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SEC. 1756. Every person

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in the

appointed to any office of honor or profit military service shall, before entering upon the duties of such office, and before being entitled to any part of the salary or other emoluments thereof, take and subscribe the following oath: "I, A B, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United States since I have been a citizen thereof; that I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel, or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto; that I have neither sought, nor accepted, nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office whatever, under any authority or pretended authority, in hostility to the United States; that I have not yielded a voluntary support to any pretended government, authority, power, or constitution within the United States hostile or inimical thereto, and I further swear (or affirm) that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties. of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God." SEC. 1757. Whenever any person who is not able, on account of his participation in the late rebellion, to take the oath prescribed in the preceding section, he shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe in lieu of that oath the following oath: "I, A B, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God."

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Fourth. No person belonging to the Army


shall be elected

to or hold any civil office or appointment in any Territory.

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SEC. 3683. No part of the contingent fund appropriated to any bureau to be applied to the purchase of any articles except such as the head of the Department shall, in writing, direct to be procured.

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Act of June 23, 1879 (21 Stats., 30).

AN ACT making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty, and for other purposes.



Provided, That no allowance shall be made for claims for quarters for servants heretofore or hereafter; and that the rate of commutation shall hereafter be twelve dollars per room per month for officers' quarters, in lieu of ten dollars, as now provided by law.

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Provided, That to the cost of all stores and other articles sold to officers and men, except tobacco, as provided for in section one

thousand one hundred and forty-nine of the Revised Statutes, ten per centum shall be added to cover wastage, transportation, and other incidental charges.

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Act of March 3, 1883 (22 Stats., 456).

AN ACT making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, and for other purposes.

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From and after the passage of this act, mileage to officers of the Army shall be computed over the shortest usually traveled routes between the points named in the order, and the necessity for such travel in the military service shall be certified to by the officer issuing the order, and stated in said order.

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AN ACT to amend section eighteen hundred and sixty of the Revised Statutes so as not to exclude retired Army officers from holding civil office in the Territories.

That the fourth clause of section eighteen hundred and sixty of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows:

shall be

"Fourth. No person belonging to the Army elected to or hold any civil office or appointment in any Territory, except officers of the Army on the retired list."

Act of May 13, 1884 (23 Stats., 21).

AN ACT amending the Revised Statutes of the United States in respect of official oaths, and for other purposes.

That section twelve hundred and eighteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows:

"SEC. 1218. No person who held a commission in the Army or Navy of the United States at the beginning of the late rebellion, and afterwards served in any capacity in the military, naval, or civil service of the so-called Confederate States, or of either of the States in insurrection during the late rebellion, shall be appointed to any position in the Army of the United States.

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SEC. 2. That section seventeen hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, repealed; and hereafter the oath to be taken by any person appointed to any office of honor military

in the

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or profit service, except the President of the United States, shall be as prescribed in section seventeen hundred and fifty-seven of the Revised Statutes.

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Act of February 4, 1897 (29 Stats., 511).

AN ACT to authorize officers who served during the war of the rebellion in the Regular Army to bear the title and, on occasions of ceremony, wear the uniform of their highest rank.

That all officers who have served during the rebellion as officers of the Regular Army of the United States, and have been honorably discharged or resigned from the service, shall be entitled to bear the official title and, upon occasions of ceremony, to wear the uniform of the

highest grade they have held, by brevet or other commission, as is now authorized for officers of volunteers by section twelve hundred and twenty-six, Revised Statutes.

The text on page 45 of the History of the General Staff, under the title

Act of May 28, 1898 (30 Stats., 421),

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Act of June 29, 1898 (30 Stats., 525).

AN ACT to amend section ten of an act approved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, entitled "An act to provide for temporarily increasing the military establishment of the United States in time of war, and for other purposes."

The first section of the act of May 28, is as follows:

That section ten of an act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for temporarily increasing the military establishment of the United States in time of war, and for other purposes," approved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding at the end thereof the following, to wit: And provided, That officers of the Regular Army shall be eligible for such staff appointments, and shall not be held to vacate their offices in the Regular Army by accepting the same, but shall be entitled to receive only the pay and allowances of their staff rank:

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June 2, 1862 (12-411).-Secretary of War to furnish officers appointed by him to make contracts with a printed letter of instructions and blank forms of contracts, affidavits of returns, etc., to secure uniformity in such instruments.

March 2, 1867 (14-571).—Forbids payment of accounts, claims, etc., against the Government which accrued prior to April 13, 1860, in favor of disloyal persons; this not to apply to claims assigned to loyal creditors of such persons in payment of debts incurred prior to March 1, 1861.

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SEC. 1304. In case of deficiency of any articles of military supplies or of damage to such supplies, the value of the deficient articles or that of the damage to be charged against the officer responsible, unless he can show that the deficiency or damage was not occasioned by any fault on his part.

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SEC. 3480. Forbids payment of accounts, claims, etc., against the United States which accrued or existed prior to April 13, 1860, in favor of disloyal persons; this not to apply to claims assigned to loyal creditors of such persons in payment of debts incurred prior to March 1, 1861.


SEC. 3747. Secretary of War to furnish officers appointed by him to make contracts, with a printed letter of instructions and blank forms of contracts, affidavits of returns etc., to secure uniformity in such instruments.

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May 25, 1900 (31- -).-Authorizes replacement of quartermaster supplies which the volunteers from a State or Territory carried into the service of the United States Army during the recent war with Spain, and which have been retained by the United States.



September 27, 1775.

Resolved, That the expense of kettles, canteens, and spoons, supplied to the soldiers, be charged to the continent.


May 18, 1826 (4–173).—In case of deficiency of any article of military supplies or of damage to such supplies, the value of the deficient articles or that of the damage to be charged against the responsible officer, unless he can show that the deficiency or damage was not occasioned by any fault on his part.

June 2, 1862 (12-411).—Secretary of War to furnish officers appointed by him to make contracts with a printed letter of instructions and blank forms of contracts, affidavits of returns, etc., to secure uniformity in such instruments.

March 3, 1865 (13-495).-Commissaries may sell rations on credit to officers in the field, reporting monthly to the Paymaster-General the amounts due for such purchases.

March 2, 1867 (14-571).-Forbids payment of accounts, claims, etc., against the Government which accrued prior to April 13, 1860, in favor of disloyal persons; this not to apply to claims assigned to loyal creditors of such persons in payment of debts incurred prior to March 1, 1861.


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SEC. 1145. Commissaries may sell rations on credit to officers in the field, reporting monthly to the Paymaster-General the amounts due for such purchases.

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SEC. 1277. One ration in kind or by commutation allowed to hospital matrons and female nurses.

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SEC. 1304. In case of deficiency of any article of military supplies or of damage to such supplies, the value of the deficient articles or that of the damage to be charged against the officer responsible, unless he can show that the deficiency or damage was not occasioned by any fault on his part.

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SEC. 2110. Governs issue of rations to Indians who may visit the military posts or agencies of the United States on the frontiers or in their respective nations.

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SEC. 3480. Forbids payment of accounts, claims, etc., against the United States which accrued or existed prior to April 13, 1860, in favor of disloyal persons; this not to apply to claims assigned to loyal creditors of such persons in payment of debts incurred prior to March 1, 1861.

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SEC. 3747. Secretary of War to furnish officers appointed by him to make contracts with a printed letter of instructions and blank forms of contracts, affidavits of returns, etc., to secure uniformity in such instruments.

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March 3, 1881 (21–435).—All the old clothing now held for issue to the National Home to be turned over to the managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.

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EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, March 26, 1901.

In accordance with the provisions of section 40 of the act entitled "An act to increase the efficiency of the permanent military establishment of the United States," approved February 2, 1901, which authorizes the President to " prescribe the kind and quantities of the component articles of the army ration, and to direct the issue of substitutive equivalent articles in place of any such components whenever, in his opinion, economy and a due regard to the health and comfort of the troops may so require," the following is promulgated for the information and guidance of all concerned.

The kinds and quantities of articles composing the army ration and the substi

tutive equivalent articles which may be issued in place of such components shall be as follows:

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1 When the cost does not exceed that of fresh beef.

2 In Alaska 16 ounces of bacon, or, when desired, 16 ounces of salt pork or 22 ounces salt beef.

3 When impracticable to furnish fresh meat.

4To be ordered issued only when impracticable to use flour or soft bread.

In Alaska the allowance of fresh vegetables will be 24 ounces instead of 16 ounces.

"When they can be obtained in the vicinity or transported in a wholesome condition from a distance. 7 When impracticable to furnish fresh vegetables. In Alaska 33 ounces instead of 23 ounces. Thirty per cent of the issue to be prunes when practicable.

"When illumination is not furnished by the Quartermaster's Department. In Alaska ounce instead of ounce.

2. For troops in the field in active campaign (field ration).

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