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H. OF R.

Removal of the Seat of Government.

OCTOBER, 1814.

of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the first session of Congress to be held after the termination of the present war between the United States and Great Britain, shall be held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, to which place the public offices attached to the Seat of the Government of the United States shall, at the commencement of the said session, together with the Seat of the Government of the United States, be transferred; and, from and after that time, shall cease to be held or exercised elsewhere. Mr. FORSYTH, of Georgia, having objected to the second reading of the bill

paign. Thus situated, and thus wrought upon by motives so powerful, he would probably have been successful had he not been opposed by men actuated by feelings of a character somewhat different, but perhaps of still more powerful influence. The Americans were, in every sense of the word, fighting for their country. That country was likely to fall under one of the severest Scourges to which any country can be exposed. The City of Washington had just before fallen a prey to the invaders-there was good reason to believe that Baltimore was on the eve of destruction-perhaps destroyed. The determination to lay waste and destroy all the assailable parts of Mr. RHEA, of Tennessee, moved to reject the our country had been announced in form. A ferocious determination, sir! Adopted, we are as- bill, and thereon demanded the yeas and nays. sured, at the special instance of the Governor of The reason he assigned for it was, that instead of Canada. A combination of more powerful in- being engaged on a subject of this kind, the centives to exertion has seldom addressed itself House ought to be engaged in matters of high to the human mind. Under its influence our importance, in which the destinies of the nation brave countrymen fought; and under its influ- are involved. He would call the attention of ence they conquered. The consequences of their gentlemen to the despatches from Europe, which, victory are known to all united America. To he thought, would clearly indicate that other obrecite them would be superfluous; I shall not un-jects than this ought to occupy the attention of dertake it, sir. All I ask is, and I ask it with the House. pleasure, because I am sure I shall receive it, the undivided sentiment of this House in favor of the resolutions.

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No opposition or amendment being made, the resolutions were reported to the House, and ordered to a third reading; and were accordingly read a third time, and passed by an unanimous


Mr. GROSVENOR, of New York, said he most sincerely regretted that this course had been taken with the bill. If gentlemen were friends to this District, if they wished the question decided in such a way as would quiet the minds of the people of the District, they ought to refrain from pushing this question now, when many were absent who did not expect it to come on. If, when all the members were present, there should appear to be a majority against the bill, the question would be fairly settled; but a surprise of this sort could not decide it. The question was one, he said, of trying importance, not only to the DisGov-trict, but to other parts of the nation. It ought to be decided by a full vote. Until it was so settled, if against removal, there is not one citizen who ought to have confidence in the permanence of the Seat of Government, Gentlemen ought to deal liberally, and let the business take the usual If this course was taken, the real quescourse. tion would not be decided, but would be subject to continual agitation.

REMOVAL OF THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. Mr. Fisk, of New York, from the select committee to whom the subject was referred, reported the following bill:

A bill for the temporary removal of the Seat of

ernment from the City of Washington.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, within twenty days from and after the passing of this act, all the offices attached to the Seat of the Government of the United States shall be removed, under the direction of the respective holders thereof, from the City of Washington to -, in the State of, and there opened for the transaction of public business.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That, within the said twenty days, from and after the passing of this act, Congress shall adjourn for days, to meet at the expiration of the said days, at -, in the State of then and there to finish the session of the present Congress.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That, within the said twenty days after the passing of this act, the Seat of the Government of the United States shall, by virtue of this act, be transferred to the said - in the State of and shall continue and remain there, for and during the continuance of the present war between the United States and Great Britain, and until the commencement of the next session of Congress after the termination of the war aforesaid.

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SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That, for defraying the expenses of such removal, the sum of thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be paid out

Mr. FORSYTH, of Georgia, said, so far as he was personally concerned, he denied the imputation of intending to obtain a vote by surprise; he was not operated upon by any such consideration. He was not, he said, peculiarly a friend to the people of this District; it was not on their account he was opposed to the bill. It was the intrinsic importance of this question to the nation at large, that demanded his attention. It was necessary this question should be settled, and promptly settled. He had no idea that any member could be taken by surprise, and he was indeed surprised at the remark. This question had been amply discussed, and there was nothing to be said on the subject, &c. By referring to the bill, it would be seen that the bill could not possibly pass, and the Seat of Government be removed within thirty days; before which time the season would afford ample security against the approach of an enemy.

OCTOBER, 1814.

Removal of the Seat of Government.

By that time all the arguments which had been urged in favor of a removal would be done away by the rigor of the season. As to personal inconvenience from sitting here, he did not believe any gentleman could or would be influenced by motives of that character. There was now no reason for removal. If reasons should hereafter occur, it would be then time enough for Congress

to remove.

Mr. FISK, of New York, said he very much regretted that this motion had been submitted to the consideration of the House. The principles of this bill had been more than once before the House, who had decided in favor of the removal; and it could not be expected they were now prepared to reject the bill. The exposure of this place and the expense of sitting here were as great now as they had been before. As to the argument that time will render this place secure, Mr. F. said he would answer the gentleman, for the enemy, as a French marshal had once replied to some such remark, that he would not consult the enemy as to the time or place of meeting him. Mr. F. said we were now situated four hundred miles from the most important seat of war, with which daily and expeditious communication was all-important, as well to the facility of supplies as to the combination of movement and action, &c. The increase of expense thus incurred, he said, amounted to a greater sum than would the cost of removal of the public offices to Philadelphia or New York. To brave all these inconveniences merely in consideration of the interests of the people of this District, would be to pervert the Constitutional provision which gives Congress exclusive legislation over the District, and instead of that, would be giving to the District the control over Congress. Mr. F. said he viewed the interests of the citizens of this District with the same consideration as he did those of all other citizens; but they had, he presumed, too much good sense and patriotism to ask Congress, merely out of regard to their personal views, to compromit the national interests. They were not to be ruined, either, by a permanent removal; for the bill itself provided for the return of Congress to this place after the war. Congress would be equally exposed, and require the same expenditure for their protection, at every session during the war as they were now. Gentlemen had said the enemy would not come here now, because they could find no object. It had been supposed that the enemy could have no object in coming here before, but he had come. Was it not necessary, not only that the members should feel themselves secure from personal danger, but also from fear of interruption? Should not the creditors of the Government be satisfied of the safety of Congress? And when we speak of them, said Mr. F., let us not pass them over with a bare mention. On whom must we rely for the support of our finances for the sinews to carry on the war? Where are the moneyed men? Are they here? He meant by this no invidious distinctions. The gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. MACON) had the other day called the attention of the

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House to the character of the votes for removal, which were all from the North and East-from the moneyed men who wielded the capital of the nation. Let gentlemen reflect that these men would not advance their money with the same confidence to the Government at this place as if it were removed. This was the explanation which he would give of those votes. Was it not true that confidence in the public securities had been for a moment withdrawn on the occupation of the city by the enemy? If we have not now the means of meeting the public creditors, if we cannot look them in the face, if, by a temporary removal from this place, we can fulfil our engagements and redeem the public faith, which would be violated by remaining here, Mr. F. asked if they ought not to remove? As to the urgency of more important business to prevent the consideration of this, Mr. F. said this complaint was without reason. Let it be recollected that Congress had met and adjourned at twelve o'clock, or a little after, every day during the present session; but if the present question had been deferred till other business of moment was prepared for discussion, the argument would have been entitled to some weight. At present no business was more important than this; and, if it were not so, the House would not have sanctioned its discussion. Mr. F. said he was not pleased at the unusual course proposed to be pursued in relation to this bill. He had often heard motions for the rejection of bills, but never knew one of them successful. Considering the history and character of this bill, it was entitled to the ordinary course of passing to a second and third reading. If, on a fair vote, there should be a majority against it, let there be an end of the question, not for this moment only, but during the war.

Mr. NEWTON, of Virginia, said he did not rise to discuss this question, because he was satisfied the House was prepared to decide on it. He rose only to ask the gentleman to be kind enough to answer him one question. The faith of the nation is to be pledged for the money which must be obtained for the support of Government. Will not the pledge to be given in Washington be as valuable as any which could be given in Philadelphia? Will a removal increase the ability of a nation to meet the demands against it? It is not so. The Government is as competent to all such purposes here as it could be in any other city. Mr. N. appealed to the side of the House on which he sat. We, said he, are the majority; it is necessary for us to carry on the war with vigor. Your army now wants supplies: the moment when you ought to vote them, a bill is introduced calculated to set everything in motion, and we know not where and when Congress will meet again if it passes. If the public interest thus suffers, the responsibility is on us, and the people will look to us for accountability for all the evils which will result from such conduct.

Mr. STOCKTON, after desiring a call of the House, (which was not in order,) moved an adjournment, and called the yeas and nays thereon, in order to ascertain what members were absent.

H. or R.

Removal of the Seat of Government.

The yeas and nays having been so taken, there were for adjournment 40, against it 103, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Alexander, Baylies of Massachusetts, Bigelow, Bradbury, Bradley, Brigham, Caldwell, Cilley, Condict, Cooper, Cox, Dana, Davenport, Ely, Geddes, Grosvenor, Hulbert, Irwin, Jackson of Rhode Island, Kent of New York, Law, Lovett, Markell, Moffit, Moseley, Ormsby, John Reed, Sherwood, Skinner, Smith of New York, Stanford, Stockton, Sturges, Taggart, Vose, Ward of Massachusetts, Ward of New Jersey, Wheaton, Wilcox, and Winter.

NAYS-Messrs. Alston, Archer, Avery, Barbour, Bard, Barnett, Bayly of Virginia, Bowen, Boyd, Brown, Burwell, Butler, Chappell, Clopton, Comstock, Conard, Crawford, Creighton, Crouch, Culpeper, Cuthbert, Davis of Pennsylvania, Denoyelles. Desha, Duvall, Eppes, Evans, Farrow, Findley, Fisk of Vermont, Fisk of New York, Forney, Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Gholson, Glasgow, Goldsborough, Goodwin, Griffin, Hall, Hanson, Harris, Hasbrouck, Hawes, Hawkins, Hopkins of Kentucky, Hubbard, Humphreys, Hungerford, Ingersoll, Irving, Jackson of Virginia, Johnson of Kentucky, Kennedy, Kent of Maryland, Kerr, King of Massachusetts, King of North Carolina, Lefferts, Lewis, Lowndes, Lyle, Macon, McCoy, McKee, Miller, Montgomery, Moore, Nelson, Newton, Oakley, Pearson, Pickens, Piper, Pleasants, Post, Potter, Rea of Pennsylvania, Rhea of Tennessee, Rich, Ringgold, Roane, Ruggles, Sage, Schureman, Sevier, Seybert, Sharp, Shipherd, Smith of Virginia, Strong, Stuart, Tannehill, Taylor, Telfair, Thompson, Troup, Udree, White, Wilson of Pennsylvania, Wright, and Yancey. Mr. STOCKTON then said, as eight or nine members appeared to be absent, he should move to postpone the further consideration of the bill till


On this motion Mr. RHEA required the previous question, which was not sanctioned by a sufficient number to take it.

Mr. MCKEE, of Kentucky, and Mr. GASTON, of North Carolina, though both opposed to the bill, favored the postponement, from motives of liberality, and also from a dislike to what might by the absentees and others be deemed an unfair mode of legislation.

Mr. RHEA, of Tennessee, and Mr. FORSYTH, of Georgia, opposed postponement, on the ground that the bill had been already sufficiently debated and ought by this time to be well understood, and also on the ground that there was now more than an usual number of members present, and probably more than there would be to-morrow.

Mr. GROSVENOR disclaimed any intention to impute improper motives to gentlemen by the expression that this was a surprise. He merely meant to say that such would be the effect of now taking the question.

OCTOBER, 1814.

hoped the decision would then put eternally to rest the question of removal, and that this city, established by WASHINGTON, will never be broken up on the pretence that moneyed men would not lend their money here. Mr. W. said, if there were men who would act in this local manner, he did not desire their aid. The violation of public faith in even a temporary removal, under present circumstances, would injure the public credit infinitely more than a removal to any Northern city would strengthen it. Every man must see the situation of the country; every part of the Atlantic borders alike exposed to attack. But we should never have had a country to defend, if our ancestors had been appalled by danger-and danger so much greater than now, that living here was considered next to death, and was inflicted by the British Government as a punishment in commutation of that of death. He saw no inconvenience to Congress from sitting here. He liked the room in which the House sat better than the old hall, for every member might now be heard without extending his voice to that of a Stentor. Having been indisposed when this subject originally came before the House, he bad thought it his duty to make these remarks. Gentlemen had said, if the Government went from this place there would be no inducement to the enemy to come here. The enemy had already gone from the Chesapeake, burnt their barrack on Tangiers island, indicating no intention to return at present. Although the enemy had been successful at this place, he had met the rubbers above, and he hoped he would again wherever he attempted to land; and would be universally beaten, if all Americans would now, as they ought, unite against the evil doers, and if every man in the country whose aid was worth having would, as he believed they would, aid in the prosecution of the war. He hoped the House would to-morrow relieve the citizens from the groundless fears of removal. He knew, he said, that this place was as secure as Philadelphia, and more so, and less assailable by the enemy. The enemy might occupy any point to which they would bend their whole force, and Philadelphia as easily as any other. They had much less inducement to come here than to go there. And why, said Mr. W., act the part contemplated by the bill? We have reprobated France and Great Britain for retaliating on us the injuries they received from each other-and shall we now imitate them, and retaliate on the people interested in the permanence of the Government here, for the injuries we and they have sustained from the enemy? It is a poor reason, because the enemy has destroyed the public pro

Government once removed hence, he was confident the same influence would prevent its return.

Mr. WRIGHT, of Maryland, for the same rea-perty, that we should destroy the private. If the sons assigned by other gentlemen, was in favor of postponement. He had no doubt the final decision would be in favor of remaining here. He hoped the final question would be taken to-morrow. He was not willing any longer to suspend the people of the city by the eyelids. Even the savages destroy their victim the same day they begin to inflict the deathly tortures on him. He

Mr. RHEA said he was anxious to see this question at rest, and would, therefore, make a motion to supersede that now before the House, and give gentlemen as much procrastination as the most anxious for that course could desire. He, therefore, moved to postpone indefinitely (tantamount

OCTOBER, 1814.

Retaliating System-Seat of Government.

to a motion to reject) the bill. He had no other object in view than to get rid of the subject.

Mr. STANFORD, of North Carolina, then made a motion (superseding all the others) that the bill and all the motions should lie on the table; which motion was agreed to, yeas 94.

FRIDAY, October 14.

Two other members, to wit: from Massachusetts, JAMES PARKER; and from Virginia, JAMES JOHNSON, appeared, and took their seats.

Mr. Lewis, of Virginia, presented, for the third time, the memorial of Joseph Forrest, praying compensation for the detention, &c., by the Spanish Government, of a vessel chartered by him to the Government to convey flour to the people of Caraccas.-Referred.

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tax and internal duties established by the several acts passed at the first session of the present Congress; which were referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. PLEASANTS, of Virginia, from the Naval Committee, reported, without amendment, the resolution from the Senate, expressive of the sense of Congress relative to the victory of the Peacock over the Epervier; and it was referred to a Committee of the whole House.

Mr. JOHNSON, of Kentucky, from the committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the capture of this city by the enemy, after detailing their proceedings and their determination to bring it to as speedy a result as possible, moved for leave to sit on Tuesday next during the sitting of the House.-Granted.

Mr. BURWELL, of Virginia, laid upon the table Before any further business was done, a Mes- a resolution instructing the Secretary of War to sage was received from the President of the Uni- lay before the House a list of the officers of the ted States, transmitting a number of documents; Army, the places where they are stationed, distinon opening which, the SPEAKER ordered stran-guishing those engaged in recruiting, the number gers to be excluded the House. The doors remained closed until half past two o'clock. When they were again opened, it appeared that the Message embraced the instructions to our Minis ters now in Europe, which the President announced his intention to communicate to Congress. They were, with the exception of a few passages deemed improper for publication, ordered to be printed.

The resolutions expressive of the sense of Congress in relation to the achievements of our military heroes in the Northern campaign of the present year, were read a third time, and passed unanimously.

of men enlisted by these officers since the increase of bounty, and also what sums have been paid for that purpose. This resolution he did not call up for consideration to-day.


Mr. GROSVENOR, of New York, said it would be recollected the President, in his Message to Congress, at the last session, informed the House that the commanding General of the Canadas had selected a number of American prisoners of war, and sent them over to England in close confinement; and that, on that act, a system of retaliation had been commenced. It would be recol

Mr. EPPES, of Virginia, said he had given no-lected also that, towards the close of the session, tice that he would call up the tax report to day. in consequence of a resolution passed by the SenThe Committee, however, now expected a report ate, a statement was given of the situation of the from the Treasury, intimately connected with the prisoners sent to England, and of those who, as subject, and had therefore instructed him to move hostages, had been confined on either side. Many to postpone the further consideration of the sub- publications since made in the public prints tendject to Monday next; and it was ordered accord-ed to show that the difficulty on this head had ingly. been settled-how, was not known. He deemed Mr. Lewis, of Virginia, having called up the it all important that the public should know on bill for a temporary removal of the Seat of Gov-what principles it had been settled. With that view, he offered the following resolution:


Mr. GROSVENOR, of New York, assigned the Resolved, That the President of the United States lateness of the hour as a reason for moving an be requested to lay before this House, if, in his opinion, adjournment; which motion was adopted by a communications to or from the Government of Engit will not be inconsistent with the public welfare, all vote of 76 to 69; and, by adjournment, the sub-land, or her officers or agents, not heretofore commuject was postponed until to-morrow.

SATURDAY, October 15.

nicated, relative to the commencement and progress of any acts or system of retaliation founded upon, or produced by, the conduct of the British commander in Two other members, to wit: from New Hamp- for trial as criminals, a number of individuals" taken Canada, "in selecting and sending to Great Britain, shire, DANIEL WEBSTER; and from Connecticut, prisoners of war from the American Army; also, any TIMOTHY PITKIN, appeared, and took their seats. evidence he may have in his possession relative to the A new member, to wit: from Tennessee, NEW-present conditions of such individuals. TON CANNON, elected to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Felix Gruudy, appeared, was qualified, and took his seat.

opposition, and a committee appointed to present The resolution was agreed to without debate or the same to the President of the United States. The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the acting Secretary of the Treasury, trans- REMOVAL OF THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. mitting, in pursuance of a resolution of the 10th Mr. LEWIS, of Virginia, called up for considerinstant, statements of the returns of the directation the bill for the temporary removal of the

H. OF R.

Removal of the Seat of Government.

OCTOBER, 1814.

Seat of Government from the City of Wash-propriated, for the term of five years, to be applied, ington.

The question for rejection of the bill came first in order, and was stated from the Chair.

under the direction of the President of the United States, for the erection of suitable buildings within the city of Washington, for the accommodation of the Mr. FARROW, of South Carolina, rose, and President of the United States, the two Houses of stated the reasons why, though he should even- Congress, and the several Departments of the Governtually vote against the bill, he should now votement, and that the same shall be paid annually to the against the rejection of it.

Mr. RHEA, of Tennessee, replied to some of those reasons.

The question on the rejection of the bill was then put and negatived, by the following vote: For the rejection 76, against it, 79, as follows:

order or orders of the President of the United States." After much interesting debate this motion was agreed to, ayes 95.

The Committee rose, and reported the bill with the amendments, which were also concurred in by the House.

And the question was then put, "Shall the bill be engrossed and read the third time?" and decided as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Archer, Avery, Barbour, Bard, Barnett, Bayly of Virginia, Bowen, Burwell, Cannon, Chappell, Clopton, Comstock, Crawford, Culpeper, Cuthbert, Dana, Earle, Eppes, Evans, Fisk of Vermont, YEAS-Messrs. Alexander, Alston, Baylies of MasForney, Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Gholson, Glasgow, sachusetts, Bigelow, Boyd, Bradbury, Bradley, BrigGoldsborough, Goodwyn, Griffin, Hall, Hanson, Har- ham, Brown, Butler, Caldwell, Champion, Cilley, ris, Hawes, Hawkins, Hopkins of Kentucky, Hubbard, Clark, Condict, Conard, Cooper, Cox, Creighton, Humphreys, Hungerford, Irving, Jackson of Virginia, Crouch, Davenport, Davis of Pennsylvania, DenoJohnson of Virginia, Johnson of Kentucky, Kennedy, yelles, Desha, Duvall, Ely, Fisk of New York, GedKent of Maryland, Kerr, Kershaw, King of North Car- des, Gourdin, Grosvenor, Hasbrouck, Hulbert, Ingerolina, Lefferts, Lewis, Lowndes, Macon, McCoy, soll, Irwin, Jackson of Rhode Island, Kent of New McKee, McKim, Montgomery, Moore, Nelson, New-York, King of Massachusetts, Law, Lovett, Markell, ton, Pearson, Pickens, Pleasants, Rhea of Tennessee, Miller, Moffit, Moseley, Oakley, Ormsby, Pickering, Ringgold, Roane, Robertson, Sage, Sevier, Smith of Piper, Pitkin, Post, Potter, John Reed, Rea of PennVirginia, Strong, Stuart, Telfair, Troup, White, Wil-sylvania, Rich, Ruggles, Schureman, Seybert, Sharp, son of Pennsylvania, Wright, and Yancey.

Sherwood, Shipherd, Skinner, Smith of New York,
Stockton, Sturges, Taggart, Taylor, Thompson, Udree,
Vose, Ward of Massachusetts, Ward of New Jersey,
Webster, Wheaton, Wilcox, and Winter-74.

NAYS-Messrs. Archer, Avery, Barbour, Bard, Barnett, Bayly of Virginia, Bowen, Burwell, Cannon, Chappell, Clopton, Comstock, Crawford, Culpeper, Cuthbert, Dana, Earle, Eppes, Evans, Farrow, Findley, Fisk of Vermont, Forney, Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Gholson, Glasgow, Goldsborough, Goodwyn, Griffin, Hall, Hanson, Harris, Hawes, Hawkins, Hopkins of Kentucky, Hubbard, Humphreys, Hungerford, Irving, Jackson of Virginia, Johnson of Virginia, Johnson of Kentucky, Kennedy, Kent of Maryland, Kerr, Kershaw, King of North Carolina, Lefferts, Lewis, Lowndes, Lyle, Macon, McCoy, McKee, McKim, McLean, Montgomery, Moore, Nelson, Newton, Parker, Pearson, Pickens, Pleasants, Rhea of Tennessee,

NAYS-Messrs. Alexander, Alston, Baylies of Massachusetts, Bigelow, Boyd, Bradbury, Bradley, Brigham, Brown, Butler, Caldwell, Cilley, Clark, Condict, Conard, Cooper, Cox, Creighton, Crouch, Davenport, Davis of Pennsylvania, Denoyelles, Desha, Duvall, Ely, Farrow, Findley, Fisk of New York, Geddes, Gourdin, Grosvenor, Hasbrouck, Hulbert, Ingersoll, Irwin, Jackson of Rhode Island, Kent of New York, King of Massachusetts, Law, Lovett, Lyle, Markell, Miller, Moffit, Moseley, Oakley, Ormsby, Parker, Pickering, Piper, Pitkin, Post, Potter, John Reed, Rea of Pennsylvania, Rich, Ruggles, Schureman, Seybert, Sharp, Sherwood, Shipherd, Skinner, Smith of New York, Stanford, Stockton, Sturges, Taggart, Tannehill, Taylor, Thompson, Udree, Vose, Ward of Massachusetts, Ward of New Jersey, Webster, Wheaton, Wilcox, and Winter. | The bill was then read a second time, and referred to a Committee of the Whole; and the Ringgold, Roane, Robertson, Sage, Sevier, Smith of House immediately resolved itself into a Com-Troup, White, Wilson of Pennsylvania, Wright, and Virginia, Stanford, Strong, Stuart, Tannehill, Telfair, mittee of the Whole on the said bill, it having Yancey-83. been made the order of the day for to-day, in preference to Monday, by a majority of 86 to 65


Mr. FISK, of New York, moved to fill the blank
for the place of removal with Philadelphia.
Mr. LEWIS, of Virginia, moved to fill it with

Mr. LEWIS, and Mr. HOPKINS, of Kentucky, spoke against the insertion of Philadelphia, and Mr. PICKERING in favor of it.

The motion to insert Philadelphia was agreed to by a large majority; and the other blanks in the bill were filled up.

Mr. LEWIS, of Virginia, then moved to insert the following section as an amendment to the


"And be it further enacted, That the annual sum of one hundred thousand dollars be, and is hereby, ap

sition; Messrs. Caperton, Ingham, Murfree, on leave; [Absent on this vote.-Mr. Anderson, from indisposetts, Hale, Hopkins of New York, Howell, Kilbourn, Messrs. Breckenridge, Calhoun, Davis of MassachuReed, Ridgely, Sheffey, Smith of Pennsylvania, Tallmadge, Williams, Wilson of Massachusetts, and Wood, who have not attended at the present session.]

So the House determined that the bill should not be engrossed for a third reading; in other words, that it should be rejected.

MONDAY, October 17.

Two other members, to wit: from Massachusetts, JOHN WILSON, and from Pennsylvania, ISAAC SMITH, appeared and took their seats.

Mr. WRIGHT, of Maryland, presented the petition of Thomas Bruff, inventor of the method of

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