THE COMMISSARY-GENERAL OF MUSTERS. Aug. 11, 1775.-Stephen Moylan, Muster-Master-General. Resolved, That a deputy muster-master be appointed for the said [New York] department. Gunning Bedford, esq., elected to that office. Resolved, That the pay of the Commissary-General of Musters be forty dollars per month. Deputy muster-master-general, forty dollars per do. (month). August 11, 1775.-"The Commander in Chief has been pleased to appoint Stephen Moylan, esqr., to be Muster-Master-General to the Army of the United Colonies." (Orders, General Headquarters, Cambridge.) That the appointment of Captain February 28, 1776. Rensselaer to be deputy muster-master-general of the forces in Canada be confirmed. Resolved, That the deputy muster-master-general, Gunning Bedford, esq., be directed to repair to his post forthwith in the northern army in Canada, and that he muster the troops once in every month and make returns to Congress and the commanding officer. March 25, 1776. Resolved, That a deputy muster-master-general be appointed for the Southern Department. The ballots being taken and examined, Edmund Randolph, esq., was elected.1 Resolved, That E. Randolph, esq., be empowered to appoint two deputy muster-masters under him, one for North Carolina and the other for South Carolina. June 5, 1776. Resolved, That the deputy muster-masters-general make regular returns and reports to Congress and to the respective officers to whom they are deputies at least once a month, and that the principals also make returns to Congress at the same periods. June 17, 1776. Resolved, That an experienced general be immediately sent into Canada, with power to appoint a deputy muster-master-general and such other officers as he shall find necessary for the good of the service, and notify the same to Congress for their appro bation; That a deputy muster-master-general be immediately sent into Canada. June 18, 1776. Resolved, That Gunning Bedford, esq., deputy muster-master-general, be promoted to the rank of Muster-Master-General, and that he be directed immediately to repair to headquarters in New York. Resolved, That General Washington be empowered and directed to nominate and send a deputy muster-master-general to Canada. July 9, 1776. The Congress proceeded to the election of a deputy muster-mastergeneral for the flying camp and militia ordered to rendezvous at Trenton; and the ballots being taken, Jonathan B. Smith was elected.2 Resolved, September 25, 1776. That Richard Varick, late captain in Colonel McDougall's regiment, which office he resigned, secretary to the honorable Major-General Schuyler, be appointed deputy muster-mastergeneral to the northern army. October 7, 1776. Congress proceeded to the election of a deputy muster-master-general for the flying camp, in the the room of Jonathan B. Smith; and the ballots being taken, 1 William Davies was elected. 1 Resigned April 26, 1776, having been elected to represent Williamsburg in convention. 2 Resigned September 27, 1776. October 16, 1776. Resolved, That General Washington be empowered to appoint a deputy muster-master-general for the flying camp. Resolved, on the staff in the be as follow: To the Resolved, October 21, 1776. That the rations allowed to the several officers Army of the United States, not heretofore settled, deputy muster-master-general, 6 rations. November 7, 1776. 8. That the deputy muster-master-general in the Northern Department have the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the Army of the United States. April 4, 1777. Resolved, That there be one Commissary-General of Musters for the Army of the United States: That there be four deputy muster-masters-general; That the said appointments be made by Congress; That one deputy muster-master be appointed to each grand division of the army, and that these appointments be made by the Commander in Chief; That the troops be mustered once in every month by the deputy muster-masters, and once, at least, in every three months the deputy muster-master-general of each department shall superintend at such musters; That the deputy muster-master-general of each department return an abstract of each muster roll once a month to the deputy adjutantgeneral of that department,' and one other abstract to the CommissaryGeneral of Musters: That the Commissary-General of Musters return to the AdjutantGeneral once a month an abstract of all the musters, regimentally digested, together with an abstract of the rations drawn or retained by the several regiments; That the pay of the Commissary-General of Musters be 60 dollars a month and 4 rations a day; That the pay of the deputy muster-master-general be 50 dollars a month and 3 rations a day; That the pay of a muster-master be 35 a month and two rations a day. April 10, 1777. Resolved, That the Commissary-General of Musters have the rank of colonel in the Army of the United States; that the deputy mustermasters-general have the rank of lieutenant-colonels in the Army of the United States. 1 Revoked by resolution of June 10, 1777. |