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r P fessor Hoppe Sevler, of the University of Strasburg, died on August 20, 18 o

The A. L. Hummel Advertising Agency has been incorporated in New York City.

Dr. Chas. G. Geiger has returned from Europe, where he spent the summer in the hospitals of Germany and Austria.

Dr. Geo, M. Staples, an old and respected practitioner of Dubuque, Iowa, passed away recently. Dr. Staples graduated from the Medical Department of Harvard University in 1855.

Dr. A. L. Wright, of Carroll, Iowa, who has recently returned from Europe, will contribute a series of papers to the HERALD, in which will be portrayed "The Status of Abdominal Surgery in the European Hospitals."

Drs. Hargens and Adams of Hot Springs, S. D., are enjoying a hunt in the Sand-hill regions of Nebraska, and judging from the number of birds flying this way of late, are making their presence both heard and felt.

Dr. Basil Norris, a retired army surgeon, who resided for many years at Washington, D. C., died in San Francisco, November 9th. Dr. Norris served through the civil war and attended General Grant through several campaigns. He retired with the rank of colonel.

A Practical Doctor.-Wife-Well, Doctor, how is it with my husband? Doctor-Fair to middling, so to speak; he wants rest above all things. I have written out a prescription for an opiate. Wife--And when must I give him the medicine? Doctor-Him? The medicine is for you, madam.

Dr. Rumbold's Return.-We are more than glad to note the return cf our highly esteemed friend, Dr. Thos. F. Rumbold to his first love, who has again domiciled himself in the "Future Great," and has taken an office in the Union Trust Building. We felt when he left St. Louis for San Francisco that he was a kind of prodigal; but we now greet him with the feast of the fatted calf.

Not Harry Hugely.-The body of the burglar who was shot at New Market, Mo., by Dr. J. M. Hale, has been exhumed by request of a representative of the Boston Millionaire. Col. H. C. Whitely, formerly chief of the United States Secret Service, was called to Weston to confirm the identification of the remains as being that of the son of the Millionaire Hugely, of Boston, but after examination the Colonel pronounced it a mistake,as the dead man bore no resemblance whatever to Harry Hugely, with whom Col. Whitely has been acquainted since childhood. The identity of the dead man therefore is wreathed in mystery.


To Nurse the Lepers.--Catherine Carr, the head nurse at St. Mary's Hospital of Evansville, Ind., has volunteered to go to a living death. A leper hospital is being built at New Orleans, and she has engaged to go as head nurse. Catholic Sisters are building the hospital, which will be the only one of the kind in America, and being unable to get nurses in the regular way, sent out circulars and advertised in the Catholic papers for volunteers. One of the papers fell into the hands of Miss Carr. She is a young woman who was graduated at a Boston training school in April, 1894. During her course of training in Boston she unconsciously nursed a case of leprosy for several weeks before the doctors properly diagnosed it. She continued in her care of the patient until the death of the young




The Golden Belt Medical Society met, for its regular Fall session, in the parlors of the Montezuma Hotel, in Solomon, Kansas, Thursday, October 3, 1895. In the absence of the president, Dr. E. E. Hazlett, Dr. Sheldon moved that Dr. O. F. Searl, of Solomon, act as president pro tempore. Carried.

On motion of Dr. Felty, the president appointed a committee consisting of Drs. Felty, Neptune and Sheldon, to formulate suitable resolutions on the death of Dr. T. N. Gunn of Chapman.

On motion of Dr. Felty the privilege of the floor was given to visitors.

No business coming before the society and the reading of papers being called for, Dr. J. W. Felty of Abilene, responded with a short paper, followed by a demonstration, on "A Unique Method of Treating Fistula in Ano.' Discussion followed the reading of this paper, participated in by Drs. Sheldon and Felty.

Dr. J. W. Neptune of Chapman, read a carefully prepared paper entitled "Puerpera", which was discussed by Drs. LaFevre, Sheldon, Brooks and Neptune.

Dr. O. F. Searl of Solomon, next read a paper under the caption of "Abortion." Discussed by Drs. Sheldon, Hawthorn, Neptune, Fowler, LaFevre and Searl. Adjourned to meet at the same place at 8:00 P. M.

Dr, Searl again calling the society to order, Dr. W. B. Dewees of Salina, read a paper, "Preputial Adhesions of the Glans Clitoridis." Discussed by Drs. Sheldon, Harvey, Murphy, Fowler and Dewees.

This was followed by Dr. E. W. Hawthorn of New Cambria, on "Intestinal Obstruction." Discussion ensued, Drs. Dewees, Fowler, Harvey, Murphy, Sheldon and Hawthorn, taking part.

On motion of Drs. LaFevre and Dewees, Drs. Leonard Freeman and J. W. Hawkins, both of Denver, Colo., were, by unanimous acclamation, elected to honorary membership.

After some discussion, Abilene was chosen as the place of next meeting, to be held the first Thursday in January, 1896.

Thus ended another very profitable and highly interesting meeting of this Society, one in which each present felt himself amply repaid for any sacrifice he had made in order to attend.

Those present were:-Drs. Dewees and Harvey, Salina; Fowler, Brookville; Neptune, Chapman; LaFevre and Felty, Abilene; Hawthorn, New Cambria; Brooks, Enterprise; Murphy, Minneapolis; Sheldon, Topeka; and Searl and Mr. Collins, SolRespectfully, E. B. LAFEVRE, M. D., Secretary.



The Northern Kansas Medical Society met at Seneca, Kansas, November 7th, 1895, Dr. W. E. Ham, Presiding. Dr. Samuel Murdock, Jr., Secretary.

The following papers were read: "Remarks on Refraction and Accommodation," by N. Hayes, M. D., Seneca. "Pruritus Ani," Daniel Morton, M. D., St. Joseph. "Ventral Hernia, Pregnant Uterus, Death," Dr. J. F. Lesh, Seneca. Each of these papers was discussed.

Dr. Barton Pitts, of St. Joseph, Mo., held a clinic, operating for strabismus and for obstructed tear duct.

Several cases presented to the Society for diagnosis, which were discussed by Dr. Jacob Geiger and others.

Dr. Lesh's paper was one of particular interest, because of the great variety of the conditions described. We hope to have it for publication in our next issue. The meeting was brought to sudden close by the sad tidings of the death of a brother of Dr. Ham, the President. Expressions of sympathy were heard on all sides for Dr. Ham, and the members did all in their power to show their regard for him in his time of trouble. Mr. Ham was a young man, and night operator at Seneca, who, in a fit of despondency, took his own life. No night session was held.





We invite the attention of the Medical and Surgical Pro-
fession to the various merits combined in our Bandages:

1st. ITS POROSITY-the greatest in the "Empire." It never causes itching, rash, or ulceration under the bandage. 2d. ITS ELASTICITY, which will enable the surgeon or nurse to put it on at any required tension, and which will follow a swelling up and down, as the case may be, a feature unknown to any other bandage.

3d. ITS ABSORBENT PROPERTIES-greatest in the "Empire."

4th. ITS EASY APPLICATION to any part of the body, not being necessary to fold over, as with other bandages, as it follows itself with equal uniformity around any part of the abdomen.

No bother The Empire,

5th. ITS SELF-HOLDING QUALITIES. with pins, needles and thread, or string, so tiresome to surgeons, as simply tucking the end under the last fold insures its permanent stay until its removal for purposes of cleanli

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Abdominal Supporter

Is Superior to all Others for the following reasons:

1st. It adopts itself to every movement of the body, giving strong and even support.

2d. It produces warmth without irritation or sweating, as it is perfectly ventilated. 3d. In pregnancy, corpulency, tumors, or other cases of abdomen, it supports weight of body from the backbone, relieving the sinews of their overwork.

4th. Its easy appliance (lace and drawn on over head or feet)

5th. It is cheap; durable. It can be washed when soiled, proper care being taken to cleanse it in lukewarm water and dry in the shade.

In ordering, give the measure of the abdomen.



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As an Abdominal Supporter with Button Inserted at the Navel Is made of the same material, and possesses the same merits as the Empire Elastic Bandage and Abdominal Supporters, and is pronounced by all who have seen it to be the BEST IN THE WORLD. All of our goods are sent free by mail upon receipt of price, and money refunded if not satisfactory.

Infants, $1.25.. Children, $2.50.. Adults, $4.00


Manufacturing Co.

No. 17 Spring Street,

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THE HERALD' circulation being among a class of physicians who PAY THEIR UB CRIPTIONS (and consequently READ each issue), this journal naturally offers the best opportunity to those advertisers who desire to reach the thrifty and progressive practitioners of the West and South.

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THE CRAWFORD THEATER-Fifth and Jule streets-First-class attractions at popular prices. Seats reserved four days in advance. FRANK F. HARL, manager.

THE NEW TOOTLE THEATRE-Finest House in the West.-TOOTLE ESTATE, Proprietors. Fifth and Francis Streets. Do not fail to visit the Tootle Theatre. Seats reserved by mail or telephone.

The Annuals of Surgery ($5) and THE MEDICAL HERALD ($2) both for $5.50 per annum. Address all orders to this office.

The Christmas Herald will be issued on December 10th, and all copy for advertising intended for this number must be on hand by November 30th.

Wanted. Situation as clerk by a Physician; ten years experience. Registered in Missouri. Address A. C. MAJOR, Kearney, Mo.

Wanted. A young physician, who can register as Pharmacist, to go to a thriving South-Western town. Good salary and steady position to right man. Address: E. T. O. Care MEDICAL HERALD CO.

For Sale or Exchange.-My practice which is worth from eight to ten thousand dollars per year, consisting of diseases of the rectum and chronic cases, office and hospital work, no general practice. For full particulars address, F. M. MADISON, M. D., Peoria, Ill.

Hepatic Torpor.-A few months ago I was suffering from hepatic torpor and I am happy to say that after taking two bottles of Peacock's Chionia I feel greatly relieved, and that Chionia has done me more good than any other preparation I have ever used. In hepatic disorders I shall always give it preference to other remedies, knowing its therapeutic value. T. ED DEPONDROM, M. D., Chicago, Ill.

For General Surgical work, Dr. Samuel Roome, lecturer of Surgery, New York Post-Graduate, writes as follows: Gentlemen:-The formula of unguentine at once caught my eye, and I have used it quite extensively since. In burns, scalds, cuts, excoriations, simple ulcers, and inflammatory skin affections, I find it works admirably. Will use it frequently in the future.

Sander & Son's Eucalypti Extract (Eucalyptol).-In the article treating on inhalations of eucalyptus in cases of diphtheritis (Berlin Klin. Wochenschrift, 1876, No. 21) by Prof. Dr. Mosler, Director of the Medical clinic of the University at Griefswald, it is stated: "The oleum eucalypti folies, I employed in my tests, I received through Holzle & Chelius, Frankfort-on-the-Main; it must not be mistaken for the more frequently offered oleum eucalypti australe which is obtained from the wood of the eucalyptus trees. This latter oil is used commonly for mechanical purposes and has a far cheaper price; it is, however, no longer applied by me as an internal medicament." We certify that the oleum eucalypti folies named in the Berlin Klin Wochenscrift, 1879, No. 21, and there mentioned to have been procured from us, was the product of Messrs. Sander & Sons, Sandhurst, Australia. Holzle & Chelius, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Agents.

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