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Public Buildings in the City of Washington.


sent situation of the country, especially if the war money, as much money as you please, for rebuildshould continue, and thereby the difficulty of pro-ing our public edifices; and then the more magcuring materials, and of getting workmen, should nificent the plan, the more elegant its execution, be increased, that the two wings of the Capitol the more my pride will be gratified. may be finished, and ready for the reception of both Houses of Congress, in about ten or twelve years.

It is further said, in support of this bill, that the plan recommended by the bill was the plan of Gen. Washington, and under the sanction of The public buildings, including the President's that imposing name an attempt is made to misHouse, did not cost less than fifteen hundred thou-lead our understanding. True, sir, this was the sand dollars. We are told that five hundred thou- plan of Washington-but, under what circumsand dollars will replace those edifices in statu stances? Washington was then President of the quo. Sir, notwithstanding my respect for the United States. The country then was rich; the artists who have given an opinion on this subject, country was prosperous. An extensive, unreI have still some doubts of the practicability of stricted, and almost unlimited commerce brought making use of the walls as they are now stand- then to the remotest corner of this vast continent ing. The architects themselves are not positive all the treasures of a tributary world. The anxon that point. They gave their opinion before ious eye of Washington measured the distances, the very severe frost, which we had this Winter, and his capacious mind was not discouraged by had its effect upon those susceptible and unpro- them. The rapid, the almost prodigious progress tected walls. Their opinion, if a new examina- of every improvement under his auspicious Adtion was now had, might be materially different; ministration, justified, in the opinion of that great and the committee themselves, by reporting a bill and modest man, the anticipated expectations of for repairing or rebuilding the public buildings, corresponding improvements under the Admininstead of confining themselves to reporting a bill istration of his successors. But, sir, what has for repairing, have manifested a doubt, which it been the result? Instead of realizing the high cannot be improper for me to entertain. If, then, expectations of General Washington, from causes you should ultimately be compelled to rebuild which it is foreign to my subject here to investi(and I firmly believe you will) the expense for gate, this country once rich, is now poor; this rebuilding cannot be much less than the original country once prosperous, is now fallen. I hope, cost of construction. The materials which you sir, it will rise again; but till then, speak not to may save will about pay the expense of taking me of what Washington did. Speak what Washdown the walls before you can rebuild. ington would now advise; I say advise. The recollection of General Washington's unshakeable firmness in the year 1795, forbids the idea of the possibility of his ever having had to act under such an accumulation of distressing circumstances.

Great, indeed, I should almost say incalculable, must be the advantages presented by this favorite situation, which, under the pressure of our present emergencies, could induce this Congress to sacrifice such immense sums of money. Three principal reasons have been adduced in support of this When I cast my eyes on this wilderness, digbill by its friends. The pride of the nation has nified with the name of a city; a city to be sure, been appealed to, and pressed into the service of very unlike the old-fashioned European city, althis bill. Sir, when gentlemen entrench them-luded to by the Irishman, who, when placed in selves behind the inexpugnable bulwark of pride, it would be in vain to use any arguments directed to their sober judgment. As well might you attempt, sword in hand, to pierce the heart of your enemy, protected from your attack by a fortress, flanked with a hundred cannon. The fortress is to be taken first; and I know of no argument strong enough to batter down the fortress erected by pride. There is but one way to come at it, sir; and it is by erecting alongside of it another pride fortress, and then fairly to begin the assault on both sides.

I, too, have my pride-not a pride to be fed upon the unpaid blood of the soldier who wins our battles; not a pride to be gratified by the vain and useless display of a borrowed, ragged magnificence. No, sir; my pride is less voracious, it is less ostentatious. Provide for filling the ranks of your Army; provide for clothing, feeding, and paying, your soldiers and sailors. Instead of borrowing money for building costly edifices, borrow money for protecting against an invading foe the edifices yet standing. Drive the enemy from the country; then, indeed, my pride will be satisfied; then I will, with pleasure, vote

the middle of it, complained that he could not see the city, there were so many houses! Sir, we run no risk of hearing of any such complaints about this city. Every Irishman who arrives here may have a full view of the whole ground at once. None of those encumbrances called houses to limit the boundless prospects. Or, if there be a few, he may, among those few, open a complaisant gap through which his inquisitive eye may pierce to a distance, limited only by the foot of the surrounding hills. But, sir, the subject is too serious to admit of its being thus long treated with levity. Let me then return to it, and seriously inquire about the present state and future prospects of this city. What do we see here? Twelve or fifteen clusters of houses at a considerable distance from each other, bringing to our recollection the appearance of a camp of nomad Arabs, which, however, if connected together, would make a very respectable town, not much inferior, perhaps, to the capital of Virginia; and here and there an insulated house; the whole of it, when seen from the ruins of our public edifices, looking more like the place where proud Washington once stood, than where humble Washington now lies. If,


Public Buildings in the City of Washington.

sir, such is the situation of this city, after fifteen years since the Government removed here, during the six first years of which period there prevailed not only in this country, but all over Europe, a degree of enthusiasm bordering upon madness respecting the future destinies of this metropolis, and during which period of six years, too, this country enjoyed still the benefits of the Administration of Washington, whose good deeds for several years after his death were still in forceWashington, in his tomb, still securing the prosperity of this his beloved country-if, sir, such be now the situation of this city, what, in the present state of things, are our prospects for the future? Awful, indeed. How many ages must elapse before this chaos is likely to assume anything like a describable shape? How many, before these disjointed, distracted, warring elements may be brought together, so as to form a whole, which may entitle it to be what it now purports to be, but what it is not. Is it not time, then, that we should give up the unsuccessful experiment? Is it not time, that we should adopt less lofty ideas, that we should assume sentiments, that we should express opinions more conformable to our present situation. Troja fuit, fuit Ilium. It becomes us to be modest. Our laws to be wholesome, need not be enacted in a palace. A large, convenient, unadorned house, which will receive its lustre from Congress, instead of Congress borrowing it from the house, in the neighborhood of the public offices, in a part of the city which is best calculated by its actual improvements to afford accommodation to the members, and to fàcilitate their communications with each other, will answer our purpose much better than the plan recommended by the bill on your table; and if the place to erect those edifices be judiciously selected, it is to me quite immaterial in what quarter of this city. For want of the necessary information as to the quantity of ground still owned by the Government in the different parts of this city, I could not now form any opinion as to the spot where it would be proper to concentrate all our public edifices, whether temporarily or permanently. But I may be allowed to express a wish that it may be found convenient to place them as near as possible to Georgetown, not very distant from the improvements known under the appellation of the Six and Seven Buildings; and I have little doubt, but that, when in compliance with the uniform laws of nature, you shall have blown up a soul into this city by creating a heart from which the blood may uninterruptedly circulate to the remotest extremities, the improvements will, by degrees, extend in every direction, until the now most distant parts from that spot, no longer shrivelled, sickly, lingering, rootless slips, destined to vegetate a few mornings, in an uncongenial soil, being in their turn reconnected with a sturdy, robust trunk, from which they will derive an invigorating sap, will soon spread a wide hospitable foliage, and become a flourishing portion of a city, the future prosperity of which cannot now, if it come at all, be secured in any other way.


I am not unaware, sir, that such a plan will call into action against it all the private interests which will conceive themselves to be aggrieved by it. But, let private interest beware. In my opinion, unless some such plan is resorted to, without some such compromise is made, the Government will not, cannot remain here many years. The inconveniences are too serious, and they are not to be surmounted. I speak not of them with reference to the individual inconvenience of the members. I speak of them in reference to their public duties. It is unnecessary to repeat what I before stated, when I had the honor to address you on the subject of this bill. Only reflect on the only mode in which we can transact business in this place. Selected from various places of this immense empire, we meet here, not altogether free from the prejudices which prevail more or less in every part of the country we come from. This social intercourse which ought to prevail, which I am sure should prevail, did we know each other otherwise than through the incorrect medium of party representation, is entirely prohibited by the insuperable obstacles which the present situation of this city puts in our way. To these local prejudices are to be added party spirit, prejudices which pursue us unremittingly, and will not let go their hold of us in this very sanctuary. This party spirit, instead of being softened into something like conciliation, by a constant intercourse, is hardened into unutterable asperity by the mode of life, we are compelled from imperious circumstances, to pursue in this place. The very houses where we board have become a test by which to ascertain the political opinions which we are supposed to profess. We never meet, but in battle array. Is it wonderful, that under these discouraging circumstances, so many months should be wasted in transacting business which, under less unfavorable auspices, might have been gone through in as many weeks. Sir, it is my firm conviction, that if we proceed on to passing this bill in its present shape, the question of removal of the seat of the Government from this place, which was advocated at the beginning of this session in the other branch of the Legislature, will soon want no advocate at all; it will soon become a matter of necessity, of sheer necessity. There may be still many unsuccessful attempts, but, sir, the best interests of the nation cannot forever be sacrificed. After some struggling, an attempt will succeed at last; and it will then be too late for the opposers of the plan which I have suggested to give themselves up to unavailing repentance.

Mr. President, I want to prevent such a state of things. I am unwilling to bring forward again, at any time, the question of a permanent seat of Government. I want this sacred spot-sacred still in my eyes, although temporarily polluted by the foot of the enemy, as long as it bears the name of Washington; I want this spot to remain forever the permanent seat of the Government of the United States. But, sir, I know of but two ways to accomplish that object; either by a temporary removal by the very act providing for




here; and if you agree to concentrate the public
buildings, in the hope of speedy improvements,
by which many of the inconveniences which now
affect the public interest will be removed, I am
perfectly reconciled to remaining in this city.
But, sir, if we are to remain here as we now are,
with no other cheering prospects than those pre-
sented in the bill on your table, I do not hesitate
to declare, that any place in the United States
appears to me preferable to Washington, and the
sooner we go, no matter where, no matter how
heavy the amount of compensation justly due to
the inhabitants of this District, the better.
When Mr. F. had concluded-

The question to recommit the bill to a select committee, was determined in the negative—yeas 13, nays 20, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Bibb, Barry, Brown, Dana, Fromentin, German, Gore, Hunter, King, Lambert, Mason, Thompson, and Wells.

NAYS-Messrs. Anderson, Barbour, Chace, Condit, Daggett, Gaillard, Giles, Goldsborough, Horsey, Kerr, Lacock, Morrow, Roberts, Smith, Tait, Talbot, Taylor, Turner, Varnum, and Wharton.

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which we should provide likewise for our return; buildings. Sir, I am disposed to sacrifice everynot provide simply; I do not mean by a clause in thing, but my duty to the people of the United the bill to that effect, but by previous appropria-States at large, to keep the seat of Government tions, by contracts, which it should not be in the power of any succeeding Congress to repeal, or by an immediate concentration of the public buildings on a modest, economical and commodious plan. Of these two modes, I prefer the last, as likely to meet with fewer obstacles, as being much less expensive, but principally as being much more consonant to the principles of the justice which we owe to the people of this District. Sir, when this bill was reported, I inquired from the honorable chairman of the committee who reported it, for the papers relating to the original fixation of the several places for the building of the public edifices. I inquired for the contracts with the original proprietors of the soil, or with the purchasers. I was answered, that there was no such instrument. I shall take no advantage from this concession; in my view of the subject, there was a contract-a solemn contract; and if by any possible way it could be avoided, I would not now agree to altering, in its most inconsiderable dispositions, any part of the original plan. I am sensible, that by so doing, we seem to punish the people of this District for having placed too much confidence in our words. In our words, did I say? In our acts, sir! Look at the new ruins of the monuments on yonder hill. Were these massy walls, which have set at defiance the whole power of an enemy bent on destruction, intended to last only the short space of a dozen years? In these surviving walls I read, in characters not to be effaced, the contract of the nation with the people of the District. I find in these walls an agreement signed, sealed, and delivered. Certainly, sir, you must be convinced, from what I have just now said, that I do not dissemble to myself, and that I am not willing to conceal from others, the equity of the claims of the people of this District. But what is to be done? Imperious necessity commands a sacrifice of some sort. A compromise must take place. You have but a choice of evils. The very bill on your table promises a tardy relief to the people on Capitol Hill, at the end of ten or twelve years. And the bill having been amended, by striking Under these impressions, and under the belief too, out the second section thereof, the President rethat the people of the District at large are ulti-ported it to the House accordingly; and the bill mately to be benefitted by a concentration, for the was ordered to be engrossed and read the third reasons previously advanced, however a few may time as amended. appear likely to be sufferers by any ultimate determination as to the spot where the concentration is to take place; and under an unshakeable persuasion, that by a strict adherence to the old plan, in our present circumstances, as recommended by the bill on your table, the people of this District, by grasping at too much, will ultimately lose all-from motives of economy; from motives of duty to the people of the United States; from motives of indispensable convenience to ourselves to enable us faithfully to discharge our public duties; from motives of justice to the people of this District-I have been induced to make the motion to refer that bill to a committee, for the purpose of reporting another bill to concentrate the public

On motion, by Mr. LACOCK, to strike out, of section 1, line 4, after the words "Capitol," the words "and public offices ;" and to insert, after Washington," line 5, "and that two suitable buildings for public offices be erected on such part of the Capitol square as shall be designated by the President of the United States ;" and to insert, in the 4th line, the word "and," before "Capitol:" a division of the question was called for by Mr. DANA, and was taken on striking out, and determined in the negative-yeas 13, nay 18, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Brown, Dana, Fromentin, Gaillard, German, Gore, Hunter, King, Lacock, Lambert, Mason, Tait, and Thompson.

NAYS-Messrs. Anderson, Barbour, Bibb, Barry, Chace, Condit, Daggett, Giles, Goldsborough, Kerr, Morrow, Roberts, Smith, Taylor, Turner, Varnum, and Wharton.

SATURDAY, February 4.

The bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Saltus, Son, & Co., merchants of the city of New York," was read the second time, and referred to a select committee, to consider and report thereon; and Messrs. KING, ROBERTS, and GERMAN, were appointed the committee.

The bill, entitled "An act for the regulation of the courts of justice of Indiana, was read the second time, and referred to a select committee to consider and report thereon; and Messrs. MORROW, TALBOT, and CHACE, were appointed the committee.

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The bill, entitled "An act to authorize the President of the United States to receive into the service of the United States certain corps which may be raised and organized by any State, to serve in lieu of the militia thereof," was read the second time, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, to consider and report thereon.


act to authorize the purchase of a tract of land for the use of the United States," together with the amendment reported thereto by the select committee; and, on motion by Mr. SMITH, the consideration thereof was further postponed to Monday next.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the The bill, entitled "An act making appropria- bill, entitled "An act to amend the act, entitled tions for the support of the Government for the 'An act to provide additional revenues for defrayyear 1815," was read the second time, and refer- ing the expenses of Government, and maintainred to a select committee, to consider and reporting the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon thereon; and Messrs. TAYLOR, CHACE, and ROBERTS, were appointed the committee.

the United States, and to provide for assessing and collecting the same;" and the act, entitled "An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of Government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on household furniture, and on gold and silver watches." Mr. KERR's motion to add a new section was amended, by adding thereto a new section, proposed by Mr. KING, on the question, Shall the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.

The bill, entitled "An act to amend and extend the provisions of the act of the 16th April, 1814, entitled 'An act confirming certain claims to land in the Illinois Territory, and providing for their location," was read the second time, and referred to the committee appointed on the 21st Septem-withdrawn; and the bill having been further ber, on the memorial of the Legislature of the Indiana Territory, to consider and report thereon. Mr. BARBOUR gave notice that, to-morrow, he should ask leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States of America.

The bill making appropriations for repairing or rebuilding the public buildings within the City of Washington was read a third time, and the blank filled with "five hundred thousand dollars." Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be "An act making appropriations for repairing or rebuilding the public buildings within the City of Washington."

The amendments to the bill, entitled "An act to alter and amend the several acts for establish ing a Navy Department, by adding thereto a Board of Commissioners," was read a third time as amended.

On the question, Shall this bill pass as amended? it was determined in the affirmative-yeas 16, nays 8, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Barbour, Chace, Daggett, Fromentin, Gaillard, German, Giles, Gore, Horsey, Kerr, Mason, Morrow, Tait, Taylor, Thompson and Wharton. NAYS-Messrs. Bibb, Condict, Lacock, Lambert, Roberts, Smith, Turner, and Varnum.

So it was Resolved, That this bill pass with amendments.

The amendments to the bill, entitled "An act for the better regulation of the Ordnance department," having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, the bill was read a third time as amended, and passed with amendments.

The bill, entitled "An act concerning Weston Jenkins, and others," was read a third time, and passed.

The amendments to the bill, entitled "An act concerning Matthew Guy, John Woodward, Samuel Tennison, and Wilfred Drury," having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, the bill was read a third time as amended.

On motion, by Mr. GORE, the bill was recommitted to the Committee on Naval Affairs, further to consider and report thereon.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill, entitled "An

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill, entitled "An act to amend the act laying duties on licenses to retailers of wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise; and, no amendment having been proposed, it passed to a third reading.

A message from the House of Representatives informed the Senate that the House have passed a bill, entitled "An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of Government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying a duty on gold, silver, and plated ware, and jewelry and paste work, manufactured within the United States;" a bill, entitled "An act concerning the College of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia ;" also, a bill, entitled "An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of Government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying a duty on lotteries;" in which bills they request the concurrence of the Senate.

The three bills last mentioned were read, passed to the second reading.


The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from the Secretary for the Department of Treasury, transmitting sundry documents, exhibiting a view of the revenues of the United States, as stated in the report made to Congress, from that department, on the 23d day of September last, not having been at that time prepared, owing to the early meeting of Congress; and the letter and documents therein referred to were read.

On motion, by Mr. SMITH, the consideration of the bill to allow a drawback of duties on spirits distilled, and certain goods, wares, and merchandise, manufactured, within the United States, was postponed to, and made the order of the day for, Monday next.

MONDAY, February 6.

The bill, entitled "An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of Govern

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ment, and maintaining the public credit, by laying a duty on gold, silver, and plated ware, and jewelry and paste work, manufactured within the United States," was read the second time, and referred to the committee to whom was referred the bill, entitled "An act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year 1815," to consider and report thereon.

The bill, entitled "An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of Government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying a duty on lotteries," was read the second time, and referred to the same committee, to consider and report thereon.

On motion, by Mr. TAYLOR, two members were added to the committee last mentioned; and Mr. DAGGETT and Mr. BROWN were appointed. The bill, entitled "An act concerning the College of Georgetown, in the District of Columbia," was read the second time.

The bill, entitled "An act to amend the act laying duties on licenses to retailers of wines, spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise," was read the third time, and passed.

Mr. ROBERTS, from the committee to whom was referred the bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Benjamin Wells and others," reported it with amendments.

The Senate resumed the motion for the appointment of an assistant Doorkeeper; and on motion, by Mr. TURNER, the further consideration thereof was postponed to the fourth day of March


On motion, by Mr. VARNUM,


within the United States; and the bill having been amended, the President reported it to the House accordingly; and, on the question, Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time as amended? it was determined in the affirmative.

The amendments to the bill, entitled "An act to amend the act, entitled 'An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of Government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the United States, and to provide for assessing and collecting the same;" and the act, entitled "An act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of Government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on household furniture, and on gold and silver watches," having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, the bill was read a third time as amended; and on motion, by Mr. FROMENTIN, the bill was further amended by unanimous consent; and on motion, by Mr. MORRow, it was recommitted to a select committee, further to consider and report thereon; and Messrs. GILES, KING, and TAYLOR, were appointed the committee.

Mr. BARBOUR, agreeably to notice given, asked leave to introduce a bill to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States of America.

This was objected to, by Mr. MASON, as out of order, as a bill of a similar nature, passed by both Houses of Congress, and returned by the President of the United States with his objections to the same, had, on reconsideration, been negatived by the Senate.

The PRESIDENT decided it to be in order, considering it to be sanctioned by the practice of Congress in relation to bills thus returned by the President of the United States.

Whereupon, the bill was read, and passed to the second reading.

Resolved, That the committee to whom was referred that part of the Message of the President of the United States, of the 20th September last, which relates to the Military Establishment, be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making provision by law for the payment of the militia which have been called out by the authority [The principal features of this bill are as follows: of any State for the defence of any part of the the capital to consist of fifty millions of dollars, payUnited States against invasion, since the com- able, twenty millions in Treasury notes, fundable at mencement of the present war, and not taken the pleasure of the Government in stock to bear an ininto the pay of the United States; and for reim-terest of six per cent.; fifteen millions in any public bursing any State for any moneys advanced for pay, rations, camp equipage, and other expenses necessarily incurred in calling out such militia, according to the rules and regulations prescribed by law for defraying the expenses of calling out the militia by authority of the United States.

The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the report of the Secretary for the Department of Treasury, prepared in conformity with the act of March 3d, 1809, further to amend the several acts for the establishment of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments, with statements of the purchases or payments for supplies, made by the collectors of the customs, during the year 1813, in relation to the revenue, and to the temporary relief of sick and disabled seamen; and the report, together with the accompanying documents, were read.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill to allow a drawback of duties on spirits distilled, and certain goods, wares, and merchandise, manufactured 13th CoN. 3d SESS.-8

stock bearing six per cent. interest; five millions in specie; and ten millions to be subscribed by the Government in stock bearing an interest of four per cent. per annum; the Government to have the capacity to borrow thirty millions of the bank at six per cent. interest; the directors not to be obliged to pay specie until the last payment on the stock shall be completed; and, upon the petition of the directors, the Government may introduce any regulation which shall be thought the subscriptions to be opened on the first Monday in proper in regard to the specie payments of the bank; April, at which time the first payment of one-fifth of the whole amount of subscription shall be payable, and the remaining four-fifths in four quarter yearly instalments; the bank to go into operation as soon as twenty millions are thus paid in. The directors for the first year are named in the bill.]

The PRESIDENT communicated a report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, stating that the measures which have been authorized by the board, subsequent to their last report, of the 5th of February, 1814, so far as the same have been com

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