A COLLECTION OF FORMS OF CONVEYANCING, CONTRACTS, AND LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. FOR THE USE OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION, BUSINESS MEN, AND PUBLIC WITH COPIOUS INSTRUCTIONS, EXPLANATIONS, AND AUTHORITIES. BY BENJAMIN VAUGHAN ABBOTT AND AUSTIN ABBOTT NEW YORK: BAKER, VOORHIS & CO., LAW BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, No. 66 NASSAU STREET. 1866. L16558 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, BY BENJAMIN VAUGHAN ABBOTT AND AUSTIN ABвотт, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern JOHN G. SHEA, Stereotyper 80 Centre-st., N.Y. BAKER & GODWIN, Printers, PREFACE. THE object of this work is to present to the Legal Profession, Conveyancers, Judicial and other Public Officers, and Business Men, a well-selected and ample collection of forms of Agreement, Conveyances, Legal proceedings and instruments other than those peculiar to actions and criminal prosecutions. It is the third volume of a series of form-books, of which the Forms of Practice and Pleading in Civil Actions compose the first two volumes. For the materials of this work, we are, of course, to a degree indebted to the labors of others who have edited somewhat similar collections; but we have preferred to rely as far as possible upon actual precedents, such as the resources afforded in the course of a considerable practice, and in the course of reporting judicial decisions for a number of years, have enabled us to gather for the purpose. Such precedents which have been prepared for actual use, and which in many cases have been put to the tests of actual litigation, we have regarded as most valuable for the purpose of a work like this. On those subjects within the scope of the work, which are |