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of public officers and others who may have received moneys arising from military contributions or otherwise in Mexico;

H. R. 752. An act for the relief of Stoughton A. Fletcher;

H. R. 813. An act making arrangements for taking the seventh census;

H. R. 61. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives to subscribe for a thousand copies of a further publication of the debates and proceedings of Congress, and for other purposes; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.

They have passed a bill from the Senate (S. 152) to establish the territorial government of Minesota; also, the bill from the Senate (S. 343) to provide for carrying into effect the fifth article of the treaty between the United States and the Mexican republic, for establishing the boundary line between them, with an amendment; in which amendments they request the concurrence of the Senate. The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed nine enrolled bills and two enrolled resolutions, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the signature of their President.

Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 773) for the relief of Charles. Larrabee, reported it without amendment.

Mr. Hunter, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 291) requiring all moneys receivable from customs, and from all other sources, to be paid immediately into the treasury without abatement or deduction, and for other purposes, reported it with amendments.

Mr. Rusk, from the Committee on Military Affairs, who were instructed to inquire into the subject, reported a resolution (S. R. 67) appropriating a sum of money to enable the President of the United States to make compensation for secret services in the war with Mexico; which was read and passed to the second reading.

Mr. Dickinson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, reported a resolution (S. R. 68) for the purpose of straightening the line between the lands of the naval hospital at New York and of the adjoining proprietors; which was read and passed to the second reading.

Mr. Felch, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (S. 471) for the further relief of the widows and orphans and soldiers in the late war with Mexico, reported it without amendment.

Mr. Breese, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom the subject was referred, reported a bill (S. 486) to authorize an entry of the land upon which Fort Atkinson is situated; which was read and passed to the second reading.

The said bill was read a second time, by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.

Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.

Mr. Felch, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom the subject was referred, reported a bill (S. 487) to reduce the mini

mum price of the mineral lands in the Lake Superior district, in Michigan, and in the Chippewa district in Wisconsin; which was read and passed to the second reading.

Mr. Atchison, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom the subject was referred, reported a resolution (S. 69) authorizing the examination and payment to Susan Coody, a Cherokee woman, and others, for property destroyed by certain disorderly soldiers of the United States forces stationed at Fort Gibson, on the night of the 12th of March, 1845; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole, and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.

The said resolution was read a third time.

Resolved, That this resolution pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein.

Mr. Upham, from the Committee on the Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 216) for the relief of the legal representatives of Colonel Francis Vigo, reported it without amendment, and submitted a special report on the subject; which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Dix, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 15) for the settlement of the claims of New Hampshire against the United States, reported it without amendment.

The Senate proceeded to consider the bill last mentioned as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.

Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.

The said bill was read a third time.

Resolved, That it pass.

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof.

Mr. Miller submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the 16th joint rule be so far suspended as to permit the transmission to either House, of the bills passed by either House this day.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution by unanimous consent; and the resolution was agreed to.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein.

Mr. Benton, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 451) to provide for the construction of a central national road from the Pacific ocean to the Mississippi river, with a branch of said road to the Columbia river, reported it without amendment.

Mr. Davis, of lississippi, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom th subject was referred, reported a bill (S. 488) to amend an act maling provision for an additional number of general

officers, and for other purposes, passed 3d of March, 1847; which was read, and passed to a second reading.

On motion by Mr. Atherton,

Ordered, That the Committee on Finance be discharged from the further consideration of the bill (H. R. 792) exempting Spanish vessels from discriminating duties in certain cases; and that it be referred to the Committee on Commerce.

The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 343) to provide for carrying into. effect the fifth article of the treaty between the United States and the Mexican republic, for establishing the boundary line between them; and

On motion by Mr. Allen,

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Mr. Mason, from the Committee on the Library, to whom was referred a resolution (H. R. 55) authorizing the distribution of the American Archives, under the direction of the joint Committee on the Library, to literary institutions in the several States and territories, reported it with amendments.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution, as in Committee of the Whole, and the reported amendments having been agreed to, the resolution was reported to the Senate, and the amendments were concurred in.

Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed, and the resolution read a third time.

The said resolution was read a third time as amended.

Resolved, That this resolution pass, with amendments.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendments.

Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 659) further to continue in force the acts for the payment of horses and other property lost in the military service of the United States, reported it with an amendment.

The Senate proceeded to consider the bill last mentioned, as in Committee of the Whole; and having been amended, it was reported to the Senate, and the amendment was concurred in.

Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed, and the bill read a third time.

The said bill was read a third time as amended

Resolved, That this bill pass with an amendmert.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendment.

The bill (S. 388) for the relief of James Hotchliss, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and having been amended, it was reported to the Senat, and the amendment was concurred in.

Ordered, That this bill be engrossed and read third time.
The said bill was read a third time by unanimus consent.
Resolved, That this bill pass.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein.

The bill (S. 421) to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate the mode of practice in the courts of the United States for the district of Louisiana," approved 26th of May, 1824, was read the second time, and considerd as in Committee of the Whole; and,

On motion by Mr. Atherton,

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

The bill (S. 353) to provide for taking the seventh census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States, was read the second time, and considered as in Gommittee of the Whole.

On motion by Mr. Bright,

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

The bill (H. R. 497) for the relief of E. B. Cogswell, was read a third time.

Resolvel, That this bill pass.

1 Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

The Serate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (H. R. 698) making appropriations for the payment of the navy pensions for the year ending the 30th June, 1850; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.

Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.

The said bill was read a third time.

.Resolved, That it pass.

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof.

Mr. Breese, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 802) for the relief of the citizens of Cedar Bluff, in the State of Alabama, and for other purposes, reported the same without amendment.

The Semte proceeded to consider the bill last mentioned as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.

Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.

The said bill was read a third time by unanimous consent.
Resolved, That this bill pass.

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Campbell, their Clerk:

Mr. Presilent: The House of Representatives concur in the resolution passed by the Senate to suspend. the 16th joint rule of the two Houses so far as relates to the bills passed this day by the two Houses.

The Vice President signed the ten enrolled bills H. R. 795, 799, S. 225, 227,258, 399, 411, 413, 473, 484, and the two enrolled resolutions (H.R. 54, S. 56) last reported to have been examined; and they wre delivered to the committee to be presented to the President ofthe United States.

The Senae proceeded to consider the amendment of the House

of Representatives to the bill (S. 393) to provide for an increase of the medical staff, and for an additional number of chaplains of the army of the United States; and

Resolved, That they concur therein.

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof.

The Vice President notified the Senate that he would, at 1 o'clock to-morrow, by retiri g from the chair for the remainder of the session, afford the usual opportunity for the choice of a President pro tempore.


The Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (H. R. 686) making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1850; and having been amended, it was reported to the Senate, and the amendment was concurred in.

Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time.

The said bill was read a third time as amended.

Resolved That this bill pass with an amendment.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendment.

The Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (H. R. 695) making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ending the 30th of June, 1850:

On motion by Mr. Baldwin, to amend the bill, by inserting the following as an additional section:

"SEC.. And be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of the territories of California and New Mexico, respectively, shall be entitled to the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus n all cases of unlawful detention and restraint; of trial by jury in all criminal prosecutions; and of judicial proceedings, according to the course of the common law and the laws and usages in force in said territories; and no person, not belonging to the army or ravy of the United States, shall be liable to be tried by martial law."

The said amendment was amended, on the motion of Mr. Rusk, by adding there to the following:

"Provided nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to interfere in any respect with the rights of property of any State or of individuals."

On the question to agree to the amendment as amenied:

It was determined in the negative, {es.....

On motion,



The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Sendors present, Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Allen, Baldwin, Cameron, Clarke, Corwi, Davis, of Massachusetts, Dayton, Dix, Greene, Hale, Hamlin, Miler, Niles, Spruance, Wales, Walker, Webster.

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