The courts referred to in this act, are enumerated in sections two and three of the judiciary law. Amended by chap. 65 of 1909. § 2. Courts of record enumerated. Now 2, Judiciary Law, chap. 35 of 1909, viz.: § 2. COURTS OF RECORD.-Each of the following courts of the state is a court 3. The appellate division of the supreme court in each department. 8. The court of general sessions of the peace in and for the city and county of New York. 9. The city court of the city of New York. 11. Such other local courts as are now constituted courts of record. Note.-Former subdivisions 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13 are transferred to § 3, subd. 8, Judiciary Law, post. a. The city court of the city of New York, called the marine court of the city of New York until 1883. Name city court adopted by chap. 26 of 1883. b. The justices' court of the city of Albany. Name changed to city court of Albany by chap. 122 of 1884. |