The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English LanguageH. Frowde, 1912 - 531 страница |
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Страница 2
... dead ; Spread forth thy golden hair In larger locks than thou wast wont before , And emperor - like decore With diadem of pearl thy temples fair : Chase hence the ugly night Which serves but to make dear thy glorious light . This is ...
... dead ; Spread forth thy golden hair In larger locks than thou wast wont before , And emperor - like decore With diadem of pearl thy temples fair : Chase hence the ugly night Which serves but to make dear thy glorious light . This is ...
Страница 9
... motion , and mine eye may be deceived : For fear of which , hear this , thou age unbred , - Ere you were born , was beauty's summer dead . W. SHAKESPEARE 15 DIAPHENIA Diaphenia like the daffadowndilly , White as the SHAKESPEARE 9.
... motion , and mine eye may be deceived : For fear of which , hear this , thou age unbred , - Ere you were born , was beauty's summer dead . W. SHAKESPEARE 15 DIAPHENIA Diaphenia like the daffadowndilly , White as the SHAKESPEARE 9.
Страница 10
... dead , thy breath to life might move me . Diaphenia like to all things blesséd When all thy praises are expresséd , Dear joy , how I do love thee ! As the birds do love the spring , Or the bees their careful king : Then in requite ...
... dead , thy breath to life might move me . Diaphenia like to all things blesséd When all thy praises are expresséd , Dear joy , how I do love thee ! As the birds do love the spring , Or the bees their careful king : Then in requite ...
Страница 13
... dead , and lovely knights ; Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best Of hand , of foot , of lip , of eye , of brow , I see their antique pen would have exprest Ev'n such a beauty as you master now . So all their praises are but ...
... dead , and lovely knights ; Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best Of hand , of foot , of lip , of eye , of brow , I see their antique pen would have exprest Ev'n such a beauty as you master now . So all their praises are but ...
Страница 22
... dead , All thy friends are lapp'd in lead : All thy fellow birds do sing Careless of thy sorrowing : Even so , poor bird , like thee None alive will pity me . R. BARNEFIELD 35 Care - charmer Sleep , son of the sable Night , Brother to ...
... dead , All thy friends are lapp'd in lead : All thy fellow birds do sing Careless of thy sorrowing : Even so , poor bird , like thee None alive will pity me . R. BARNEFIELD 35 Care - charmer Sleep , son of the sable Night , Brother to ...
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The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
Чести термини и фразе
A. H. CLOUGH Arethuse beauty beneath birds bower breast breath bright Brignall brow cheek clouds County Guy dark dead dear death deep delight dost doth dream earth eyes face fair fear flowers frae FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE glory golden gone green hand happy hast hath head hear heard heart heaven hill kiss leaves light lips live look look'd LORD LORD BYRON LORD TENNYSON love thee Lycidas lyre mind morn mountain ne'er never night Nymph o'er once P. B. SHELLEY pale pleasure poems Ravelston ring River Lee rose round seem'd shade SHAKESPEARE shore sigh sing sleep smile soft song sorrow soul sound spirit spring stars stream sweet T. L. PEACOCK tears There's thine things thou art thought tree Twas voice waly waly waves weep wild winds wings WORDSWORTH Yarrow youth