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$50,166 $132,645









75,000 192,000 11
70,875 181,440






103,560 264,000

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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ter of the stream is obstructed by the sand, and from ten millions of dollars this season on Lake Erie. Every thence they extend into the lake, until from twelve to section of the country is benefited by this commerce, sixteen feet of water are obtained at the farthest point of whether situated in the valley of the Mississippi or on the piers. The waters in the streams being compressed the southern or northern seaboard-for the products of by two solid piers, the sand is swept off at the spring every section enter into and form a part of it. and fall freshets, leaving an open channel for the largest would give to the House a data, as to two parts, from which vessels that navigate the lake. Two modes are adopted others might form their opinions as to the correctness of in forming these piers, according to the substance his own. found at the bottom. If sand and clay only are found, a The first is a "statement of the number of vessels enpier is formed by driving two rows of piles distant, for tered and cleared at the port of Cleaveland with cargoes, the breadth of the pier, from sixteen to twenty feet, with their aggregate tonnage; also the value of merleaving spaces between the piles, lengthwise of the pier, chandise entered and cleared coastwise; also the number about eight feet. These piles are driven through the of vessels entered and cleared from foreign ports; also sand and into the clay, from twenty to thirty feet; and the value of foreign imports and exports; also the numwhen lined with timber and secured by cross ties, the en- ber of steamboats entered and cleared in the years from tire space is filled with brush and rocks, and when per-1825 to 1833, inclusive." This statement was furnished manently raised to a height of six or eight feet above the to him by Mr. Starkweather, the collector, and its accurasurface of the smooth water, the pier is planked over to cy might be relied on. prevent the action of the waves on the rocks within. When very hard gravel or rock is found at the bottom, the piers are constructed of cribs filled with brush and rock, and planked as before described. The sand cannot be removed by machinery to commence a pier, and the brush and rock¡were laid with the timbers on the top of it. By the action of the water in deepening the channel, the sand under the pier escapes to fill up the cavity, and is swept off until the pier rests upon the hard clay or rock bottom. As the pier settles, timber and rock are added to keep it at the necessary height. No engineer can tell how much a pier will settle. They sometimes settle ten, fifteen, or more feet. The construction of these harbors at first was of doubtful experiment; but in every instance they have proved successful, and have more than realized the anticipations of the most sanguine. The experiment at Erie was the most doubtful in my mind when it was commenced. The water of the small bay is not forced into the lake by the accession of the waters of any considerable stream. The engineers, who examined the mouth of the bay, thought the reflowing of the water from the bay into the lake, when confined within two piers, would make a current so strong as to carry the obstruction off, and keep the channel clear. had serious fears, and so expressed myself to the Committee on Commerce; but I was anxious the experiment should be tried, on account of the importance of that harbor to the commerce of the lake. The experiment tested at 'that place the accuracy of the calculations made by the engineers. Gentlemen must recollect there is a distance of about two hundred and fifty miles, without a natural harbor, on that lake; and that the commerce is exposed to the sudden storms that prevail and rage there. with unsurpassed violence. Before the harbors were constructed, it was not uncommon to hear of vessels, within a few miles of the islands, encountering a gale of wind, and driven by it to Buffalo or Black Rock; and it would be days, and might be weeks, before they could regain their position on their way to Detroit or the upper lakes; and they were liable to be driven to the islands, or on the Canada shore, when near Buffalo, if they encountered an easterly gale. Without these harbors the present commerce of the lake could not be carried on. Each vessel would be loaded and unloaded, when anchored a distance from shore, by lighters, in which situation it would be liable to be driven aground and totally wrecked. This risk would greatly increase the rate of ensurance, and the labor of thus loading and unloading a cargo would considerably add to the value of the importstions, and, on many of the articles now exported, there would be so heavy a tax that their shipments would be suspended. Gentlemen at a distance, unless they have paid particular attention to the subject, have not kept pace with the rapid increase of the commerce of the Ohio canal, more business is transacted there than at any frontier lakes. His belief was, it would not fall short of other port west of Buffalo; but a very considerable busi


45,082 45,082 1,300,000 2,000,000


34 1,313

56,250 1,794,000 4,700,000 125 125


250,000 705





[blocks in formation]

6,400 470 470 1,070





Value of merchandise imported coast wise.

Number of vessels arrived

from foreign ports.

Number of vessels cleared

for foreign ports.

Value of foreign imports.

Value of foreign exports.

Number of steamboat arrivals

Number of steamboat clear


Total number of arrivals, including steamboats.

Total amount of tonnage arrived, including steamboats.

This port, being at the northern termination of the

H. OF R.]

Harbor Bill.

[JUNE 18, 1834.

ness is done at all the ports, and its increase is in about As to the inquiry, whether these works were not comthe same progression at all of them as it is at Cleaveland. pleted according to the original plan, he would say, in Before the construction of the piers at Huron, the mouth one view they were. The original plan was to try exof that river was uniformly buried up by the sand during periments; to ascertain whether it was practicable to conmost of the navigating season. He had seen it when the ob- struct artificial harbors. Having found the experiments struction was as broad and firm as any avenue in the city. had proved successful, the object now was to make the He had been furnished, he said, by George S. Patter- works permanent. The piers were liable to be removed son, deputy collector at that port, with a statement of the by the action of the ice at the breaking up of winter, or number of arrivals and departures during the past years, by the storms when the lake was open. The timber was together with the amount of exports and imports from constantly decaying, and the piers would eventually fall this port, where, without the improvements, no vessel to pieces unless secured. To give permanency and ducould have entered. He would not detain the House by rability to them, it was proposed to form break-waters of giving the items of the exports and imports, although he stone, so that the piers could not be removed by the was sure gentlemen would be pleased to consult the state- storms, however violent; and the timbers, being covered ment as a statistic of some importance in developing the over, would not as rapidly decay, or, if decayed, the resources of that section of the country, which had been stone would be secured by the additional quantity. This settled but a few years. The whole number of arrivals was the object of the appropriations now proposed, in at Huron, in the past year, was eight hundred and eleven, most cases. In some instances the appropriations have and the departures eight hundred and three. The nett been expended, in part, in dredging out the obstructions increase over the years previous was fifty per cent. The between the piers, which were too firm to be removed by amount of exports was $274,840 99, and the amount of the operation of the water upon them. This is the case imports was $1,599,472 50. It should be borne in mind, at Ashtabula.

when we speak of imports on the lake, we speak of goods It was undoubtedly the intention of Congress, when and merchandise that are landed at any particular port these harbors were being constructed, to make them from another port or place; as, in this statement, under permanently useful; and, in this view, they are not comthe head of imports, are one hundred and ninety-five tons pleted, even according to the original plan. As to the of castings and pig iron, which were probably made and particular harbor that had given rise to this debate, he had shipped at Vermilion and Grand rivers. This port is with- no doubt of its importance to the commerce, not only of in ten miles of Sandusky bay, which is the only natural Lake Ontario, but that which passed into Lake Erie from harbor on the south shore of the lake. These harbors not Lake Ontario, by the Welland canal, or by the New only give protection to the commerce and navigation of York canal; but he was not prepared to say, personally, that country, but they give protection to the lives of the how necessary the appropriation was. It having been emigrants who are settling the publie lands in Ohio, In-recommended by the Secretary of War, on the inspection diana, Illinois, and Michigan. It is believed that not less of an engineer, was evidence, with the declarations of than 100,000 persons were on that water during the last gentlemen from that section of the country, to satisfy him year. It is alike the duty and the interest of the Gov- that it was wanted. And he was prepared to support it ernment to render the navigation of the waters commu- by his vote.

nicating with the public domain, as secure as possible. Mr. WARDWELL said that his own constituents were Viewing the United States as land holders, they are personally interested in the adoption of the present item bound, by every consideration imposed upon them by of the bill; but they were not alone in that respect. He duty and policy, to construct these harbors. Without called upon gentlemen from Ohio, from Indiana, from them, neither property nor life is secure. Captains of Illinois, and from Michigan, to unite in its favor, for they vessels, who have navigated the Atlantic ocean for years, were all equally interested in its success. Oswego harand who have navigated the lake, say they hardly knew bor was at the eastern part of Lake Ontario, and constiwhat a storm was until they came on to the Western lakes. tuted the only connexion between that lake and the Gentlemen entertained the opinion that the money was great Erie canal. It enabled those who had produce to squandered or misapplied. He had visited all the works transmit, either east or westward, to save the cost of 200 in Ohio, and some of them several times in the course of miles transportation on that canal, by using the lake ina year, and he would assure the House that the most stead. The expense of the improvement would soon be rigid regard was paid to the faithful expenditure of the repaid if it were by this saving alone, It would be the money; and where the superintendents had found the interest of the United States to go on with the work and master-workmen were unskilful, or wanting industry, to complete it, should it cost $200,000 more than all they had been dismissed. He did not believe there were which had been hitherto expended upon it. The proany public works carried on by the General Government perty on the lakes would not be worth, by 50 per cent, where so much regard was paid to economy as in the con as much as it now was, if these harbors should not be imstruction of harbors on the lakes. So important were proved. At present, goods could pass, and did pass, all these harbors to that section of country that, he believed, the way from Oswego to Chicago, at the very lowest exif they were destroyed every fall, it would be the duty of tremity of Lake Michigan. If there was any post upon the Government, if it had the power, to replace them those lakes which, next to Buffalo, was needed by the every spring. The gentleman from North Carolina [Mr. navigation constantly traversing them, it was this harbor MCKAY] had shown to him what was said to be the of Oswego. The works already erected there would amount expended on the harbors in Ohio. From the soon go to destruction if this appropriation should be conviction that there was an error in the amount, he had withheld. No gentleman who rightly understood the case obtained a statement of the several appropriations, and he would withhold his vote, if $100,000 instead of $20,000 would give the gross amount expended at each harbor. were asked. Cleaveland, $34,235 56 Mr. MANN explained on the importance of the Oswego 29,598 29 harbor to the commerce of the lakes, and the manner in 35,734 77 which that commerce was transmitted through the Wel22,208 71 land canal. He said he had seen a communication from 35,558 75 one of the United States engineers, stating the injury 24,810 65 which had been sustained by the piers of Oswego harbor 6,956 00 in consequence of a late violent storm upon the lake. $189,102 73Their repair was indispensable. He had supposed, as a

Grand river,

Black river,

Huron river,



Cunningham creek,

Aggregate amount,

[ocr errors]
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[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

JUNE 18, 1834.]

Harbor Bill.

[H. of R.

matter of course, that the committee must have had the mons, he immediately resigned his seat. But here he was estimates of the Department to go upon before they re-seen setting himself in opposition to the recommendations ported the present item. He was greatly surprised at of the Executive department, and denouncing the esti the statement of the honorable chairman, [Mr. PoLK,] mates, officially made and submitted, as extravagant, that he and his committee had been induced to change enormous, and "profligate." Why was such a spectacle their course by the personal importunities of members of exhibited? The Secretary of the Treasury told the that House. He had had no idea that any committee of House that there would be no deficiency in the revenue; that House would suffer personal importunities, however that, after all the public debt should have been paid, and urgent, to prevail over their sense of propriety and duty. all the great expenditures provided for, there would be [Mr. POLK explained. He had not meant to say any still a balance in the treasury of three millions of dollars. such thing as that the committee had been over persua- And now, since then, he had discovered that things turned ded by the importunities of any gentleman. They had out better than he had anticipated, insomuch that there been induced, from representations made to them, to was likely to be five or six millions of surplus revenue. conclude that it would be best to introduce the items, What was the gentleman from Tennessee going to do and let the House pass upon them in any way it might.] with these six millions of dollars? Was this sum to be Mr. MANN thought the honorable chairman had not left in the pet banks to be lent out for their profit? Were mended the matter much by his explanation. It was they to get all this money without bonus or interest, and still somewhat strange that an amendment which had speculate or discount upon it? Was that the object? been reported by the committee themselves, and had received the sanction of the Committee of the Whole House, should now be opposed by those who had moved it. [Mr. POLK. Very well. Next time I will withhold it altogether.]

Mr. WHITTLESEY here interposed, and reminded the gentleman from Pennsylvania that this was a bill for harbors, not about pet banks. It had nothing to do with the subject of banks, and he must call the gentleman to order. He did not wish to see another whole day taken up in debate.

Mr. MANN resumed. That would be the right way. If he disapproved of an appropriation, let him keep it out Mr. STEWART replied that he knew it was a bill for of the bill; but, for himself, if he reported a measure, he harbors, and he went for the harbors, and should vote for should sustain it. How were the House to be instructed the bill. It was what he desired. He was for putting in matters connected with estimates from the Depart- our money to some use, not for letting it lie dead in the ments, unless through the Committee of Ways and Means? banks or the treasury. He was just as much opposed Mr. M. went for diminishing the appropriations where it to hoarding it up in one bank as in another-in a national could be done with propriety; but not for suffering the bank as in the pet banks. Scatter it abroad-let it do good. public interest to be totally destroyed. Whether $10,000, Mr. BEARDSLEY hoped the appropriation for Osweor $20,000, or $30,000 were needed to protect the com-go harbor would not be killed by talking, of which it merce of the lakes, he should ever be ready to vote for stood in great danger. The Department recommended it. Why should an important and valuable harbor, like this appropriation; the Committee of Ways and Means that of Oswego, be suffered to go to ruin for want of recommended it. He did not understand it had been this paltry sum of $30,000? The harbor was not only abandoned by any body. It had passed the Committee important to all the commerce exposed upon those stormy of the Whole, and was now to be acted on in the House. lakes, but to the preservation of human lives. The No positive opposition had been made to it; a mere sugspectacle presented by Lake Ontario in a storm of wind gestion had been thrown out, and some doubt expressed was truly appalling, and the danger of navigating it at as to its expediency. The Committee of Ways and Means such a time was far greater than that encountered upon had not avowed any opposition to the measure, and he the ocean itself. hoped they would not be teazed into doing so. They Mr. STEWART rose merely with a view to set the had reported it, and that was the best expression of their gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. POLK] right in reference judgment in its favor.

to a remark made by his colleague, [Mr. MCKENNAN.] - Mr. BURGES said he had been laboring for seven It certainly was not a little extraordinary to see the chair-years to get the House to appropriate 500 dollars to obman of the Committee of Ways and Means advocating tain the report of an engineer on the merits and capabili some of the appropriations reported by himself for the ties of the harbor of Providence, and had been unable to service of Government, and opposing others, while both accomplish it. Yet here were 30,000 dollars asked for a were from the same Department, and rested on estimates little harbor on the frontier. They could not go from of like authenticity and accuracy. If the Department this port to the other lakes without scaling the falls of wanted hundreds of thousands of dollars for Indian annui- Niagara; and how was it that gentlemen talked of its exties, it was all right; it must be paid; the Government re-tensive commerce with Ohio and Michigan? He had, inquired it. If millions were asked for fortifications, the deed, heard of a large sum of money having been investcommittee recommended accordingly; all was right; ed by a certain gentleman in a purchase of land near the Government wanted the money. But when money Oswego, or rather, near Sackett's harbor; and that might was asked by the same Department for a road, and the account for the deep interest which seemed to be manicall was accompanied with the most minute estimates to fested in the present item of appropriation. But, surely, support it, the tune was changed-it was profligate ex- gentlemen did not wish to take the bread out of the travagance. He had always supposed that the chancellor mouths of the people of New England, to carry it into of the exchequer came to the House for money to be Canada. If not, why was Oswego harbor, which opened applied to objects recommended by the Government. only to the commerce of the Canada shore, to be preThat was the proper position for a chancellor of the ex-ferred to Providence harbor, which opened to the comchequer-it was expected of him. But who before had merce of the whole world? Why were a few dollars to ever heard of such a gentleman, selected to fill a post of be refused for the examination of a harbor in the Eastern such a character, throwing himself, with all the influence States, and thousands granted to build up a little harbor he could wield, in open opposition to appropriations on the frontier, to trade with Canada? The chairman of called for by himself in the name of the Government, the Committee of Ways and Means condemned the apand doing every thing in his power to embarrass and de- propriation, and very properly. That gentleman was not feat appropriations for the public good? In England, if bound to support every object which he might be made the chancellor of the exchequer failed to carry the ob- the organ of communicating to the House for its action. jects which he had recommended to the House of Com-He hoped, although the gentleman had reported this

H. or R.]

Harbor Bill.

[JUNE 18, 1834.

item, that he had since grown wiser; and, before he sup- sippi, passes through Oswego. The steamboat United ported any measure in that House, would first consult his States, on her trips up the lake, during the last summer, own conscience, (that was to say, if he had any,) al-usually had on board from three to seven hundred passenthough, for so doing, he might be rebuked by the self-con-gers. This boat commenced running the present season stituted conservator of the Cumberland road. He hoped in the month of April, and I see, by the papers of that the gentleman would escape unhurt. If the public mo- date, that, on her first trip up the lake, she had seven ney was to be left in the pet banks, the gentleman who hundred passengers and seventeen horses on board; on left it there had already a quite sufficient load of respon- her second trip, she had on board nine hundred passengers sibility. He was answerable before a most tremendous and twenty horses. This, said Mr. T., is only one of sevtribunal. He hoped that gentleman would not be offend-eral boats which now constantly touch at that port. Some ed, although the effort to build a roadstead for our navy, opposite his farm, should unhappily fail. He agreed that this stood on rather better constitutional ground than roads and canals from one State to another. This was a harbor on our frontier waters, and the trade for which it was to be made was foreign, not domestic trade.

Who had ever before heard of making a harbor? Creating one where nature had made no harbor at all? His colleague and himself had been laboring, session after session, to get a little opening made in Block Island to secure a harbor for wrecked sailors, where, with a little trouble and expense, a harbor of eighteen fathoms might be opened for all the commerce of the Sound. Yet here was a harbor to be made upon a great mud-flat--a harbor to be made "out of the whole cloth"--because it happened to be opposite a farm belonging to the Vice President!

idea of the increasing prosperity of Oswego may be formed from the fact that, in 1827, this village contained but 600 inhabitants, and that its population is now not less than 3,500; and the House can judge of the importance of the commerce of that place, when I state that, during the last year, there were shipped from the port of Oswego one hundred thousand barrels of salt. It appears to me, said Mr. T., that it must be evident to all, that not only the interests of an extensive and rapidly-increasing commerce, but also the safety and protection of human life, imperiously require that the public works at Oswego should be made permanent.

Mr. SELDEN said that objections were made without facts to support them. He was well assured the gentleman from Rhode Island would vote for this appropriation when he came to understand the case. At the mouth of all the streams entering into Lake Erie and Ontario from Mr. TURRILL said that it was, perhaps, to be regret the south there were banks of sand, occasioned by the ted that the honorable gentleman from Rhode Island [Mr. sluggishness of the streams, and their encountering at BURGES] had not been successful in his efforts to obtain that point the tides of the lake. This obstacle, which the appropriation of 500 dollars, for which he has so long rendered useless the most excellent and capacious harcontended; it would have saved the time of the House in bors, had been happily encountered and removed by the listening to, and me the trouble of answering, the remarks erection of two parallel piers, extending out from the harwhich he has just submitted. The harbor of Oswego is bor a short distance into the lake: these, by compressing not, as the honorable gentleman seems to suppose, made the streams, gave them force sufficient to wash away the out of "whole cloth." There is not a safe natural harbor sand which had accumulated at the mouth of the harbor, on the lake. Before the construction of the work under and carry it into the lake. This once done, there was no consideration, there were, at times, serious difficulties in more accumulation, but the navigation became perfect entering the harbor. The current of the river and the and unobstructed. When this system commenced, it was surf from the lake had formed a bar at the mouth of the merely an experiment. It had been recommended by the river, over which it was almost impossible for a schooner engineers, and its result had more than realized their best to pass in rough weather. The piers erected at that place hopes. Wherever this plan had been adopted the harwere intended to remedy this evil, by enabling vessels to bors were rendered safe, and perfectly accessible at all pass over the bar in safety at all times. These piers do times. This was the value of the work at Oswego; and not, as the gentleman supposes, said Mr. T., extend into the present appropriation was asked for the purpose of the lake; they are nearly parallel with the shores, and repairing the damage done to these piers by a storm, and they do not stand upon the sand, but upon solid rock. to strengthen and render them permanent. Before the construction of this work, schooners were freThe gentleman from Rhode Island was a little mistaken quently stranded in attempting to make the harbor; now, when he supposed that all the shipping from Oswego they can enter it in perfect safety at all times. The hon-must scale the falls at Niagara before it would reach the orable gentleman says that "there is no connexion what- more Western lakes: it got there by a less hazardous asever between Oswego and the upper lakes, unless you sail cent, through the Welland canal. The appropriation, over Niagara falls." In this, also, said Mr. T., the honor- therefore, was not for the sole benefit of the State of New able gentleman is mistaken. There is a direct navigable York: but, also, for that of the Western States, whose communication between Ontario and the upper lakes. products reached this port. Indeed, its effect was rather Salt is put on board of schooners at Oswego, and landed to divert the trade from the Erie canal, and thus lessen on the wharves in Cleaveland; wheat is taken from the the revenue of the State; yet he was in favor of the measstore-houses in Cleaveland, and, without reshipment, ure, as one conducive to the public good. Even were landed at the mills in Oswego. To that portion of the the facts as the gentleman from Rhode Island conceived gentleman's remarks which applies to the trade with the them to be, and this had been a harbor manufactured out upper lakes, it is a sufficient answer, said Mr. T., for me of the whole cloth, to raise the value of an estate purto say that, during the last year, there were shipped from chased by a certain distinguished individual in the State the port of Oswego to the upper lakes, through the Wel- of New York, the reason to oppose the present appropriland canal, sixty-five thousand barrels of salt, and that, ation no longer held good, inasmuch as that very distinduring the same period, one hundred and sixty thousand guished person had, since then disposed of his interest bushels of wheat were brought from Lake Erie to Oswe- in the land: and were the persons who had purchased from go, through the same channel. British as well as Amer-him to be punished because he had once owned the propican steamboats touch at this port in performing their erty? But the facts were far otherwise. There was a regular trips, which they could not do were it not for the good natural harbor, and no one who had ever visited the public works, to secure and complete which this appro- spot could doubt of its great value and importance. It priation is asked. Sir, said Mr. T., the immense tide of was in immediate connexion with the great salt works at emigration which is constantly flowing into Ohio and In- Salina, and it was at Buffalo that the salt from those works dian, and thence rolling down the valley of the Missis-I was shipped for consumption in the West. The harbor

JUNE 18, 1834.]

Harbor Bill.

[H. OF R.

was alike connected with the foreign and the home trade this application of the public money, the measure was upon the lakes, and he trusted the House would not aban-agreed to without a dissenting voice. don the improvements which had been begun, and which, Mr. MANN explained, disclaiming all intention to cenif now given up, must go to ruin. sure the Committee of Ways and Means. He had mereMr. BEARDSLEY made some inquiries of Mr. BUR-ly expressed his surprise at the course they had adopted, Fs, as to what he had alluded to in speaking of some individual whose property was to be benefited by the proposed appropriation.

Mr. BURGES explained himself, as having had reference to Mr. Van Buren, who, he understood, owned 500 acres of land at or near Oswego. He had since un-meet with the respect and support of the House, the derstood that he had sold it to some other gentleman, but he would not say to whom.

Mr. BEARDSLEY replied that, if the fact was so, the gentleman's objection was happily removed, and now he hoped they should have the gentleman's vote.

which, however, he did not doubt, had been pursued from the best motives. The committee were only seeking to diminish the expenses of the Government. Yet he must be permitted to repeat that, if a standing committee of that House desired or expected their report to members of the committee must be ready to support it themselves; and, should the report be assailed in the House, must be prepared to give reasons in its defence. If they opposed a measure reported by themselves, what weight could they expect the House to attach to their recommendation?

Mr. SELDEN inquired whether the appropriation proposed by the amendment was founded on estimates from the War Department?

Mr. WHITTLESEY, of Ohio, said it was within his power to give such an explanation as, he trusted, would exonerate the Secretary of War, the members of the Committee of Ways and Means who had concurred in the amendments, and others, from all censure and blame.

Mr. HUBBARD hoped the House would proceed to vote, and not occupy its time in inquiring whether the Vice President owned a certain farm or not. It was not true, whoever might say it, that the committee had been induced to propose these items of appropriation by importunity from any quarter. He had been satisfied that this harbor must be ruined, unless something was done to secure the piers. He had no doubt of it. He had, therefore, addressed a letter to the Secretary of War, to which he had received an answer which he would now When the gentleman from New Hampshire, [Mr. HUBread to the House. [Mr. H. here read the letter.] In BARD,] as the organ of the Committee of Ways and Means, exact accordance with these statements, the amendments reported this bill, he went, he said, as soon as it was comhad been prepared: and Mr. H. was convinced that less mitted to the Committee of the Whole on the state of than $30,000 would not be sufficient to save this harbor of the Union, to the Clerk's table, to see whether the apOswego from destruction. The gentleman from Pennsyl-propriations for the harbors on the lakes were in the bill, vania [Mr. MCKENNAN] was mistaken in supposing that as recommended by the report of the Secretary of War the committee had pursued an inconsistent course in re- that accompanied the President's message. He found, garding the estimates of the Department in one case, and to his surprise, that the appropriations for the lakes, with disregarding them in another. The committee had taken the exception of a small amount for Erie, were stricken the liberty of differing from them, as well in regard to out. He went directly to the seat of the gentleman from this harbor as to the Cumberland road. The estimate of New Hampshire, [Mr. HUBBARD,] to know why the bill, as the Department had not been $30,000, but $43,000: yet first draughted, had been amended. In reply to the questhe committee had recommended only $30,000. How, then, had they made "flesh of one and fish of another?" How much flesh, in the name of conscience, did the gentleman want? Who would think of adding to the gentleman's avoirdupois? [Mr. MCKENNAN is a very large and stout man.] The House had given the gentleman flesh by the million of pounds. But the gentleman seemed to think that, whatever might be appropriated to other objects, the Cumberland road must be residuary legatee. If the gentleman would allow to poor little New Hampshire one-fifth of what had been given to his mammoth road, Mr. H. would be very thankful.

Mr. McKINLEY now moved an amendment, reducing the appropriation to $8,000.

tion he propounded, the gentleman from New Hampshire said, on adding up the appropriations, they found them to amount to a large sum, and greater than, the committee feared, it would be prudent to recommend; and, on consulting the Secretary of War, he informed the committee that these appropriations might be dispensed with, this year, without the works sustaining material injury. Mr. W. said he was satisfied there was a mistake in supposing the Secretary of War, had consented to defer these appropriations; and he informed the gentleman from New Hampshire he should call on the Secretary the next morning. He did so, and was informed that a part of the committee called upon him, and, without asking whether these appropriations were necessary, said, as he understood Mr. McKIM said he wished to be indulged with a few them, that they found a curtailment necessary, and should words, in explanation of the course pursued by the com-strike out the appropriations for the lakes. The Secremittee. The Committee of Ways and Means had felt tary said he might have replied, if they could not be made uncertain how the revenue was like to turn out, and this year, he supposed they must be deferred to the next; therefore they had been disposed to let these applications but, having expressed his regret that works so necessary for harbors lie by for the present, until it should be as should be impeded, or be permitted to decay, he said he certained whether the nation would have means to jus- would see some of the committee, and correct the mistake. tify the expenditure. He had had a personal conversation Mr. W. said he remarked to the Secretary, if the sums with the Secretary of War upon the subject. That off-contained in the estimates were objectionable, in the cer had assured him that the proposed improvements minds of the committee, on account of appropriations for were really wanted, and must be made; but that the ap-other objects that could not be curtailed or dispensed priation might be omitted for the present year, if any apprehensions were felt as to the sufficiency of the revenue. Subsequently to this the committee had become satisfied, from evidence submitted to them, that the appropriations were absolutely necessary; and the resolution to insert them in the bill had passed the committee in the utmost harmony. There had been no personal opposition to them before. The only objection was founded on prudential considerations; but as soon as it was discovered that the welfare of the country demanded

with, and there were grounds to fear the treasury could not meet all the demands upon it, he would prefer that the sums should be reduced in amount, rather than that the appropriations should be suspended. He said he stated that there were public boats, and the necessary machinery, at all the harbors, which would be liable to be injured, if not lost, if the hands were dismissed for the season; and that, as a matter of economy, it was best there should be something appropriated at all the works. In this the Secretary concurred, He saw the gentleman

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