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ing to be allowed the prize money due to that officer on account of the recapture of the frigate Philadelphia, in the harbor of Tripoli, in 1804; which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. Borland presented the petition of Joseph Kirwin, praying to be allowed an increase of his pension; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions.

Mr. Borland presented the petition of Thomas and Elizabeth Armstrong, representatives of Josiah Fletcher, deceased, praying the payment of indemnity due by the United States to the de-t ceased on account of Indian depredations; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

Mr. Rusk presented the memorial of Samuel Jones, surviving partner and legal representative of the firm of E. P. Calkins and Company, praying the return of certain duties exacted of him in the name of the Republic of Texas, after the annexation of that republic to the United States; which was referred to the Committee of Claims.

Mr. Bright submitted a document relating to the claim of the heirs of Joshua Eddy, an officer in the revolutionary army, to commutation pay; which was referred to the Committee on Revolu tionary Claims.

Mr. Sturgeon presented a petition of citizens of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, praying that the tariff of 1842 may be restored; which was referred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. Dickinson submitted documents relating to the return of duties on unbroken packages of merchandise, which was destroyed by fire in the city of New York, in the year 1845; which was referred to the Committee on Finance.

On motion by Mr. Sturgeon,

Ordered, That the memorial of the legatees of Thomas D. Ans derson, on the files of the Senate, be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.


On motion by Mr. Downs,

Ordered, That Peter Randon have leave to withdraw his memo rial and papers.

On motion by Mr. Bell,

Ordered, That the memorials, and all other papers or matters re-d ferred to the Committee on Indian Affairs at the last session of Congress, and which were not reported on by the committee, bel récommitted to said committee.

i On motion by Mr. Downs,

Ordered, That all memorials, petitions, or other papers referred to the Committees of the Senate at the last session, and remaining before them at its close, be recommitted to the same committees.i Mr. Jones submitted the following resolution; which was consi sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

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Resolved, That the Committee on Pensions be instructed to inquire into the expediency of increasing the pension of Isaac W. Griffith, of Iowa, on account of the loss of his right arm whilst in/ the service of his country, at Churubusco, in Mexico.ba y 51109

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Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of the heirs of William Barton, reported a bill (S. 378) for the relief of William Barton and the other surviving children of the late General William Barton; which was read, and passed to the second reading.

Mr. Johnson also submitted a report on the subject; which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Baldwin, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 413) for the relief of the widow of Lieutenant Richard E. Cochran, deceased, reported it without amendment. Mr. Baldwin, from the Committee of Claims, to whom the following bills were referred

H. R. 249. An act for the relief of the legal representatives of Robert Fulton, deceased;

H. R. 359. An act for the relief of A. C. Bryan and others, resi ported the same without amendment.

Mr. Underwood, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the bill (S. 362) for the relief of Theodore Offutt, reported it without amendment, and submitted a special report on the subject; which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the resolution (S. R. 36) explanatory of the act of June 2, 1848, entitled "An act to refund money for expenses incurred, subsistence or transportation furnished for the use of volunteers during the present war, before being mustered and received into the service of the United States, submitted a report on the subject; which was ordered to be printed.

mi Mr. Bradbury, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was recommitted the memorial of E. P. Calkins and Company, submitted an adverse report; which was ordered to be printed.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. Borland asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill (S. 379) to grant to the State of Arkansas the Hot Spring reservation therein, and for other purposes; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. Atchison asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill (S. 380) granting to the State of Missouri the right of way and a donation of public lands for making a railroad fromLexington, on the Missouri river, to Ohio city, on the mouth of the Ohio river, in said State; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

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Agreeably to notice, Mr. Dix asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill (S. 381) to authorize an appropriation for removing the rocks at Hurl Gate, and the reefs in the harbor of New York; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on Commerce.

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by, Mr. Miller the 18th of December, in relation to any negotiations or correspondence between the government of the United States and the government of Spain, in relation to the purchase of Cuba.

On motion by Mr. Dickinson, that the resolution lie on the table, Yeas

It was determined in the affirmative, Nays

On motion by Mr. Baldwin,



The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, - Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Atchison, Atherton, Berrien, Borland, Bradbury, Breese, Dickinson, Dodge, of Wisconsin, Douglas, Downs, Felch, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Foote, Houston, Hunter, Johnson, of Louisiana, Jones, King, Mason, Rusk, Sebastian, Turney, Yulee.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Baldwin, Benton, Clarke, Clayton, Corwin, Davis, of Massachusetts, Dayton, Dix, Hale, Hamlin, Metcalfe, Miller, Niles, Pearce, Phelps, Spruance, Underwood, Upham, Westcott.

So it was

Ordered, That the resolution lie on the table.

The bill (H. R. 700) to amend the act entitled "An act supplemental to the act for the admission of the States of Iowa and Florida into the Union," was read the first and second times by unani

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Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Vice President laid before the Senate the following reports: I. Report of the Secretary of War, made agreeably to law, accompanied by statements of expenditures from the appropriations for contingencies of the various offices and bureaus of the department.


11. Report of the Secretary of War, made agreeably to law, accompanied by a statement of the expenses of the national armories, and of the number of arms and appendages made and repaired during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1848..

The reports were read.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Campbell, their Clerk:

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Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a reso+ lution from the Senate (S. 47) relating to the compensation of persons appointed to deliver the votes for President and Vice President of the United States to the President of the Senate.

Mr. Rusk reported, from the committee, that they had examined and fund duly enrolled the resolution dast mentioned.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Campbell, their Clerk:

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Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an enrolled resolution, I am directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature of their President.

The Vice President signed the enrolled resolution (S. 47) last reported to have been examined, and it was delivered to the.committee, to be presented to the President of the United States. After the consideration of executive business,

The Senate adjourned.

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The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of War, made agreeably to law, exhibiting the expenditures, during the year 1848, from the appropriation for the contingent expenses of the military establishment; which was read, and ordered to be printed.

The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of War, made agreeably to law, accompanied by a report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, showing the persons employed in the Indian department during the year 1848; which was read, and ordered to be printed.

The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Commissioner of Patents, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of March 31, 1848, in relation to applications for patents for the prevention of the explosion of steam boilers; which was read, and referred to the Committee on Patents, and ordered to be printed.

The Vice President laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanied by a report of the superintendent of the coast survey on an application of the galvanic circuit to an astronomical clock and telegraph register in determining local differences of longitudes, and in astronomical observations generally; which was read, and ordered to be printed.

On motion by Mr. Baldwin,

Ordered, That one thousand additional copies thereof be printed; two hundred and fifty of which for the use of the superintendent of the coast survey.

The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Commissioner of Patents, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 24th January, 1848, on the subject of the explosion of steam boilers used in boats or for engines: on railroads, and the expediency of any amendments to the patent laws for the prevéntion thereof; which was read, and referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office.

On motion by Mr. Westcott that it be printed, and that thirty thousand copies in addition to the usual number be printed for the use of the Senate.

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Ordered, That the motion be referred to the Committ Printing.


Mr. Clayton presented a memorial of pilots and masters of vessels navigating the Delaware bay and river, praying the construction of an ice harbor at Delaware city; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Breese presented the petition of James Hotchkiss and others, praying to be allowed the right of pre-emption to a tract of land; which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

Mr. Atchison presented the petition of Anderson Estis, praying compensation for his services as a teamster in the military service; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. Breese presented a petition of citizens of Perry county, Illi

nois, praying a grant of land to that State to aid in the construction of the Illinois Central railroad.

Ordered, That if lie on the table.

Mr. Atchison presented a petition of citizens of Hannibal, Missouri, praying a grant of public land for the support of public schools in that city; which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

Mr. Walker presented a petition of citizens of Wisconsin, praying the establishment of a post route from West Bend to Sheboygan, in that State; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Cameron presented the petition of John W. Skiles, a volunteer in the war with Mexico, praying to be allowed bounty land;! which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. ・・・

Mr. Cameron presented a memorial of citizens of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, praying the purchase of Mount Vernon by the government; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture.

Mr. Cameron presented a petition of citizens of Norristown, Pennsylvania, praying the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and protesting against the retrocession of any portion of said District to the State of Maryland; and a petition of citizens of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, praying that slavery may be excluded from the territories of New Mexico and California, and protesting against the extension of the limits of the State of Texas over any territory acquired from Mexico.


The motion to receive the petitions being objected to,
Ordered, That the motion lie on the table.

Mr. Cameron presented two petitions of citizens of Essex county,' New York, three petitions of citizens of Lehigh county, a petition of citizens of Huntingdon county, two petitions of citizens of Columbia county, a petition of citizens of Schuylkill county, a petition of citizens of Union county, and a petition of citizens of Phila delphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, praying an increase of duties on foreign manufactures; which were referred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr Dickinson presented a petition of citizens of New York, praying that the rates of postage may be reduced and the franking privilege abolished; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Sturgeon presented the petition of Calvin Blythe, executor of Jesse D. Elliott, deceased, praying remuneration for expenses incurred by the testator in receiving and entertaining, while in command of a national vessel, the King of Greece and his suite; which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. Sturgeon presented the petition of David D. Porter, an officer in the navy, praying compensation for services as political agent of the government in the island of St. Domingo; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Mr. King presented the memorial of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, praying to be allowed the right of way and a grant

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