The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English LanguageH. Frowde, 1912 - 531 страница |
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Страница 1
... skies With azure , white , and red : T. NASH Rouse Memnon's mother from her Tithon's bed That she may thy career with roses spread : The nightingales thy coming each where sing : B Make an eternal spring ! Give life to this dark.
... skies With azure , white , and red : T. NASH Rouse Memnon's mother from her Tithon's bed That she may thy career with roses spread : The nightingales thy coming each where sing : B Make an eternal spring ! Give life to this dark.
Страница 4
... roses And a thousand fragrant posies , A cap of flowers , and a kirtle Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle . A gown made of the finest wool , Which from our pretty lambs we pull , Fair linéd slippers for the cold , With buckles of the ...
... roses And a thousand fragrant posies , A cap of flowers , and a kirtle Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle . A gown made of the finest wool , Which from our pretty lambs we pull , Fair linéd slippers for the cold , With buckles of the ...
Страница 9
... rose : in it thou art my all . W. SHAKESPEARE 14 To me , fair Friend , you never can be old , For as you were when first your eye I eyed Such seems your beauty still . Three winters cold Have from the forests shook three summers ' pride ...
... rose : in it thou art my all . W. SHAKESPEARE 14 To me , fair Friend , you never can be old , For as you were when first your eye I eyed Such seems your beauty still . Three winters cold Have from the forests shook three summers ' pride ...
Страница 10
... roses , That in thy sweets all sweets encloses , Fair sweet , how I do love thee ! I do love thee as each flower Loves the sun's life - giving power ; For dead , thy breath to life might move me . Diaphenia like to all things blesséd ...
... roses , That in thy sweets all sweets encloses , Fair sweet , how I do love thee ! I do love thee as each flower Loves the sun's life - giving power ; For dead , thy breath to life might move me . Diaphenia like to all things blesséd ...
Страница 11
... roses Whom ranks of lilies neighbour nigh , Within which bounds she balm encloses Apt to entice a deity : Heigh ho , would she were mine ! Her neck is like a stately tower , Where Love himself imprison'd lies , To watch for glances ...
... roses Whom ranks of lilies neighbour nigh , Within which bounds she balm encloses Apt to entice a deity : Heigh ho , would she were mine ! Her neck is like a stately tower , Where Love himself imprison'd lies , To watch for glances ...
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The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language Francis Turner Palgrave Приказ није доступан - 2016 |
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A. H. CLOUGH Arethuse beauty beneath birds bower breast breath bright Brignall brow cheek clouds County Guy dark dead dear death deep delight dost doth dream earth eyes face fair fear flowers frae FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE glory golden gone green hand happy hast hath head hear heard heart heaven hill kiss leaves light lips live look look'd LORD LORD BYRON LORD TENNYSON love thee Lycidas lyre mind morn mountain ne'er never night Nymph o'er once P. B. SHELLEY pale pleasure poems Ravelston ring River Lee rose round seem'd shade SHAKESPEARE shore sigh sing sleep smile soft song sorrow soul sound spirit spring stars stream sweet T. L. PEACOCK tears There's thine things thou art thought tree Twas voice waly waly waves weep wild winds wings WORDSWORTH Yarrow youth