PUBLISHED BY BANKS & BROTHERS, 144 Nassau Street, New York. BARBOUR'S CHANCERY PRACTICE, A TREATISE ON THE PRACTICE OF THE COURT OF CHANCERY, With an Appendix of Precedents. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 3 Vols. PRICE, $22.50., WITH NOTES AND REFERENCES TO STATUTES AND DECISIONS, By OLIVER L. BARBOUR, LL. D. Hon. Judge Wm. H. Merwin. UTICA, July 20, 1875. I always considered the former edition a very good book, but this is MUCH MORE VALUABLE by reason of the extensive notes. Hon. Justice A. B. James. Ogdensburg, 1875. * * I regard the work as almost invaluable to Judge or Practitioner. Hon. Justice Chas. Daniels. I am very much pleased with the New Edition of Barbour's Chancery Practice. It is a valuable addition to the works on PRACTICE, and will prove very useful to the legal profession as well as the courts. Hon. Justice Le Roy Morgan. SYRACUSE, Sept. 12, 1875. The first edition was invaluable, and I have no doubt this will be found of great value. Hon. Justice Boardman. ITHACA, Sept. 14, 1875. * * Ever since the Code I have made great use of the old edition, and found it of great value. I am sure you will find your reward in publishing works of such UNDOUBTED and RECOGNIZED value. Hon. Justice E. Darwin Smith. ROCHESTER, Sept. 20, 1875. It is a very valuable work, and will doubtless be appreciated by the profession. Chief Justice W. L. Learned. ALBANY, Sept. 20, 1875. I have always considered this work an EXCELLENT work on PRACTICE. I have often referred to it and found it useful. Hon. C. H. Ingalls. Our present system of Practice, in its essential features, is so like the old Equity Practice, that this Book must be regarded valuable. With it the Bench and Bar will feel quite equipped as far as Practice is concerned. Hon. Justice Chas. Dwight. AUBURN, 1875. The publication seems to be timely. No book has taken the place of Barbour's Chancery. * * Brought down to the present time and adapted to the new order of things, as it is by the notes contained in this Edition, it must retain its prominence among works on Equity Practice. Hon. Justice Geo. D. Lamont. LOCKPORT, 1875. ** I have no doubt that this standard work of Mr. Barbour, that has ranked so high in times past, will be found greatly improved and still more useful by the new editions in the Revised Edition. Albany Law Journal. The annotations are full and the material is drawn from the Reports of every State as well as from the English Reports. The work in fact may be said to be a double one, the text being the law as administered, by the old Court of Chancery, and the notes being the law as administered by the present Courts. As altered by subsequent legislation, together with the unrepealed statutory provisions of a general nature, passed from the time of the revision to the close of the session of the legislature of 1875. Arranged in the manner of the Revised Statutes, to which are added references to judicial decisions in relation to their provisions, and explanatory notes. During Sixteen years have elapsed since the publication of the 5th edition of the Revised Statutes. that interval, TWENTY-FOUR large volumes of laws have been enacted by the legislature, and two hundred and ten volumes of reported decisions have been added to the body of the laws, by the Courts of this State. Year after year, as the number of volumes has increased, the labor of the professional man, and the official called upon to discharge duties under the laws of this State, has been greatly enhanced, until the mere matter of investigation has become a source of great embarrassment. To reduce the amount of this labor and to facilitate investigation, as well as to place the body of statutory laws of the State in a compact form and accessible to all, this edition has been prepared. In the preparation of this edition, the same general plan adopted by the revisors and followed by all subsequent editions, has been followed. I, JOHN BIGELOW, Secretary of State, certify that so much of the matter contained in the text of this edition of the Revised Statutes as purports to be a copy thereof, is a correct transcript of the text of the Revised Statutes, as originally published under the authority of this State, except such typographical errors in the original as have been corrected in the copy, and except such parts as have been altered by acts of the Legislature, and that with respect to such parts it conforms to the acts by which such alterations have been made. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my signature, at the city of Albany, this thirty-first day of January, 1876. JOHN BIGELOW, Secretary of State. JUST PUBLISHED, The Latest, Best, and Most Complete Work on Torts. ADDISON ON TORTS. WRONGS AND THEIR REMEDIES. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF TORTS. By C. G. ADDISON, ESQ. FOURTH ENGLISH EDITION. By F. S. P. WOLFERSTAN, Esq., OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER AT LAW. THOROUGHLY ANNOTATED, WITH FULL REFERENCE TO THE COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW, By James M. Dudley & Edwin Baylies, WE have the pleasure of announcing to the profession that we have published, and have now ready for delivery, an American edition of ADDISON ON THE LAW OF TORTS, with full and accurate American notes and references to the reports and statutes of the several States. The former English editions of this work have been long and favorably known in this country, and the principles therein laid down have been so frequently cited, with approval by the Bench and Bar, that the work has come to be regarded as authority here as well as in England. In the English editions, however, there were no citations of American authorities; and in the fourth and last editions many of the more important English cases were grouped in an addenda. In the present edition the cases and principles placed in the addenda have been incorporated in the text, in their proper places, and a number of late and important English cases have been added. In preparing this American edition, the editors, with great care, have consulted the whole range of American cases from the earliest reports to the present time, and have selected and cited more than six thousand American reported cases, and numerous statutes of the several States, and have made full and carefully prepared notes, illustrating and amplifying the text, and pointing out such changes and modifications as the English law, on the subject of Wrongs and their Remedies, has undergone in this country. The editors have also added to the work a chapter on the liability of municipal corporations for torts, a subject not treated in the English edition to the extent which its importance seemed to demand, and have expended a large amount of time and labor to make the notes, references and additions to the work, full, accurate and complete. In order to render still more available to the profession the advantages to be derived from this wide range of reference and fact, the work has been supplemented by a full and comprehensive index, in which the various topics treated of are referred to under the proper heads. The addition of this new matter has rendered it necessary to publish the work in two volumes, and the publishers have spared neither pains nor expense in making the mechanical execution of the work worthy of the text. There is probably no other elementary work published in this department of the law, treating of as large a range of questions that ordinarily arise in actual practice, as the one here announced; and the publishers feel warranted in saying that, to the library of the student or practitioner who has not access to a full line of English and American reports, no work can be added containing a more extensive and valuable collection of established principles, on the subjects of which it treats, and that to those who have access to the reports, no other work will furnish a more ready and convenient reference to the reported decisions. By HON. PLATT POTTER, Late Justice of Supreme Court. Enlarged with Copious Notes and Late Decisions of All the different States. 1 VOL. 1077 PAGES. Albany Law Journal. * * * PRICE $7.50. * * * Mr. Justice Willard's Treatise was, when written, a work of universal merit, and it has been for twenty years an acknowledged authority on the subject of Equity Jurisprudence. *The present edition has been prepared with great care and fidelity, and almost every page bears the marks of the amending hand. Valuable as this Treatise unquestionably was when it came from the band of its author, it has gained an additional value from the great learning, the ripe experience and the fruitful research of the author. YORK NEW YORK REPORTS. Volume 60. Price, $2.00. WE NOW PUBLISH THE OFFICIAL SERIES OF New York Supreme Court Reports, And call the attention of the profession to this series, comprising now, New York Supreme Court, Lansing, 7 Vols. These Reports are published in Volumes, BOUND, at the low price of two dollars and fifty cents per volume. The Reports will be continued from time to time. We respectfully call attention of the profession to the following resolution adopted at a meeting of General Term Justices : At a Meeting of the Justices of the General Term, held in Albany, June 1, 1875, MARCUS T. HUN was elected REPORTER of the Supreme Court. The following Resolutions were passed: Resolved, That the Justices of the General Term of each Judicial Department shall deliver copies of their opinions to the Reporter of the Supreme Court and to counsel applying for the same, and that the copies delivered to the Reporter be retained by him and delivered only to his successor in office, and that such only of said opinions be reported at large as the public interests may appear to require, and that the same be exclusively reported in the series of reports compiled by him and published under his authority; and in citing or referring to decided cases, counsel be and they are hereby respectfully requested to cite and refer to them only as they may be found in the said series of reports. Resolved, That counsel receiving copies of such opinions be and they hereby are requested to withhold the same from publication to the end, that only such of them may be reported as shall be published under the sanction and authority of the Supreme Court Reporter. JUST PUBLISHED: BRIGHTLY'S NEW YORK DIGEST. A COMPLETE AND THOROUGH WORK. Two Imperial Octavo Volumes. Price, $20 Net. Containing 440 volumes of the Decisions of the several Courts of the State of New York, from the earliest period to the month of September, 1875, and including not only the cases in the regular Reports, but also those contained in the Legal Periodicals of the day. By FREDERICK C. BRIGHTLY, Author of the "FEDERAL DIGEST," etc. This work has been prepared by the Author upon the same plan as his Federal Digest, which has had so extensive a sale. The matter has been arranged under the ordinary Common Law heads and divisions; for, though the Code has abolished Forms of Pleading, it has left untouched the Principles of the Common Law. The Digest will, therefore, be found useful not only in the States in which the Code has been adopted, but likewise by the Common Law practitioner. This Digest will be found superior to all others in the market, in the following particulars: 1. The old cases have not been copied from other Digests; but the whole work has been prepared from ORIGINAL SOURCES. 2. It is comprised in but two volumes; thus giving the entire BODY of the LAW in a small compass, and under a single alphabetical arrangement. 3. It embraces 37 volumes not included in any other Digest. 4. The Columns are numbered as in the English Digests; thus giving an increased facility of reference. 5. The Table of Over-ruled and Reversed Cases is much more complete than any extant; every Case in the Reports having been personally examined, and the conflicting Decisions noted. 6. Every reference (amounting to upwards of 40,000) has been VERIFIED, so as to insure entire accuracy. 7. It is the work of one hand, prepared exclusively by the Author, and not the production of a number of subordinate writers, whose labors must necessarily be wanting in homogeneity, however talented the persons employed to do the work. 8. It is in two large imperial octavo volumes, printed on fine paper, and bound in the best law style; and, at the reasonable price fixed, is the cheapest and best Digest in the market. BANKS & BROTHERS, No. 144 Nassau Street, New York. |