the settlement of claims against the United States; and the resolution was agreed to. The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution, submitted by Mr. Clarke the 2d instant, respecting certain commercial treaties, which was amended on the motion of Mr. Clarke, and agreed to, as follows: Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to communicate to the Senate a list of all the treaties of commerce and navigation between the United States and foreign nations, conferring upon the vessels of such nations the right of trading between the United States and the rest of the world in the productions of every country upon the same terms with American vessels, with the date of the proclamation of such treaties; also, a list of the proclamations, conferring similar rights upon the vessels of foreign nations, issued by the President of the United States, under the provisions of the first section of the act entitled "An act in addition to an act entitled "An act concerning discriminating duties on tonnage and imposts, and to equalize the duties on Prussian vessels and their cargoes,"" approved May 24, 1848; also, a statement of the navigetion and commerce of such nations respectively with the United States since the date of the said treaties or proclamations, discriminating between the vessels and tonnage employed in the direct and indirect trade; and, also, a statement of the navigation and commerce of such nations with the United States for a period of five years before the date of such treaties or proclamations respectively; also, a statement of the navigation and commerce between the United States and certain colonial possessions of Great Britain in the West Indies, on the continent of South America, the Bahama islands, the Caicos, and the Bermuda or Somer island, authorized by an act of Congress entitled "An act to amend the acts regulating the commercial intercourse between the United States and certain colonies of Great Britain," approved 29th May, 1830, and the effect thereof upon the commerce of the United States. г Resolved, That the resolution, passed on the 21st day of December last, requesting the President of the United States to communicate to the Senate a list of all the several treaties of reciprocity between the United States and foreign nations, with the date of such treaties, and a statement of the commerce and population of such nations be and the same is hereby rescinded. The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution, submitted by Mr. Clarke the 2d instant, in relation to the repeal of the first section of the "act in addition to an act entitled 'An act concerning discriminating duties;'" and the resolution was agreed to." * On motion by Mr. Clarke, Ordered, That the select committee, in pursuance of the resolution, be appointed by the Vice President; and Mr. Clarke, Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, and Mr. Davis, of Massachusetts, were appointed the committee. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Campbell, their Clerk: > Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H. R. 665) to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of the year ending the 30th June, 1849, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. The said bill from the House of Representatives (H. R. 665) was read the first and second times by unanimous consent. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 336) for ascertaining claims and titles to land within the territory of California and New Mexico, to grant donation rights, and to provide for the survey of the lands therein; and, On motion by Mr. Breese, Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until tomorrow. On motion by Mr. Bell, to reconsider the vote of yesterday on ordering to a third reading the bill (S. 139) for the relief of John P. Baldwin, owner of the Spanish brig Gil Blas: Ordered, That the further consideration of the motion be postponed until to-morrow. After the consideration of executive business, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1849. 'The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of War, made agreeably to law, showing the amount of appropriations for the service of the War Department for the year ending June 30, 1848, the balances unexpended, and the amounts carried to the surplus fund; which was read. Mr. Cameron presented seven petitions of citizens of Berks county, seven petitions of citizens of Schuylkill county, a petition of citizens of Lebanon county, a petition of citizens of Dauphin county, a petition of citizens of Elizabeth township, and a petition of citizens of Philadelphia county, in the State of Pennsylvania, praying an increase of the duties on foreign manufactures; which were referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Cameron presented the petition of Catharine Elwes, widow of a naval surgeon, praying to be allowed a pension; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. Mr. Dickinson presented a petition of publishers of periodicals in the city of New York, praying that exchanges of their publications may be made free of postage; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Mr. Dix presented a petition of citizens of New York, praying a reduction of the rates of postage and the discontinuance of the franking privilege; which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads: Mr. Dickinson presented a memorial of captains of steamboats and others in the city of New York, praying an appropriation for the removal of obstructions in the hurl gate channel; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. Borland presented resolutions passed by the Legislature of the State of Arkansas, in favor of the establishment of a mail route from Antoine post office, Arkansas, to Clarksville, Texas; a mail route from Ackadelphia to the county seat of Montgomery county, Arkansas; a mail route from Boonville to Ozark; and a mail route from Clarksville to St. Paul's post office, in said State Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. T Mr. Dayton submitted the following resolution; which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: y Resolved, That the Committee on Printing be instructed to inquire into the propriety of purchasing for the use of the Senate copies of a map of the United States, the British provinces, Mexico, &c., showing the routes of the United States mail steam packets, &c., to California, lately published by J. H. Colton, of New York. 3697 Mr. Rusk reported from the committee that they had presented to the President of the United States, the 3d instant, the following acts: H. R. 127. An act for the relief of Hugh Riddle H. R. 189. An act for the relief of Elisha Thomason. H. R. 166. An act for the relief of Colonel Robert Wallace, aidde-camp to General William Hull. H. R. 101. An act for the relief of Esther Russell »V MAX! H. R. 110. An, act for the relief of Reuben Perry and Thomas P. Ligon... 101 Pnolisizu H. R. 125. H. R. 129. Finch. H. R. 162. An act for the relief of Zilpha White.08 »n, t An act for the relief of Charles Waldron. H. R. 208. An act for the relief of the heirs of William Evans. M. R. 378. An act for the relief of Eliza A. Mellon. H. R. 484. An act for the relief of Philip J. Fontane. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, from the Committee on Military Affairs, who were instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending an act entitled "An act to raise for a limited time an additional military force, and for other purposes," approved February 11, 1847, as to extend the provisions of the 9th section thereof to the devisees of deceased soldiers, submitted a report; which was -ordered to be printed. I Mr. Downs, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 211) providing for the punishment of false swearing in certain cases, reported it without amendment Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred a memorial of Adjutant General Roger Jones, submitted a report, accompanied by a bill (S. 376) for his relief, The bill was read, and passed to the second reading c Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of James M. Scantland, reported a bill (S. 377) for his relief; which was read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time."" The said bill was read a third time. Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. The Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (H. R. 291) requiring all moneys receivable from customs, and from all other sources, to be paid immediately into the treasury without abatement or deduction, and for other purposes; and, On motion by Mr. Atherton, Ordered, That it be recommitted to the Committee on Finance. The Senate proceeded to consider the motion made by Mr. Bell, the 3d instant, to reconsider the vote on engrossing the bill (S. 139) for the relief of John P. Baldwin; and the motion was agreed to. The Senate resumed the consideration of the said bill; and,b On motion by. Mr. Westcott, Ordered, That the further consideration of the bill be postponed until to-morrow.on The Senate proceeded to consider the motion made by Mr. Dickinson, the 18th of June last, to reconsider the vote on passing to a third reading the bill (S. 148) for the relief of John Devlin; and the motion was agreed to. The Senate resumed the consideration of the said bill; and On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time??? It was determined in the negative, {eas... On motion by Mr. Turney, 22 23 The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are, Messrs. Baldwin, Benton, Berrien, Cameron, Clarke, Dodge, of Wisconsin, Dodge, of Iowa, Fitzgerald, Foote, Hannegan, Houston, Johnson, of Louisiana, Jones, King, Mason, Miller, Pearce, Phelps, Rusk, Upham, Walker, Westcott. Those who voted in the negative are, ho Messrs. Allen, Atchison, Atherton, Bell, Borland, Bradbury, Breese, Bright, Butler, Clayton, Corwin, Davis, of Mississippi, Dickinson, Dix, Downs, Felch, Hunter, Metcalfe, Niles, Spruance, Turney, Underwood, Yulee. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Campbell, their Clerk:...i Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H, R. 700) to amend the act entitled "An act supplemental to the act for the admission of the States of Iowa and Florida into the Union," in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consid eration of the bill (S. 310) for the relief of Bryan Callaghan; and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read a third time. Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be as afore said. T Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. On motion by Mr. Yulee, that when the Senate adjourn it be to Monday next. It was determined in the negative, Yeasi 20 Nays.. CORE KAI 29: On motion by Mr. Downs, The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are, yo vollow Messrs. Atchison, Bell, Benton, Berrien, Butler, Clarke, Clayton, Davis, of Massachusetts, Dayton, Hale, Hannegan, Miller, Pearce, Phelps, Rusk, Sturgeon, Turney, Upham, Westcott, Yulce. Those who voted in the negative are, 3 Messrs. Atherton, Borland, Bradbury, Breese, Bright, Corwin, Davis, of Mississippi, Dickinson, Dix, Dodge, of Iowa, Douglas, Downs, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Foote, Hamlin, Houston, Hunter, Johnson, of Louisiana, Johnson, of Georgia, Jones, King, Mason, Metcalfe, Niles, Sebastian, Spruance, Underwood, Walker. On motion by Mr. Atchison, The Senate adjourned.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1849. The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secre tary of War, made agreeably to law, accompanied by a report of the Commissioner of Pensions, showing the pension claims rejected during the past year; which was read. Ordered, That it be referred to to the Committee on Pensions, and be printed. Mr. Atchison presented the memorial of Henry C. Miller and Philip W. Thompson, praying indemnity for loss of property by Indian depredations; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Mr. Hannegan presented the petition of A. M. Carnahan and others, praying that the United States vessels attached to the African squadron may be employed to transport emigrants from the United States to the republic of Liberia; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Westcott submitted additional documents relating to the claim of Manuel X. Harmony; which were ordered to be printed. Mr. Felch presented a petition of citizens of Ypsilante, Michigan, praying a reduction of the rates of postage; which was re-) ferred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Mr. Dix presented the petition of Priscilla D. Twiggs, one of the representatives of the late Commodore Stephen Decatur, pray |