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manufacturing bullets and shot by compression, stating the destruction of certain of his machinery proposed to have been connected with the steamengine belonging to the late navy yard in this city, and praying that Congress will take his case into consideration.-Referred to a select committee.

Mr. YANCEY, from the Committee of Claims, made a report on the petition of Captain Alexander Sevier, praying remuneration for certain losses sustained in the public service, admitting the equity of his claim, but recommending a rejection of it on general legal principles.-Laid on the table.

The report is as follows:

That the petitioner is a Lieutenant of Marines in the service of the United States. On the 16th October, 1812, he was ordered to go from Washington City to the encampment near St. Augustine, in East Florida; and on his way to that place, near Occoquan, his trunk was cut off the carriage in which he was, and robbed, as he states, of $200 in bank notes, and a check drawn in favor of the petitioner on the Bank of Petersburg for $200, and all his military clothes. It is stated in the petition that nearly one-half of the money belonged to the United States, having been advanced to him for public service. The petitioner asks to be remunerated for the money lost, and compensated for the apparel.

The petition was before the Committee of Claims at the last session of Congress; the committee were then of opinion that the petitioner was not entitled to relief; the present Committee of Claims accord with that opinion. In this case there is no satisfactory evidence of the loss of the property; in all cases the kind of evidence of that fact should be clear, positive, and uninterested. The committee, however, are of opinion that, taking the claim in its greatest latitude as related in the petition, sound policy requires that it should be rejected. When a public agent or officer receives money of the Government, he should keep it safe. There are but few cases in which he should be exonerated of his accountability; it is not believed this is a case of that description. They therefore recommend to the House the following resolution:

Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioner ought not to be granted.

Mr. JACKSON, of Virginia, made a motion to print two thousand additional copies of the instructions to our Ministers to treat of peace in Europe.

Mr. GROSVENOR, of New York, moved to amend the said motion so as to print these instructions entire, as received from the President, (that is, including the few passages not deemed proper for publication.)

The SPEAKER feeling a difficulty in receiving this motion under present circumstances

Mr. GROSVENOR required the galleries to be cleared, and strangers were excluded accordingly. The doors remained closed for two hours; when they were again opened, it appeared that the motion of Mr. GROSVENOR was rejected, and that of Mr. JACKSON was agreed to.

MR. JEFFERSON'S LIBRARY. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. LEWIS in the Chair, on the reso

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lution from the Senate authorizing the Library Committee to contract for the purchase of Mr. Jefferson's library.

Mr. OAKLEY, of New York, moved so to amend' the resolution as to leave it open to the Library Committee to contract for the purchase of a líbrary for the use of Congress.

On this motion considerable desultory debate took place; the purchase of Mr. Jefferson's library being opposed by Messrs. OAKLEY, JOHN REED, and GROSVENOR, and advocated by Messrs. WRIGHT, SEYBERT, ROBERTSON, HAWKINS, and FORSYTH. The objections to the purchase were generally its extent, the cost of the purchase, the nature of the selection, embracing too many works in foreign languages, some of too philosophical a character, and some otherwise objectionable. Of the first description, exception was taken to Voltaire's works, &c., and of the other to Callender's Prospect Before Us.

On the other hand, those who advocated the purchase proposed to be made, contended that so valuable a library, one so admirably calculated for the substratum of a great national library, was not to be obtained in the United States; and that, although there might be some works to which gentlemen might take exception, there were others of very opposite character; that this, besides, was no reason against the purchase, because in every library of value might be found some books to which exceptions would be taken, according to the feelings or prejudices of those who examined them.

Mr. OAKLEY's motion was negatived by the following vote-For the amendment 53, against it 87.

The Committee then rose and reported the resolution to the House, who took it up.

Mr. KING, of Massachusetts, moved to amend the resolution by limiting the power of the committee to the purchase of such parts of the library as they should deem suitable to the purpose.

[Mr. Jefferson, in his letter on the subject to Mr. SMITH, declines disposing of a part without the whole of his library.]

After some discussion, the question on this proposed amendment was decided by yeas and nays, by the following vote-For the amendment 47, against it 91, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Baylies of Massachusetts, Bigelow, Boyd, Bradbury, Brigham, Champion, Cilley, Cooper, Cox, Culpeper, Davenport, Ely, Farrow, Geddes, Goldsborough, Grosvenor, Hanson, Jackson of Rhode

Island, King of Massachusetts, Law, Lewis, Lovett, ering, Pitkin, Post, Potter, John Reed, Ruggles, SchureMarkell, Miller, Moffit, Moseley, Oakley, Pearson, Pickman, Sherwood, Shipherd, Smith of New York, StockWheaton, Wilcox, Wilson of Massachusetts, and ton, Sturges, Vose, Ward of Massachusetts, Webster, Winter.

NAYS-Messrs. Alexander, Alston, Archer, Avery, Barbour, Bard, Bowen, Bradley, Brown, Butler, Cannon, Chappell, Clark, Clopton, Condict, Conard, Crawford, Creighton, Crouch, Cuthbert, Dana, Denoyelles, Desha, Duvall, Earle, Findley, Fisk of Vermont, Fisk of New York, Forney, Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Gholson, Glasgow, Goodwyn, Gourdin, Griffin, Hall,

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Judiciary of Indiana Territory.

OCTOBER, 1814.

Harris, Hasbrouck, Hawes, Hawkins, Hopkins of Ken- was read twice and committed to a Committee
tucky, Hubbard, Humphreys, Hungerford, Hulbert, of the Whole on Thursday next.
Irving, Irwin, Jackson of Virginia, Johnson of Virginia,
Johnson of Kentucky, Kennedy, Kent of New York,
Kent of Maryland, Kerr, Kershaw, King of North
Carolina, Lefferts, Lowndes, Lyle, McCoy, McKim,
McLean, Moore, Nelson, Newton, Ormsby, Parker,
Pickens, Piper, Pleasants, Rhea of Tennessee, Rich,
Ringgold, Roane, Robertson, Sage, Seybert, Sharp,
Smith of Pennsylvania, Smith of Virginia, Stanford,
Strong, Tannehill, Taylor, Telfair, Ward of New Jer-
sey, Wilson of Pennsylvania, Wright, and Yancey.

Mr. JOHN REED. of Massachusetts, then moved to amend the bill by limiting the price to be given for the whole of the library to twenty-five thousand dollars.

Mr. STANFORD, of North Carolina, moved to postpone the further consideration of the subject to the first Monday in December next.

Mr. OAKLEY, of New York, moved to lay the resolution, and the last motion together with it, on the table.-Negatived.

Mr. STANFORD's motion was then also negatived.

The yeas and nays having been demanded on Mr. READ'S motion, before mentioned, after further discussion, the House adjourned without deciding the same.

JUDICIARY OF INDIANA TERRITORY. Mr. JENNINGS presented a petition of the Legislature of the Indiana Territory, praying that a law may be passed requiring the presence of two judges to hold courts; and that the duties of the courts of the United States for said Territory may be more clearly defined.

The memorial is as follows:

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, the memorial of the Legislature of the Indiana Territory humbly showeth :

That, by a law of Congress, one of the judges, appointed by virtue of the ordinance for the government of this Territory, is authorized to hold a court. Thus, one of the judges being competent to hold a court, may decide a principle, or a point of law, at one term, and, at the next term, if the other two judges are present, they may decide the same principle or point of law different. Thus the decisions of the superior court, organized, we presume, by the General Government, finally to settle in uniformity the principles of law and fact, which may be brought before them by the suitor, may be, and frequently are, in a state of fluctuation; hence the rights of persons and property become insecure. There is another evil, growing out of the system, of one judge being competent to hold the superior court, or that court which forms the last resort of the suitor Another member, to wit: from Massachusetts, in any Government, and particularly in the Territory; WILLIAM REED, appeared, and took his seat. for appeals are taken from all the courts of inferior Mr. McKIM presented a petition of Daniel Ren-jurisdiction in the Territory, to the court organized by ner and Nathaniel H. Heath, rope makers in the City of Washington, praying compensation for their wrought and unwrought materials, which were consumed by fire, by order of the enemy, on the 25th of August last, and which they were prevented from previously removing to a place of safety by the impressment of their vehicles of transportation into the public service.-Referred to the Committee of Claims.

TUESDAY, October 18.

the ordinance, which inferior courts are never constituted of less than two judges. Thus the suitor in the Territory is frequently driven to the necessity of appealing from the judgment of two men to that of one; but this dilemma only constitutes part of the solecism for the next superior court, as the other two judges may overturn the principles of the decision of their of uniformity in the decisions of the court of the last brother judge at the preceding term. Hence the want resort. Anger and warmth in the suitors, and a confusion in our system of jurisprudence, is the result.

Mr. LEWIS, of Virginia, presented the memorial of a number of inhabitants of Alexandria, Your memorialists beg leave further to suggest the stating their indignant surprise at the slanders in propriety and necessity of defining, with more preciscirculation respecting that city, and praying aion, the duties of the judges appointed by virtue of the full and fair examination by Congress of their conduct during the late visit of the enemy to that town. The memorial was read.

ordinance for the government of the Territory. The ordinance says there shall be a court to consist of three judges, who shall have a common law jurisdiction. The same instrument points out the way a Legislature may be organized; but in no part does the ordinance

Mr. LEWIS moved to refer the memorial to the committee of investigation appointed on the subject; which motion, after some desultory conver-expressly delegate to the Legislature the power of regsation, was agreed to.

Mr. STANFORD, from the Committee of Revisal and Unfinished Business, made a report, in part which was read, and ordered to lie on the


ulating when and where the superior courts are to be held, or the manner how they are to do business. This power, by a kind of common consent of the judges, the Legislature have assumed from the necessity of the case, as the ordinance creating the courts leaves it afloat, without identifying either the time when, the place where, or the manner how, this court is to exercise their jurisdiction. Again, it would be desirable that Congress would define the jurisdiction of the superior court. We presume that it is a sound rule for the construction of a constitution or a law, that it must be construed from the face of it, and not travel to the Mr. PLEASANTS also reported a bill for the re-history of other times and other Governments in search lief of the officers, petty officers, and seamen, of the meaning of our ordinance, or any act of Conunder the command of Joshua Barney; which gress. We beg leave to suggest the propriety of point

Mr. PLEASANTS, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, reported a bill directing the staff officers of the Army to comply with the requisitions of naval and marine officers, in certain cases; which was read twice and committed to a Committee of the Whole on Thursday next.

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ing out, by law, what common law the ordinance refers to, whether the common law of England, or France, or of the Territory over which the ordinance is the constitution. If it should be determined that, by the expression of the ordinance, a common law jurisdiction should be located on the common law of England, it is essential to define to what extent of that common law the judges shall take cognizance; whether the whole extent of feudal and gothic customs of England; whether the customs, or unwritten law shall be taken with the statute law, and that to form the common law to govern the judges; or whether the unwritten and statute law is to be taken in contradistinction to the

laws, customs, and rules of chancery; or whether it includes that law which is common to all. By Congress defining the powers of the court, and not leaving them at sea without compass or chart to exercise their power of judicial legislation, as circumstances may arise, or passion or interest dictate, by defining the powers of the Legislature and jurisdiction of the court, that collision and jarring which might arise between those two bodies would be harmonized.

Your memorialists, therefore, pray that you would repeal the law first herein alluded to, and make two of the judges hold the court, and define more specifically the duties of that court.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Council. The memorial was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.


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Contemplating the present state of the finances, it is obvious that a deficiency in the revenue, and a depreciation in the public credit, exist from causes which cannot in any degree be ascribed, either to the want of resources, or to the want of integrity in the nation. Different minds will conceive different opinions in relation to some of those causes; but it will be agreed on all sides, that the most operative have been the inadequacy of our system of taxation to form a foundadation for public credit; and the absence even from that system of the means which are best adapted to anticipate, collect, and distribute the public revenue.

The wealth of the nation, in the value and products of its soil, in all the acquisitions of personal property, in all the varieties of industry, remains almost untouched by the hand of Government; for the national faith, and not the national wealth, has hitherto been the principal instrument of finance. It was reasonable, however, to expect, that a period must occur in the course of a protracted war, when confidence in the accumulating public engagements could only be secured by an active demonstration, both of the capacity and the disposition to perform them. In the present state of the Treasury, therefore, it is a just consolation to reflect that a prompt and resolute application of the resources of the country will effectually relieve from every pecuniary embarrassment and vindicate the fiscal honor of the Government.


But it would be vain to attempt to disguise, and it would be pernicious to palliate the difficulties which are now to be overcome. The exigencies of the Government require a supply of treasure for the prosecution of the war, beyond any amount which it would be politic, even if it were practicable, to raise by on immediate and constant imposition of taxes. There Mr. EPPES, from the Committee of Ways and must, therefore, be a resort to credit, for a considerable Means, laid before the House the copy of a letter portion of the supply. But the public credit is at this from the chairman of that committee to the Sec juncture so depressed, that no hope of adequate suc retary of the Treasury, upon the subject of main-cor, on moderate terms, can safely rest upon it. it becomes the object first and last in every practical taining unimpaired the public credit, together scheme of finance, to re-animate the confidence of the with the answer of the Secretary of the Treasury citizens; and to impress on the mind of every man, thereto; which were read, and referred to the who, for the public account, renders services, furnishes Committee of the whole House, to whom was supplies, or advances money, a conviction of the puncreferred the report of the Committee of Ways and tuality as well as of the security of the Government. It Means on that part of the President's Message is not to be regarded, indeed, as the case of preserving which relates to our finances. a credit which has never been impaired, but rather as the case of rescuing from reproach a credit over which doubt and apprehension (not the less injurious perhaps because they are visionary) have cast an inauspicious shade. In the former case, the ordinary means of raising and appropriating the revenue, will always be sufficient; but in the latter case, no exertion quiet, in every mind, every fear of future loss or disapcan be competent to attain the object, which does not pointment in consequence of trusting to the pledges of the public faith.

The Letter and Report are as follows: SIR: The Committee of Ways and Means have had under their consideration the support of public credit by a system of taxation more extended than the one heretofore adopted. They have determined to suspend proceeding on their report at present before the House of Representatives, with a view to afford you an opportunity of suggesting another, or such additional provisions as may be necessary to revive and maintain unimpaired the public credit.

I have the honor to be, &c.

Hon. Mr. DALLAS,


Secretary of the Treasury.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Oct. 17, 1814. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 14th instant, and, aware of the necessity for an early interposition of Congress on the subject to which it relates, I proceed, at the moment of entering upon the duties of office, to offer to the consideration of the Committee of Ways and Means, an answer on the several points of inquiry.

The condition of the circulating medium of the country presents another copious source of mischief and embarrassment. The recent exportations of specie have considerably diminished the fund of gold and silver coin; and another considerable portion of that fund has been drawn by the timid and the wary, from the use of the community, into the private coffers of individuals. On the other hand, the multiplication of banks in the several States has so increased the quantity of paper currency, that it would be difficult to calculate its amount; and still more difficult to ascertain its value, with reference to the capital on which it has been issued. But the benefit of even this paper currency is in a great measure lost, as the suspension of

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payments in specie at most of the banks has suddenly broken the chain of accommodation, that previously extended the credit and the circulation of the notes which were emitted in one State into every State in the Union. It may in general be affirmed, therefore, that there exists at this time no adequate circulating medium common to the citizens of the United States. The moneyed transactions of private life are at a stand; and the fiscal operations of Government labor with extreme inconvenience. It is impossible that such a state of things should be long endured; but, let it be fairly added, that with legislative aid it is not necessary that the endurance should be long. Under favorable circumstance, and to a limited extent, an emission of Treasury notes would, probably, afford relief; but Treasury notes are an expensive and precarious substitute, either for coin or for bank notes, charged as they are with a growing interest, productive of no countervailing profit or emolument, and exposed to every breath of popular prejudice or alarm. The establishment of a national institution, operating upon credit combined with capital, and regulated by prudence and good faith, is, after all, the only efficient remedy for the disordered condition of our circulating medium. While accomplishing that object, too, there will be found, under the auspices of such an institution, a safe depository for the public treasure and a constant auxiliary to the public credit. But, whether the issues of a paper currency proceed from the National Treasury or from a National Bank, the acceptance of the paper in a course of payments and receipts must be forever optional with the citizens. The extremity of that day cannot be anticipated, when any honest and enlightened statesman will again venture upon the desperate expedient of a tender law.

From this painful, but necessary developement of existing evils, we pass, with hope and confidence, to a more specific consideration of the measures from which relief may be certainly and speedily derived. Remembering always, that the objects of the Government are to place the public credit upon a solid and durable foundation; to provide a revenue commensurate with the demands of a war expenditure, and to remove from the Treasury an immediate pressure, the following propositions are submitted to the committee, with every sentiment of deference and respect.

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OCTOBER, 1814.

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7,000,000 21,000,000

III. It is proposed, that a National Bank shall be incorporated for a term of twenty years, to be established at Philadelphia, with a power to erect offices of discount and deposite elsewhere, upon the following principles :

1. That the capital of the bank shall be fifty millions of dollars, to be divided into one hundred thousand shares of five hundred dollars each. Three-fifths of the capital, being sixty thousand shares, amounting to thirty millions of dollars, to be subscribed by corporations, companies, or individuals; and two-fifths of the capital, being forty thousand shares, amounting to twenty millions of dollars, to be subscribed by the United States.

2. That the subscriptions of corporations, companies and individuals, shall be paid for in the following manner:

One-fifth part, or six millions, in gold or silver coin. Four-fifth parts, or twenty-four millions, in gold or silver coin, or in six per cent. stock issued since the declaration of war, and Treasury notes, in the propor

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tion of one-fifth Treasury notes and three-fifths in six per cent. stock.

3. That the subscriptions of corporations, companies, and individuals, shall be paid at the following periods: 20 dollars on each share, to be paid at the time of subscribing, in gold or silver coin

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- $1,200,000

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40 dollars on each share, to be paid in
gold or silver coin, one month after
the subscription
40 dollars on each share, in two months
after the subscription, in gold or sil-
ver coin -

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appoint seven persons, one of whom to preside, as the managers of each office of discount and deposite, and one person to be the cashier.

13. That the general powers, privileges, and regulations of the bank, shall be the same as are usual in similar institutions; but with this special provision, that the general accounts shall be subject to the inspection of the Secretary of the Treasury.

IV. It is proposed, that, after having thus provided for the punctual payment of the interest upon every denomination of public debt, for raising annually a portion of the annual expense, by taxes; for establishing a sinking fund, in relation to the new debt, as well as in relation to the old debt; and for securing to the public the efficient agency of a National Bank; the only remaining object of supply shall be accomplished by annual loans, and issues of Treasury notes, if, unexpectedly, such issues should continue to be necessary or expedient.

1. The amount of annual expenditure during the war, exceeding the sums provided for, does not admit of a prospective estimate beyond the year 1815; but for that year it may be estimated with sufficient accuracy for the general purposes of the present communication, at $28,000,000.

9,000,000 2. Then for the year 1815, an additional provision must be made, authorizing a loan and the issue of 30,000,000 Treasury notes, to an equal amount, $28,000,000.

4. That the subscription of the United States shall be paid in six per cent. stock, at the same periods and in the same proportions as the payments of private subscriptions, in stock and Treasury notes.

5. That the United States may substitute six per cent. stock, for the amount of the Treasury notes subscribed by corporations, companies, and individuals, as the notes respectively become due and payable.

6. That the bank shall loan to the United States thirty millions, at an interest of six per cent., at such periods, and in such sums, as shall be found mutually convenient.

7. That no part of the public stock, constituting a portion of the capital of the bank, shall be sold during the war; nor at any subsequent time, for less than par; nor at any time to an amount exceeding one moiety, without the consent of Congress.

8. That provision shall be made for protecting the bank notes from forgery; for limiting the issue of bank notes; and for receiving them in all payments to the United States.

9. That the capital of the bank, its notes, deposites, dividends, or profits, (its real estate only excepted,) shall not be subject to taxation by the United States or by any individual State.

10. That no other bank shall be established by Congress, during the term for which the National Bank is incorporated.

11. That the National Bank shall be governed by fifteen directors, being resident citizens of the United States and stockholders. The President of the United States shall annually name five directors, and designate one of the five to be president of the bank. The other directors shall be annually chosen by the qualified stockholders, in person or by proxy, if resident within the United States, voting upon a scale graduated according to the number of shares which they respectively hold. The cashier and other officers of the bank to be appointed as is usual in similar institutions.

12. That the directors of the National Bank shall

V. It is proposed that the accounts for authorized expenses being duly stated and settled, a certificate or debenture shall issue to the accountant specifying the balance; and that in all cases, where there has been no specific appropriation, or the claim exceeds the amount of the sum appropriated, the balance shall bear an interest of three per cent. until provision is made by law for paying the amount.

VI. And, finally, it is proposed to relieve the Treasury from an immediate pressure, upon the principles of the following statement:

1. The amount of demands upon the Treasury, exclu-
sive of balances of appropriations for former years,
unsatisfied, was stated in the report of the late Sec-
retary of the Treasury of the 23d September, 1814,
to be, on the 30th June
$27,576,391 19

2. The accounts of the third quarter of
1814 are not yet made up, and the
precise sums paid during that quarter
cannot now be ascertained, but they
amount to nearly

Leaving to be paid in the fourth
quarter of 1814-

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8,400,000 00

$19,176,391 19

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