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H. OF R.]

Creek Treaty Bill--Appropriation Bills.

[JUNE 26, 1834.

ferent question. The bill allowed the Indians to organ- WILDE, LEWIS, GILMER, JONES, WAYNE, and FOSTER, ize a government; but it was not by the action of the and opposed by Messrs. ADAMS, H. EVERETT, HUNUnited States alone that it could become either a Terri- TINGTON of Connecticut, FILLMORE, MANN, PARKER tory, in the technical sense of that word, or a State. If STEWART, HARDIN, HARPER of Pennsylvania, and Mcthe bill contemplated at once to erect these Indian lands KAY. into a Territory, in that sense, there might be something Mr. MANN moved to strike out [that clause of the bill more in the objection: but it did no such thing. Whether which allowed interest on the claims. it should or not become a Territory hereafter, was a ques- Mr. ADAMS moved to lay the bill on the table; on tion hereafter to be settled. The Indians never could which motion the yeas were 64, the nays 82. become such, unless by their own consent, and upon their A motion was made to postpone the bill. own application. All that the bill did in this respect was Mr. PATTON proposed to amend Mr. MANN's amnendto secure to them the enjoyment of the whole of a cer-ment by striking out the 2d section of the bill, and modi. tain portion of our public land. But he was told that, fying the allowance of interest; which was rejected: Ayes if we legalize one color, we might legalize another. If 63, noes 67. we receive red men, we might hereafter receive black men also; and, on this ground, an appeal had been made to the feelings of the South. The appeal was no doubt well intended; but it implied an ignorance of the condition of our domestic slaves which he had not expected to This amendment was rejected, and the bill was at find in any member of that House. The gentlemen length ordered to its third reading, by yeas and nays, as could not but be aware that our slaves had no political re-follows: Yeas 82, nays 49. lations, no civil rights; nor could they be congregated and erected into a State or Territory, without an open violation of the compact under which the Southern States had entered the Union, and an immediate dissolution of the confederacy of the States.

Mr. HUBBARD then moved to amend the bill by striking all out after the enacting clause, and substituting a different bill, which went greatly to restrict the extent of the claims to be allowed.


The appropriation bill for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the United States, which had been received from the Senate, was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, for the purpose of considering the amendments made by the Senate thereto.

An amendment proposed by the Senate to the Indian

There was not time, Mr. W. observed, for him to go further, as he could have wished to do; he would, in conclusion, make this declaration in his place-that, were he called upon to choose of what measure he would ra-annuties bill was concurred in. ther be known as the author, either in the present Congress or in preceding Congresses, with the hope of carrying his name down with blessings to a late posterity, he

would choose this bill.

The bill repealing provisos in an act to alter and amend an act imposing duties on imports was postponed; and then the House adjourned.


Mr. FILLMORE was disposed to support the bill, but had difficulties as to the right of the Ilouse to pass it. It was not properly an act of legislation, as it only made. Mr. C. P. WHITE, from the Committee on Naval Afproposals to the Indians, which they might accept or re-fairs, reported a resolution to have this day set apart for ject. In fact, it approached nearer to an act of the treaty.the consideration of bills from that committee. making power, although in a form which would not, as other treaties did, require the assent of two-thirds ot the Senate for its confirmation.

Mr. WILLIAMS, to prevent further consumption of time in debate, moved to lay the bill on the table.

Mr. H. EVERETT asked the yeas and nays, but the House refused to order them; and the motion was carried without a count.

So the bill to establish a Western (Indian) Territory was laid upon the table; from which position it was not removed during the further progress of the session, and was, of course, lost.


On motion of Mr. H. EVERETT, the House went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. CASEY in the chair, on "the bill to carry into full effect the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, with the Creek nation of Indians, so far as relates to the claims of citizens of Georgia against said Indians, prior to eighteen hundred and two."

Mr. WILDE went into a general explanation of the grounds of the bill.

Mr. ADAMS, of Massachusetts, inquired of him how often these claims had been paid?

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Objections having been made,

Mr. W. moved a suspension of the rule, to enable the resolution to be considered.

Mr. SELDEN said he had made several incffectual attempts hitherto to get up the bill, reported long since, making an appropriation for the improvement of the Hudson river. He now requested that his colleague would include that bill, as a modification to his motion to suspend, that it might be progressed with.

The House refused to suspend the rule: Ayes 50, (not two-thirds.)

Mr. CHINN moved a similar suspension of the rule, for the purpose of taking up three bills in relation to the District of Columbia, viz: to complete the improvements of the Pennsylvania avenue; for the relief of the city of Washington; and for the city of Alexandria.

Mr. LYON moved to amend by including the bill for
the construction of roads in Michigan; and
Mr. MERCER moved that the bill in relation to the
Washington bridge should be also included.
Mr. LYON having withdrawn his amendment,
Mr. POLK opposed the motion.

The House refused to suspend the rule: Ayes 71, noes 47; thereupon,

Mr. POLK moved that the House should suspend the rule for the purpose of taking up, in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, the appropriation bills, and, finally, the motion of Mr. P. having prevailed, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr. SPEIGHT in the chair, and took up the bill to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, which was debated at length by Messrs. MCKAY, SEVIER, WHITTLESEY of Ohio, WILLIAMS; and, after vari ous amendments thereto were proposed by Mr. McKIN

JUNE 26, 1834.]

Appropriation Bills.

[H. of R.

LEY and Mr. POLK, and agreed to, the bill was then laid army who held their commissions at the time the army aside, and

The general appropriation bill, with the amendments thereto, from the Senate, was then taken up; which was also debated at some length, by Messrs. HARPER, SELDEN, WATMOUGH, SUTHERLAND, GARLAND, POLK, McKIM, WHITTLESEY, MCKINLEY, MCKAY, WILDE, and WILLIAMS.

The amendments having been concurred in, with the exception of one substituting $2,400 instead of $1,600, for compensation to the Florida judges, as proposed by the House, and which was disagreed to,

was disbanded. As the only other copy of these lists had been consumed in the destruction of the War Office, they now furnished the only means of checking false claims to pensions, several of which, to a large amount, had alrea. dy been detected by a resort to these papers, when no other means of resisting them was extant. The Government had thus already saved to itself a large proportion of the money asked for these manuscripts; so that, on this account, as well as for all the other obvious reasons, these papers were invaluable to the country.

Mr. JARVIS resisted the amendment with warmth. In

Mr. POLK moved an amendment to an amendment of his part of the country, a bargain was a bargain. The the Senate, the object of which was to appropriate thirty-owner of these papers had agreed to take $25,000; and five thousand dollars, in addition to former appropriation now, because they were found valuable to the country, bills, for the contingent fund of the House of Represent- it was attempted to exact $10,000 more.

atives; which was agreed to.

The committee thereupon rose, and reported the bills and amendments to the House.

The amendments to the bill to carry into effect certain Indian treaties were then concurred in by the House, and having been ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, the bill was read a third time, passed, and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

Mr. MANN, though he admitted the value of the papers, wished to know more distinctly what they contained.

Mr. ARCHER referred him to the report of the committee who had brought in the bill, and which was read at the Clerk's table.

Mr. WAYNE vindicated the owner of these papers from the imputation of extortion thrown out by Mr. JARThe amendments agreed to in committee on the gene-vis. The amendment was the spontaneous act of the ral appropriation bill were then concurred in by the committee themselves, and had been moved without his House, as well as the disagreement of the Committee of privity or counsel. the Whole to the Senate's amendment for the pay of the Mr. REED bore witness to the value of these papers judges in the Territory of Florida. in saving the Government from the payment of fraudu lent claims at the Pension Office.

Mr. LINCOLN rose to protest against the haste with which the bill was hurried through the House, after the Mr. PARKER resisted the amendment, contending understanding that the House had gone into committee that, strictly speaking, these papers, or a large proporunder the pledge that this latter bill should not be press-tion of them, were not the private property of the comed until after the amendments were printed.

Mr. POLK dwelt upon the shortness of time which the House had to act upon the various bills before it, and said that he had been under a mistake as to the time within which he supposed that the amendments could be printed.

After a remark or two from Mr. McKAY and Mr. WHITTLESEY, requesting that the bill should be postponed until to-morrow,

Mr. POLK declined.

mander-in-chief, but in truth belonged to the Government. He would not, however, object to paying the amount first asked for them, but was utterly opposed to increasing it. He was very sure that the pay-rolls and other papers of the army would be willingly surrendered by General Washington, were he now in life, without any pecuniary compensation.

Mr. HAWKINS, of North Carolina, proposed to re duce the amount to $15,000; but this motion was not now in order.

Mr. McKINLEY objected to an amendment in the The question was then put on the amendment propothird section of the bill (respecting the payment by col-sed by Mr. PEARSON, and negatived: Ayes 51, noes 89. lectors in bills at par) as a novel and useless measure.

No further amendment being proposed, the bill was

Mr. DENNY defended it, as likely to do good, and in-laid aside; and capable of producing evil.

The House concurred in the amendment. On the item of allowing Mr. Potter's pay, Opposition was made to it by Mr. McKINLEY; who was answered by Messrs. PEARCE, ADAMS of Massachusetts, and BURGES; when the item was agreed to by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas 88, nays 56.

The House then took a recess till half past four.


The committee proceeded to consider the bill to purchase live oak frames for the frigate Paul Jones and the sloop of war Levant, and for other purposes.

Mr. WHITE, of New York, chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, who had reported the bill, explained and defended its provisions, as did also Mr. WATMOUGH, from the same committee, in reply to

Mr. PEARCE, of Rhode Island, who complained warmly of the continual appropriations for the navy yards at Boston and Brooklyn, although those points had not At half past four o'clock the House resumed its sit-been recognised as the permanent location for a great ting; and, on motion of Mr. ARCHER, went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. WARD in the chair, and took up the bill to carry into effect a convention between the United States and Spain, which was read by sections, and aid aside to be reported to the House.

The committee then proceeded to the bill to enable the Secretary of State to purchase the books and papers of General Washington.

Mr. PEARSON, of New York, moved to amend the bill by striking out $25,000 and inserting $35,000.

naval depot. By and by the House would hear the argument that those places must be preferred to all competitors, because such large sums of money had there been vested in buildings and improvements. He moved to strike out the appropriation of $12,000 for Brooklyn; but it was negatived.

Mr. MASON, of Virginia, moved an amendment, proposing an appropriation for the erection of a marine hospital at City Point, which was the head of navigation for large vessels on James river, and where they lay waiting Mr. WILDE described the papers to be purchased, for their cargoes from Richmond and Petersburg. (which consist of upwards of two hundred manuscript Mr. PEARCE resisted the amendment, as inapproprivolumes, in folio, chronologically arranged, and strongly ate to a naval bill. Such a hospital pertained to the bound.) Among other interesting papers, these volumes merchant service; and, if this amendment were adopted, contained duplicate lists of all the officers of the American he should move a similar one for Newport.

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Mr. MASON thereupon withdrew the amendment. The committee next took up the bill to regulate the pay of the navy.

Mr. WATMOUGH dwelt with warmth upon the importance and value of this bill to the improvement of the naval service, and invoked for it the attention which its importance demands. He did not think the discussion would occupy more than two hours.

Mr. ELLSWORTH thought it would consume at least two days.

Mr. McKAY moved that the bill be postponed. After some conversation, it was agreed not to consider the bill at this time, but suffer it to lie over till the next session.

The committee then took up a bill to rebuild the frigate Congress, which, not being amended, was laid aside to be reported.

The next bill considered was "A bill to provide for constructing three steam batteries;" which was in like manner laid aside.

The committee then proceeded to the bill establishing rations for the navy.

[JUNE 26, 1834.

Mr. WATMOUGH said it was with some difficulty that he brought himself to entertain any discussion of this matter. The gentleman from New Jersey might conceive that he had a warrant in his gray hairs for making assertions which had such a bearing on the veracity of other gentlemen, and the gentleman was perfectly safe in whatever he chose to say. If, at a time when Mr. W. had not been present, the gentleman had picked out this part of the general bill, with a view to bringing it forward by itself just at the close of so long a session, he had not been aware of any assent of the committee to such a proceed. ing. He would not appeal to his colleagues on the com. mittee. He stated it as a fact that the committee had expressly resolved not to bring the subject forward, and press it at this time. He repeated, however, that the gentleman was safe, perfectly safe, if he chose to state the contrary.

Mr. PATTON here interposed, after some confusion, and stated that further explanations between the gentlemen were needless, and tended only to produce a greater aggravation of feeling between them. They were, in fact, both right and both wrong. The gentleman from Mr. WATMOUGH moved that it be postponed. Pennsylvania was perfectly right in saying that the comMr. PARKER hoped not. He called for the reading mittee had resolved not to take up the general subject, of the bill. It was read, and its culinary details about and insist upon its consideration at this time; and the genpickles, cranberries, rice, and cheese, occasioned much tleman from New Jersey was equally right in stating that laughter in the House, (insomuch that the Clerk himself he had brought forward the present bill in committee; caught the infection, and was with difficulty able to pro- that it had there been discussed, and determined that the ceed.) gentleman might bring forward the bill, but that the Mr. P. said he was pleased to see the House in such a members of the committee would not hold themselves good humor, and hoped they would continue so until pledged to support it. For himself, he was decidedly they had passed the bill. He them explained why this opposed to the bill. He was not disposed to empower particular feature of the general system of improvement the commanders of our public vessels to compel Jack to had been selected and placed in a distinct bill. It was mainly with a design to second the laudable efforts of the Secretary of the Navy in discouraging the use of ardent spirits among our sailors, by allowing them substitutes more conducive to their health, comfort, and morals.

Mr. BURGES, admitting the great importance of the subject, regretted that it should have been put off till within a few hours of the close of the session. He was opposed to any thing like precipitation in attempting so great a change in the habits of our tars. He especially dreaded any measure in the form of positive prohibition, lest it should produce reaction, and only confirm the evil which it sought to remove.

Mr. WATMOUGH, with some warmth, objected to the consideration of the bill. He said the gentleman from New Jersey had picked out this particular item concerning rations from the general system of revised laws for the navy, which the naval committee had resolved not to touch. It could not be essential that such a measure should be brought forward at the present moment, nor did he consider it at any time expedient forcibly to deprive our Jacks of their grog. The bill had been brought forward in direct opposition to the opinions of the committee.

Mr. PARKER said he should admit this to be true, if he did not personally know the contrary to be the fact. This very bill had been brought before the committee. It was a part of the very code, the origination of which the gentleman had claimed, and which, if it were so, reflected great credit upon the gentleman. Would he object to this bill because it carried into effect a part of his own plan? Or was it because the bill had been brought forward by Mr. P. He repeated that the bill had been approved by the committee, and he would go further, and state that it was approved by the Secretary, with whom he had had personal intercourse on the subject. If there was a single other member of the naval committee that would bear out the assertion of his colleague, he might admit himself to be in error. But the committee had recommended the provisions of the bill, and directed it to be reported.

part with his grog, and eat double rations of pickles or cheese. He moved that the bill be postponed; which motion, after a good-tempered explanation on the part of Mr. PARKER, was agreed to by the House; and the bill was postponed accordingly.

The committee having then taken up a bill to improve the navigation of the Hudson river,

Mr. HUNTINGTON, of Connecticut, moved to amend it by inserting an appropriation of $25,000 to improve the navigation of the river Thames, between Norwich and New London. He said the appropriation stood precisely on the same footing, and had received the same previous sanction with that in the bill. Three reports had been made in its favor, and it had twice passed the House, but, in consequence of other items in the bill, had fallen under the presidential veto.

The amendment was rejected.

Mr. SUTHERLAND, chairman of the Committee on Commerce, said that he had reportod another harbor bill, and had been somewhat at a loss what course to pursue in respect to it; but had finally concluded to move it in the form of an amendment to the present bill.

A question of order was raised and discussed on this motion, which resulted in Mr. S.'s withdrawing his amendment.

Mr. ELLSWORTH now offered an amendment, proposing an appropriation to deepen the harbor at the mouth of Connecticut river, and sustained the amendment by a short speech, in which he set forth the importance of such an improvement in preserving, not only property embarked in the coasting (trade, but the lives of seamen exposed to storms in the sound.

The amendment was advocated by Messrs. HUNTING-
TON, MERCER, and SUTHERLAND, and opposed by Mr.
CROCKETT, to whom Mr. ELLSWORTH briefly replied.
Mr. HARDIN also opposed it, protesting against bar-
gains, &c.

The amendment was then rejected.

The committee then passed through a bill for the benefit of Nathaniel Tyler, a revolutionary soldier, and pro

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ceeded to consider the bill granting additional lands for the satisfaction of revolutionary land warrants.

[H. OF R.

POLK, on the ground of the great number of light-houses already erected, and the unusually large number now proposed. Calculations were gone into to show the expense of erecting and supporting them.

Mr. LEAVITT, of Ohio, moved to amend the bill by striking out 150,000 and inserting 500,000 acres, on the ground that, since the bill had been reported, a large Mr. POLK moved to lay the bill on the table; but the amount of warrants had come in, and more were appear-motion was negatived by yeas and nays: Yeas 40, nays 97, ing daily.

Mr. HARDIN went into an explanation of the origin of these warrants, and the manner in which they had been satisfied; when the amendinent was agreed to.

The committee having gone through the bills referred to it, were about to rise, when,

Mr. WHITE, of Louisiana, wished them to consider a bill to prevent explosions by steam. But his motion did not prevail, and the committee rose and reported to the House the bills which had been successively considered. In the House, after a struggle about the order of business, it was agreed first to take up such bills as had not yet been ordered to their third reading.

Accordingly, the House took up the fortification bill; and the question being on the motion to strike out the enacting clause, it was negatived.

The question next recurring on Mr. PoLK's motion to strike out the appropriation of 100,000 dollars for a fort upon George's island, the ayes were 64, the noes 55.

The CHAIR declared that no quorum had voted. Mr. POLK insisted that it was a quorum, because vacant seats were not to be counted.

The CHAIR interpreted the rule otherwise, and decided that a quorum must consist of one-half the entire number of the House, without regarding vacancies that had occurred.

Mr. GORHAM asked the yeas and nays, and moved the previous question; but the House refused to second it.

Mr. HARDIN moved to lay the bill on the table; but consented to withdraw the motion, when a debate occurred, the counterpart of that which had taken place in Committee of the Whole.

as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. John J. Allen, Beale, Bean, Bockee,
Bunch, Carmichael, Coffee, Davenport, Day, Dickinson,
Foster, Gholson, Gilmer, Grayson, Griffin, Hardin, James
Harper, Hawkins, Hawes, Jarvis, R. M. Johnson, Sea-
born Jones, King, Laporte, Luke Lea, Lewis, Lyon,
Lytle, Abijah Mann, Joel K. Mann, John Y. Mason, Mc-
Kinley, Patton, Pinckney, Polk, Ramsay, Schley, Wm.
P. Taylor, Van Houten, Wagener-40.

NAYS-Messrs. John Q. Adams, Jolin Adams, Heman
Allen, William Allen, Barber, Baylies, Beardsley, Bin-
ney, Bodle, Boon, Brown, Bull, Cage, Cambreleng,
Casey, Chambers, Chaney, Chinn, Samuel Clark, Cor-
win, Coulter, Denny, Dunlap, Ellsworth, Evans, E.
Everett, H. Everett, Ewing, Fillmore, Fowler, Philo C.
Fuller, William K. Fuller, Fulton, Garland, Gillet, Gor-
bam, Grennell, Joseph Hall, Hiland Hall, Halsey, Han-
negan, Joseph M. Harper, Hazeltine, Heath, Howell,
Jackson, William C. Johnson, Benjamin Jones, Kavanagh,
Kinnard, Lane, Lansing, Thomas Lee, Leavitt, Lincoln,
Love, Martindale, Moses Mason, McCarty, McIntire,
McKennan, Mercer, Robert Mitchell, Moore, Murphy,
Osgood, Page, Parks, Patterson, D. J. Pearce, Pierson,
Potts, Reed, Selden, Shinn, Sloane, Smith, Spangler,
Steele, Stewart, Stoddert, Sutherland, William Taylor,
Philemon Thomas, Tweedy, Vanderpoel, Vinton, Ward,
Wardwell, Watmough, Webster, C. P. White, E. D.
White, Elisha Whittlesey, Wilde, Wise, Young-97.
So the House refused to lay the bill on the table.
The bill was then ordered to its third reading.
The bill for West Point was then taken up, and ex-
plained and defended by Mr. BINNEY.

The amendment was resisted by Messrs. MooRE, WILDE, A motion, made by Mr. SMITH, of Maine, to strike SELDEN, E. Everett, Gorham, VINTON, REED, CROCK-out an item for enlarging one of the buildings, was negaETT, and BURGES; and supported by Messrs. POLK, MCKAY, and CAMBRELENG; when,

The question being taken, it was decided in the negative, by yeas and nays, as follows: Yeas 73, nays 80. So the House refused to strike out.

tived: Yeas 59, nays 77.

Mr. HAWES renewed in the House the amendments he had proposed in Committee of the Whole, first for discontinuing the establishment, after the present cadets should have been educated, and then for requiring the cadets to serve five years in the army or return the ex

Mr. POLK then moved to strike out the item of 100,000 dollars for the fort on Throg's neck. This was also nega-penses of their education; but tived: Yeas 65, nays 80.

Mr. POLK then moved to strike out the item for a fort at Grande Terre, Louisiana. This likewise was negatived, without a count.

Mr. McKIM moved an amendment, appropriating 25,000 dollars to commence forts of the first and second class at Baltimore.

Both the motions of Mr. HAWES were negatived without a count, and the bill was ordered to its engrossment. The bill to provide for the organization of the Department of Indian Affairs was then read a third time, and passed.

The bill to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers, was also read and passed.

The bill to satisfy the Georgia claims being then at its third reading,

Mr. McK. explained the necessity for these fortifications. Notwithstanding the vast amount of property in the city and harbor of Baltimore, that port remained precisely in the same state as in 1812, not a dollar having Mr. ADAMS moved to adjourn; which was negatived; been expended since that time. These works had been when Mr. A. observed that the bill contained the princi proposed in the general system of fortifications reported ple that the Government should pay interest in a case and adopted fifteen years ago. He had had an interview where an express treaty stipulation provided that no inwith the Secretary of War, and the Executive had also terest should be allowed, and that the President had vebeen consulted. In both quarters there seemed to be a disposition to proceed with these fortifications, but for a fear that the finances of the country might fall short. Mr. POLK opposed the amendment, and it was rejected. Mr. PEARCE, of Rhode Island, moved the previous question, but withdrew the motion, and the bill was ordered to its third reading.

After another struggle as to the order of business, the House took up the light-house bill, which was advocated with great spirit by Mr. SUTHERLAND and Mr. WHITTLESEY; and opposed by Messrs. MANN, HAWES, KING, and VOL. X.-300

toed another bill on this very ground; said he was de-
sirous of an opportunity to present his views on this diffi-
culty; and he moved that the further consideration of the
bill be postponed till to-morrow; on which motion the
ayes were 54, the noes 58.

No quorum having voted, and it being now ten o'clock,
The House adjourned.


After the reception of several memorials, reports from committees, &c.,

H. OF R.]

Statue of Mr. Jefferson-- Portrait of Washington.

Mr. E. EVERETT, from the Committee on the Library, reported a resolution directing that the

[JUNE 27, 1834.

The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, Mr. ELLSWORTH in the chair, to consider sundry bills.

The bill to remit the duties on locomotive steam engines, either imported or to be imported, having been taken up,

STATUE OF MR. JEFFERSON, presented to Congress by Lieutenant Levy, of the navy, be placed in the square at the eastern front of the Capitol. Mr. MASON moved to amend it, by inserting therein, Mr. ARCHER said he had some objections to the reso-cast iron wheels bound with wrought iron; upon which a lution. He conceived that if Congress desired to have a desultory debate arose as to the propriety of encouraging statue of this distinguished man, it would be more domestic manufactures, and the right to alter the tariff, consistent with propriety to procure one for themselves, &c., in which Messrs. DENNY, BINNEY, MCKIM, Fillthan to be indebted for it to any person whatever. He MORE, GHOLSON, BURGES, WATMOUGH, CAMBRELENG, had another objection, which was, that as Congress had P. C. FULLER, DICKERSON, WILDE, and MCKINLEY, parresolved to erect a statue in honor of the great and good ticipated; when, with a view to arrest it, father of his country, the immortal Washington, and which was in progress of execution, none other of any other man should be set up until that duty was performed which they had resolved should be done.

Mr. LEWIS remarked that, as the debate seemed to be interminable, and as the House had a great deal of business to get through with in a little time, he would move that the bill be laid aside.

On this motion the debate was again resumed by Messrs. DENNY and PARKER.

Mr. LEWIS finally withdrew the motion to lay the bill aside.

He had learned that this statue of Jefferson was not of that finished order which, if a statue was to be put up at all in the grounds of the Capitol, it ought to be. For these reasons, then, he hoped that the resolution would not be passed; and said he would move to lay it on the Mr. STEWART, however, renewed it, that the comtable, only that his doing so might prevent some honora-mittee might report progress thereon when it should rise. ble member from replying to his remarks.

Mr. LANE trusted that the House would not reject the resolution merely because the statue had been presented by a lieutenant instead of a commander.

Mr. MERCER concurred in the opinion of his colleague, that it was not a good likeness, and he was opposed to the resolution.

Mr. E. EVERETT would merely remark that, as he had reported the resolution by the instructions of the committee, he would now leave the decision upon it to the House.

Mr. CLAY, of Alabama, remarked that the adoption of the resolution would not prevent them hereafter either erecting another statue, or changing the site that was now contemplated.

The resolution was finally ordered to be engrossed, and was passed: Ayes 69, noes 55.


Mr. JARVIS submitted the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:

Mr. WILLIAMS inquired if it was in order to have a bill so disposed of, without final action upon it? The CHAIR said the motion was in order.

Mr. JONES rose to a point of order; but making no appeal from the decision of the CHAIR,

The vote on the motion of Mr. STEWART prevailed Ayes 79, noes 61.

Mr. JONES insisted that the motion was out of order. Mr. STEWART contended that the objection came too late, the subject having been disposed of.

Mr. JONES maintained that he had made the point of order before the vote was taken.

The CHAIR, after some conversation, decided that Mr. JONES had, under the circumstances, a right to appeal from his decision.

Mr. JONES did appeal, and the committee having sustained the decision of the CHAIR that the motion was in order, the bill was then laid aside.

The bill to remit the duties upon locomotive steam engines heretofore imported, was then taken up, and also laid aside.

The bill making appropriations for the erection of marine hospitals in the city of Baltimore and other places being taken up,

Resolved, That the Clerk of this House be directed to pay to John Vanderlyn, out of the contingent fund of the House, fifteen hundred dollars, as additional compensation for the full length portrait of Washington, executed by Mr. McKAY moved to amend it by inserting an item him, to be placed in the Hall of Representatives, in pur-for a marine hospital at City Point, Virginia, and another suance of a resolution of this House of February 17, 1832. somewhere in North Carolina; agreed to.

Mr. CHINN rose to state that a bill had been reported Mr. BURGES moved an amendment for a similar hosfrom the Senate for the benefit of the City of Washing-pital at Providence; which was not agreed to. ton, and as it was the desire of the Committee on the District to accept it as a substitute for that before the House, he moved that they go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The motion having prevailed,

The House went into committee, Mr. WARD in the chair, considered the bill, and subsequently reported it to the House; after which,

Mr. MASON moved that the House resolve itself again into the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, for the purpose of taking up the bill to extend the provisions of the act to relieve from duty iron prepared for and actually laid down on railroads, &c.

Mr. SMITH moved for the establishment of one at Portland; which was carried.

Mr. LYTLE proposed an item appropriating $10,000 to improve the arsenal at Cincinnati; but it was rejected. The committee then took up the bill in addition to an act passed 13th July, 1832, concerning duty on Spanish vessels, to equalize the discriminating duty imposed on our vessels in Cuba and Porto Rico.

Mr. McKIM opposed the bill, as only going, in effect, to make war upon the tonnage of the United States; which was in no condition to endure any reduction or injury. There were more of our vessels sent to the Havana Mr. PEARCE moved also the bill for the erection of a than of theirs which entered our ports; and Spain marine hospital at Baltimore; and the bill imposing an extra tonnage duty on Spanish vessels.

Mr. ASHLEY moved to include the bill providing for the extension of the national road west of the Mississippi river.

would immediately retaliate, as she had done on former occasions. The only way to meet the case was to put the duty on the products of Cuba and Porto Rico.

Mr. PINCKNEY moved to fill the blank with the 1st day of January next, as the day on which the bill was to Messrs. LYON, E. EVERETT, and DUNCAN, pro-take effect; which was agreed to. posed to include other bills. The bill was then laid aside.

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