of the British Columbia Government forbade their taking anything. And this people, that had slowly come up from barbarians to civilization, were compelled to go out empty-handed, leaving behind them all the property which they had accumulated during those nearly thirty years that they had been emerging from barbarism to civilization.

On the 7th of August, Mr. Duncan returned from Washington and landed at Port Chester, on Annette Island, the place that had been selected for their new home. It was a great gala day for the people. A United States flag, donated to them by the ladies of Philadelphia, in Independence Hall, was flung to the breeze with cheers and firing of guns. Addresses were made by Mr. Duncan and several tourists who were with him on the steamer. A prayer for God's blessing followed, and the public exercises were closed by the people singing with great ardor the doxology, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

The timber was cleared off a number of acres for a village, which was duly surveyed and plotted and allotted to the inhabitants. A steam sawmill and a large store building were erected. Friends in Brooklyn, New York, and other cities sent several thousand dollars for public improvements. Since then a large schoolhouse, church, and salmon cannery have been erected.

Congress, in section 15 of the act entitled "An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes," approved March 3, 1891 (26 Stats., 1095), has reserved Annette Island for the colony. Section 15 of the above-mentioned act reads as follows:

"Until otherwise provided by law, the body of lands known as Annette Island, situated in the Alexander Archipelago, in southeastern Alaska, on the north side of Dixon's entrance, be, and the same is hereby, set apart as a reservation for the use of the Metlakahtla Indians and these people known as Metlakahtlans who have recently emigrated from British Columbia to Alaska and such other Alaskan natives as may join them, to be held and used by them in common, under such rules and regulations and subject to such restrictions as may [be] prescribed from time to time by the Secretary of the Interior."

In British Columbia they have formed a local government, which they transferred with themselves to their settlement on Annette Island. This local government is officially known by them as "The Town and Associated Community of Metlakahtla." An annual election is held by the members of the "community." This council makes the laws, and is the governing power of the people. Every person desiring to unite with the community is required to make application to the council" for membership. If the request is granted, the new member sub

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scribes to the following rules, which have superseded those in force when the colony was organized:

We, the people of Metlakahtla, Alaska, in order to secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of a Christian home, do severally subscribe to the following rules for the regulation of our conduct and town affairs:

1. To reverence the Sabbath and to refrain from all unnecessary secular work on that day; to attend divine worship; to take the Bible for our rule of faith; to regard all true Christians as our brethren, and to be truthful, honest, and industrious.

2. To be faithful and loyal to the Government and laws of the United States. 3. To render our votes when called upon for the election of the town council, and to promptly obey the by-laws and orders imposed by the said council.

4. To attend to the education of our children and keep them at school as regularly as possible.

5. To totally abstain from all intoxicants and gambling, and never attend heathen festivities or countenance heathen customs in surrounding villages.

6. To strictly carry out all sanitary regulations necessary for the health of the town. 7. To identify ourselves with the progress of the settlement, and to utilize the land we hold.

8. Never to alienate, give away, or sell our land or building lots or any portion thereof to any person or persons who have not subscribed to these rules.




Already before migrating to Annette Island Mr. Duncan had introduced these elements of civilization. Many of his tribe were individual owners of the village lots occupied by their residences and vegetable gardens. Immediately after removing to Annette Island the same plan of individual ownership was resorted to in the form indicated by the following certificate of ownership:

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This certifies that



has this day, in pursuance of the rules and reg ulations of the Town and Associated Community of Metlakahtla, Alaska, entered upon and occupied that certain tract or parcel of land on Annette Island, in the district of Alaska, U. S. A., more particularly described as follows, viz: and is now in the actual possession thereof.

That, so far as this city and associated community can confer such a privilege. he has, and heirs shall have, the prior and exclusive right of proving up claim thereto, and of obtaining title from the United States Government, and this shall be the evidence thereof, except it be before us canceled upon our register for abandonment or conduct unbecoming an American citizen. Done by our order, under our seal, the day and year first above written, by the chairman and secretary of our native council.



Chairman of the Native Council.

Secretary of the Native Council.

The island is about 40 miles long by 3 wide. The colony on Annette Island have cleared off the timber from their village site, erected from 150 to 200 good frame residences, established a cooperative store, salmon cannery, and steam sawmill, and built a large church; but, so far as known to this office, nothing has been actually done in mining, although it is known that projects in this direction have been under consideration by them. All the industries are carried on by the native people themselves, under the leadership of Mr. William Duncan.


The progress has been satisfactory and an advance has been made during the


While no purchases have been made in Siberia, 466 deer have been added to the herds by birth, making a total on June 30, 1897, of 1,466. A new station has been established about 60 miles north of St. Michael, Norton Sound. This location is on the north shore of Unalaklik River, about 10 miles above its mouth, and combines a central position, with dry and abundant pasturage, good fishing, timber

for building and fuel, with easy access to the ocean. The new station is central for the distribution of the herds either northward to Kotzebue Sound, Point Hope, and Point Barrow; southward to the Roman Catholic and Moravian stations on the Lower Yukon, Kuskokwim, and Nushagak rivers, or eastward to the Episcopal stations and mining settlements on the Upper Yukon Valley, being about the same distance from Bering Straits on the west, Point Barrow upon the north, the Middle Yukon Valley on the east, and the Kuskokwim Valley on the south. Located in the neighborhood of the leading mission stations among the native populations, it will be able to draw and educate as herders and teamsters a larger number of the native young men.

At the Teller Reindeer Station no additional buildings have been erected or were needed during the year. Three sod houses 16 by 10 feet in size lined with lumber were erected at the winter quarters for 1896-97 on the Agheeopak River for shelter of herders and their families. Several smaller sod huts were erected at various places between the Teller Station and Agheeopak as a refuge for the herders while en route to and from the station. A few log dwellings and store houses will this winter be erected at the new station on the Unalaklik River. The buildings at the Teller Station, with furniture, boats, sleds, harness, nets, and other property of the Government, are in good repair.


Mr. William A. Kjellmann, who resigned the position of superintendent in the fall of 1895, having expressed a willingness to again enter the service, was reappointed to his former position as superintendent.

A. N. Kittilsen, M. D., of Stoughton, Wis., was likewise appointed assistant superintendent and physician, and the Rev. T. L. Brevig continued as teacher. Herders.-The Lapps continue to justify the wisdom of their importation from Lapland, embodying in their own training and skill the knowledge and methods learned by their people through centuries of experience and observation. Their services in Alaska are invaluable.

In the introduction of reindeer into Alaska and the training of native men in their management and care it is important that that training should be in accordance with the latest and most improved methods of handling reindeer; that the Lapps possess these above all other nationalities is universally recognized. Their assistance has proved so valuable and is so essential to the immediate future that Mr. Kjellmann has gone with your consent to Lapland this winter to secure and bring over a permanent colony of them. The Lapps now in Alaska were brought over with the understanding that they would be returned at the end of three years; this was the best arrangement that could be made at the time. The limit of service being reached, Messrs. Rist, Somby, Kemi, and Eira, with their families, have returned to Lapland. Messrs. Tornensis, Nakkila, and Larsen have been prevailed upon to remain, with the expectation that they will become herd owners and permanent citizens.

During the winter of 1896-97 Messrs. Rist and Nakkila were detailed to accompany the superintendent on his sledge journey to the Yukon and Kuskokwim valleys. Mr. Aslak L. Somby remained in charge of the herds at Golovin Bay until March, when he returned to the Teller Station and was sent to the Cape Nome herd to relieve Mr. M. A. Eira, whose wife needed the medical attendance of the station physician.

Mr. Frederick Larsen was detailed for a month's service with the herd at Cape Prince of Wales. Messrs. Tornensis and Kemi had charge of the Teller Station herd, except as one or the other made short trips with the physician.

Apprentices.-The school of apprentices consists of the same persons as last year-five married and two unmarried Eskimos. They have shown an alacrity in work, a faithful adherence to instructions, and an effort to understand all parts of the work that augurs well for their future success.

Rations.-During the year a change has been made in the rations, decreasing the amount of American food (such as flour and meats brought from the outside) and increasing the amount of native food (such as fish, seal, and o 1).

School.-As the herders and apprentices have been with the herd 60 miles away from the station much of the time, the school has been mostly composed of Eskimo children, resident in the immediate vicinity of the station. Although debarred regular schooling, both the Lapps and apprentices are slowly acquiring the English tongue. The superintendent recommends that some of the young people be given a few years at school in the States to learn English.

Sickness.-Dr. Kittilsen, the physician, has attended to 60 cases of sickness among the employees or their families and 250 cases among the outside Eskimos,

who have in some cases come 200 miles on a dog sled to secure medical attendance. There was but one fatal case at the station, being Mrs. Eira, who remained too long at Cape Nome before applying for help. She passed to her rest May 4, 1897.


On the 1st of July, 1897, there were in Alaska 1,466 head of domestic reindeer. These are divided into four herds, and located as follows:

Government herd at Teller Reindeer Station


Congregational herd at Cape Prince of Wales


An undivided herd at Golovin Bay controlled jointly by the Swede and Episcopalian Missions...


Herd in charge of the Eskimos at Cape Nome




The Government herd was wintered on the Agheepak River 20 miles from its mouth.

In the spring it was driven to the south side of Eaton River as a more favorable place for fawning, and this summer has been kept on the south side of Port Clarence in the neighborhood of Cape Riley.

Fawning. There were born at the Teller Station 149 living fawns, at Cape Prince of Wales 124, at Golovin Bay 108, and at Cape Nome 85, making an increase for the year of 466.

Sickness. In the fall of 1895, and again in the fall of 1896, a disease broke out in the herd similar to foot-rot in sheep. With a change of the herd to drier ground the sickness gradually abated.

Breaking.-Special attention has been given to the training of the reindeer both to harness and the pack saddle. During last winter 46 two and three year old deer were thus broken. This makes 73 well broken and trained sled deer in the Government herd. In the herd at Golovin Bay are 18 sled deer, and at Cape Prince of Wales 22.

At the Teller Station the sled deer were kept in constant practice, both on their own account and also for the training of the Eskimo apprentices. Including the trip to the Kuskokwim Valley the aggregate number of miles driven was over 10,000.

This practice will be kept up, preparatory to their introduction into the mining camps for freighting and traveling.


The first incentive to the introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska came as an act of humanity to provide a new food supply for the Eskimos, who were subject to periodical seasons of starvation, their old food supply of whale, walrus, and wild animals having been partially destroyed by the greed of white men. But since the discovery of gold mines in subarctic Alaska and the consequent influx of thousands of miners, it has been found that the reindeer is as essential to the white man as to the Eskimo.

The first thought of the miner in central Alaska is to secure a good "claim;" his next thought is the question of "food supply "-whether he can secure provisions that will enable him to work his claim continuously, or whether for the want of such provisions he will be compelled to leave his claim unworked a portion of the year while he goes where he can secure food-not only losing the profit that would accrue from the claim if worked, but also involving him in heavy traveling expenses in going to and fro.

With the exception of fish, a little wild game, and a limited quantity of garden vegetables, there is no food in the country. All breadstuffs, vegetables, fruits, and the larger portion of the meat supply must be brought into the country from the outside. A small quantity of provisions is packed on sleds and on men's shoulders and brought over the passes in the Chilkat country of southeast Alaska to the head waters of the Yukon; there barges or flatboats are built, and with their freight are floated down the Yukon River to the neighborhood of the mines. The great bulk of the food supply, however, is brought in on steamers plying on the Yukon River. These provisions are necessarily left in warehouses on the banks of the great river. But the miners, who are the consumers, need them at their claims, which are from 10 to 100 miles away from the river. Now, it should be remembered that there are no roads in Alaska as they exist in other sections of the United States; and, with the almost illimitable area of bog and swamp and tundra

and frozen subsoil, it will be impossible to make and maintain roads, except at a cost that would be practically prohibitive.

In summer the supplies are loaded into small boats, which are poled up the small streams or packed on men's backs to the mines. In winter they are hauled on dog sleds. This costs heavily. From Circle City to the Birch Creek mines, a distance of about 50 miles, the freight is 10 cents a pound ($200 a ton) in winter and 40 cents in summer ($800 a ton). From Dawson to the Klondike mines, a distance of 15 miles, the freight last winter was 8 cents a pound ($160 a ton), and this summer 25 cents, or $500 a ton of freight 15 miles. In addition to the expense, the carrying capacity is too limited. A load is from 100 to 125 pounds on a sled per dog, a portion of which is food for the dogs, and if the route is a long one, without intervening sources of supply, they can not carry more food than is sufficient for themselves. So far they have failed in supplying the mines with a sufficient stock of provisions.

Last winter the steamer Bella was caught in the ice and frozen up at Fort Yukon, 80 miles distant from Circle City. An effort was made to forward the provisions with dog teams on the ice, but it was a failure. The food could not be moved in sufficient quantities and with sufficient speed to supply the miners of the Upper Yukon, and by spring at Dawson City flour ran up to over $100 per barrel, $50 to $125 per 100 pounds.

A few horses have been brought into the country, but in the absence of roads, scarcity of food, and rigor of winter climate they have not proved a success. At Dawson, although the wages of a man and team are $50 a day, yet even that does not pay, with hay at $125 to $150 per ton (and not a pound to be had when I was there in July even at those figures), and the horses fed on bread made from flour ranging in price from $100 to $200 per barrel.

The only solution of the question of reasonable land transportation and rapid communication and travel between mining centers hundreds of miles apart in subarctic Alaska is the introduction and utilizing of domestic reindeer.

The reindeer is to the far north what the camel is to desert regions, the animal which God has provided and adapted for the peculiar, special conditions which exist. The greater the degree of cold, the better the reindeer thrives. Last winter a party of them hauling nine sleds made a day's journey with the temperature at 13 below zero. On a long journey through an uninhabited country a dog team can not haul sufficient provisions to feed themselves. A deer, with 200 pounds on the sled, can travel up and down the mountains and over the plains without a road or trail from one end of Alaska to the other, living on the moss found in the country where he travels. In the four months' travel of 2,000 miles last winter the deer were turned out at night to find their own provisions, except upon a stretch of the Yukon Valley below Anvik, a distance of 40 miles. The great mining interests of central Alaska can not realize their fullest development until the domestic reindeer are introduced in sufficient numbers to do the work of supplying the miners with provisions and freight and giving the miner speedy communication with the outside world. It now takes from fifty to sixty days to carry the mail between Juneau and Circle City. With the establishment of relay stations at suitable distances the reindeer teams will carry the same mail in four or five days.

The reindeer is equally important to the prospector. Prospecting at a distance from the base of supplies is now impossible. The prospector can go only as far as the 100 pounds of provisions, blankets, and tools will last him, and then he must return. With ten head of reindeer, packing 100 pounds each, making half a ton of supplies, he can be gone for months, penetrating regions hundreds of miles distant, his deer grazing wherever night finds him. The possibilities are so great, that in the days to come it will be a matter of surprise that the utilization of the deer was not vigorously pushed at the start.


In 1892 the introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska was undertaken to provide a new food supply for the Eskimo. The new demand that has now arisen to assist the miners in the opening of the country emphasizes the imperative need of some method of procuring the deer from Siberia in larger numbers. To assist in this, last winter permission was secured from the Russian Government at St. Petersburg, through the regular official channels, for the United States to locate an agent at some suitable point on the coast of Siberia for the continuous purchase of reindeer through the year. Hitherto the work of purchasing has been confined to five or six weeks in summer.

By extending the time for purchasing through the whole year it is hoped to be able to secure a large number and have them on the coast ready for transporta

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