The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English LanguageH. Frowde, 1912 - 531 страница |
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Страница 28
... gone and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must , As chimney - sweepers , come to dust . Fear no more the frown o ' the great , Thou art past the tyrant's stroke ; Care no more to clothe and eat ; To thee the reed is as the ...
... gone and ta'en thy wages : Golden lads and girls all must , As chimney - sweepers , come to dust . Fear no more the frown o ' the great , Thou art past the tyrant's stroke ; Care no more to clothe and eat ; To thee the reed is as the ...
Страница 30
... with me after I am gone . 50 MADRIGAL W. SHAKESPEARE Tell me where is Fancy bred , Or in the heart , or in the head ? How begot , how nourished ? Reply , reply . It is engender'd in the eyes , With gazing fed 30 SHAKESPEARE.
... with me after I am gone . 50 MADRIGAL W. SHAKESPEARE Tell me where is Fancy bred , Or in the heart , or in the head ? How begot , how nourished ? Reply , reply . It is engender'd in the eyes , With gazing fed 30 SHAKESPEARE.
Страница 39
... gone : What is it , then , to have , or have no wife , But single thraldom , or a double strife ? Our own affections still at home to please Is a disease : To cross the seas to any foreign soil , Peril and toil : Wars with their noise ...
... gone : What is it , then , to have , or have no wife , But single thraldom , or a double strife ? Our own affections still at home to please Is a disease : To cross the seas to any foreign soil , Peril and toil : Wars with their noise ...
Страница 41
... gone , Save that , to die , I leave my Love alone . W. SHAKESPEARE 61 SAINT JOHN BAPTIST The last and greatest Herald of Heaven's King Girt with rough skins , hies to the deserts wild , Among that savage brood the woods forth bring ...
... gone , Save that , to die , I leave my Love alone . W. SHAKESPEARE 61 SAINT JOHN BAPTIST The last and greatest Herald of Heaven's King Girt with rough skins , hies to the deserts wild , Among that savage brood the woods forth bring ...
Страница 56
... gone , Now thou art gone , and never must return ! Thee , Shepherd , thee the woods , and desert caves With wild thyme and the gadding vine o'ergrown , And all their echoes , mourn : The willows and the hazel copses green Shall now no ...
... gone , Now thou art gone , and never must return ! Thee , Shepherd , thee the woods , and desert caves With wild thyme and the gadding vine o'ergrown , And all their echoes , mourn : The willows and the hazel copses green Shall now no ...
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The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
Чести термини и фразе
A. H. CLOUGH Arethuse beauty beneath birds bower breast breath bright Brignall brow cheek clouds County Guy dark dead dear death deep delight dost doth dream earth eyes face fair fear flowers frae FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE glory golden gone green hand happy hast hath head hear heard heart heaven hill kiss leaves light lips live look look'd LORD LORD BYRON LORD TENNYSON love thee Lycidas lyre mind morn mountain ne'er never night Nymph o'er once P. B. SHELLEY pale pleasure poems Ravelston ring River Lee rose round seem'd shade SHAKESPEARE shore sigh sing sleep smile soft song sorrow soul sound spirit spring stars stream sweet T. L. PEACOCK tears There's thine things thou art thought tree Twas voice waly waly waves weep wild winds wings WORDSWORTH Yarrow youth