Old Roanoke inlet, improvement of the harbor. (See bill S. 422.) Ohl, John F. (See bill H. R. 566.) Oliphant, Catharine, petition..... Onondaga Indians. (See Seneca Indians) Ontario county, New York, citizens of, petition for a reduction of postage....... ..... Orange county, Vermont, petition of citizens of, for a mail route from East Co- Oregon, establishment of a line of telegraphs to Oregon and California, memorial extension of the laws relating to Indian affairs over Oregon. (See bill geological reconnaissance of Oregon. (See joint resolution S. R. 51 ) railroad to Oregon, petition of citizens of Troy, New York, for a charter geological reconnaissance of the territories of the United States contig- O'Reilly, Henry, memorials.. committee discharged.. Orphans. (See Widows.) Owen, David Dale, resolution by Mr. Foote to procure additional copies of the Ozark county, Missouri, citizens of, to enter land. (See bill H. R. 406.) 65, 125, 141 147 369, 370 P. (See bill H. R. 197.) Pacheco, Antonio, legal representatives of. bill to authorize the Galveston and Red River Railway Company bill for a road from the Mississippi to the Pacific, with a branch toʻ resolution by Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, for a despatch of Mr. ... cost of freight and transportation for the United States squadron 232 65 79, 86, 82 report of the Secretary of the Navy.. 193 memorial of citizens of Buffalo, for a railroad from the Missouri 126 memorial of Hartwell Carver, for land for a railroad from Lake 141 memorial of Ebenezer Allen and others for a railroad from the Rio memorial of William Pelham and others.... land to Asa Whitney for a railroad from Lake Michigan to the resolution to provide for topographical surveys and reports of routes memorial of William A. Bradly, relative to a road and mail com- Pacific coast, geological reconnaissance of the territory of the United States con- Page, Wm. Byrd, memorial.. Page, Charles G., memorial.. select committee on report....... Paintings in the Library of Congress, communication from W. W. Chester and S. Pamphlets, postage on, resolution of the Legislature of Indiana.... Panama, isthmus of, turnpike across, memorial of John C. Riddle, D. H. Carter, Panama, isthmus of, telegraph across, memorial of Montgomery Gibbs and othes documents submitted.. bill reported. (See bill S. 352.) resolution by Mr. Baldwin in relation to the contract between letter from Aspinwall and others, with additional documents... Parker, Peter, memorial..... Parkeson, William, documents referred.. Parsons, William. (See William Flanigan ) Passengers, carriage of, in merchant vessels. (See bill H. R. 738.) Passengers, against alien passengers becoming a public charge. resolution by Mr. Foote.... yeas and nays... Patent laws, petitions and memorials for an amendment of— Henry O'Rielly, remonstrating against bill H. R. 102.. Stevens & Ellison and others.. citizens of New York.... Derby, Connecticut Pennsylvania Monroe county, New York..... Rahway, New Jersey. Patent rights, applications for the renewal of. (See bill H. R. 509.) Patents, Commissioner of, reports→ Page. 176 231 231 273 108 146 228 93 51 60 69 69 94 126 64 60 194, 226 226 368, 368 368 54 141 180 224 applications for patents for the prevention of steam explosions...... ordered to be bound, and the Commissioner to be furnished with 307 Pawlings, Henry, legal representatives of, petition. Pay department of the army, bill concerning. (See bill S. 258.) purchase of Winder's building for the use of the Government.. Executive of Maryland to be informed of the resignation of the Hon. -245, 251 360 Pelham, and others, William, memorial for a railroad to the Pacific...... Page. 205 increase of duties on foreign manufactures.... 112, 112, 121, 126, 164, 232 112 slavery....158. 224, 224, 232, 232, 232, 255, 265, 265, 265, 265, 265, 265, amendment of the patent laws.... adoption of the ordinance of 1787 in the organization of territorial 266, 291, 306 224, 255 224 232 237, 265 264 Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, petitions for the Pennsylvania Legislature, resolutions for a permanent settlement of the Indians 199, Penobscot, transfer of Vinal Haven, North Haven, and Islesboro', from the Pe- Penrod, David. (Se bill S. 206 ) Pensacola, right of way and land to Alabama and Florida for a railroad from Pension laws, extension of, resolution by Mr. Davis, of Mississippi.. Pension laws and bounty land laws, resolution by Mr. Bright for printing. report ... Pensions, office of Commissioner of, bill to continue. (See bill S. 373.) rejected pension claims, communicated by the Secretary of War.... Pensions, revolutionary, and other, appropriation bill (See bill H. R. 697.) invalid. (See bill S. 387.) for disabilities, resolution by Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana.... evidence in applications for pensions by widows. (See joint resolution navy appropriation bill. (See bill H. R. 698.) report of the Secretary of the Navy, with a report of the Commissioner Percival, John. (See bill H. R. 270.) yeas and nays motion to reconsider yeas and nays. Periodicals, publishers of, New York, petition in relation to postage. Boston, petition in relation to postage... postage on, petitions of publishers of periodicals in New York... Perkins, Hector. (See bill H R. 619.) Perrine, Henry, widow and heirs of, petition..... additional documents (See bill S. 479.) Perriwig hoals, survey and examination of. (See bill S. 441.) Perry county, Illinois, citizens of, petition for land for Illinois Central railroad.. committee discharged.... Perry, Jean F., heirs of, Josiah Bleakley, Nicholas Jarrot, and Robert Morrison. Perry, Reuben, and Thomas P. Ligon. (See bill H. R. 110.) Perry, Samuel (See bill H. R. 704) Petty, Elijah. (See bill S. 48.) Peters, Thomas, resolutions relative to the compensation of.......... Petty, Hannah. (See bill S. 48.) presented the credentials of the Hon. William Upham.... Phelps, Abel, executors of. (See Winthrop W. Chester and S. E. Guild.) Philadelphia navy yard, petition of George W. West and others for an enlarge- ment of.. committee discharged... Philadelphia Board of Trade, proceedings of the directors of, relative to the coast .... Philadelphia, frigate, captors of. (See bill S. 348.) Page. ... 176 233 250 99, 168, 175 164 107 171 191 232 Philadelphia city, citizens of, petition for an increase of duties on foreign manu- citizens of, memorial relative to the mileage of members of committee discharged .... citizens of, petition for an ice harbor in the Delaware Pilcher, Josiah P. (See bill H. R. 542.) Pix, Christopher H. (See bill H. R. 325.) Plants, tropical, cultivation of. (See bill H. R. 594.) (See bill S. 359) memorial.... 82 Pollard, Mary Ann. (See bill H. R. 623.) Poindexter, George. (See bill S. 298) Point Isabel, Texas, proceedings of a meeting of citizens of, in favor of a port of entry at that place..... 149 Port Washington, improvement of the harbor of. (See bill S. 467.) Portraits of Presidents in the Library of Congress, communication from W. W. 108 Postage on letters, memorial of citizens of Sterling, Michigan resolutions of the Legislature of Illinois petition of publishers of periodicals in New York.... Postage on pamphlets, resolution of the Legislature of Indiana.. Postage on documents printed by States, resolution of the Legislature. of Indiana New York.. 93, 99, 107, 112, 114, 121, 221, 227, 291 65, 66 85 176 184 141 146 91, 99 Postage, reduction of the rates of, petitions of citizens of-Continued. Page. New Orleans. 204 Mr. Niles... Rock countv, Wisconsin. resolutions of the Legislature of Illinois.. Postage, bill to reduce the rates of. (See bill S. 289.) Postal arrangements with Bremen, resolution by Mr. Niles.. Postmaster General, reports of with report of S. R. Hobbie, Assistant Postmaster General...... postal arrangement with Bremen. Postmaster General, Assistant, report of S R. Hobbie called for by resolution of communicated by the Postmaster General..... Post Office department- report of the Treasurer with accounts of receipts and disburements 291 291 141 155 report of the Postmaster General.. 187 84 137 139 187 75 84 232 62 Post office, petition of citizens of Edgefield district, South Carolina, for a post 154 .... Post routes. (See mail routes.) Post routes, bill to repeal a provision of the att of August 14, 1848. See bill Pottawatomie annuities, petition of the Kickapoo and Pottawatomie Indians, Pre-emption- petition of citizens of Michigan for an extension of the pre-emption laws 255 63 resolution of the Legislature of Illinois'relative to the pre-emption rights 168 Prentiss, Susanna. (See bill H. R. 614.) Presidents of the United States, portraits of, in the Library of Congress, commu- President of the United States- appointment of a joint committee to inform the President that Con- on the part of the House of Representatives on the part of the Senate report...... notice of the appointment of the Hon. David R. Atchison as President resolution by Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, relative to appointments by appointment of a joint committee to inform the President that Con- summons from the President for a special session of the Senate |