Washington to the latest dates; and an extended account of the revenue of the post-office under the new law is given. The tabular view of all the railroads in this country is continued from the last volume in a more enlarged and perfect form; and the comparative view of the debts, property, and general financial condition of all the states, has been corrected with great care from the latest official returns. Lists of the members elect to the 30th Congress, and their residence, and of the 5th Reformed Parliament, are given. The general abstract of all the public laws passed by Congress is continued, as heretofore; and a list of the public resolutions and treaties has been added. A distinguishing feature of the present volume is a brief outline of the history, an abstract of the constitution, and a complete list of all the governors of each state. The statutes of each state have been carefully examined, and all the amendments of the constitutions have been incorporated in the abstract. Great pains have been taken to make them accurate, and they are believed to be sufficiently full for all practical purposes. The thanks of the Editor are particularly due to the Heads of Departments at Washington, and to his many contributors and correspondents, to whom the work is indebted for a great part of its value. A continuance of their favors is respectfully solicited. A work embracing such a multitude of facts must necessarily contain some errors: persons who detect any are earnestly requested to communicate them to the Editor. It is a matter of some public interest that a periodical which circulates so widely, both in Europe and Amèrica, and which is so universally trusted as a manual for reference, should be rendered as accurate as possible; and this end can be obtained only by the coöperation of many individuals. Communications may be addressed to the "Editor of the American Almanac," Boston. Boston, Mass., Sept. 30, 1847. CONTENTS. Places of the principal Fixed Stars The Great Telescope at Cambridge Pingré's Predicted Comet of 1848.... METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION:- Tables for Saco, Cambridge, Mendon, Low- ell, Worcester, New York, Rochester, Lambertville, Chapel Hill, Savannah, Natchez, Washington, Bloomington, Louisville, Flowering of Fruit Trees, Flowering Season at Worcester for 8 years, Leafing of Forest Trees, Flow- ering of the Apple, Days when Snow fell and Depth of Snow for 37 years in Turner, Me., Frosts and Snows, Depth of Snows and Flowering of Fruit Trees in Lambertville, N. J., .80-94 Tonnage in Foreign Trade...... 154 26. Law of Imprisonment for Debt...181 12. Banks in the United States....... 153 27. The Electric Telegraph 13. Tea and Coffee for 26 years ......159 28. Patent Office and Law of Patents, 190 14. Emigration to the United States 160 29. Railroads in the United States....193 Do. in Massachusetts..... ...193 18. Theological Schools .174 |